Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 87:

The third trimester of pregnancy is probably the most difficult stage of the entire pregnancy process.

Even if Jiang Xu doesn't go to work, he can't bear some life that he can't take care of himself.

I can't walk, I have trouble breathing from time to time, the frequent signals from my compressed bladder at night, and my feet are so swollen that I can't wear shoes.

You can't sit or stand for a long time, and the heavy oppressive feeling follows you everywhere.

The sleep time, which used to be the best time of the day, has directly become a nightmare time. It is uncomfortable to lie down, and turning over and moving has gradually become difficult and clumsy.

Xiaoxiao also became more and more powerful, and when it was time to go to bed, he started to make a fuss.

What makes Jiang Xu most unacceptable is his almost uncontrollable emotionality.

Nothing is more devastating than frequent insomnia. The inexplicable low air pressure is particularly obvious at night. Jiang Xu didn't realize what happened several times, and his nose suddenly became sore.

Shen Fangyu's heart ached so much, she carefully put him to sleep, woke him up at night, rubbed his feet and legs.

But Dr. Shen has to go to work.

Every time Shen Fangyu was on the night shift, Jiang Xu's symptoms would become more severe, especially when negative emotions were on the rise, no one could help him, and he often couldn't sleep all night.

Sometimes Shen Fangyu would call him, but the doctor's mobile phone was always on call 24 hours a day, and he was worried that Shen Fangyu would miss important news if he called for too long. In addition, during the night shift, he could sleep for a few minutes as soon as possible. , and used this time to make a phone call. He was also afraid that Shen Fangyu would not have enough rest, and he would not be refreshed on the operating table the next day.

So after chatting for a few minutes, he would take the initiative to hang up the phone.

Jihua's night shift was always on consecutively with the afternoon shift, and there was no rest time at all. One night, Shen Fangyu was on the night shift as a routine, and Jiang Xu only remembered it when he ordered takeaway.

The takeaway box full of two people's portions contained delicious delicacies that no one appreciated. Jiang Xu put down his chopsticks after eating two bites.

Inexplicably and a bit greedy tiger skin green pepper and Bozai cake.

The student's experiment still didn't make any progress. After searching through a bunch of documents, he couldn't find any valuable information on the subject of his students. Jiang Xu looked at the table full of leftovers and felt very depressed, so he clicked on WeChat , sent a rare circle of friends:

"Don't marry a doctor, you'll be unlucky."

The perennial missing persons in the circle of friends suddenly appeared, and all kinds of comments flooded in for a while.

Most people who don't know the truth think that the "doctor" Jiang Xu mentioned is himself, and they ridicule Jiang Xu, asking him which suitor he is trying to reject, and several people in the same department are concerned about whether he is Had an argument with my girlfriend.

Huo Chengchun, who knew part of the inside story, almost commented on him in seconds: "Leave him, follow me!"

After a while, Li Yalei replied with a question mark under that comment. He didn't know whether the question mark was sent to Jiang Xu or Huo Chengchun. Anyway, after a while, Huo Chengchun's comment disappeared.

In the end, Zhang Cheng, who had grasped all the truth, gloated and ran to the duty room with his mobile phone, and warned Shen Fangyu: "Jiang Xu lost his temper, you are going to be in bad luck."

At that time, Shen Fangyu had just returned from the operating room after receiving an emergency call. Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Shen Fangyu asked unexpectedly, "What's going on?"

"He scolded you in Moments."

"When did he start playing Moments?" Shen Fangyu turned on his phone while talking, and found that Jiang Xu had liked his previous science post that staying up late was harmful to health.

After reading Jiang Xu's circle of friends, he quit with a slightly complicated expression, and then saw the latest message Jiang Xu sent him: /little yellow face smile.jpg.

Shen Fangyu's scalp went numb.

Since the relationship between the two of them improved, Jiang Xu hadn't sent him this expression for a long time. Now that the little yellow face came back out of the arena with a smile, Shen Fangyu felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Zhang Cheng," he suddenly raised his eyes and said, "Shall we switch classes?"

Zhang Cheng, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, was still a little dazed when he was pushed in the duty room. He didn't know why he agreed to Shen Fangyu obsessively, but he realized with a slap on the head that he seemed to have lost Had a great night.

"Damn!" Zhang Cheng followed Shen Fangyu's back and cursed, "Whoever tells you again is a dog!"

Half an hour after the little yellow face sent out, the door of Jiang Xu's house rang.

Jiang Xu, who was sitting on the sofa and struggling to put on his socks, looked over suddenly. The moment he met Shen Fangyu's gaze, his emotions that he had just managed to adjust lost control in an instant.

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"Don't come here." He said to Shen Fangyu.

"If you are here, then I must come over." Shen Fangyu sat next to him, raised his leg, put it on his own, and coaxed: "Don't be wronged, be happy, I changed shifts with Zhang Cheng, today Stay with you tonight, huh?"

Jiang Xu turned his face away, and said in a cold voice, "I'm not wronged."

"Okay, I'm not wronged," he put Jiang Xu's socks aside, "I'll rub them for you and wear them later."

Jiang Xu glanced at Shen Fangyu, then lowered his eyes again.

His feet used to be beautiful, with well-defined joints and slender ankles, but now they are completely swollen and look like two steamed buns.

Shen Fangyu's eyelashes trembled, he looked at Jiang Xu's expression, rubbed it lightly for him, and reminded him in a low voice, "Say it if it's serious, don't bear it."

Jiang Xu didn't say a word, and only after a while did he let out a muffled "hmm".

These days, Jiang Xu is pregnant and uncomfortable, and he can’t control his emotions due to the influence of hormones. He has said a lot of angry words to him, and lost his temper a lot. All kinds of trivial things can make him angry. I have to write a specification, and I don’t look like him anymore.

However, when he calms down, Jiang Xu will come to apologize to him again.

To be honest, Shen Fangyu felt very distressed.

Because he knows that Jiang Xu's arrogant personality should be more difficult than him to accept that he, who has always been calm and rational, becomes sensitive and emotional.

And from the beginning to the end, no matter how unscrupulous Jiang Xu said, he never blamed him for being drunk and disorderly at that time, nor did he say that he shouldn't have this child.

Jiang Xu watched the movements of Shen Fangyu's hands getting slower and slower, feeling inexplicably agitated.

He tried his best to suppress his emotions, but the pain made the unknown fire in his heart more and more intense. Just when he was about to lose control, Shen Fangyu suddenly let go of his hand and hugged him in his arms.

So the flame went out before it ignited.

Jiang Xu liked Shen Fangyu hugging him very much.

Especially in the third trimester.

When he couldn't sleep at night, when his body was in unbearable pain, when he was oppressed by the child and couldn't breathe, when Xiaoxiao punched and kicked him in his body, Shen Fangyu would comfort him like this, and Jiang Xu's heart would also Slowly calm down, it seems that I will become my normal self again.

Can think and control emotions.

But Shen Fangyu seemed to be different today.

He pressed Jiang Xu's forehead against his chin, and not long after, Jiang Xu suddenly felt his forehead was slightly moist.

His heart skipped a beat, and he reached out to touch it, but Shen Fangyu stopped his hand.

Jiang Xu stepped back, wanting to see what was wrong with him, Shen Fangyu exerted a little more force, and hugged him into his arms.

"Don't look," Shen Fangyu said in a hoarse voice, "Let me maintain a little manly image in your heart."

"Why are you crying?" Jiang Xu asked.

"Who says I'm crying, I'm sweating." Shen Fangyu said, "When I think of you feeling uncomfortable, my heart turns sore and I twitch. It hurts so much."

"You're not pregnant again, why are you in pain?"

Even so, Jiang Xu still lowered his eyes, put his hand gently on Shen Fangyu's heart, and rubbed him slowly.

He doesn't usually have the habit of complaining to others, because most of the time, it is difficult for people to fully communicate with each other.

When you are in a difficult time, others can understand you and comfort you, but it is impossible to empathize with you.

Especially physical discomfort.

For mental discomfort, others may be able to put yourself in another place to think about it, but for physical discomfort, even you will heal your scars and forget the pain, and it is even more difficult for others to deeply understand how painful and uncomfortable you are right now.

Besides his parents, this was the first time that someone shed tears because of his discomfort.

Jiang Xu pursed his lips, and after a while, he sighed lightly.

"Did you also be very noisy when you were young?" He said: "I suspect that Xiaoxiao is inherited from you. I saw that it was written in my mother's diary when she was pregnant with me... I was sensible when I was young, and I didn't make any noise at all."

Jiang Xu usually doesn't make jokes very much, but almost every time he wants to adjust the atmosphere, Shen Fangyu will laugh out in cooperation, even with a little hoarseness after shedding tears.

"It's possible, if you don't make trouble, then it must be me who made trouble, and it's all on me. I've broken the inheritance of Xiaoxiao." He raised the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, don't worry, when she is born, I will teach her well. Make her stop being so fussy."

Jiang Xu let out a "tss", but his condition obviously improved because of his few words.

Shen Fangyu held his hand, calmed down, and said in a low voice, "I'll try again to see if I can get two more days off. At least the night shift won't be worth it. In the new semester, I'll take all the classes at A Medical University. It was pushed, and I will try to go home as much as possible in the free time.”

"I'll call you more in the future, or if you feel uncomfortable, just call me directly, don't hold back."

"Also," Shen Fangyu laughed while talking, "You're not in the hospital these two days, so I'll tell you some good news to make you happy."


"Jihua is cooperating with the government and developers, and will release a batch of real estate in the near future. Some employees of our hospital can get the internal price, which can be regarded as fulfilling the housing subsidy we promised to introduce talents when we came in. I saw that the place is far away from Jihua. Hua is relatively close, the location is good, and the surrounding facilities are good.”

"Jiang Xu," he suggested, "let's change to a bigger house."

Probably, the people of Z country have had a different kind of complex for houses since ancient times.

Buying a house means taking root and settling down, just like a bird builds a nest and a swallow builds a nest, which symbolizes a kind of stability and peace of mind.

After housing prices soared, buying a house has become the lifelong pursuit and goal of many young people.

Jiang Xu broke away from his embrace unexpectedly, and looked at Shen Fangyu.

There were no traces of overflowing emotions on the latter's face, only a slight redness at the end of his eyes that had not completely faded.

He lowered his head to hide from Jiang Xu's sight, then hugged him back, wrapped his hands around his waist, put them on his abdomen and continued:

"Buy a three-bedroom...or four-bedroom and two-living room if you have enough money, the master bedroom with a bathroom, just wait for Xiaoxiao to grow up and need a private space, you can have your own room, and you can also make a guest room Come out and live with your parents occasionally."

"This news is still a gossip. The documents and notices have not yet come down. It is estimated that in a few months, the hospital will talk to us about this matter. Just when the baby is born, we can choose the room type and floor carefully. "

"Zhong Lan said that she and her girlfriend also want to buy it, and I'm thinking of discussing with her to see if we can buy it downstairs or at the opposite door, so that if Xiaoxiao has any girl's concerns in the future, I don't want to tell our two fathers , you can find her, Aunt Zhong."

"It just so happened that my house was sold, and I saved a lot of money," he said, "You use it to pay the down payment first, and when the house is installed over there, you can sell it to pay off the loan or rent it out. Time to discuss."

"Well..." He thought for a while, and then added: "The provident fund loan should also be in your name, and I will be your guarantor."

Only the property owner can apply for a provident fund loan, so if Shen Fangyu comes for a loan, his name must be on the house book.

What he meant by this was that he didn't want to sign the property at all.

Jiang Xu had been listening quietly until this sentence, he sat up straight suddenly, "Are you going to be taken advantage of to touch me again?"

He and Shen Fangyu are not married in China. According to the current law, if Jiang Xu did this, even though they each paid half of the money, the house has nothing to do with Shen Fangyu.

And if he ran away, the bank would go to Shen Fangyu to collect the debt.

"Don't worry, this time I really didn't want to impress you." Shen Fangyu put his hand on Jiang Xu's shoulder, and pressed him gently.

"I just thought, since we are all a family, there is no need to find a lawyer to notarize the property of a house. The procedures after buying a joint venture house are also troublesome. Why not use this energy to take care of the children."

"When I was chasing you, you worried a lot and thought a lot. At that time, I thought, I have to give you as much security as I can. This is also my responsibility as your partner."

Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu, "The law can't give us protection, I will try my best to supply you with my own methods."

"And I believe you too," he peeled an orange for Jiang Xu, half-jokingly teased: "I'm here, you don't want to run away."

His oranges were peeled beautifully, the orange peel spread out like petals, and in the middle were petals of yellow orange flesh.

Jiang Xu broke off a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, and said seriously: "Have you thought about it, if we break up, you will lose everything."

The oranges are very sweet, and the ones Jiang Xu handed over are even sweeter. Shen Fangyu stretched out his hand to smooth Jiang Xu's frown slightly, "Thought about it," he said, "But if the two of us break up, having those things won't mean much... I also have nothing."

"Shen Fangyu," Jiang Xu said with a serious expression, "I've never seen someone who is more serious than your love brain."

Shen Fangyu bent his eyes, leaned forward and kissed Jiang Xu's brow lightly.

After a while, that orange-flavored kiss slid down again and landed on Jiang Xu's lips.

"Why haven't I seen it before?" When they parted, Shen Fangyu supported the back of his neck and said, "Isn't there one in front of me?"

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