Dragon Blood Warrior

Book 10: Chapter 5 (2)

Book 10: Chapter 5 (2)

Linda shivered and cried. Every time her body fell, her delicate flower bud would be hit by Aiwas huge dick. Her flower bud couldnt bear the blow, it would burst at the touch.

Aini did not show up. She returned to camp with Xuan Er.

Linda was going to spend the night with Aiwa, but Aiwa insisted on going back after sex.

After returning to the camp, Aiwa called Pienne and others together that night to arrange the training tasks.

This time, instead of empty-handed, they brought a cart of silk and satin, but even Aini did not know that under all the silk and satin, there were weapons.

Aiwa took Aini straight to Van Di Da City but was stopped at the gate by guards.

Stop and check!

The guard of the gate stopped the car very seriously.

Aiwa pulled out a waistband from his arms and held it in front of the guard.

Princes Palace

The guard didnt believe it because Aiwa was dressed as a man of Hass Empire.

Yes, Prince gave it to me, and I am free to enter the Princes Palace. Why cant I get into Van Di Da City now?

Aiwa said angrily.

Just then, a girl came rushing over on a white horse. She saw Aiwa from a distance, and Aiwa saw her as well. She was the Princess Sophie of Princes Palace.

Aiwa? Whats wrong?

Sophie was still on her white horse, which was almost identical to the one Aiwa killed that day by breaking its neck. If Aiwa hadnt killed the white horse himself, he would not have believed that it was another horse, thus showing the power of the Prince Family.

This guard has to check my vehicle. If these silks shake off, it will be difficult to roll them up again. But he still doesnt let me go even though I showed him the waistband of Princes Palace!

Aiwa deliberately exaggerated and made up some details.

Hes a businessman to whom the Princes Palace owes a lot. Let him go!

Sophies apricot-shaped eyes were wide open.

Princes Palace? So what? There is a Royal Palace in Van Di Da City!

The guard did not seem to know Sophie, and of course, did not know that she was a princess of the Princes Palace, so he said that arrogantly. As soon as he finished the words, Sophie raised her whip and slapped it on his face. Immediately, his face was bloodstained.

Just as the guard tried to fight with a sword, Sophie lashed again. His wrist was so painful that he couldnt even hold the sword and dropped it to the ground. The other guard was very sensible in knowing that his companion had provoked someone who shouldnt be provoked.

Today Ill let you know the power of the Princes Palace!

After two whips, the guard dared not move any more. When Sophie raised the whip again, he was as frightened as a terrified dog and dared not look at Sophie.

I want you to have a good look at the man in front of you. In the future, not to mention any check, if you dare look at him one more time, I could let him take your life!

The two gatekeepers immediately retreated behind to let Aiwas vehicle into the city.

Thank you, Miss Sophie!

Aiwa said politely.

What a beautiful young lady! Is she your woman?

Sophie ignored Aiwas words, but noticed Aini beside him.

Aiwa thought, Isnt the Eldest Princess of Hass Empire beautiful?

Aini avoided Sophies sharp eyes. She didnt want to clash with this hot girl.

Oh, thanks to your praise, my Princess. I wonder if the store I want is ready?

Aiwa was concerned about the big store that he asked for from the Princes Palace. Last time when he came with Linda, he had saved the Prince. He had then asked Aiwa what reward he wanted. Aiwa stated that he would like to open a silk and satin store in the city, and the Prince agreed.

Its on Central Street. Go straight ahead, you will be able to find it. I wont go with you today.

After that, Sophie put her legs on the horses stomach, and the white horse ran out of the gate again.

Who is she? Shes feisty.

After they drove into the city, Aini couldnt help asking. Based on Ainis experience, she guessed that the girl should not have been on Aiwas bed, but it was hard to say about the future. After all, Aiwa was too good at coaxing girls.

Shes the princess of Princes Palace. That guy just now was a real idiot! Ha-ha, anyone who doesnt put me, Aiwa in his eyes will never come to a good end!

Listening to this, Aini always felt that Aiwa was cursing her mother Sofia. So she gave Aiwa a contemptuous look.

Youve got two daughters from my mother. Isnt that enough?

Aini, Im not angry with Her Majesty the Queen. Im cursing the man at the gate. Hey hey, dont think too much.

Aiwa patted Aini on the shoulder flatteringly.

As they walked, they looked up at the doors on both sides of the street. When they reached the center of the city, they saw a sign of a big shop, which read Best Silk and Satin Store

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in big gold letters.

Here it is!

Aiwa was thrilled. The door alone was imposing enough. The Princes Palace was indeed very generous.

When they entered the store, Aiwa saw several guys cleaning. One of the guys who knew Aiwa said that Majordomo wanted them to wait here for the storekeeper to come.

Aiwa politely declined their help. When they left, Aini and Aiwa carried the big boxes into the store together.

What is it? Its so heavy.

Aini asked.

Oh, they are all gold coins! Well live here in the future, and you can give birth to several kids for me.

Let others help you!

Aini pouted. Aiwa didnt know that she had found out about his affair with Linda.

As soon as it was done, Aiwa closed the store and kissed Aini.

I just want you to help me!

With that, Aiwa put his big hand under Ainis skirt.

Are you a storekeeper or a cheater?

Aini laughed and pretended to push.

Hey hey, kill two birds with one stone!

Aiwa badly inserted his finger into Ainis vagina.


Aini smiled and threw herself into Aiwas arms.

Let me see if the princess is getting wet?

Aiwas fingers twisted shallowly through the delicate hole.

You want to live with Linda here, dont you?

Aini no longer resisted, letting Aiwas fingers twitch gently in her hole.

Hey hey, if you dont object, Ill let you and Linda sleep in one bed!

Aiwa said. He bent down and bit Ainis nipples through her shirt.

Ah It hurts me

Aini couldnt help crying.

When Aiwa was about to take out the meat stick and insert it into Ainis hole, he heard a clear sound of horses gallop stopping outside his store.

Most probably its that mad girl coming!

Aiwa put down Ainis skirt and pulled out his hand. Sure enough, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Aiwa quickly turned over from the counter and opened the door.

The cloaked Sophie stood in the doorway and said unhappily, What do you do with the store closed in broad daylight?

Sophies eyes swept Aiwas and Ainis faces for a while, then she began to laugh again, You neednt be in such a hurry for intimacy, do you? Damn it! I had a hand in getting you this store. Shouldnt you buy me a meal today?

With that, she went into the store.

Oh, Princess Sophie is here to make my store shine! Id like to invite you, my Princess, but I dont know if you will appreciate it or not!

Find an opportunity to retaliate.

Two favors?

I helped you this morning, but you havent compensated me for that white horse yet! Now, all you need is to invite me to a big meal. Isnt it cheap enough?

Sophie pouted her lips.

All right!

Aiwa looked at Aini and laughed bitterly, estimating that his wallet would be much lighter today.

The three arrived at the largest hotel in Van Di Da City. Seeing the Princess of Princes Palace coming, the hotel owner rushed to invite them to the most luxurious compartment. To Aiwas distress, Sophie only ordered expensive dishes. As she was ordering, Aiwa calculated the money in his mind. Before she finished ordering, he had totaled 200 gold coins. Aiwa listened to Sophies order, and his face paled.

Ha-ha, you still have something to do today, so lets order these first! When the store opens, dont forget to treat me a good meal!

Sophie said easily while Aiwa had sweat on his forehead. He had never spent so much money on a meal.

Aiwa had only a few dozen gold coins with him. He had never thought Sophie would be so cruel, but he was too fond of face to tell the truth.

You eat first. I forgot if the store was closed. Ill go back and have a look first.

Aiwa stood up and was about to leave.

Sophie grabbed Aiwa and said, I remember you have closed the door. Besides, even if you open the door, no one dares to rob there. The store is sent by the Princes Palace!

Sophie seemed to know Aiwas mind, and could not help laughing in her heart. She was just trying to make Aiwa nervous and was pleased when she saw him sweating.

Aiwa tried desperately to eat but still did not eat much. Finally, he tried to pack it, but was stopped by Sophie, This will make people laugh. You are shameless, but Im afraid others will talk about it!

At the time of checking out, Aiwa took a lot of effort to pull out dozens of gold coins. Sophie had been standing there, looking at Aiwas funny looks and seeing that he really couldnt  fork out more money before she said to the owner of the hotel, Just give him credit. You will get the money. Hes the big boss of the Best Silk and Satin Store!

Aiwa paled when he saw that the total charge was 250 gold coins.

Why so much?

Aiwa whispered.

It should be 260 gold coins. The boss gave you face and discounted ten gold coins!

Although Aiwa had a cart of gold coins, they were all for his military expenditures. Now he had to pay so much for a meal, which really made him felt like being knocked out of the bone marrow. Finally, Aiwa signed a debt of 250 gold coins reluctantly.

After seeing Aiwas signature, Sophie laughed and went away.

I was robbed today!

Aiwa looked at Sophies beautiful back and complained to Aini.

Youve never bought me such an expensive meal! Are you interested in her?

Aini gave Aiwa an angry look.

Speak with a conscience. You have had your share in this big meal!

Its because I help you. I dont owe you any favor!

Aiwa found out that he spent 250 gold coins to invite people to a meal, but no one thanked him! It seemed that if he didnt do something to Sophie, he would never get this back. time, he had to resort to [obscene skill] and show Sophie how great he was.

They had not gone far when Aiwa saw the Majordomo of Princes Palace walking down the street with several followers. Aiwa caught up.

Mr. Aiwa? Have you found that store?

Seeing Aiwa here, the Majordomo was a bit surprised.

Oh, thanks for your concern Majordomo. Ive found it and moved in some things. But

Aiwa looked hesitant and embarrassed.

Whats wrong?

The Majordomo asked curiously.

Im afraid I cant open the business.

Aiwa looked bitter.

Who dares to set himself against you?

The Majordomo looks puzzled. No one should dare to bother Princes Palace in Van Di Da City.

No, its just that, I invited the Princess to have a meal, and all of a sudden I have spent all my money

As Aiwa spoke, he peeked at the Majordomos face.

Invite Princess a meal? How much did it cost?

The Majordomo could not help laughing. He knew that Princess must have deliberately played a trick on Aiwa. The white horse of Princess was killed by Aiwa that day. If Aiwa hadnt saved her mother, Princess would have sent someone to vent her anger.

Two hundred and fifty gold coins!

Original translation from WwwWangmamaReadCom

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