Dragon Martial Emperor

Chapter 90 – Three crimes

Chapter 90 Three crimes

Everyone saw that Bu Xing moved fast and his Zhenling sky hawk ghost galloped like a meteor and rushed towards Wu Jianxin, who just wanted to run away.

This strike fused with the tyrannical coercion of Zhentian world influence which also made Long Yu feel a crazy fierce breath while standing not very far away!

“Bu Xing, Elder Yu and Wu Jianxin, these three people should be Zhenling third layer powerhouses!”

Long Yu watched the scene and thought to himself: “It seems that also in the field of Zhenling realm, there are different levels beginning from the first to the third layer, and dealing with a Zhenling first layer powerhouse by a third layer powerhouse is as simple as like dealing a Wudao first layer powerhouse by a Wudao third layer powerhouse.”

The same was also true in the case of third layer Zhenling powerhouses and their mutual strengths also used to be very different.

For example, at present, Wu Jianxin was chased by Bu Xing.

“Court death!”

At this time, because of the tyrannical repression of world influence of Bu Xing, Wu Jianxin felt that his mind was to burst, and when he further saw that Bu Xing was coming towards him to catch him up, he immediately condensed his Zhenling and instantly a tiger ghost repression emerged behind him.

Wu Jianxin’s Tiger Zhenling was quite different from the Tiger Zhenling of Wang Tianzhuo. The Royal Wang family actually practiced Tiger tactics and its practitioner could pour out Tiger Zhenling, but Wu Jianxin’s tiger Zhenling simply could only release repression.

Thus, the nature and the power of both Zhenling was quite different with each other. Although, earlier the Tiger Zhenling of Wang Tianzhuo and now the repression of Wu Jianxin’s Tiger Zhenling, seemed to be vulnerable in the face of sky hawk Zhenling of Bu Xing!

“Sky hawk, suppression!”

“The fist of soul moving!”

The whole stature of Bu Xing moved towards Wu Jianxin. Then his sky hawk Zhenling collided with the Tiger Zhenling of Wu Jianxin.

A deafening cry of sky hawk and a tiger’s roar echoed in the surrounding!

Soon, the repression of Tiger Zhenling was completely suppressed by tyrannical coercion of sky hawk Zhenling!

By this time, Bu Xing’s powerful soul moving fist arrived before Wu Jianxin. This soul moving fist was so powerful that its one punch could frighten the soul of the opponent!

Of course, Wu Jianxin wanted to resist this fist attack, but in haste he couldn’t display any martial skill. Moreover, he also wanted to cast out agility type martial skill to dodge his fist attack, but the flow of the Xuan qi in his body had been tightly suppressed by tyrannical coercion of Bu Xing’s sky hawk Zhenling, so it became impossible for him to display it.

The fist falls!

Bu Xing’s fist integrated with the terrific coercion of the world influence and it hit on Wu Jianxin’s chest and his whole stature flew up and fell on the ground like a broken kite.

However, Bu Xing’s stature was actually gorgeously motionless, as stable as the rock of Gibraltar. Obviously, this showed the difference of strength between the two!

“Teacher, the good fortune doesn’t fail in one’s mission.”

Bu Xing moved forward a few steps towards Wu Jianxin, who was then not in a position to display agility type of martial skill. Bu Xing picked him up and put him on his back and then threw him in face of Elder Yu.

At this moment, the Zhenling imprinting of Elder Yu had just come to an end.

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That scene of the shaded woods under a waterfall, the meeting of Wu Jianxin and Wu Li completed, both respectively left the place, and this Zhenling imprinting scene actually became the basis for the conviction of Wu Jianxin.

In the face of this evidence, Wu Jianxin couldn’t escape responsibility!

“Wu Jianxin, once the elder of my Zhentian Sect, do you know your crime?”

Then, Baiyun Zong occupied a commanding position. He bitterly looked at the injured and completely suppressed Wu Jianxin, and lightly asked.

Wu Jianxin’s face looked fierce and it seemed that he still wanted to get up to run away, but he simply couldn’t escape the tyrannical coercion of Zhentian world influence released by Bu Xing. Moreover, Bu Xing’s soul moving fist damaged his body meridians, so at this moment, basically he couldn’t display any martial skill.

“It seems that you don’t want to acknowledge your guilt, then I, the sovereign would like to announce your three crimes!”

Baiyun Zong was on the rise, he looked all around over the thousand famous disciples who were present then in the field, and then he began mentioning the three crimes of Wu Jianxin.

“The first crime! Wu Jianxin, you are a Pavilion elder of Zhentian Sect, and in this capacity you actually oppressed the disciples in matter of occupying Sect valley. Your this action seriously hindered the practice order of the Sect, To occupy the Sect valley for practice was actually the right of the disciples. This is your arrogant and willful domineering crime!”

As these words went out, many people in the crowd started clapping and cheering!

It was said that Yi Yan was allowed to occupy the Sect valley not only for two or three days but for several months and this made many core disciples angry, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

Now, they listened to Baiyun Zong judging Wu Jianxin’s this action as a crime, so they were extremely happy!

“The second crime, you told this sovereign that you would soon issue sect duty to the core disciples to collect the dragon head grass, the blossomless oak fruit and Yu Gan flower for the treatment of Elder Yu, but you deliberately delayed the matter, you didn’t really pay attention on the person of the same sect. This is the crime of seeing somebody in danger and doing nothing!”

While saying these words Baiyun Zong’s eyes flashed a meaning!

Obviously, Baiyun Zong had kept watch on Wu Jianxin’s actions from the very beginning. He actually wanted to catch a big fish, so he didn’t make any statement on this matter before.

“Luckily, I the sovereign was already well prepared, personally went to Teng snake abyss as mentioned in the legends and collected the 3 types of herbs and handed them over to white old to refine them into a compounded drug.”

Baiyun Zong said lightly.

Old white had yet not made his appearance in the crowd, but along with Baiyun Zong’s these words he quickly walked out of the crowd and by rubbing his beard, he came over to Baiyun Zong with a smile.

Long Yu listened to these words, the old white refined the three herbs into a compounded drug?

“Originally the old white unexpectedly is alchemy teacher of Zhentian Sect, no wonder, at that time he had the therapy wondrous medicines, twice treated me!”

Long Yu was suddenly enlightened!

Moreover, Baiyun Zong was actually aware of all this, so he gave the task to the old white to prepare the compounded drug. His main worry was to save the life of Elder Yu at any cost.

Old white threw a small vase filled with compounded drug towards Elder Yu Shuiyun.

Elder Yu Shuiyun caught it with one hand and looked at old white with a grateful smile, and then opened that small porcelain vase and without looking at whether it was a true antidote, he swallowed the pills.

Undoubtedly, the disciples of Zhentian Sect gathered there were moved to see the trust between the two elders!

But, the whole stature of Wu Jianxin was shocked to see this. At this time, there was look of disbelief in his eyes.

Elder Yu Shuiyun, even took the purifier dose of compounded drug unexpectedly?

Baiyun Zong had already confessed that he had given three herbs to old white with a direction to prepare a compounded drug to spend on Elder Yu, but yet it had not been given to Elder Yu , perhaps to clutch this criminal first?

This was also extremely sinister!

Wu Jianxin didn’t want to think that the fate he was encountering rightnow was completely brought upon by him only.

“The third crime!”

Baiyun Zong lowered his head to look at Wu Jianxin, whose eyes then shone with the color of disappointment: “As a pavilion elder, you, Wu Jianxin colluded with Knife Cut Sect elder Wu Li, allowed the core disciples to sneak into Zhentian Sect and they collapsed the bamboo house of Elder Yu and tried to kill him. Moreover, you falsely accused the Sect disciple Long Yu. You actually wanted to shirk the responsibility, this is the crime of revolting against the Sect!”

The crime of revolting against the Sect!

As the words came out, Wu Jianxin’s face immediately turned as pale as death.

According to the custom of the Sect, if an elder or a disciple of the Sect was found guilty of the crime of revolting against the Sect, then as a punishment, his cultivation would be destroyed and he would be expelled permanently from the Sect!

“To break your Dantian, this sovereign wants personally to begin?”

Baiyun Zong looked at Wu Jianxin and lightly said.

“I will fight with you!”

Wu Jianxin was not willing to resign. At that time, his eyes flashed fiercely. He suddenly got up and swept his fist towards Baiyun Zong!

“Come to your sense!”

Baiyun Zong snorted loudly and cast his mustache away and immediately raised his hand and clapped down his palm!


Tyrannical coercion fell from the clouds and completely enveloped Wu Jianxin followed by the emergence of a giant pike behind Baiyun Zong. This was actually the Zhenling of Baiyun Zong!

Long Yu immediately stared at it!

“This is a Zhenling giant pike, and it is quite different from other Zhenling that I have yet seen. The Zhenling of others just create shadows, but this giant pike seems to be real, and it also releases coercion, it is certainly more powerful than the other Zhenling that only create ghost forms!”

Was this the Zhenling realm above the third layer?

This Zhenling could materialize the shadows into reality and actually multiplied the force, and then it would be very difficult for the opponent to defeat it.

No wonder, Baiyun Zong could become the sovereign of the Sect, a host, that was really powerful than the common elders.

The real Zhenling pike released tyrannical coercion and tightly suppressed Wu Jianxin.

At that time, Wu Jianxin stared helplessly and was unable to move even a tiny bit, he could only look the fall of Baiyun Zong’s palm above his Dantian.


The great strength seeped and Wu Jianxin’s Dantian was shattered by the palm hit of the sovereign and his whole stature spat blood and flew upside down and fell on the ground in front of Elder Yu and Long Yu and others!

“Your Dantian has been shattered, henceforth, you are expelled from Zhentian Sect, now, you can’t return to the Sect!”

Baiyun Zong finally announced. Now, Wu Jianxin was no longer the elder of Zhentian Sect!

Seeing this situation, the two people in the crowd retreated quietly. They were actually Yi Yan and Liu Shucheng.

Yi Yan was a disciple of Wu Jianxin, but when Wu Jianxin encountered the mishap, he even didn’t think to help him in any way, and he even didn’t stay at the place for fear of being implicated in the case.

A misfortune had fallen on Wu Jianxin, but it didn’t make any difference to Yi Yan. He was still a 7th ranked core disciple of Zhentian Sect!

Luotai Long, the 6th ranked core disciple, seemed to have died, and if so, then he would be able to become the 6th ranked core disciple and future achievements would be also limitless………..

He did not know that his behavior was being watched by some of the people.

Before long, Yi Yan was known for his hash remarks, but at present, he saw with his own eyes the shattering of Dantian of his teacher Wu Jianxin by the sovereign, but he didn’t say even a single word, rather he decided to move away from the place.

At that time, the hearts of many people really felt sad for Wu Jianxin!

“Bring elder Wu Li of Knife Cut Sect!”

At this time, this direction of the sovereign was circulated in Zhentian Sect and many pavilion elders were sent to grab Wu Li of Knife Cut Sect and to put him before the sovereign.

Long Yu looked back and saw that a few number of pavilion elders of Zhentian Sect suppressed a tall black robed person and were coming with him towards the main gate of the hall of the Sect.

From the scene of Zhenling imprinting of Elder Yu, everyone recognized that this black robed person was actually elder Wu Li of Knife Cut Sect!

At this moment, Wu Li was subdued by many elders of Zhentian Sect and in seizing him they didn’t face any difficulty!

Long Yu at first glance saw a black robed handsome youth among the elders. It was actually Li Bufan.

Li Bufan was a disciple of Baiyun Zong, but he was no longer a core disciple, he was made one of the elders of Zhentian Sect.

If the strength Li Bufan was compared with Bu Xing, then it was difficult to say who was actually more powerful?

Of course, at that time, Long Yu was actually not curious to know who was more powerful between Li Bufan and Bu Xing, rather he was curious to know that how the problem of Wu Li would be disposed of!

After all, Wu Li was the elder of Knife Cut Sect and it wouldn’t be appropriate to handle him like Wu Jianxin!

Long Yu thought so and the same was the thinking of everyone in the field.

All were actually curious to know that how exactly Baiyun Zong would dispose of Wu Li?

Many elders didn’t absolutely feel any panic in suppressing Wu Li. But Wu Li, at that time, didn’t fear from anything. The elders of Zhentian caught him, so what?

He did not believe actually that people of Zhentian Sect would dare to put their hands on him!

Behind Wu Li, stood the entire Knife Cut Sect!

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