Dragon Talisman

Chapter 27 The Imperial Library

Chapter 27 The Imperial Library

The royal library is located not in the palace, but in the gardens of the eastern part of the palace.

That time it was discovered that the “Skyseal Sacrificial Edict” The place where they found “Skyseal Sacrificial Edict” is not a real royal library, it’s just a place where the other side discarded books. The truly valuable books are stored deep in the secret library of the Royal Garden.

“Nineteenth Lord, you are a rare visitor. Let me show you the way.” In the gardens, several eunuchs followed Gu-Chensha, with great respect and a very different attitude.

News of the Nineteenth Prince being named the Duke of Chen and getting the attention of the Skyseal Emperor spread faster than the wind, and this wave eunuch wouldn’t dare be offended.

“This is my first time coming to this royal library garden, it really is the world’s collection of books in it.” Gu-Chensha observes the surrounding area, and finds layers upon layers of palace halls, all covered with gold foil, inlaid with jade, suspended with pearls, and countless eunuchs and maidens cleaning and guarding them.

“Nineteenth Lord, each of the great halls is classified, there are scriptures, history, son, set, astronomy, geography, humanities, climate, mysteries, world, agriculture, military, Confucianism, Buddhism, Tao thirty-six kinds. All of these masters can read at will, only the martial arts training, those high classics, you must ask for a decree before you can enter the secret room to borrow them, I don’t know which ones do masters want to read?”

“I don’t look at martial arts, let’s look at history and etiquette.” Gu-Chensha waved his hand: “You may leave, no need to follow me.”


The ancient method of sacrifice is part of the historical and liturgical records.

Entering the main hall, the dizzyingly high bookshelves, ten feet high, with an unknown number of volumes layered on top of each other, and many eunuchs and courtesans cleaning them all day long.

There’s a bookshelf dedicated to a catalog of books throughout the Great Hall.

There are hundreds of copies of the catalog alone.

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Gu-Chensha picks it up and looks it over, rambling and not in a hurry.

It was only half an hour later that he took the history of the Ancient Son of Heaven in this book, according to the table of contents, and pored over it.

The Ancient Son of Heaven history is a record of many Son of Heaven deeds, the true record of the events that have passed down from ancient times, very vast, the ones Gu-Chensha has read before are bits and pieces, far less detailed than what is recorded in the royal library.

The many Son of Heaven of old, what they did on which day, what wars they went through, how they held their rituals, the details are clearly depicted.

He read one book at a time, and went through the ancient liturgy, among other things pretending to read many idle books, until it was dark, and then he began to search for what he was looking for.

“Huh? Moral Pill!” His heart thumped and he found the key thing.

In the history of the Ancient Son of Heaven, it is written: “Son of Heaven feathers carved yin and yang jade discs, engraved with graphics, can gather the essence of the Sun Moon. However, by using the spirits of the five ferocious beasts - the white tiger, the black snake, the yellow tortoise, the green fox, and the red eagle - to inspire the five elements and worship the heavens with Son of Heaven qi, one can obtain a moral pellet. This potion is a potion that opens the way to virtue. If the mortal realm cultivation ascends to the peak of the martial barrier, swallowing it will allow one to step into the Dao Realm ...”

Moral Pill!

There’s actually such a potion that allows a Grandmaster who has reached the martial arts barrier to break the barrier and enter to the Dao Realm.

“Again, Son of Heaven qi is the foundation for it.” Gu-Chensha knows that the book contains all sorts of rituals, but the core of the book is needing still Son of Heaven qi, the essence of Sun Moon, and the spirits of the five fierce beasts are merely changing nature.

“Stepping into the Dao Realm by the power of pills is not good in the end, I want to use my own will to break through the martial barrier. But I don’t use it myself, I can use it to train my subordinates and even exchange treasures, if there is a moral pellet, then I’m afraid everyone would risk their lives for it.” Gu-Chensha thought to himself, as he looked down, and suddenly jumped again! A more shocking sacrifice was discovered.

“The Ancient Son of Heaven torture with human blood, yarrow burning lamps, killing souls in order to sacrifice, can be obtained the Heavenly Dew. The Heavenly Dew of water, people can take, accelerate cultivation, wash the filth, pass the meridians and strong veins, expand the acupuncture points, grow potential, raise the limit, and cure all poisons! With all sorts of uncanny uses...”saw this and was fiercely alarmed: “A killing ritual? Not a benevolent thing to do.” He said, looking down again.

“To kill and sacrifice to the heavens, one needs to kill a great wicked man, a great evil, a man with a human face, a beast, a beast of such a kind, to kill one and save a hundred, to punish evil and promote good, to sweep away the evil spirits of heaven and earth, and then one will be rewarded by the Heavenly Dew.”

Seeing this paragraph, Gu-Chensha nods: “It turns out to be a person who kills a man of great wickedness, and such a person has fury evil hostility entwined in his soul, and to sacrifice such a soul to the heavens is to remove obstacles between the heavens and the earth, and the fountain of manna descends.”

He also remembered those barbarian generals, all fierce and cruel and bloody in the flesh, and the key was still bewitched by the evil gods, killing and eating people, such as killing them for sacrifice, but that is to occupy the great righteousness and gain the Heavenly Dew.

The Heavenly Dew thing doesn’t raise the realm, but it does raise the potential limit.

A warrior, for example, whose maximum strength is to pull a blazing horse, can double his strength or more if he takes the Heavenly Dew, but he cannot become a master of martial arts.

“By the way, did Luo Baiyue go beyond the limits even though he has not stepped into the Dao Realm, did he take the Heavenly Dew in general?” Gu-Chensha suddenly thought.

Luo Baiyue’s strength is far more than that of a clan master, even Gu-Chensha who has cultivated Sun Moon Cultivation can’t compare, and it’s only weird if he didn’t take Genius Earth Treasures.

Of course it was also too short a time for him to practice.

If he practices Sun Moon Cultivation for a decade, or even decades, then the meridians, blood, and blood in his body will be strengthened, and he will be able to cultivate a Sun Moon Dragon Body, even if he doesn’t step into the Dao Realm, but he will be far superior to Luo Baiyue.

“It’s dark and you’re still here reading?” Gu-Chensha was watching in fascination, suddenly had a feeling, looked up, and the entrance to the palace came in a woman.

Luo Baiyue.

She has changed her clothes again, pale blue, no powder, her face is like cream, and she has a clean temperament all over her body, bringing a gust of fresh air, making people feel close to her. In the past, she was arrogant and cold, let people respect and stay away, do not dare to approach, but now the temperament has changed, peaceful and long distance.

“You stepped into the Dao Realm?” Gu-Chensha’s face changed dramatically.

“Nice eyesight.” Luo Baiyue said in an understatement, “If getting Hundred Tribulations Golden Pill doesn’t break through, then how can I show my face out there?”

“Breaking through the Dao Realm is a metamorphosis of the mind qi spirit soul, and has little to do with pills,” Gu-Chensha asked tentatively.

“Indeed, a breakthrough with the aid of a pill is not considered a breakthrough.” Luo Baiyue perversely agreed, “But it’s also true that in ancient times there were moral pills that could help one break the martial barrier, so you’ve come here today to read a history book, are you trying to learn the method of sacrificing gods?”

“I’m just looking around.” Gu-Chensha noticed Luo Baiyue getting suspiciously and asking way too many question sorta spy way, and was wary, this woman is by no means good, although these times there are signs of defending themselves, but the total view of their words and actions, I’m afraid that the enemy is not there: “Do you also read books today?”

“No, I’m here specifically to find you.” Luo Baiyue waved her hand, the packed eunuchs retreated far away, according to reason she had no right to order the eunuchs in the royal gardens, but now all the imperial court knew that she was Skyseal Emperor Red, and the emperor favored her even more than any prince, which one dared to offend her?

Gu-Chensha listens quietly to her narrative.

“The Emperor has ordered me to assist you in recruiting the remnants of Xian Dynasty, while appeasing the hearts of Xian Dynasty’s people, a task that must be meritorious.” Luo Baiyue already had a plan: “As you know, there are still three months to go before the spring blossoms, and the army of my dynasty will expedition against the barbarians to completely plow through the caverns. The place where the army is based is Xianzhou. The people of this place are fierce, the Giant Spirit God incense is strong, every family worships, and there are many temples. The Emperor gave me a secret decree, asking us to inspect the place first, to pacify the people, while annihilating the evil demons, for three months, to give the army a solid rear.”

Gu-Chensha got it right off the bat.

This is indeed the most important thing.

Xianzhou, the former Great Xian Empire, was destroyed and transferred to the Great Yong dynasty to become Xianzhou.

The sacrificial empire bordered and fought barbarians for years, so the people were fierce and fierce, and the people did not revere propriety but strength, and because of this, the beliefs of the Giant Spirit God cannot be extinguished to this day.

The location of the Xian Kingdom is so important that the Skyseal Emperor wouldn’t dare force the destruction of the temple in order to turn the place into a base for resistance to barbarians, but only to appease it.

Gu-Chensha is the son of Princess of the Xian Dynasty, and recently “activated the Giant Spirit God bloodline” It would be best to send him on an inspection tour to appease the people.

As long as Xianzhou is pacified during these months, so as not to cause trouble when the army is stationed, and the garrison is stabilized, when the barbarians are destroyed in one fell swoop, the faith of the Giant Spirit God can be uprooted.

Gu-Chensha is no less politically aware and understands this point immediately.

At the same time, he also understood that this was his great opportunity, not to build a career, but to step out of the Fan Cage and return the dragon to the sea, with countless pairs of eyes in the capital watching all the time and no room to expand at all.

When Luo Baiyue saw that he was pale and thoughtful, he knew that he had understood the main point, and was shocked: “When I gave him the Giant Spirit God scroll, I thought he was young and arrogant, not knowing how high and mighty he was. It seems there are still many secrets about him, and he may not be as simple as I seem to think he is.”

“In that case, the imperial decree should come down soon.” Gu-Chensha said, “Touring Xianzhou, preparing provisions, and pacifying the place these are important matters for the country, and we must make preparations beforehand.”

As soon as the words died down, a voice was heard outside the temple, “There is a decree, Luo Baiyue, and Gu-Chensha receives the decree.”

A group of eunuchs crowd in, led by the eunuch with thick eyebrows and very peaceful eyes, while the others also hold imperial decrees and other artifacts in their hands.

Gu-Chensha and Luo Baiyue are busy kneeling.

“His Majesty commands Luo Baiyue and Gu-Chensha to go to Xianzhou to prepare food for the army, pacify the place, review the army, put down the picketing barbarians detail, and prevent demons from stirring up trouble. Given the admiral’s token, sword, and dragon flag.” After that eunuch pronounced the decree, he took out another imperial decree: “In accordance with Skyseal Edict, Luo Baiyue will run errand and since she is repeatedly meritorious, although she is not the daughter of the Imperial clan, but I do not restrain myself to descend talent, a special peerage as the Yuefu County Sheriff.”

“What? Crowning her as a County Sheriff? Isn’t that a knighthood like her father, Lou Chongxiao?” Gu-Chensha’s heart was shaken again: “What exactly does Father mean by such layers of added grace? Even if you are a favorite, this is too much for Garn, for fear of causing criticism in the court.”

County Sheriff can only be the canonized but they have to be the Daughters of the Imperial clan.

By all accounts, the emperor’s daughter could be crowned a princess if she was appreciated, and the prince’s daughter could be given the additional title of County Sheriff. Now that Luo Baiyue is a foreign surname, the additional title of County Sheriff is an unprecedented event.

But no one dares to resist Skyseal Emperor’s decree, except say “thank the Lord for His grace”

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