Dread Sovereign: Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 156 155: Dungeon Wave [2]

Raven lined up all the girls and looked at them with a smile. He could take 2 girls, while the rest would be fine to register if he took them to see Emily.

'That should be fine; if something goes wrong, I'll do what I can...' 

"For now, I will list Evelyn as my dungeon partner—Lilith has taken on a slot, so it's only fair you take the second." 

He then turned to the group of girls looking at him with stary eyes and a bit of affection and worship; Raven smiled at them as they seemed upset or saddened at the words.

"Now then, I've looked at you all, and we should be able to get you all registered normally, unlike Evelyn, who is a complete Manticore; you all are chimaera, but those only show up as your normal race at the guild."

"Oh... really!? I didn't know!" Evelyn whispered, thinking the prejudice against them was still so high even if you showed a slight change, you were to be killed

Raven's tall body looked at all the girls before he spoke to them directly; the blue-haired Ram first, "Ram, are you alright with this? I will take you, girls, to get registered, and then you should all be able to form 2 party's because there are too many to create a single one. But two groups of 3 should allow you to grow in strength quickly and earn lots of money."

Honestly, Ram didn't mind as long as she could live a decent life rather than being treated like an ashtray or punching bag by her fat old man.

Her eyes watched Raven like a saviour—not only did he beat them so easily, but now promised to help them train and find a living method... to make money and not have to beg or steal...

"Please, I would love to follow your lead! Raven, please teach me how to fight... my sisters too!" Her cute blue hair swayed as she bowed, and her long blue tail swaying was also quite adorable.

"No problem, Evelyn saved you, and I saved Evenyln.."

"Then isn't it fate that I help guide all of you to a better life?"

"As for how I'll help you, your tail is like a spear, and your muscles are quite strong, so you will likely be a front-line fighter—for style, it would be close to a very flexible spearman!"

"Ohhh, so cool!" Ram muttered as she started stabbing the air with her tail, with a happy face.

He turned to Terna, while behind him, Evelyn smiled gently, her eyes filled with a slightly wet look as he began to support her from the start, never blaming or asking if she was a murderer or saw her as the bad guy...

She couldn't help but remember when he was super weak... letting her absorb most of his life to survive and live long enough to reincarnate... Her heart, both the young Evenlyn and the old Eve, were crazy about him... They wanted to know more about his likes and dislikes and to become his woman.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I wish to learn more from you, Master Raven!" The cute Tenra bowed, her little voice trembling as she bit her tongue during her words, the cute claws and long tail fluffed out like a stressed cat.

"Cute..." Raven's words caused Tenra's face to blush, her black hair sliding over her cheeks, while the other girls bit their lips, hoping he saw them as cute too!

"I'll help you develop your fighting style—since your claws are sharp but lack pure muscle strength like Varis or Tor'Syl, we'll have to go the agile and assassin-type route."

"Is that okay?"

"You will mostly fight monsters from the sides or back—try to avoid frontal clashes!"

"Mmm! Yes, Master!!"

Next was the taller girl with more developed muscles and a more brutal tail which was like Ravens; he planned to make this girl a tank like Tor'Syl; because of her build and the ability to breathe fire, it was best to have her at the front to avoid any friendly fire to the other girls.

"Oh, Varis, you look excited." Raven joked as the girls giggled; Varis and Tor'Syl were the most active and rampant of the group, so she only smiled and laughed when hearing his words.

"Hahaha~ Raven, of course, you just beat my ass and made me all curious and aroused!" 

"Well, I can't help being this handsome." He placed his hands on his chin before Evelyn pulled him back with her tail and frowned at him.

"Hahaha, sorry, I plan to have you become a tank if possible, taking the brunt of the enemy's attacks and giving you a place to freely use your flaming breath and magic without hurting the other girls.

Oh, ~ sounds fine! How about we go for a drink later, Raven~."

"Maybe, behave."

"Chee~ no fun."

When it came to Akki, she politely bowed to him—her hands were quite strange, and it seemed she could hide her scythe-like blades and return them to normal flesh when needed.

"Aki with the lovely green hair and wonderful body movement, huh..." Raven's compliment caused the mantis girl to blush, her blades slipping out in embarrassment as she covered her face.

Despite being the most fierce in battle, Akki was the most shy girl in the group. She peeked through her eyes, watching Raven just smiling at her...


"It's just the fact you are a very talented woman. I hope to train you into a type of supporting tank that rarely works unless you have a racial talent or, like yourself, have an extremely flexible body with great movement, and your weapons are also good at deflecting, dodging and blocking attacks..."

"Ooooh... Akki... likes that.." The mantis girl chirped, her eyes narrowing like crescent moons, before she realised that Raven was also here and once again hid her face—like Tenra, both of them were from quite strict and horrible homes... the scars hidden along their wrists and necks prove it.

Then came the tough one... her eyes glowing like a dog in heat, her lips drooling, and her body pulsing with an "I want you" energy.I think you should take a look at


"YESH!" Overexcited, she bit her tongue, a rather adorable action, but Raven tried to be firm! A female orc's love was heavy... and he didn't want to do anything with half a heart!

He wanted to be a fine man like his father and thus would not move further unless he gained genuine feelings for her.

"You have a beautiful physique—your power and speed are rather high, not to mention your endurance was great."

"I hope you will become like Varis and be one of the two groups tank to stop your sisters from taking damage and beat the enemy to death with your brutal attacks."

She looked at him with sparkling eyes, her affection easy for all of them to see, but Raven still treated her like normal, not being dense but putting the importance of their lives and future first.

"What will you teach me? R-Raven?"

He didn't even take a moment to think, instead pulling out his huge axe, the one made by Mel'Zentia... his huge black axe named Mor'Vaal.

"I will teach you how to use the axe like any proud orc would do!"


The cute girl's face was blushing as she looked away; seeing her sisters making fun of her, she gave them a fierce face as they all started to laugh.


A sudden shake made the ground tremble.

"Ah, earthquakes again... damn, this is the 12th time this month....." Ram said in annoyance as they all swayed and almost fell.

Raven took a moment to think back, sure he never felt an earthquake once... What did she mean the 12th time this month? This distance wasn't so far from his place that they couldn't feel it...


This time the girls all fell forward—as Raven's arms caught them all holding their stead, his eyes began to glow vibrantly, looking towards his main goal of the day...

"No way...."

Before the girls could ask anything, he grabbed them all, including Evelyn, by the tail as his body instantly became a manticore.

Not caring about being exposed, his muscles tightened as he lowered his body like a rocket and shot into the air, landing on the roof with a loud bang before dashing rapidly away.

He didn't stop for a second, his hands and muscles almost crushing the girls as they struggled and hit against his flesh.

'I can't stop, can't think... this girl must leave.... to where!? Bureau? The mansion!?'

Raven's huge body dashed across the rooftops of the slumps rapidly, his huge body causing deep craters in the cheap concrete before he leapt into the air and flew several metres before crashing down with a thunderous bang, a deep crater below him as the concrete shattered like brittle wood.


"Raven, what's wrong... why expose your form!?"

"Evelyn take them and run, head for this address.... visit my apartment and check if Lilith is there—she has a small item that can teleport you all to safety..."


All the girls were dropped to the floor as he turned to leave, Evelyn grasping his hand, her golden eyes filled with concern—why was he so panicked? What was the rush...


Then she realised... something that she should have known before even he did... Those quakes were not from the earthquake... but the dungeon's entrance fusing with the world... as the portal was torn open...

It was a dungeon wave...

"Go... I will kill as many monsters as possible—Evelyn will take these girls and run, I will teach them in the future, but now, they will die even to the most basic monster as there will be hundreds.... thousands of level 30+ monsters about to flood this area!"


Her eyes were wet; she hugged his back, knowing that even if she tried to help, those monsters would soon eat through her low stamina, and then Raven would be forced to protect her...

"I will go... please don't overwork yourself..." Evelyn whispered, as the girls remained quiet, seeing how serious the situation was and followed Evenlyn...

All watching Raven's huge back that suddenly launched into the sky, heading towards the huge red gate that was forming at the gate of the dungeon.

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