Dreams and fists shatter the sky

Chapter 63 - 63 take me Home

Chapter 63: Chapter 63 take me Home

On the Suzaku steps.

Ye An no longer thought about the uninvited guest Mu Xiaoye.

He had already stepped onto the 4400th step, with burn marks all over his body, and white steam billowing out, as if he had become a mobile sauna in the shape of a human.

His face was a little distorted, his hands were tightly clenched, his head was lowered, waiting for the arrival of the limit state!

Not enough.

Go up one more step!

Still not enough!

Ye An remembered that his acquired resource deficiencies had been made up, his basic abilities were much stronger, and his foundation was enhanced. If he wanted to force the limit state, he needed more pressure!

Finally, he stepped onto the 4425th step.

The limit state arrived.

The energy in Ye An's body suddenly exploded, he raised his head violently, his black hair danced wildly, his eyes were condensed, his muscles were tense, and the sexy lines were branded on his body like a knife and an axe.


Suzaku raised his eyebrows.

It turned out that Ye An could control his limit state.

It seems that when he was on Prison Mars, he was not reckless, but well prepared!

So Ye An wants to use the Suzaku Stage to cultivate the extreme state?

It seems that it is not that simple!

Then, Ye An began to accumulate power.

He did not have a fist stance to accumulate power, but stood naturally, letting the fist intention in his body condense into a point.

In Ye An's mind, the ultimate form of accumulating power is to accumulate power at will.

No need to put up a fist stance.

No need to concentrate highly.

Even accumulating power while punching!

It seems that no one has ever been able to do this.

In the information that Ye An has checked over the years, he has read at least thousands of papers on accumulating power.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Many things are repeated, but they are written in a more advanced way, and people will feel different when they read them in a different way.

However, after thousands of articles are refined, there are still many desirable points.

There is a saying that goes like this.

Most scientific researchers' lifelong efforts may just be to save a genius an afternoon.

Everyone contributes a little material, and a little accumulates into a lot, and a tall building is built.

Now Ye An is the person standing on the tall building.

He sincerely thanks everyone who built this building.

Most martial artists may not realize that the key to charging is not physical strength, but mental strength.

The organ that drives the body is the nerve center, which is in the brain.

The brain inputs commands, the nerve center executes the commands, and the body cooperates.

So as long as you tell the brain that you want to charge, the body will begin to gather the fist intention.

But this process must be focused and focused, otherwise the attention will be scattered, and the charging will also be scattered.

Even if you have the ability to do two things at the same time, it won't work. Charging requires all your attention.


Practice unconscious charging into skill runes!

Skills are skills, such as Ye An's Flowing Water Crashing Mountain Fist, he must be very serious to perform it. If he doesn't use it for too long, he may regress afterwards.

The formed skill runes are forever, and there is no need to be serious. As long as the rune is activated, the skill will be released automatically.

This is Ye An's biggest goal at this stage.

As long as he can practice the skill rune of unconscious charging, he feels that he is almost invincible in the same realm.

But just a few simple words - "Unconscious Charging Skill Rune".

There are no fancy and exaggerated words, just a line of ordinary words, but it is a mountain that even a genius like Ye An can hardly climb.

The human world has never had this skill.

Everyone can only practice unconscious charging, but cannot form skill runes. At least in Ye An's eyes, he has never heard of anyone, even the most powerful, practicing it.

The great way is simple.

The simpler things are often the more difficult.

In the past two years, in order to practice this, Ye An also thought of a folk recipe by himself, charging before going to bed. If you can do it while sleeping, isn't it unconscious charging?

But it failed.

Reading thousands of articles and countless scholars' paper talks, Ye An saw the most likely way to succeed, which is now.

Let the strong pressure disperse your consciousness, and then forcefully charge, and repeat it continuously.

Theoretically, unconscious charging can be practiced 30,000 times.

Three million times can be practiced into skill runes.

And all this must be done in a short time, without too much rest, which would ruin the whole process.

This is a contradiction in itself.

That is enough pressure to weaken one's willpower. Under such pressure, it is already amazing if a person can hold on for a few minutes.

For example, anesthesia.

Once you're injected, the doctor will count down a few times and you'll fall.

Ye An must practice charging power three million times after the anesthesia is injected.

This is too outrageous.

But he has no choice.

The more majestic the mountain, the harder it is to climb, but at the same time, the more beautiful the scenery on the top of the mountain.

On the 4425th step, Ye An, who has entered the extreme state, began to practice.

The first time he charged power, it dissipated in half a second.

The second time, it was still half a second.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...

Zhuque stared at the child below in confusion. She didn't know that Ye An had a second talent, so she was confused.

Why did he keep charging power?

He was still in the extreme state.

How long can he do this?

The answer came out quickly.

Ten minutes!

After ten minutes, Ye An couldn't hold on anymore. If he continued in the extreme state, it would hurt his foundation.

He dispersed everything and started to walk down.

He stood on the 4425th step for a long time, and when he returned to the 4400th step, he didn't feel that hot anymore.

Ye An simply sat cross-legged, stuffing all kinds of food into his mouth frantically to restore his strength and condition.

He stood for a full half hour, and then stood up again to enter the extreme state.

If he was in the perfect state, he would need the pressure of 4425 steps to get him into the state.

But he was already half exhausted, so even if he stood on a lower step, his body could not bear it.

Another ten minutes.

Ye An accumulated power thirty times.

He dispersed his power again, his face full of fatigue and pain, and then walked down another 40 steps.

4360 steps.

Then repeat what he just did!

This is called the exhaustion group!

When a person exercises to exhaustion, there will be a good training effect.

The exhaustion group is to repeat the exhaustion thing over and over again.

Zhuque knew this. The exhaustion group is a kind of asceticism. The training efficiency is very high, but it is very difficult, and it requires a very high willpower of the exerciser!

Because exhaustion is effective once.

Exhaustion again will cost more, but the gains will be smaller.

Most people will choose to give up when they think of this.

"That's enough." This is what almost every loser has said to himself. Maybe even if you do your best, you may not succeed. But Ye An is too strong-willed. He can accept failure. But he can't accept "I just lost like this." I still have a lot of things I can do. If I fail because of this, it's my problem. Ask yourself if you really give it your all.

Enough, lost, with a clear conscience!

Not enough, lost, regret, unwilling.

He must have a clear conscience, this is what his family taught him.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is regret, living without a clear conscience, and sleeping restlessly every night!

Ye An exercised from early morning to midnight, and finally lay horizontally on the 3120th step.

The night wind swept across the green bamboo on both sides of the steps, the rustling sound of the wind lifted Ji Qing's hair, and the silver moonlight reflected her slightly pale face.

The girl's body trembled slightly.

She walked all day with all her strength, but could only reach here.

Ye An raised his tired eyelids and asked with a smile: "It's so painful, don't you regret it?"

Ji Qing forced a smile and said: "I caught up with you."

Ye An said: "Okay, then take me home."

Under the moonlight.

Princess Ji Qing picked up Ye An and jumped up lightly. A long corridor of frost condensed under her feet, extending towards the foot of the mountain, and she rowed all the way down.

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