Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 230 228-Trade at the Meeting

Chapter 230 Chapter228-Trade at the Meeting

For Ethan, everything about the meeting was utterly fascinating.

And when Rose, seated at the head of the table, announced that the meeting would be getting down to business, it was almost visibly evident how everyone sprang to life, making the gathering feel as lively as a marketplace.

Everyone became visibly animated, making the gathering feel akin to a bustling marketplace. However, there remained an underlying sense of order.

Oriel, seated beside Ethan, leaned in and explained, "Ethan, the primary purpose of these gatherings is for trade, to seek assistance from one another. Often, especially for those from different regions, gathering specific ingredients for a recipe or raw materials for a weapon can pose challenges."

Ethan nodded, resonating with the sentiment.

Soon enough, many people at the meeting struck deals with one another.

Seizing the moment, Oriel expressed his need for powerful materials and showcased the Flamefruit he had cultivated, which piqued the interest of many.

One by one, they displayed their unique resources, widening Ethan's horizons.

"Ethan, is there something specific you're after?" Oriel inquired with a grin, accepting a rare material handed to him by another attendee.

The question left Ethan momentarily stumped.

His list of needs was extensive. Be it rare forging materials, concoction recipes, blueprints for formidable structures, and more — all were desirable to Ethan.

To voice them all might seem avaricious. Yet, Ethan was undeterred.

Drawing a deep breath, he rattled off, "I'm looking to purchase some potion blueprints, rare forging materials, insights into Alchemy... And, if anyone has information on a Dwarf Craftsman Master named Henry Powell, that's also up for trade. As for what I offer in return, I have the Blood Source. However, the exchange might need a bit of time."

Upon his declaration, an unusual hush fell over the crowd.

Every gaze converged on Ethan, eyes gleaming with a mix of envy and anticipation — especially at the mention of the Blood Source, which seemingly ignited a fervor within them.

"I'll do it."

A member chimed in, extracting a blueprint and offering it towards Ethan. "This is an ancient architectural design known as the Evolution Pool. Once constructed, it can randomly enhance the attributes of summoned monsters. However, the construction requires a vast amount of resources. I'm willing to trade it for ten drops of Blood Source."

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Such a gem!

Not just Ethan, but everyone present was captivated.

However, unlike Ethan, they didn't possess the Blood Source to broker such a deal.

The atmosphere of the meeting grew even more electrifying.

Ethan and several others struck up various trades, setting the next meeting as their trade date.

This hastened Ethan's urgency in locating Henry Powell; he didn't want to renege on his promises.

Much to Ethan's astonishment, someone knew of Henry Powell's whereabouts.

While everyone engaged in animated discussion, Rose, seated at the primary position, merely observed in silence.

No one could decipher her expression beneath her mask, but now she spoke.

"I'm aware of Henry Powell's location," she announced, turning her gaze to Ethan. "I can share this information, but I have a request in return: you must assist me on a particular task."

Rose's stipulation took the attendees by surprise.

To everyone's perception, not only was Rose an enigma, but she was undoubtedly mighty.

The sole person in the room who knew Rose's true identity was Oberlis.

Yet, Oberlis regarded Rose with profound respect, which made many curious about who she truly was.

However, within the Devil's meeting, probing into another's secrets was forbidden, as were internal conflicts.

Consequently, many had to suppress their burning curiosities.

Most crucially, this was the first time Rose had ever asked for help.

Ethan didn't hastily agree, instead inquiring, "May I know what it entails?"

Rose pondered for a moment before replying, "You can. Sooner or later, you'd come to know of it. And it's something everyone present here will eventually face."

The room grew thick with anticipation.

"That is—" "To help me endure a trial of the god," Rose revealed her request.

This statement sent shockwaves throughout the gathering, prompting many to abruptly rise from their seats.

Trial of the god!

Those who managed to join the Devil Guild seemed no different from anyone else during these meetings.

However, once outside, they all shared a particular identity—

All were mighty Dark Lords!

They governed vast territories and commanded legions of summoned monsters. Most importantly, their power was immense.

Perhaps not as immense as Ethan's, but when compared to the average person, they were undoubtedly on another level.

The trial of the god was a concept almost everyone was familiar with.

At these meetings, not only were items traded, but they also exchanged the latest news, historical secrets, and knowledge, which was another crucial aspect of these gatherings.

Understanding the significance of the trial of the god, it was no wonder the others were so stirred.

Immediately, a Dark Lord, similar in stature to Oriel, stood up. Flames danced atop his head, and even as he spoke, fiery breath escaped his lips.

"Rose, I can assist with that," he offered. "You know, I'm just a tad short on luck right now."

After stating his piece, he took his seat again.

Rose gazed at him, shaking her head slightly, "Kavi, you don't quite fit the bill. If there are subsequent trials of the god, I'll keep you in mind."

"Very well," Kavi replied, sounding slightly deflated.

At that very moment, Ethan addressed the crowd, "I too possess a token of the trial of the god."

With that, he unveiled the gift bestowed upon him by Rhine, the Crystal of Aquaman.

The moment it made its appearance, the distinctive aura it exuded left everyone in awe.

Some couldn't resist exclaiming, "What's going on here? Why does this newcomer have so many treasures?"

"Please, he's no mere newcomer. He's the one on Lana Mokos's wanted list," someone clarified.

However, what piqued most people's interest was Ethan's terms.

"What are your conditions?"

"I mean, what does one need to join this trial of the god?"

Kavi was the first to pose the questions.

Ethan shook his head, "I'm not entirely certain about the specific requirements. My knowledge of the trial of the god is quite limited. Is it really that crucial?"

"Aren't you aware it's an essential path to becoming a deity?" Kavi countered.

Ethan fell into contemplation, and after a brief moment, he shared, "This Crystal of Aquaman was a gift from a prophetess. When she gave it to me, she cautioned that using the trial of the god to ascend to deity status might not be the wisest of trades. For it symbolizes a form of bondage."

"The true essence of the trial of the god is to amass experience."

With Ethan's words, the entire meeting lapsed into silence.

At that moment, all eyes converged on Rose, who occupied the central seat of honor.

Clearly, they were unacquainted with such revelations and sought verification from her.

To their surprise, even Rose seemed momentarily shaken, her frame quivering slightly as the weight of Ethan's words settled in.

With gratitude, she said, "Ethan, I'm deeply thankful for the insight you've shared. For now, let's set aside the matter of the trial of the god. I need to reflect on it further."

"As for the information you seek, I can provide it directly. The Dwarf Craftsman Master, Henry Powell, currently resides in a quaint village nestled deep within the snow mountains. A decade ago, he ventured into the Glacial Lair, discovering a unique material there — a block of ice incredibly robust in nature. Over the past ten years, he's been relentlessly mining this peculiar substance."

Rose's details were meticulously precise, even going so far as to mark the location on a Snowy Plains map for Ethan.

Such specificity seemed excessive, leading Ethan to suspect that this was likely related to the vital intel he had just shared.

The meeting concluded hastily.

After becoming privy to the veiled truths of the trial of the god, Rose clearly lacked the heart to preside further, appearing distracted.

The others mirrored her sentiment. Their longstanding belief held that one could only ascend to deity status via the trial of the god.

Yet now, they confronted the possibility of subterfuge within this process.

Put plainly, there was a chance that the trial was merely a ploy by deities to select servile subjects.

And while these servants might technically bear the title of 'deity,' the idea was absurd to the multitude of Dark Lords present.

They'd rather perish battling formidable foes than attain deity status in such a demeaning manner.

It went against their very core.

With the meeting adjourned, attendees dispersed through the space gates, leaving the vast hall eerily silent, save for Rose at the head of the room and Oberlis by her side.

As the quiet settled, Rose let out a sigh, removing her helmet and placing it on the table.

Her true visage was revealed, but only Oberlis was privy to the sight.

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