Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 244 242-Dragon Garden

Chapter 244 Chapter242-Dragon Garden

The Devil Guild's gathering commenced, and members began their conversations before the trades started.

"Ethan, you truly outdid yourself," Oberlis remarked with a chuckle.

Grins spread across the faces of the others, all equally awestruck by Ethan's scheming.

"Lana Mokos is probably still left puzzled," one mused.

"But, all things considered, I have heard about the recent significant moves. Lana Mokos has permitted trading between Dark Lord City and other cities, including those established by the Dark Lord. It's genuinely hard to discern that woman's true intentions."

"Who cares what she's up to? We, the Devil Guild, are the real beneficiaries after all," another voiced.

"Indeed, it's a fortunate turn of events," someone else chimed in.

"Oriel, perhaps your greatest contribution was inviting Ethan into our fold," teased another.

Amidst the flurry of voices, Oriel retorted, "Hmph, wasn't the Flamefruit also a commendable catch?"

"True, true..."

The group erupted into laughter.

The Devil Guild's meetings had been held numerous times, and throughout these gatherings, its members engaged in several transactions.

Having decided to use the failure as a smokescreen, Ethan had already instructed Victor to relocate the Flesh Factory to the Dungeon Zone.

While it seemed that Dark Lord City had vanished, in reality, none of the resources were lost.

After the war with Azure Empire, the production of Blood Source returned to its original state.

As such, leveraging the Blood Source, Ethan traded a wealth of resources.

Beyond the Blood Source, there was now the Soul Amulet.

Crafted by Ethan using the Soul Language of Nature, it possesses the Disguise capability.

Nearly every member of the Devil Guild was equipped with that.

Rose, in particular, snapped up a staggering hundred of them in one go.

This lucrative deal lined Ethan's pockets quite handsomely.

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"Wait, where's the Guild Leader Rose?" Ethan suddenly noticed the empty seat at the head of the long table.

All eyes turned to Oberlis, who was almost always seen alongside Rose in past gatherings.

Oberlis shook his head, "I'm not sure why Rose isn't here. Let me check outside."

Saying this, he activated a space gate and departed the council chamber.

However, after a prolonged wait, Oberlis still hadn't returned.

"Something has amiss," Ethan felt a pang of unease.

In recent times, Ethan hadn't slackened in his training.

Not only were his insights into the Soul Language of Nature profound, but he had also made significant strides in space magic.

Although he couldn't match Oberlis's prowess, utilizing basic space magic wasn't an issue for him.

Hence, Ethan was well aware of Oberlis's strength.

While Oberlis wouldn't stand a chance against him in combat, capturing him would still be a formidable challenge.

Given Oberlis's power, few could pose a threat to him.

The others quickly sensed that something was amiss.

After exchanging worried glances, someone voiced out, "We can't just sit here waiting. Rose and Oberlis might need our help."

"But where are they?" Another asked.

That was the fundamental question.

Without an answer, there was no starting point for any assistance.

Rose was always shrouded in mystery, never revealing her identity or speaking of it.

Although Oberlis was an active participant in meetings, he too remained silent about his origins.

At that moment, Ethan stood up.

"I have a way," he began, then went on to explain, "I traded with Rose for a valuable material a while back. It bears her essence. So I can try to pinpoint her location with that material."

It was another application of the Soul Language of Nature.

A soul is the very essence of a person.

In this world, the demise of the body doesn't signify true death. Only the dissipation of the soul does.

"We're counting on you then, Ethan," the group unanimously voiced.

Ethan nodded and promptly set up a small yet intricate Soul Magic Circle on the table.

The precious material from his trade with Rose was placed atop it.

Soon, the Circle began to vibrate, producing an indistinct image above.

It depicted a wasteland.

Majestic ruins lay toppled amidst a dense forest.

Trees reaching skyward were ensnared by vines, on which bloomed peculiar flowers.

These blossoms were as tall as an average human and bore uncanny smiling faces, reminiscent of clowns from a circus.

Beneath the trees lay countless skeletons.

Some were already crushed into bone fragments from being stepped upon.

Distinctly colored bloodstains marked several of the skulls: red for human blood, green that might belong to dwarfs, and the most enigmatic, a blood that shimmered in iridescent colors.

Thanks to their vast experiences, a member of the Devil Guild soon identified it.

"That's the blood of the Rainbow Dragon, a formidable creature said to possess myriad unimaginable powers," someone elucidated.

"Rainbow Dragon? Wasn't that the dragon rumored to have been extinct long ago?"

"Rumors are often flawed. Given the vastness of this world, who can truly claim to know all its mysteries? But that's beside the point right now. We need to focus on rescuing Rose and Oberlis."

The eyes of the group returned to the floating image. Soon, they spotted a clue within it: a facial armor, the very one Rose habitually wore.

"It seems real trouble has ensued," someone remarked, and faces grew grim around the table.

Having held numerous gatherings, the members had long considered Rose a friend.

Despite her role as the guild leader, she never misused her authority.

Though she came across as aloof, she always did her utmost to aid members in need.

"Ethan, can you identify this place?" a member inquired.

Ethan shook his head. "I can't be certain. It's too distant. It feels... like it's on another continent altogether."

"Ethan, focus the image on those peculiar blossoms," another member interjected.

Ethan manipulated the magic circle, aiming the projection squarely on the large flowers growing on the vines.

"I think... I might know where this is," the same member stated.

All eyes instantly turned to him.


Upon seeing the man, Ethan recognized him as Quel, a magus known for his distinctive Dark Knight Bloodline.

This bloodline, considered by many to be malevolent, was typically exclusive to warriors.

Those with the Dark Knight Bloodline could amplify their abilities considerably but at a significant cost, resulting in brief bursts of unmatched power followed by an abrupt reduction in combat duration.

But Quel was an exception.

Rather than becoming a warrior, Quel chose the path of being a magus. His innate talent was undeniable.

Now, not only did he possess a formidable physique, but he could effortlessly unleash powerful spells, ranking him among the top members of the Devil Guild.

"Quel, if you know, spill it out," someone urged.

Quel promptly replied, "It's likely the Dragon Garden on the Westwood Continent."

The Westwood Continent was the term for the landmass across the ocean.

The continent where Ethan and the others resided, the Easten Shore, was known as the Zerl Continent.

Zerl Continent encompassed the northern Snowy Plains and the vast plains below, known as the Easten Shore, along with numerous islands nearby.

As for the Westwood Continent, Ethan wasn't particularly familiar with it.

At that moment, Quel continued, "According to legend, the Dragon Garden serves as a temporary resting place for Dragons. Nourished by the essence of Dragons, the garden has given birth to various mystical plants. The flower we see in the image is called the Clown Flower. It's a crucial ingredient for crafting puppets and is also used in certain alchemy rituals as a sacrificial offering."

He added, "Moreover, the Clown Flower has very stringent growing conditions."

"It thrives only by absorbing the decaying corpses. The allure of the Dragon Garden has drawn many adventurers to it, but tragically few make it out alive. Those who perish become sustenance for the Clown Flowers."

Quel's revelation stunned everyone present.

However, this newfound knowledge still didn't offer them a solution.

The pressing matter now became the journey itself.

"To travel from here to the Westwood Continent, even on the fastest ship, would take two months. That duration is far too lengthy, and we can't guarantee the safety of Rose and Oberlis during that time."

It was indeed a critical dilemma.

As everyone pondered, Oriel suggested, "How about using the space gate?"

"Use the space gate?"

"The idea holds merit, but we cannot ascertain the precise coordinates of the Dragon Garden. Moreover, none of us have the extensive experience with space magic like Oberlis does."

"To rashly use the space gate... it's too perilous."

The speaker turned to Ethan.

Everyone was well-aware of Ethan was training in space magic.

After all, with the ever-chatty Oberlis in the Devil Guild, it was no secret.

Once Ethan had merely sought some advice on space magic from Oberlis, the latter grandly proclaimed at a guild gathering that Ethan had paid a hefty sum to have him, the esteemed master space magus, instruct on space magic.

"So, is there any other way?" The members of the Devil Guild once again fell into deep thought.

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