Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 184 182-Despair Amongst Them

Without exception, once Ethan finished speaking, everyone unanimously decided to leave. 

The dangers lurking within the cave had surpassed their wildest imaginations, involving a potential resurrecting deity. 

This was not something they could handle.

Thus, departure became their only option.

"Now that we've all agreed to leave," Ethan looked around at the group, then said to Komait, "we'll need your assistance once again."

Komait nodded and transformed into a black dragon. 

Everyone mounted his back once more, and they soared into the sky, heading towards the cave's boundary.

However, an unforeseen obstacle emerged.

As Ethan and the group approached the cave's edge, they discovered an impenetrable barrier blocking their path. 

This indicated one terrifying truth: they were trapped.

Ethan had no choice but to awaken the slumbering little Baal in his pocket.

"Ethan, what's wrong?" Baal asked groggily.

Ethan pointed to the barrier ahead. 

Baal squinted at it, trying to pass through, but was instantly repelled, tumbling several times in mid-air before steadying himself.

"It's no use; this barrier is too powerful," Baal announced, "And it's not just a simple barrier. There are other components mixed in. To break it, we'd need to vanquish the one who laid it down."

The group fell silent at Baal's words. 

Defeating a resurgent deity sounded like a tall tale. 

But with no other options, and with Ethan's looming sense of impending doom, they couldn't just sit and wait; they had to at least try.

After a few moments, Ethan made a difficult decision. 

"We're going back," he declared. 

"To the heart of the cave, where Oksd's heart likely resides. There are others there too. If we can unite everyone, perhaps we stand a chance."

Everyone turned their gaze to Ethan, not uttering a word, silently acquiescing. 

They all knew that uniting everyone would be even more challenging than directly confronting Oksd. 

And more importantly, even if they spoke of it, who would believe them?

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Their journey back was relatively smooth. 

Still, the evolving environment they passed through only deepened their apprehensions about the future. 

The cave's surface teemed with countless blood-red sludge creatures. 

While not particularly strong, these creatures boasted formidable vitality, bordering on immortality. 

Even if split in half, they quickly regenerated.

The situation at the heart of the cave was even more dire.

Nearly every adventurer within the cave had congregated in this area, battling the monsters in various groups. 

They seemed to have figured out a method of dealing with them. 

By dispersing the creatures and then scorching them with intense flames, the monsters lost their ability to reform, reduced to mere mud.

"Should we descend?" Komait inquired, looking towards Ethan.

Ethan shook his head. "Not yet. Let's return to that cave you hid in earlier."

Following the command, Komait swiftly took them back to the cave.

Once inside, Ethan immediately began assessing their current predicament. 

"Those blood-red sludge creatures have taken over the outer regions of the cave, leaving only the central part."

"It seems as though they're intentionally herding everyone towards the center. There's definitely some ulterior motive at play."

"Eluna, Sherry, Pale Wolf, Mia – what are your thoughts? Let's discuss," Ethan prompted.

Eluna was the first to speak. 

"There's undoubtedly a scheme, likely linked to Oksd's revival."

"But these creatures don't appear to possess any real intelligence, which means someone must be directing them."

"I believe we should focus on finding this mastermind and extract information about Oksd's current status from them."

"It's a valid strategy, but it might be too time-consuming," Sherry responded with a slight shake of her head, clearly not entirely convinced. 

She walked to the cave's entrance, pointing at the crimson expanse below. 

"Oksd's heart lies beneath the ground. And, when they held that sacrificial ritual, that dark pit they created probably leads directly down to it."

"You mean to..."

Ethan sensed the direction of Sherry's plan.

"Exactly!" Sherry exclaimed. "We can use those pits to delve into the depths and locate Oksd's heart. This might be the fastest and most efficient way for us."

No sooner had Sherry finished than Eluna vehemently opposed, "No, no, that's too reckless! We have no idea what lies beneath."

"If it's swarming with those blood-red sludge creatures, it would spell our certain doom. Moreover, I don't believe that Oksd's heart will be easy to handle, even if it's just a heart."

In the end, they couldn't agree on a feasible plan.

Ethan couldn't help but lament, "A deity on the brink of revival... Such an adversary truly brings despair."

Mia approached Ethan, taking his hand and whispering words of comfort, "Lord Ethan, perhaps this is just a minor hiccup. Oksd might not be reviving."

"Let's hope so." Ethan's spirit was undeniably low at the moment. 

Amongst the group, his strength was unparalleled, and he was the one most attuned to the potent force emanating from below. 

To him, a vigorous life force surged from the depths, along with an unmatched might that threatened to sap one's will to resist.


That was Ethan's sole impression.

Time passed amidst the palpable tension and anxiety. 

Days went by, and the crimson plains below the cave seemed to settle. 

The blood-red sludge monsters began to dissipate, and the adventurers gathered on the plains erupted in jubilation.

Meanwhile, a group sought out Alaric.

Surrounded by individuals, Alaric stood out in a slightly tattered red robe, which gave him a somewhat disheveled appearance. 

Yet, sensing the astonishing aura he radiated, coupled with the fact he was levitating above ground, no one dared underestimate him. 

Instead, they stood by his side with utmost respect.

"Master Alaric," someone began with utmost respect.

Alaric slightly lowered his gaze to meet the speaker, his weathered face inscrutable. 

"I understand why you've approached me. You wish to learn how I successfully utilized the Blood Source."

"I can share that knowledge. However, you must first grant me a favor."

"We're naturally willing to assist," the man responded at once.

With swift efficiency, Alaric produced several magical contracts. 

"These are magical pacts," he explained. 

"Their terms dictate that within the cave, you must obey my commands unconditionally."

"Master Alaric, isn't that a bit excessive?" 

The man's face contorted with anger as he challenged, "You're demanding our unconditional obedience. Doesn't this mean you seek control over our very lives and fortunes?"

"If you're unwilling, you're free to leave," Alaric responded, his expression unchanged. 

Conjuring a ball of flame, he sent it cascading onto the defiant man, reducing him to mere ashes. 

"That," Alaric declared coldly, "is the punishment for your insolence."

His gaze swept over the others. 

"Consider your choices carefully. The cave is already compromised. I can sense a formidable entity stirring below, and it's highly likely that it's the Devourer Oksd!"

"We can only survive if we unite," Alaric stated somberly. 

"Of course, even united, our chances remain painfully slim. That's why I've agreed to share the secret of using the Blood Source."

His words left many in hesitation. 

As Alaric pointed out, the transformations within the cave took everyone by surprise. 

Their initial intent to leisurely search for treasures and the Blood Source had now shifted to a desperate battle against the monsters. 

The increasing frequency of the ground's tremors did not bode well.

Gaining power could mean a greater chance of surviving the impending doom. 

However, the price was their freedom, offered up to Alaric.

"Master Alaric, I'm willing to sign the contract," someone finally declared.

A benevolent smile spread across Alaric's face as he handed over a contract. 

Without hesitation, the brave soul signed their name. 

True to his word, Alaric presented the signer a crimson crystal and a droplet of Blood Source, instructing, "Consume the Blood Source along with this crystal."

"Yes," the adventurer replied, somewhat confused but obedient nonetheless.

Before everyone's eyes, the adventurer who consumed the Blood Source and the mysterious crystal experienced a rapid surge in power. 

Flames seemed to burn around his silhouette, the transformation evidently excruciating. 

He screamed out in agony for a full half-hour.

After the transformation, the adventurer erupted in triumphant laughter. 

Much to the envy of all those present, he then effortlessly took to the skies.

This spectacle stirred an urgency in the crowd. 

They clamored toward Alaric, shouting, "Master Alaric, I too wish to sign the contract!"

Alaric, ever-accommodating, cheerfully handed out the pacts. 

Yet, no one noticed the fleeting crimson glint in Alaric's eyes or the concealed terror they held. 

The way he looked at them was far from kind; it was a mixture of pity and mockery.

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