Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 233 231-The Looming War

Hence, building a fortress became the priority.

Ethan found himself nodding in agreement with Victor's account. 

He had even suspected that it was Victor who had persuaded Mia and others to embark on this course of action. 

After all, in Mia's perception, the act of building a city of this magnitude was bound to seriously offend the Azure Empire. 

It seemed imprudent and deviated from their strategy of gradual progression.

But in today's context, many issues can no longer be viewed through the lens of the past.

It was similar to how the kingdoms of the Eastern Shore never anticipated the might of the Azure Empire emerging from the vast oceans, obliterating them with an effortless ease.

"Victor, perhaps you would like to chat with Henry Powell. Afterward, let's convene a brief meeting," Ethan suggested to Victor, and then retreated into the depths of the Dungeon.

As the heart of his domain, the Dungeon remained largely unchanged. 

Each layer was safeguarded by potent Magic Circles, making it a veritable underground fortress. 

Word of Ethan's return spread like wildfire, and Mia and Eluna hastened to meet him.

"Ethan!" They exclaimed with evident excitement.

Ethan greeted them with a warm smile and embraced each in a heartfelt hug.


Following Victor, Henry Powell surveyed the domain and remarked with a stern face, "I truly didn't expect that you would choose to obey a mere human."

"No, he may not be human," Victor replied. "By many accounts, he is a Dark Lord."

Henry Powell knew Victor well. 

The two had been friends for decades, and they had ventured together on countless journeys.

Victor chuckled, retorting, "Is that really so surprising? My entire life, I have pursued the grand truths, aiming to discern the very rules that govern our existence. Once, I was on the brink of succeeding."

"Yes, you know it was just a close call." Powell interjected. 

"After all, you haven't succeeded yet. If you truly intend to try again, I firmly believe that no matter the cost, you won't survive this time. You're blaspheming against a deity!" Henry Powell exclaimed, raising his voice.

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Halting in his tracks, Victor scrutinized Powell. 

The disparity in their sizes was striking: Victor, a middle-aged man standing shy of 1.7 meters, and Powell, a towering 4-meter Mountain Dwarf. 

Yet, under Victor's gaze, it was Powell who seemed to cower.

"Powell, there are things that must be done," Victor began. 

"You are not a human. As a Mountain Dwarf, you were born with an expansive lifespan, a robust physique, and an innate legacy and wisdom. Humans, on the other hand, must learn bit by bit, ever ascending based on their talents and determination."

"Yet, there are those who wish to topple the very ladder they climb," he continued. 

"They refuse to let humanity glimpse the vastness of the world. My endeavors lay a path, ensuring a brighter future for all. This is the duty of a Sage."

Facing such a resolute Victor, Henry Powell felt a touch of helplessness. "I'm just worried about you getting into trouble again," he admitted.

"Don't be," Victor replied, shaking his head with an air of confidence that left Powell perplexed.

"Is it because of Ethan?" Powell inquired, genuine curiosity in his tone. "From what I see, even if he possesses an impressive Bloodline, how could he possibly aid you?"

"You make a mistake," Victor replied, shaking his head. "Ethan is quite the exception. Initially, I merely observed certain peculiarities about him, but he's increasingly defied my expectations. And upon my return this time, I've discerned something truly alarming in him."

A gravity overtook Victor's face. "What did you see?" Henry Powell pressed.

"In Ethan," Victor began carefully, "I sensed the presence of divine power. It's faint, but unmistakably there."

Hearing this, Powell was swift to refute. 

"That's impossible!" he exclaimed. "Victor, your age must be clouding your judgment! Divine power is a prerogative exclusive to deities. Before becoming a deity, it's absolutely impossible to possess it."

Yet, Victor remained unyielding, shaking his head. 

"Nothing is absolute," he countered. "Moreover, I brought you here to help forge a device, not to bicker with me."

With that, Victor turned away, leaving Henry Powell to his own reflections.

Not much time had passed before Ethan summoned him to the temporarily established council chamber. 

Accompanying him was Khosro, who was busy organizing a caravan. 

The meeting was concise, primarily focusing on the allocation of quests.

"Powell," Ethan began, "Your primary quest is to manufacture the device using Oksd's design. Whatever materials you need, consult with Victor and Khosro. They will facilitate it."

"Khosro," he continued, handing over some documents, "Here's information on several Dark Lord territories. Make the necessary contacts."

"As for you, Victor, you'll continue to oversee the affairs of our domain. Mia, focus on training the summoned monsters. Eluna, gather intel on the current actions of the Azure Empire..."

As directives flowed, the entire dominion sprang into motion. 

Time unfurled, and half a month later, the territory began to resemble the early formation of a city.

Just as Ethan was engrossed in an alchemy tome, a jubilant announcement broke his concentration. 

"Ethan, I have done it!" Dwarf Craftsman Powell's voice echoed.

The narrow doorway blocked his entrance, so Powell remained outside, calling out. 

As Ethan emerged, he found Powell brandishing a device reminiscent of a meat grinder.

"It's crafted using Oksd's heart and combined with some other materials," Powell explained, his voice brimming with excitement. "However, it still requires an engraving of a space magic circle atop it. Otherwise, the output will be too meager."

"So, could it operate now?" Ethan inquired.

"Indeed, it is," Powell responded with unshakable confidence.

Ethan promptly had some meat brought in and tossed it straight into the Oksd device. 

It took almost a ton of meat to produce just a single drop of Blood Source. 

The sheer consumption of resources was so staggering that even Ethan felt it hard to sustain. 

Moreover, the efficiency was disappointingly slow.

Henry Powell explained again, " "That's precisely why we need to inscribe the spatial magic circle. With it, we can introduce resources through multiple channels simultaneously. The capacity of the Oksd device is vast, so there's no need to worry about whether it can handle the conversion."

"Alright, I understand," Ethan nodded.

After Powell left, Ethan reached out to Oberlis, the only individual proficient in space magic he knew. 

Moments later, a space gate materialized.

Oberlis stepped through, querying, "Ethan, what do you need from me?"

"Oberlis, could you help with engraving a space magic circle? The reward is Blood Source," Ethan posed directly.

A realization dawned on Oberlis, "You have begun producing Blood Source?"

"More or less," Ethan affirmed with a nod.

Oberlis broke into a smile, "Consider it done."

With Oberlis' expertise, the space magic circle was swiftly completed. 

In essence, the Oksd device was no longer aptly named—it had been transformed into a factory. 

This new establishment was positioned in the southern section of the city's blueprint, adjacent to the warehouses and merchant guilds.

The factory consisted of ten vast feeding chambers, where monsters from the domain were designated to supply various meats. 

The production rate of Blood Source was heartening. When operating at full capacity, it could produce about a hundred drops of Blood Source every hour. 

However, the associated consumption was equally staggering. 

The meat reserves within the domain were rapidly depleting.

The task of procuring an ample meat supply now fell to Khosro. 

Meanwhile, Oberlis had accomplished the space magic circle engraving

And then he received his reward—a generous ten drops of Blood Source, which are to his great delight.

"Remember to call me next time," Oberlis remarked. 

With those words, he activated the space gate and departed.

Watching the space gate gradually vanish, Ethan couldn't help but marvel, "The space gate is truly a marvel of convenience. Moreover, mastering space magic allows one to infiltrate anywhere undetected. Especially in war, sending a space magus on a decapitation mission would be utterly indefensible."

Ethan's expression darkened.

If there ever came a day when he would have to battle the Azure Empire, he couldn't be certain that such tactics wouldn't be employed against him. 

This was a vulnerability that had to be addressed.

What slightly comforted Ethan was that, after delving into the "Guide to Spatial Esoteric Practice," he had garnered a rudimentary grasp of space magic, even managing to project tiny space blades with a flick of his fingers.

While this seemed trivial, it was merely the beginning.

However, plans always fall behind the unpredictability of events.

While Ethan was methodically developing and building his city, the royal family of the Azure Empire finally sensed something amiss. 

After dispatching spies for reconnaissance, the Empire's top echelon was immediately incensed.

"Eliminate him! The Dark Lord must be vanquished!"

"There already have one Devil Guild; we absolutely cannot tolerate the rise of a second!"

"Daring to establish a city is a direct challenge to the empire. We shall show no mercy!"

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