Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 242 240-Revolution

With the Illusion proving ineffective, Lana Mokos promptly discarded its use. 

In her grasp materialized two short blades. 

Charging toward Ethan, the blades danced and spun in her hands, emanating a captivating aura.

Ethan took no chances and braced himself for the confrontation. 

Their combat was swift and their might undeniable.

The spectacle quickly drew the attention of many, especially as the sky became the arena for their duel.

"That's Lady Lana Mokos!" someone exclaimed in astonishment.

Soon after, another voice inquired, "Who is the one clashing with Lana Mokos? To stand toe-to-toe with her and not falter, it's truly beyond belief."

In comparison to the enigmatic Lana Mokos, Ethan might be considered even more of a mystery. 

After all, only a select few were privy to Ethan's true identity. 

The vast majority only knew of the Dark Lord who occupied the Abandoned Temple, and news of his feud with Lana Mokos hadn't spread far.

"That must be the ruler of Dark Lord City," someone hypothesized, piecing together Ethan's identity.

At that moment, the clash between Ethan and Lana Mokos intensified. 

Ethan harbored no intentions of showing chivalrous restraint. 

Lana Mokos's strength made his blood boil with excitement. 

She was a rare adversary, deserving of utmost respect.

Thus, Ethan manifested his Dragon form.

The colossal silhouette of the Dragon nearly overshadowed the entire city. 

Bathed in sunlight, the metallic sheen of its scales glistened menacingly, sending shivers down the spine of onlookers. 

It was an overwhelming presence, an unmatched power that left many breathless.

The battling creatures of Dark Lord City and the soldiers of the Azure Empire halted in unison. 

They stood trembling, paralyzed by fear, finding it hard to breathe under the Dragon's oppressive aura. 

Especially arresting were Ethan's eyes—those luminescent green orbs seemed poised to consume the very souls of all who dared to meet their gaze.

"It's a Dragon!" someone cried out in terror.

The Dragon, an evergreen topic of legends. 

For any adventurer, slaying a Dragon would instantly bestow upon them a reputation of unmatched prowess. 

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Yet, in the face of a genuine Dragon, few held the courage to challenge.

Moreover, the Ethan of now was no longer a mere Golden Divine Dragon. 

Having undergone several evolutions and absorbed myriad powers, Ethan's Golden Dragon form had evolved into an enigmatic and unparalleled Dragon species. 

This elevated strength even managed to astound Lana Mokos.

"An unknown breed of Dragon!" she remarked.

"You truly are formidable," Lana Mokos declared. "If you surrender now, I might just make an exception and allow you to be my mount."

Despite Ethan revealing his Dragon's true form, she exhibited not a shred of fear. 

On the contrary, the spectacle ignited a fervor in her blood. It had been ages since she'd exerted her full strength.

Many believed Lana Mokos's greatest asset to be her wisdom, but her sheer power was enough to overshadow all.

"You are so fortunate to witness my most formidable state," Lana Mokos declared, causing Ethan to wonder. 

Could it be that Lana Mokos too possessed a unique bloodline?

Soon, the truth unfolded before his eyes.

A transformation overcame Lana Mokos. 

Pure holy light emanated from her, its rays healing severely wounded soldiers upon contact. 

However, for the myriad monsters of Dark Lord City, it was a devastating blow. 

Monsters obliterated under the holy light's touch, with not even a trace of their souls remaining. 

Such a phenomenon left Ethan utterly astonished, as he had never encountered such a situation before.

Then, as quickly as it had emerged, the holy light vanished, revealing a completely transformed Lana Mokos. 

Three pairs of immaculate wings spread wide from her back, her figure adorned in a pristine white gown, exuding an aura of sanctity that beckoned reverence.

"Angel?" The word involuntarily escaped Ethan's lips.

Lana Mokos looked somewhat taken aback. "You are familiar with Angels?"

Ethan found himself at a loss for words. 

He was merely acquainted with the term and was mostly ignorant of the Angel's true capabilities, given the sparse records about them. 

Only a single passage from Old John's notes shed light on the matter:

[Angels, believed to be the original messengers of the deity.

They are the favored ones of the world, endowed with an inexhaustible energy.]

Beyond that, there was little else, as if even mentioning Angels was blasphemous. 

Most crucially, after the fall of ancient kingdoms, no traces of the Angelic bloodline had been seen. 

Everyone believed such a bloodline had vanished from the world, yet today, it had resurfaced in Lana Mokos.

"Lady Lana Mokos actually possesses the Angel Bloodline, the bloodline of the deity!"

"Lady Lana Mokos is destined for victory!"

"Charge with me, let's capture Dark Lord City for Lady Mokos!"

The soldiers of the Azure Empire were immensely invigorated, their wounds healed under the holy light, their blood boiling in fervor. 

Fearless in the face of life and death, they launched a deadly charge against the monsters of Dark Lord City. 

Under such momentum, the monsters suffered heavy casualties.

"So, will you surrender now?" From the sky above, Lana Mokos inquired once more.

In response, Ethan unleashed a Holy Light Blast. 

Witnessing the oncoming blast, Lana Mokos offered no resistance, allowing the Holy Light Blast to envelop her. 

Moments later, she remained unscathed, floating in the air, a mocking smile playing on her lips.

"Has no one told you? An Angel is the ultimate master of holy light. No Power of Holy Light can harm an Angel," Lana Mokos remarked with a derisive laugh.

Ethan, in his Dragon form with piercing green eyes, retorted, "Is that so?"

A hint of alarm registered in Lana Mokos's eyes. 

The next moment, the holy light energies she had absorbed came alive, transforming into tethering ropes that bound her, leaving her immobile.

"This can't be!" Lana Mokos exclaimed in horror.

To an Angel, holy light was their core strength. How could she possibly lose control over it?

However, what Lana Mokos failed to realize was that Ethan wasn't as relaxed as he seemed on the surface. 

Inside, he was deeply stunned. 

Ever since he had grasped the Holy Light Language of Nature, his command over holy light had been impeccable. 

He had never encountered a situation like this, where the holy light within him sought to enter Lana Mokos's body.

"Truly a formidable Bloodline," Ethan expressed with genuine admiration.

As Ethan used the holy light to bind Lana Mokos, she suddenly closed her eyes, casting him into confusion. 

Had Lana Mokos given up her struggle? 

Yet the reality soon informed Ethan otherwise. "What is this...?"

With the holy light binding her, Lana Mokos shut her eyes. 

This wasn't a sign of surrender, but a manifestation of another potent ability inherent to Angels – Insight. 

This formidable auxiliary power enabled its possessor to instantaneously discern the essence of all things. 

It bore a semblance to the Eye of Alchemy wielded by Alchemists, and at times, it even surpassed its capabilities.

Now, Lana Mokos was astounded.

She witnessed innumerable streams of holy light and countless beings formed from it. 

These beings roamed an ethereal realm, each bearing a distinct symbol – a symbol that seemed to be the origin of holy light and its eventual culmination.

"What on earth is this?"

Such runes were unfamiliar to Lana Mokos. 

A mere symbol with the ability to command holy light astounded her. 

As she attempted to harness its power, the symbol quickly resonated with her, as if it was destined to be mastered by her.

"Language of Nature!" 

"It's the language that describes the world and the fundamental glyphs that construct all existence," Lana Mokos realized with clarity.

Opening her eyes once more, Lana Mokos gifted Ethan with a smile, gratitude radiating from her very being. 

"Ethan, I owe you my thanks. Without you, I could never have realized that such formidable power still exists in this world." She chuckled softly, and the Power of Holy Light from Ethan dissipated instantly.

Silently observing, Ethan discerned that Lana Mokos had indeed mastered the Holy Light Language of Nature. 

"This really backfired," he mused internally, albeit without any intent of conceding. 

The true battle had only just begun.

Both wielded the Holy Light Language of Nature, making them equals in terms of holy light power. 

Their contest would now be determined by other means. Ethan conjured Thunder, while Lana Mokos summoned the Power of Space.

The ensuing battle left both combatants with undeniable scars. 

Many of Ethan's dragon scales fractured, plummeting from the sky. 

Lana Mokos fared no better. 

Her garments were torn asunder by the Thunder, revealing vast expanses of her alabaster skin. 

She quickly shielded herself with the power of holy light, her ire towards Ethan mounting.

Meanwhile, on the side of the Azure Empire, a conversation unfolded:

"We cannot continue like this; we must aid Lady Lana Mokos," declared the deputy commander.

"But how can we assist her?" came the inquiry.

"We should use the Beast Crossbow!"

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