Eat The World Tree

Chapter 100: Midterms (3)

Chapter 100: Midterms (3)

Flashes lit up inside the arena.

-Click! Click!

Kim Hyungjun frowned at the bursts of light but soon let out a sneer, recalling the scene he just witnessed.

Lee Shiheon.

The prodigy of the field, drawing attention from the union.

What exactly is he?

A follower of the World Tree and an official in the Forester Selection Competition, Kim Hyungjun had attended this event half out of curiosity.

The thought was that those who stood out would advance to the main competition, so watching the most mysterious match seemed more beneficial.


The match was on a completely different level than expected.

Kim Hyungjun stroked his chin, pondering.

Was there any flaw in the masked man he just saw?

Nothing lacking.

Density of magic, precision. The variety of magic unleashed in a short time.

Although he took a few hits from the gun, it seemed more like testing its power.

Then, quickly seizing the victory, closing the distance, and using magic to neutralize the gun at the last moment was a skill even he admired.

Guseul, was it? Never heard of her Shes no ordinary player. Way above the average.

The match might have ended somewhat anticlimactically, but it was a different story for the experts.

Shes a dangerous one.

A seasoned hunter.

An appearance one wouldnt have without years on the front lines, and yet, it was evident in a mere student.

Others might see her as a mere girl who acknowledged defeat and surrendered. But realizing ones defeat in that situation was actually very difficult.

Her surrender wasnt a random decision born of powerlessness and despair.

It was a calculated and anticipated concession.

The timing made it clear.

When she first aimed the gun and realized it wasnt working properly.

Guseul hesitated to reach into her pocket, presumably with countless tactics prepared for this match. In fact, there were numerous magical reactions inside it.

But in that short moment, she assessed that none would work against the overwhelming punch coming her way.

Daydreams are one thing. But this wasnt just that.

It was rare for any fighter to maintain composure in the worst situations.

Despite knowing that such a person shouldnt exist in the academy, this time, he wanted to concede the impossibility.

Talented individuals recognize talent in others.

That was precisely the situation now.

The question is why such a skillful woman is unknown.

From one to ten, everything about her was questionable.

The characteristic of firing magic-infused bullets was almost unprecedented, and he would have known if it existed.

The same goes for Lee Shiheon.

A blank slate with no history.

Both of them are a mess. A couple, maybe?

Lee Shiheon, rumored to be handsome behind the mask, and Guseul, equally attractive. Such talents often end up causing a stir with marriage announcements.

He hoped they would use their talents for better things.

-Why are you hitting me?

-Because I want to.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

-Then Ill hit you too. Hey, dont run!

Kim Hyungjun sighed, watching Shiheon and Guseul bickering.

Despite everything, they were undoubtedly exceptional talents.

If asked who was more outstanding, hed focus more on Guseul for now.

Lee Shiheon was also impressive, but despite the outcome, Guseuls expertise was astonishing.

Opinions might change after watching another match, but thats a story for another time.

Kim Hyungjun chuckled as he looked around the noisy surroundings.

The sight of guild members urgently making calls and the shocked instructors and religious administrators were amusing.

Guseul and Lee Shiheon would likely be bothered by guild invitations for a while.

What a mess. Now, which match to watch next

He took out his smartphone, swiped through the screen, and smiled joyfully as he read the matchups.

[Lee Shiheon H]

[Jung Siwoo G]

This is it.

Lee Shiheon, Jung Siwoo.

If things continued this way, the two of them would advance to the finals and face each other.

Feeling his body heat up, he stood up.

The yet-to-be-announced match lineup for the finals seemed to faintly reflect in his pupils, potentially causing significant repercussions.


The door to the athletes waiting room opened. Slow, dragging footsteps extended down the hallway and then stopped abruptly.

Dressed in casual clothes, my body felt as if it had never been hit, without a trace of fatigue.

Im always amazed at how resilient my body is.

World Tree of Healing I wonder how its doing.

Suddenly, I remembered the face of the tree that had assaulted me once. Now, I feel like I could let it slide with just a punch. The harsh training I had endured was possible thanks to the power I stole from the World Tree of Healing.

But the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Guseul, that crazy woman.

She declared surrender after completely overwhelming me.

Of course, I gave her a good beating right then and there, but no matter how much I hit her, it didnt ease my frustration.

How embarrassing.

I wondered what Baekdo would say if she heard about it.

-Kuk, Khahaha! Hahahaha!! Isnt that just pathetic?

I could picture Baekdo laughing uproariously, not bothering to cover her mouth.

Ah, it made me so angry.

I should go back to the dorm and punch her. Id probably get beaten up in return, but its worth it.

You worked hard!

As I walked a bit further, Jin Dallae, who had come down from the spectator seats above, waved her hand cheerfully and came down to me.

She handed me the ion drink she was holding, and I gratefully accepted it.


Hehe. But you were really, really cool today. Youre nothing like when I first saw you.

Her exaggerated gestures were quite cute.

Her hesitant steps and the way her pink hair swayed with her movements

I was glad she looked happy. Seeing her slightly blushing face, it seemed her worries had lessened.

How did you do?

Of course, I won. I have to rebuild the company thats fallen apart, right? How could I afford to lose here?

Thats true. Glad to hear its going well.

What are you talking about? Youre the one doing the best. I was relieved to see that Ive improved a lot too but there are still stronger people out there.

I felt a bit awkward, given that I had just been beaten up. I changed the subject to Guseul.

But does Guseul usually use a gun?

Ah, that. To be honest, Im not sure myself. I knew she could use swords and bows, but

I thought she would know her well since theyd met occasionally since their military academy days, but it seems not.

Is it even possible to use a gun like that?

Its possible, but I dont know.

I could mix magic with it, too. The bullet size was small, so it was complicated, but any magic that used something as a medium could be done with enough time.

But it was clear she had some special trait to increase its power that much.

Thats not the issue, though.

In any case, it was a fight I won.

Dwelling on unknowns only brings stress and frustration.

I should go in and train a bit more.

Im also busy with preparations.

Alright, see you tomorrow.

After finishing the conversation casually, I walked a bit toward the dormitory and then drank the ion drink I had received.

It seemed Jin Dallae had used magic on it, as the drink was cool with floating ice chips.


I downed it in one shot and threw the can into the trash. The can bounced once before landing neatly inside.


The past match was in the past.

Now, yes, its time to be a bit more serious.

Before training, I headed to the cafeteria for dinner and spotted a familiar face in a corner.

Isnt that Shiheon?

Jung Siwoo. I was frozen in surprise by this unexpected encounter, but he smiled and started the conversation.

Here for dinner?


Sit here. I just ordered; lets eat together.

I was planning to eat quickly and leave, maybe because the dormitory was close by. I sat down and ordered my portion of the meal.

Fancy meeting you here. How did your exams go?

The written and practical exams went well, but the tournament is the real issue.

The results of the written and practical exams depend on the professors whims and biases, so Id have to wait and see. The real concern was formidable opponents in the finals, like the guy in front of me now.

Yeah. Youre overflowing with talent. Youll probably climb the ranks this time.

Youre deceiving me again.

I dismissed his habitual flattery as a joke. Leaning on my elbow, I glanced at Siwoos slightly stiff face and broached a subject.

We might meet in the first round of the finals, right?


Siwoo seemed genuinely surprised. He looked like he had just charged forward without knowing about the tournament matchups.

Why did he work so hard? I understood that I was in a life-threatening situation, but Siwoo willingly walked into danger, passionately honing his skills.

You look really tired.

Do I?

I glanced at him; it seemed like dark circles had formed under his eyes. Yet, he was as alert as a candle burning out.

Take it easy.

Its not my place to say, but it was sincere advice. Siwoo smiled bitterly at my words and shook his head.

Im still okay.

Why? Afraid of losing the top spot? You said you can train for a few hours even if you dont clear the quest.

Its not that its a bit difficult to talk about.

Then lets drop it.

If he didnt want to talk, I was not interested in prying. Everyone had their reasons. I focused on my soup that had just arrived, feeling the subtle glances from around the room now that I had revealed my face.


Jung Siwoo looked up at the ceiling lights as if gazing at a distant mountain, then seemed to make up his mind to speak.

I dont know where to start.

I wasnt planning to listen.

As I lazily watched Siwoo, he seemed lost in thought with a vacant expression. It reminded me of an expression I might have worn a long time ago, having forgotten something significant.

Its nothing big, really. I I have a younger sibling I lost touch with when I was young.

I listened to his low confession without any interruption.

That kid means more to me than my life. I just want to find my sibling, thats all.

Is that so? Winning this time gives you a hint or something?

You know well

I had a vague idea that there must be something going on.

Looking for a lost family. The more I think about it, the more it sounded like a drama protagonists story. Not to make fun of it but it just showed how much of a good and impressive character Jung Siwoo was.

A hard worker with a noble goal, devoid of malice.

Such a person was rare in any worldline, refusing any form of corruption along the way.

Typically, those who were overly cheerful tended to hide their motives, but this guy was so honest it made me wonder if he was just nave. And thats why I grew fond of him.

He tried not to wallow in self-pity.

The more I saw, the more our differences stood out. Of course, these were mere differences, not enough to hide his admirable qualities, so it wasnt unpleasant.

Was that all there was to it in this world? Just that?

Suddenly, I wondered. If Jung Siwoo was the protagonist of a drama, where would I fit in? A minor villain? A mid-level boss? The mastermind?

Thats actually interesting.

If I failed, I was likely to die,

While someone else might miss a lifetime opportunity.

We were both entangled in the whims of fate, whether it was me or Jung Siwoo.

And I didnt know. Maybe this, too, was a trick of the World Tree.

Everything in the world might be decided by the World Tree. Its like a bold sentence written on a games release, a thought that came to me and made me laugh silently as I looked at Siwoo.

Ah. I mean dont think Im asking you to forfeit or anything. You know that, right?

Siwoos face, adding hurriedly, was steeped in embarrassment, realizing he had said too much.

Dont count your chickens before they hatch.

I, too, had a lot at stake.

But knowing that, I feel a bit relieved.

What is?

Its nothing.

Now I think I understand why he trained so hard that he ended up in the hospital.

And thanks to that, I was able to fight with all my might.

Want to have a drink of soju?

As I looked at the menu and asked, Siwoo pondered for a while before showing a twisted smile.

Sure, why not.

So that neither of us would hold a grudge, no matter who lost.

And so that this time, we could truly show everything weve got.

We shared a drink that day.

It was a light drink, shared among academy students who had met this year, with no special meaning mixed in, not a single drop.

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