Eat The World Tree

Chapter 70: Half-Bone

Chapter 70: Half-Bone

While pouring oil into the frying pan, I suppressed the doubt that kept coming to my mind. I really suspected something, but without evidence, what could I do? I’d have to accept it if a passing succubus tree ate me.

Regardless of the deepening suspicion, the dish was quickly ready.

I added the shrimp and seasoned it with a little dashi, pepper, and salt and served the shrimp fried rice. Then, I asked Baekdo once again,

“Master, you really didn’t attack me, right?”

“Stop with that disgusting talk unless you want to get hit… The fried rice looks delicious.”

“Oh, please enjoy.”

Baekdo shot me a look, then happily dug into the fried rice. Her actions didn’t seem like those of someone who had been intimate with another person.

“It’s good to have lots of shrimp.”

I stared blankly at Baekdo and soon laughed softly, seeing her enjoy the food.

‘Do I need to know who it is?’

In any way, she saved my life. If she didn’t wish to reveal it, respecting her choice was the polite thing to do, right?

However, thinking about how we shared intimacy and then whoever she was gorging on peaches the night before was a bit bothersome.

“Why are you laughing?”

Lost in thought, the corners of my mouth rose in a smile. Baekdo asked, looking at me as if I was crazy,

“You look beautiful eating so heartily.”

“You must be out of your mind.”

“Usually, they’d call that ‘bullshit’.”

“Shut up.”

The identity of the person who attacked me at dawn… Even if I didn’t know now, I believe I would find out in the future.

If we were together, it was bound to come out someday.

Byeol is Dancing: Did you get in well?? >_< Did you hear from Seyeong?

Byeol is Dancing: You’re not still holding onto that past incident, are you? ㅜㅜ I’m really okay.

Byeol is Dancing: Huh???

Byeol is Dancing: …Is this also a joke to you?

Me: I’m fineㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Me: Let’s play a game when we have time.

Byeol is Dancing: ♥♥

Byeol is Dancing: (Emoticon of Byeol with hearts)

Byeol is Dancing: (Emoticon of Byeol with hearts)

Byeol is Dancing: (Emoticon of Byeol with hearts)

Strangely, I felt proud yet wanted to take care of her.

“Who are you chatting with? Girlfriend?”

“Just someone I know.”

“Oh, chatting and laughing so happily with just ‘someone you know’?”

Sitting in the classroom, exchanging chats with Byeol, Guseul leaned in to peek at my phone. I tilted the screen so she couldn’t see, making her raise an eyebrow.

“It totally seems like a girlfriend…”

“I wish.”

“Can you introduce me?”

I doubt she could have a proper relationship even if I introduced her.

I subtly shook my head in refusal. Guseul sat down, played with her phone for a bit, and then looked at me again.

“Speaking of which, you said you’re being targeted?”

She asked in a casual tone. It was an out-of-context question.

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“What are you talking about?”

Pretending not to know, Guseul gave me a sidelong glance.

“It’s the recent rumor going around, didn’t you know? It’s mentioned several times on Every Day.”

I soon realized it after pondering her words for a moment.

Given the incidents over a few weeks, such rumors would be expected, especially after the incident with the Jinmok Group. A previously unknown person rose to fame, and others were bound to get jealous. Receiving slander was common, and baseless facts frequently circulated. This time, it was as if a cow had stepped back and caught a mouse.

Since being targeted was true, I said nothing. Honestly, I also didn’t know how it came to this.

Full of curiosity, Guseul whispered,

“But what will you do… if someone really is targeting you?”

I lifted my gaze from the phone to look at her. Deep in thought, her eyes seemed distant, not focusing on me. I always thought she was hiding something, but to bring it up so directly?

I considered this as another hint and replied sincerely,

“If someone is targeting me? Well…”

I smirked intentionally,

“I’d tell Master.”

“Hehehe, not cool at all.”

It was half-joking, half-serious.

Either way, I had no intention of staying idle. After the recent kidnapping incident, it took quite an effort to regain my sanity.

Now that I had managed to reach my Master, I needed to hone my skills.

Buzz buzz.

Just then, Lee Seyeong entered, yawning with a tired face.

Upon seeing me, she subtly furrowed her brow and tapped her choker a few times, signaling she needed a refresh.

“Ah… Did everyone have a good Arbor Day? You didn’t do anything strange, right?”

After sharing a few announcements, Seyeong stealthily approached me.

“By the way, Lee Shiheon, come out.”

Tap tap. She tapped my shoulder.

Considering what happened over the Arbor Day weekend, what had transpired within the academy? As I stepped out of the classroom, Seyeong, who had shared a few pieces of information in the classroom, followed.


As the door closed, Seyeong’s face, which she was trying hard to keep bright, began to show signs of fatigue.

“Ugh… So tiring, really, because of someone.”

“You tired?”

“I keep going, looking at you.”

Thwack thwack!

She playfully hit my back. Then, her face turned stern. Placing her hand on my shoulder, she whispered into my ear,

“The situation is getting a bit serious now.”


“It seems your name has been passed around among the World Trees a few times. You know what that means, right?”

Given that my name was already being mentioned among the students, it wasn’t surprising it would be among the World Trees. Since the World Trees were the reason for my coming to this world, it was obvious they’d know about me.

Rather, their reaction was late. Considering that Flower had already approached me once, it was too late.

The important question was whether these World Trees perceived me as an enemy. After seeing the World Tree of Purity, I decided not all World Trees were against me.

So, was it persuasion?

“Do I have to go somewhere again?”

If the World Trees mentioned me, the tree people would definitely prioritize this issue. I had a fleeting thought that I might be interrogated.

“You’re spot on.”

Seyeong brushed my hair. I observed her expression – a complex mix of pride in me and bitterness.

I had just completed a sub-quest yesterday. A wry smile surfaced on my lips.

Principal’s office.

Sitting on a sofa at the center of the room, Angelica looked bored at the semi-transparent screen in front of her.


The surveillance magic circle in the corridor showed Lee Shiheon approaching.

‘Targeted by the World Tree, and more so by Flower…’

Angelica blinked her sleepy eyes, pondering.

In fact, being targeted by the World Tree as a potential spouse wasn’t all that strange.

The spouse of the World Tree was a means to restore its power. Historically, potential spouses often faced danger or were even assassinated.


‘Still, there’s something unique about Lee Shiheon…’

Shiheon was the only one Flower attempted to persuade to join them. Given the severity of the threat he posed, she even received a mandate to kill him if she couldn’t win him over. Interestingly, the World Tree of Justice gave her a similar mandate.

‘What makes this man so special?’

Regardless of how much she thought, Angelica wasn’t too intrigued.

She wasn’t someone to pay attention to people she didn’t take an immediate liking to.

From the first video she saw of him, she didn’t perceive any exceptional aura from Lee Shiheon.

Meeting someone uninteresting was always tedious. She wouldn’t have had any direct dealings with him if not for the mandate.

With these thoughts, Angelica clapped her hands.


The door opened.

“Come in.”

Entering the principal’s office, Lee Shiheon, trying to show respect, removed his mask and scanned the surroundings.

“Sit here. We have much to discuss.”

Following Angelica’s guidance, Shiheon sat opposite her on the sofa.

“Lee Shiheon?”


At Angelica’s solemn voice, he calmly replied.

“Let’s speak freely here. Everything remains confidential within these walls. You’re aware, right?”

Shiheon nodded slightly. While he didn’t seem to fully trust her words, they were indeed true.

This principal’s office on the top floor of the main building ensured utmost secrecy.

Conversations held here could not, and should not, leak out. Anyone allowing such a leak would be deemed a traitor to the World Tree.

“I understand.”

However, he knew there was always an exception with the World Tree.

There, Angelica sighed deeply.


She couldn’t see any light in him. Unlike the luminaries who had shaped the world, Shiheon lacked a certain radiance.

Why try to win over such a man?

Thinking, Angelica finally posed her question.

“First, let’s confirm. You’re the one who contributed to the subjugation of Flower and resolved the dungeon rampage?”

“That’s right.”

“And you’re aware you’re being targeted by Flower?”


His straightforward answers were somewhat appealing. Angelica finally addressed the main issue.

“Do you realize what this means to the Tree People Church?”

Shiheon looked into Angelica’s eyes, which were filled with arrogance and confidence. Her patronizing gaze was irritating. Religious zealots, especially, were hard to deal with. With such irreverent thoughts, Shiheon opened his mouth.

“To Flower, I’m seen as a beneficial or harmful entity. To the World Trees as well, I’d be perceived the same way.”

A precise answer.

Angelica nodded in agreement.

“There was a mandate. To keep a close eye on you.”

Lee Shiheon was an eyesore to the eyes of the world.

To watch closely.

From that, Shiheon could infer one thing. The spiteful World Tree, which unconditionally wished for his death, had no association with the Tree People Church, which revered the Five Great World Trees. This meant the spiteful World Tree likely formed a distinct faction.

“I see.”

“Yes, hence, there are certain confirmations I wish to obtain from you.”

Shiheon calmly considered the choices he would have to make.

“…Are you asking me to prove it?”

In her usual manner, Angelica nodded as if beckoning him to explain further.

After pondering for a while, Shiheon reluctantly spoke.

“How can I prove a future that even the World Tree itself doesn’t know?”

Angelica raised an eyebrow slightly.

“It’s impossible.”

No one could predict even tomorrow’s fate, let alone determine if one would harm the World Tree. Not a trace of deceit could be detected in Shiheon’s words.

And no one knew this better than Angelica herself.

‘…He does have guts.’

Angelica, the emissary of the World Tree of Justice, with her keen blue eyes, could see right through Shiheon’s essence.

“That sounds like I could be harmful to the World Tree.”

A palpable tension hung in the air at Angelica’s cold statement, causing Shiheon’s lips to tremble slightly.

“I mean that I can’t provide a definitive answer. Perhaps the World Tree will decide my future?”

Standing before the emissary was precarious. Proving one’s righteousness in a place where gods exist was more challenging than any other problem.

“And that means?”

“I believe if I receive the World Tree’s grace, I will never oppose it.”

It was a bold statement that might be perceived as irreverent. For the first time, Angelica felt a spark of interest towards him.

“Do you believe you’re worthy of the World Tree’s grace?”

Internally, Shiheon thought,

‘She’s damn demanding.’

Yet he did not let this show in his voice.

“Do you think the World Tree of Justice would not bestow even a small favor upon me?”

“Evildoers are not granted such grace.”

“That, too, would be decided by the World Tree, I presume.”

Sly as a snake. He skillfully navigated between blasphemy and devotion.

Especially when facing her, the emissary. At that moment, Angelica began to understand a fraction of his nature.

“…Alright, the World Tree will decide.”

At her acknowledgment, a sigh of relief almost escaped from Shiheon’s lips.

Mumbling under her breath, Angelica thought,

‘He’s eloquent.’

And that made him dangerous. A typical double-edged sword.

Whether or not he would be a helpful asset was still unclear, but he was undoubtedly a risky individual.

But he couldn’t be simply dealt with based on this danger. As per his words, the World Tree’s judgment would ultimately decide his fate.

‘Perhaps I should keep an eye on him for now.’

Feeling a tinge of interest, Angelica scanned Shiheon’s face, breaking free from her earlier expression of boredom.

“Fine, you can go. I apologize for the abrupt questioning. In return, I’ll make sure you’re generously rewarded for resolving this incident.”

“Thank you.”

With a slight bow, Shiheon touched his chest in respect and exited the principal’s office. As Angelica watched him leave, a hint of a smile played on her lips.

Indeed… there wasn’t a flaw in his words.

Shiheon was unpredictable.

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