Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 130 Two-Faced Monkey Gangs

After they discussed the missions together, they decided to pack their things and head to The Guild, which would be preparing the transportation for them. Fortunately, The Guild would provide transportation, or else they would be stuck at the Demon Continent as their target destination was very far from the Demon Continent.

Neither Samiel nor Yvraine had any means of getting to that Monkey Island, as Samiel started calling it. Ironically though, the unofficial name of the island, which lacked an official name aside from the formal coordinates, was nicknamed Two-Faced Monkey Realm Island because the Two-Faced Monkeys have been living there since immemorial.

Samiel would be using his Undeads to the maximum in this mission and because the Imp Tribe has completely retreated from the island for the times being until the path was cleared for them, he could use his abilities to their fullest potential.

Normally, he wouldn't be, because he was wanted that the Demon Tribes as the servants of Daemons, were one of the mortal enemies of the Hall of Kadath, and even though he was powerful and had even Undead Army on his side, the number of Demonkins was immeasurable.

Because of that, Samiel was extra careful in the presence of Demons, especially those of a higher social status. The Demon Tribes were often clashing with the Hall of Kadath, and the odds were... in many cases equal.

Even though the Hall of Kadath had overwhelming quality, if there is by any miracle a consensus between the Demon Tribes on something, then they could match that quality through the sheer numbers of quantity, as by prediction of many of the 13 Gates, overall the Demon Tribes had the most number of Legendaries on the Material Plane.

Certainly, this is under the exclusion of anomalies such as the Mind Flyers, Insects and Orks, as the three scourges of the Cosmos were categories on their own and, in many aspects, outclassed even the Demons. Fortunately, they were never united on anything because if they were, then the Material Plane would have been long devoured or destroyed by one of those three.

Mind Flyer Fleets were antagonistic against each other, and while they rarely fought wars on one another, they never, never worked as one. Mostly because they were too arrogant to consider even such a thing, and most of them thought working together was a weakness.

Insects were complicated, but they were very similar to the Mind Flyers and Orks were savage brutes that spent all of their existence waging war on each other. Though they did it for entirely different reasons altogether compared to the first two cases.

"Everything ready?"

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I asked Yvraine as she packed her things, and we locked our joint room within the Inn and went towards the Branch of The Guild that was in the Goldtooth Fortress City. Today, the entire city seemed busier than ever because the war had erupted and everyone was in a cheerful mood.

I could even see that some merchants were promoting their stuff by giving nice discounts on their merchandise, especially the ones related to war, such as supplies, weapons, and other useful things. I made a mental note to check up on the merchant district when I returned back and make use of the Demonic bloodthirsty nature.

We soon arrived at the Branch of The Guild, where a new receptionist was already waiting for us, this time, it was no member of the Blood Races, but surprisingly it was an Ork. The Ork spoke very well in the Cosmos Common Language as he navigated them to the small room, which was inscribed with countless runes and symbols.

Samiel recognized this as the teleportation room with pre-arranged teleportation circle. Through this, The Guild could instantaneously send them anywhere on the territory of the Demon Tribes. That was because, technically speaking, The Guild was neutral in conflicts, so even though they accepted the mission from factions that were participating in the conflict, there were certain rules to be upheld.

The first one was the fact that they couldn't take missions from both sides, but only from one, that was to prevent unnecessary conflict between the Mercenaries of The Guild if there was a situation where they would be fighting against each other.

And due to that rule, they could use the teleportation method only on the territories that were under the control of the faction from whom they were taking the mission. Basically, The Guild could teleport them only to the Demon-held territory.

As they entered the teleportation room, all of the runes and inscriptions lit up and started activating as; within several seconds, only a flash sound was heard, and they were teleported out of the teleportation room straight to Monkey Island.


Outskirts of the Two-Faced Monkey Island, in between the Human Continent and Demon Continent, 8th Floor of the Tower.

In the flash of light, two figures appeared on the lone Island somewhere in the archipelago of the countless islands that were in between two Continents. None of those places were calm, as war raged on many of them, where the human defenders fought valiantly against their demon attackers.

One of them was a tall man who was wearing a long leather coat with black armor underneath the leather coat. His face was covered by a red bandana, and he was wearing a triangular hat on the top of his head. Overall he was giving out creepy vibes, coupled with his aura, that made anyone near him uncomfortable it was no wonder.

As soon as Samiel was teleported, he was spotted by a small group of Two-Faced Monkeys, who immediately escaped when they sensed his Eldritch aura, which was getting stronger and stronger, especially since his racial evolution.

The Two-Faced Monkey looked rather ordinary, but it had two faces, one in the front and one on the back of the head. This gave them very high sensory capabilities, as they had 360 point of view of their surroundings.

Each Two-Faced Monkey was around 1 meter tall; they were not particularly big or large, but rather an average size. Not to mention, they were somehow cute when one observed these creatures from a distance interacting with each other, but in reality, they were ruthless and brutal predators, especially since they were carnivorous.

After Samiel looked around, he woke up his Familiar, who, when seeing the little Monkey started salivating because they looked especially tasty for the Nefertari, as she immediately flew out from Samiel's shoulders and went hunting the smallest of the Two-Faced Monkey.

Meanwhile, Yvraine regained her balance, as being forcefully teleported was not the best experienced, or being teleported when one was not in the control of the teleportation always was weird and sometimes came with unsavory side effects.

"So, where to go now?"

Yvraine asked when they had already scouted their surroundings, judging that they were in some sort of safe zone, as there was no presence of the Two-Faced Monkeys after the small group escaped when they sensed Samiel's Eldritch Aura.

"We need to go to the northern parts of the island. Right now, according to the information, we are on the southernmost part of the island, which is controlled somehow controlled by the Imp Tribe. Even though those annoying little flying bastards have retreated, they left here some wards which marked the teleportation area. The mission I took dictates basically two objectives. One of them is to secure the clear line towards the trenches that are separating the fortress of the Human Brotherhood from the rest of the island, and the second objective is to clear those trenches."

Samiel explained the objectives of the mission he took from The Guild. That was also the reason why he ordered Yvraine to look for some extermination mission related to this island and the Two-Faced Monkey species, as that was two kills in one hit.

He knew that the Two-Faced Monkeys were extremely territorial and they never left their territories, so the only ones he needed to exterminate were those who had their territories on the path marked by the Imp Tribe as important for them.

Still, he predicted that it would be thousands of Two-Faced Monkeys because they were breeding faster than rats and were extremely numerous. Aside from that, in each monkey gang, he needed to kill their boss, or else they would be able to reorganize somehow.

If he killed the boss of the gang together with the gang, then the boss won't be able to create a fight with the new gang in hopes of taking over as the boss. Even if those territories remained empty and without a "ruler", it would be a relatively long time before the other monkey gangs realized that their neighbors had perished.

"Okey, we need to start working on eradicating the gangs."

Samiel stated happily as he looked in the direction of the forest, while Yvraine tilted her head in confusion, mainly because of why he was calling the colonies of the Two-Faced Monkeys gangs.

"Why are you calling them gangs? It sounds like criminal organizations."

In response to that, Samiel laughed a little bit, as it reminded him of a television documentary series he had watched on Earth about a group of monkeys. It was about some ape species that worked on a similar mindset like the Two-Faced Monkeys.

"When I was still living in my homeworlds, I watched a documentary about one particular species of monkeys that behaved like gangs. They usually grouped together and then, they preyed on the weak and feared the strong, exactly like the Two-Faced Monkey here."

Samiel answered as they entered the forest, his familiar nowhere to be seen, probably still engaged in hunting, as Samiel let her have her fun. If something serious came, he could always contact her through their bond, which they shared together.

They were crossing the dense forests of the island, and he had to admit that it was becoming increasingly annoying to him. The first thing to be noted was that this place was a tropical island and that it was relatively hot here, something he didn't appreciate.

Still, he was able to use the Level 3 Ultimate Ability Winter Ruler to cool himself down; if not for the Winter Ruler, he would have already gone mad from the enviroment, as he really hated hot places like this. Yet, the hot weather was not the biggest problem he was facing at the moment; far from it, the biggest problem was something countless times smaller and infinitely more times annoying.

But the most annoying things were the mosquitoes and bugs that were all around the place. They were everywhere, and even though some of them were just Level 1 Iron-Tier, it didn't make it any less irritating as they were swarming around them and constantly trying to suck their blood.

Along the way, there were thousands of frozen mosquitoes, insets and other bugs that were near them, as Samiel was automatically freezing them to death the moment they approached a certain distance.

"Be ready; we should be near the first territory of the nearest colony of the Two-Faced Monkey group."

Samiel warned Yvraine because they were approaching the first territory of the Two-Faced Monkeys. The Monkeys were divided into groups, and each group controlled some piece of land; of course, their territories had something akin to neutral land between each other.

That was the place where they fought against each other, actually, so they didn't destroy their own territories, which was pretty smart if Samiel had to compliment them. Normally the magical beasts weren't this smart, but the Two-Faced Monkey were, so that only increased their danger rate in his eyes.

He didn't summon his Undeads yet, because that could potentially scare away the Two-Faced Monkeys and they would run away because in their core, their entire species were cowards. They dared only fight those who were weaker than them, and immediately once they encountered a stronger enemy, whom they couldn't bring down with sheer numbers, they would escape faster than you can spell word escape.

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