Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 139 City Of Torlen And Looting

Human Continent, Eastern Area of the Human Continent, Fortress of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, 3 Days Later.

After journeying to the archipelago, they soon arrived at the Human Continent's frontlines, as Samiel observed the fortifications of the Demon Tribes. He had to admit that they were quite spectacular for the species that knew nothing other than destroying things.

Naturally, suppose there was one thing that the demons were good at. In that case, it was waging war and many of them dedicated themselves to learning all aspects of war, which of course, also included building fortifications like this. While Samiel had some knowledge about the art itself, he had to admit that the thing that the demons had built there was spectacular.

It was an easily defendable fortress with little to no weak spots in the entire construction, meaning it would be effortlessly defensible. Demons were very well prepared for the eventuality of a possible attack on their fortress; thus, they built it in a way that would be easily defendable.

He was wearing his hat and bandana as he took a great liking to the hunter-like outfit. Mainly because he looked pretty cool in it... some of his vanity from the times he was still on Earth was speaking in full force with this.

Together with him, Yvraine and Dharzug were looking wary of the Demons because they were species that could not be trusted; while the Demonkin were not the crafty bastards on the level of the Devils, they were still dangerous and one needed to watch their back around them. Yet, after they arrived at one of the ports, they were quickly escorted to the Commander of the fortress for the briefing because this place was closest to their destination, which was the City of Torlen.

Samiel saw that the place was well-guarded as the entire garrison could be more than fifteen thousand Demons from the various Demon Tribes and Lineages, which was undoubtedly a lot. This signified that this precise fortress was one of the most important ones and, in the future, would serve as a place from which they would continue the invasion of the rest of the Human Continent's territories.

After they arrived at the office of the Commander, Samiel was surprised to see there the Golden-Horned Demon, and of course, he recognized the demon as the Kisrith, who acted as the representative of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe on the 8th Floor and was 7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

Even though Kisrith was only a Gold-Tier, not even the peak, but most likely someone who advanced not that far ago, he was already entrusted with such tasks, meaning that he was one of the favorites of the Patriarch and a strong contender for the position. If not for that, he would never be sent here to play a commander of the demon army.

Samiel knew that for the Demon Tribes, what was happening on the 8th Floor was just a means of getting merits in the eyes of the Elders of the Tribes, as the various members of the younger generation were competing against each other for merits and glory.

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It was somehow ironic, the cold cruelty of the Cosmos, while one side was fighting for its very own existence and preservance, for another one, everything for the game that could be ended anytime they got bored out of it.

He then scanned the 7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Tribe from tips to toes, before he took the seat already prepared for him, with Yvraine and Dharzug following after him. 7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe Kisrith looked very much like other members of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe with tanned brown skin, one pair of golden horns upon his head and golden eyes.

From the outer perspective, one could say that he was very handsome by the standards of beauty of humanoid races. Of course, the 7th Prince Kisrith had that air of arrogance around him that was undeniable for someone of his position as he was looking down at everything.

Nobody said anything, not even the 7th Prince bothered, as he only passed some documents to Samiel, which he read through quickly together with Yvraine, because Dharzug didn't bother to read anything. Though Samiel wondered if the ork even knew how to read, because most of their kind was illiterate.

"Is everything clear, mercenary?"

7th Prince Kisrith, as he saw that Samiel finished reading the document about the mission, to which Samiel nodded his head in agreement before standing up as they left the room.


After Samiel departed with Yvraine and Dharzug from the fortress, he finally relaxed a little because for the entire period of time, they had been staying in the fortress of the Demon Tribes was making him feel very, very uncomfortable.

The Demon Tribes were essentially his enemies, so he wasn't that thrilled staying in the middle of their fortress, not to mention, he was a bit tempted to dispose of the 7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Tribe, but unfortunately, he lacked the strength to do that... but if he lacked the personal strength for that, he could use the borrowed one.

Because it would be very unfortunate if somehow, during the attack on the City of Torlen, the information about the location of the 7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Tribe was leaked to the members of the Human Brotherhood and, thus, possibly to the Assassins of the Avalon Kingdom.

In the desperate state that the Human Brotherhood was, he was sure that they would send some suicide squad to kill the 7th Prince Kisrith, which would achieve nothing about the state of war, but for Samiel, it would be a grand achievement. All of those who bore the Lineage of the Emperor Bael was guaranteed to reach the Legendary Level if they trained a bit and had some resources at their disposal.

And those who were the descendants of the main line of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe always became powerful Legendaries, so Samiel would be killing one before he could reach that level with a borrowed knife.

"Okey... so right now, we are heading towards the City of Torlen. The documents that the Demon Prince gave me basically confirmed the suspicion of The Guild, and the Human Brotherhood is sending an army of 50,000 to be stationed in the Torlen because only now did they realize that one of their most important cities is extremely close to the territory controlled by the Demon Tribes."

Samiel summarized the content of the documents that the 7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe passed him, as the situation was relatively bad and good; all depended on how fast they would reach the City of Torlen and carry out the Mission.

"How much time do we have before the reinforcements reach the City of Torlen?"

Yvraine asked him because if the reinforcements from the Human Brotherhood reached the City of Torlen, then their direct assault would be thrown out of the window, and they would need to go for some more stealthy option.

"8 hours, they are marching slowly, but still, we need to move with haste."

Samiel answered, but the 8 hours that they had right now, it should be enough. If they went to the Torlen at their top speed, then they would arrive at the city within two hours, so they would have approximately six hours or so until the army of the Human Brotherhood arrived. Of course, afterward, they would find only a destroyed city with everyone either killed who was of some importance and the fabled important industrial district destroyed.

After everything was decided and said, all three of them decided to make haste towards their destination as time was unforgiving and every second wasted here was in their disadvantage. Fortunately for them, their speed was good, and they would be able to arrive at the city within two hours; of course, that was only under the assumption that they didn't encounter anything that would hinder them down.


Two and half hours later, Outskirts of the City of Torlen, Human Continent, 8th Floor of the Tower.

The trio arrived at their destination half an hour later because they encountered some Magical Beasts who ambushed them on their journey, which hindered them on their journey. After they killed the Magical Beasts, they continued their journey and finally arrived at the outskirts of the City of Torlen.

It was still day, the sun shined, as the sounds from the manufactories and smithies of the Torlen could be heard even several kilometers away. The smoke was filling the air, as it was escaping from the countless manufactories that were mass-producing the equipment for the war efforts of the Human Brotherhood before directly sending them to the front lines.

In the cities such as Torlen, countless weapons and armors, and other types of equipment were being made every day. It was not a big city, at least from the point of view of the inhabitants, as the people who primarily lived in the City of Torlen were the craftsmen, blacksmiths, workers in the manufactories, and their families.

Aside from them, there were some other citizens and soldiers, but that was all. The entire city's primary purpose was to manufacture the weapons and armors for the war effort, not to provide living space, and due to that, the entire city was built in that way to maximize the industry's potential effectively.

"So, wer start attack?"

Asked Dharzug as he readied an enormous two-sided battle axe, which he called affectionately "da big choppa", while looking in the direction of the City of Torlen. I sent Nefertari to scout the area, and she reported that the stationed garrison of soldiers didn't cross the border of 3,000, which was delightful news and astounding as well because the Human Brotherhood was virtually so stupid that they left one of their most important cities relatively unprotected.

"Be patient a little... at first, I will sneak into the city and bomb the Industrial District of the City with the Void Bombs; the might of the 5th Level Spells should be enough to lay waste to the entire district of the city. After the chaos has been brought onto the table, you will start the attack together with Undead Army on the main gate as breaching it should be relatively easy because most of the garrison would be in the Industrial District dealing with the aftermath of the attack."

Samiel stated the first two parts of the plan. At first, he planned to destroy the Industrial District of the Torlen, thus technically fulfilling the Primary Objective of the Mission as well as the Tertiary one, and after the entire district is destroyed, the soldiers across the entire city would hurry there to help with the dealing with the aftermath.

During that time, after everyone would be focused on the aftermath of the bombing, Samiel would give orders to his Undeads, who would, under the leadership of Ashimer and Dharzug, breach the main gate of the Torlen and enter the city. He calculated that they would need at least ten minutes to breach the gate, and the distance between the main gate and the industrial district was at least twenty-five minutes, so enough time for that.

"And amid everything that is happening, Yvriane will sneak into the city and search for whatever the House de'Charetier has been experimenting with on the 8th Floor. Meanwhile, I will head straight to the City Lord's Mansion to capture the man in question so we can extract some useful information on the Avalon Kingdom."

And after Samiel issued the instruction to Yvraine as well, the plan was set in stone and right now, the last thing that remained was the flawless execution of the plan. They spent twenty minutes tweaking the plan's details and preparing for the various scenarios.

Fortunately, Samiel, with his Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect, was able to calculate countless scenarios in a matter of seconds, as they then subsequently discussed the most probable ones, that had the highest probability of happening.

"Okey... now good luck to everybody."

Samiel stated after they finished discussing the plans, as he departed towards the City of Torlen. He had to admit that he wasn't the best at sneaking around, but at the same time, he wanted to challenge himself to get better at these things, as they could come in handy sometimes.

Technically speaking, entering the city wasn't that hard, as the security was relatively lax and after finding some weak spot in the defenses, which fortunately wasn't that hard to find, he cast simple concealment spell that Yvraine taught him, and jumped across the walls, and entered the city.

After crossing the walls, Samiel immediately jumped down from the walls and headed directly towards the Industrial District of the City of Torlen, as he wanted to check it out at first. Or rather, he wanted to loot their warehouses at first because, for sure, they would have a ton of resources stocked up there.

And it would be a waste of resources if he just blasted the Industrial District apart with his VBopid Magic without at first obtaining everything useful from the district. The Void Bombs were extremely destructive even for the standards of the 5th Level Spells, so he knew that if he cast a few of them at the same time at the Industrial District, within several seconds, it would become a wasteland.

Fortunately, it didn't take him long to find the warehouses, and surprisingly or not, they were not even properly guarded, with only a few Iron-Tier Soldiers standing the guard. Though that was not that surprising, considering that this city was half a military base.

After Samiel bypassed them and sneaked up into the warehouse, he started storing everything he saw in the Dimensional Rings that he specifically prepared for this purpose. He didn't really even bother to check out what he was taking, as he was just taking the loot at the fastest speed possible.

He would check it out later, but even now, he saw that there were hundreds of tonnes of various metals that were used in making Normal-Grade and even Rare-Grade Equipment, be it armors or weapons. He even saw some ingots of the Magisteel, a special alloy used in creating Unique-Grade Equipment, so this one could be considered a jackpot because Magisteel was precious and wouldn't be found on such a low Floor of the Tower like this.

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