Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 141 Ransacking The City

And as the Undeads were going through the city, killing everything in which they sensed life, while setting the buildings on fire, destroying things, as they got orders from their master to destroy as much of the City of Torlen as possible. Because the human troops that the Human Brotherhood were neither numerous nor strong enough, they fell before the might of the Undead Army, as approximately 1,000 Undeads were enough to overrun the entirety of the city.

After the Silver-Tier Professionals were killed, there was practically nothing that would stop the ferocious Undead Tide, which had descended upon the City. Those Silver-Tier Professionals together with couple Bronze-Tier ones were the sole protection that the City of Torlen had, which was... sad because the city should be very important to the Human Brotherhood and yet it was technically speaking defenseless.

Especially in front of more than 400 Bronze-Tier Undeads; they broke all of the resistance by themselves and continued their bloody march through the Torlen. The Undead didn't need to rest, they didn't feel fear or pain, aside from their unending and infinite hatred for everything living, they didn't feel anything and because of that, they were like an unstoppable force.

From a distance, one could see smoke rising to the sky from the location of the City of Torlen, be it from the already destroyed Industrial District with all people and craftsmen buried under the rubbles, or the rest of the city, which was set on fire by the Undead Mages, who were destroying everything in their path.

Samiel watched this with delight because he ordered his Undeads to destroy the city until nothing remained. While he wasn't that keen on helping the Demon Tribes too much, cities like Torlen, which were producing weapons for the Human Brotherhood's war machine, they needed to be razed to the ground.

From the layout of the industries and productions across the entire Human Continent, he knew that there were only a very few cities like the Torlen, which were entirely dedicated to the production of equipment, weapons, armors and other supplies that were crucial for the war efforts. Together they created approximately 80% of the overall production of war supplies for the troops of the Human Brotherhood.

Meaning that even a single destroyed city would be a great loss for the Human Brotherhood because they would be without a chance to compensate for the losses.

For that reason, Samiel was determined to raze the city to the ground so nothing remained, and there was zero chance to salvage anything. Not like this would be the first city that he razed to the ground, though when he was on Earth, he launched some tactical weapons on one of the cities which were holding the entire army that was pursuing him.

When the Torlen is destroyed, the Human Brotherhood would be forced to transport war supplies from the other Industrial Cities to the frontlines, which would be extremely troublesome. Other Industrial Cities were very far from the present frontlines, meaning the pressure on their logistics would skyrocket, and their transports would become the target of the attacks and ambushes from the Demon Tribes attacking the Human Continent.

And as this all was happening at the other end of the City, Yvraine was walking through the streets while occasionally beheading some soldiers that attacked until she arrived at her destination, which was the place where apparently the laboratory was located.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was clear to anyone that the Avalon Kingdom was conducting here some research on something, probably those fancy genetic concoctions that Samiel termed as the Super Soldier Serum because they proved to be frighteningly effective, though at the expense of the lifespan of user. Not like the troglodytes from the Human Brotherhood or the fanatics of the Avalon Kingdom cared about that.

Though, it was understandable from a certain point of view because, indeed, the humans were rather an average species in the Cosmos, without any innate strengths or advantages like other races, even though they were surprisingly versatile and adaptable. So, many of them searched for ways how to break the natural order of all things by various methods.

Some worked better than others; it was indeed the truth. Some were successful, especially those of the more magical character, where one scientist from one civilization in the Cosmos combined the peak of the Magtech their civilization developed together with some obscure ritualistic magic to enhance the base human up to the standards of some Elder Races, creating something that would later be known as the High Human Project.

Unfortunately for the others who wanted the same thing, the resources required to carry out an ambitious operation like that one were absolutely astronomical, and only a very few powerhouses across the Cosmos could afford that. Thus ones who would be able to undergo that procedure were typically only very rich Professionals, Noble Lineages and some factions who bought that from the Scientia Hierarchy.

After arriving at the abandoned warehouse, Yvraine noticed that there were not even guards as she slashed with her sword, carving a hole in the thick metal walls of the warehouse for her to enter the place.

When she entered the warehouse to see various equipment filling the warehouse, as it was retrofitted for some kind of laboratory. She saw there countless synergies as the place seemed to be abandoned because there was not even a single scientist or person working on whatever they were working on here.

"So they have been experimenting with more stable concoction on the 8th Floor... and they have been investing a lot of resources into that research."

Yvraine scanned the notes and things that were around the lab, as it was clear that de'Charetier was attempting to come with a concoction that would not have such severe side-effects. In the long run, they would need it because while the power-up of the synergies was nice and could be said that it was excellent, the side effects were terrible.

All people would not live for more than a few months at best. Afterward, Yvraine started taking everything and storing it in the specially prepared Dimensional Ring, as all of this could be used by the Nesser Dynasty for something, if not for anything, then at least they could develop means of neutralizing the final product of the Avalon Kingdom.

As she was storing everything, she suddenly heard slow footsteps being her, as her reflexes kicked up, taking one of her swords and shooting it towards the person who entered the lab. The sword struck the person into the walls.

Yvraine looked at the person who entered and noticed that it was an elderly bald man wearing a pristine white laboratory cloak. She immediately concluded that the elderly man was for sure one of the scientists working under de'Charetiers in the creation of a new Super Soldier Serum.

She was looking at the man curiously, deciding on what to do with the older scientists, before she decided to capture him and ship him to the Nesser Dynasty together with all the things that she obtained in the laboratory.

Then she knocked an old man out, dragged him with her, and left the laboratory. After taking everything of some value, she looked at the laboratory, which was in the warehouse, as she conjured and several 4th Level Fire Elemental Spells as she blasted the place apart, letting it burn in flames. Soon enough, everything would turn to ashes, until nothing remained.


Meanwhile, all of this was taking place in the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord of Torlen, Jaspar de'Charetier was cowering in fear as he watched the entity city being overrun by the Undeads and all of the Silver-Tier Professionals from the Human Brotherhood were killed.

Jaspar de'Charetier was from one of the branches of the de'Charetier House; in the Avalon Kingdom, his social status was no better than some wealthy commoner, but here, he was like a king amongst men.

That was the reason why he enjoyed his stay here and quickly adjusted to living in absolute luxury that the Human Brotherhood provided for him, so he could oversee the experiments on the Gene Enhancement Serums that the de'Charetiers were developing.

For the several years he stayed here, he became pretty fat from the opulent lifestyle he led, which also led him to stagnate in his training, as he was stuck at the Level 48, not being able to go further. Partially because he entirely stopped his training, as he was constantly indulging in the life of luxury and partially because his peak Bronze-Tier strength was enough for the standards of the 8th Floor.

On the 8th Floor, before the tension with the Demon Tribes began, even the Bronze-Tier Professionals very rare, so with his present strength, he was previously a big shot, as the Silver-Tiers were non-existent on the 8th Floor and even the Bronze-Tiers were exceedingly rare.

Right now, as the forces of the enemy were swiftly killing their way, he was running around the mansion, taking with him all of the valuables to the Dimensional Ring he had, as he was lucky to obtain one. Especially on the lower Floors of the Tower, any kind of spatial equipment was very, very rare.

As he was storing another vault filled with the gold ingots, suddenly, he heard an explosion, as the huge steel doors leading to his mansion exploded into bits, as he saw a huge Ork entering the mansion, gripping a war axe with both of his muscular hands.

Sadly for Jaspar, the huge Ork immediately noticed the short porky man as he jumped to the second floor of the mansion, and with a single slash of his war axe, he destroyed the doors and entered the room.

The second he entered the room, Dharzug looked at the human who was storing the gold ingots into his Dimensional Equipment, as he snorted at the man, who almost shit his pants when he saw the ferocious Ork towering over him.

Dharzug just swiftly delivered a hit with the blunt end of his war axe at the man's head, effectively knocking him out cold, because Samiel stated that the one who arrived at the City Lord's Mansion was just to knock him unconscious.

After knocking him unconscious, there was practically nothing to do here, because initially, Dharzug thought that the City Lord would be the strongest person in the city; thus, he wanted to have a few rounds with him. Preferably split his skull with his choppa, but unfortunately, it was a whimpering weakling.

With this finished, the City of Torlen has fallen to the hands of the Undead Tide and soon, it would be utterly destroyed, as right now, the fire was burning across various districts across the entire city, and it would until nothing remained. The Undead Mages, under Samie's instructions, were casting one destructive spell after another onto the city, to cause as much as destruction as possible.

"I see that you have already captured the final prize Dharzug."

Samiel stated, as he looked at the Ork immediately after he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion. He scanned the place, looking at the lavish decoration and the sheer luxury in which the Jaspar de'Charetier has lived, as he blasted a few Void Strikes into the area, destroying some statues which appeared to be some important people from the Avalon Kingdom.

"Da coward yours."

Dharzug stated as he lifted up still unconscious Jaspar de'Charetier and threw it at Samiel Zentaur, as he caught the man, and typed something in the Holo-Brain, sending a message to Bishop Antigonus. He wasn't in the mood to interrogate the man; in truth, he knew that it would be better just to fetch him to the Antigonus.

Not to mention that interrogation and so wasn't Samiel's forte and this was already for the second time; he managed to capture someone of relative importance, even though he seriously doubted who was far more precious, information-wise, of course.

While it was clear that the man before him was from the de'Charetier Hosue rather small Baron Household of the Avalon Kingdom, he was someone expandable from some Branch Line; if not or that he wouldn't be sent to such a place like this.

The assassin he captured, on the other hand, was someone sent directly by someone in power in the Avalon Kingdom, so the information the assassin could potentially know would be far more valuable.

After several seconds he sent the message to Bishop Abraham Antigonus; like the last time, a spatial portal appeared next to Samiel as he threw the unconscious Jaspar de'Charetier through the portal, which closed itself afterward.

Of course, before he dropped the man through the portal, he stripped any spatial equipment he saw, as the man in question had altogether more than five Dimensional Rings, several spatial pouches and other types of Dimensional Storage Equipment where he was storing his valuables.

For sure, the man would have stashed a lot of treasures; even if they were just some gold coins and gold ingots, they were still valuable outside of the Tower, and particularly in large quantities, such as they were here.

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