Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 145 Happennings Here And There...

After Samiel arrived at the dining part of the Inn where they were staying, which was acting as a tavern, Yvraine was already waiting there for him as she was eating, while Samiel's familiar Nefertari was sitting next to her.

Nefertari was looking curiously at everything that was around her while occasionally asking for some treats and food because she too wanted to have something to eat. Then after she got some treats, she needed some scratches behind her ear and chin, after which she would be sleeping for most of the time, waking up if only something of importance happened.

"So, what is so important that you disrupted my training?"

Samiel asked rather irritated because he didn't like very much when someone was disrupting him during the time he was increasing his Level or training, not to mention the greatest sacrilege was disrupting his time when he was reading Grimoire.

That was the greatest heresy punishable by death, so if Yvraine disrupted him during the time he was practicing the Mana Control Method and was raising his Levels, something important must have happened. Otherwise, as she knew his quirks and problems, not to mention the importance of someone being undisturbed during his training, she would have never woken up from practicing his Mana Control Method.

Even during his time on Earth, he had big problems with concentration or rather being concentrated on something. If he managed to get concentrated on something, then he would always enter some trance-like state in which he spent countless hours, sometimes even days, always repeating the one same activity.

Of course, something important must have happened because as he looked around the tavern, he noticed only Yvraine and Nefertari were present. Dharzug was probably training somewhere because the Ork spent all of his free time training with his war axe "da big choppa" and getting stronger... essentially a training maniac.

Aside from two of them, there was not a single soul in the tavern, meaning all Mercenaries of The Guild must have to go somewhere, and this was possible only when an emergency mission was issued. Some kind of emergency mission that neither Yvraine nor Dharzug took, though, so he was becoming a bit intrigued by what was happening right now.

"7th Prince of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, Prince Kisrith, was killed approximately one hour ago by the group of assassins from the Avalon Kingdom and two leaders of the Human Brotherhood. They managed to sneak up into the fortress that the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe constructed on the Human Continent and ambushed the 7th Prince when he was having fun with one of his concubines. To bring even more salt to the injury, they managed to escape afterward, as only a few Silver-Tier assassins were killed, but the Gold-Tier assassins of the Avalon Kingdom and leaders of the Human Brotherhood escaped unscathed."

Summarized Yvraine the actual situation as Samiel grinned from ear to ear. Indeed, this couldn't be the best as it is now because, from the start, he planned to get back at the Demon Tribes or kill some of their members. He knew that the Legendaries that were overseeing this wouldn't be preventing this from happening because Demons were too prideful to help one of their youngsters when they were attacked by someone of the same Tier.

Of course, if they intervened, it would be technically a breach of the Covenant, but not like anyone would say anything about this. Cases like this happened pretty often, but the Demon Tribes viewed it as a sign of weakness, so from their own vanity and pride, they let their price be assassinated, which would mean one less mighty Legendary in the future.

"I take it that the rest of the Mercenaries are searching or the traces of the assassins on the Human Continent?"

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Yvraine nodded in agreement to his question because the moment the assassination was carried out and the Demon Council found out about that, they instantly issued several missions to find and capture the assassins who killed the 7th Prince of the Golden-HOrned Demon Tribe.

Naturally, Samiel and his Mercenary Party Khaos Chapter won't be participating in them because it was a waste of time. Of course, something else that Samiel planned to achieve with this assassination was to hasten up the reckless attacks of the Demon Tribes.

Right now they were in a state of shame, especially the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, which not only lost one of their Princes with a pure bloodline and potential to become at least Supreme Legendary, they were shamed that one of their strongest members was assassinated and among the Demon Tribes it was a sign of great shame and weakness.

To wash that shame, they needed to prove to everybody that they are still strong. And, of course, how else they would be proving that than sending another of the Royalty of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe to the 8th Floor to take the command and launch an immense offensive against the Human Brotherhood.

"Stupid tribal idiots."

Samiel cursed at their stupidity while Yvraine wholeheartedly agreed with his statement. Not even Orks were this fussy about their pride because Greenskins, the moment they saw that one of theirs was getting "bullied" then they would all gang on the enemy, not caring about the consequences. Because of that, it was not that uncommon to see Legendary Level Greenskins causing after mortals or Gold-Tier Orks attacking those at the Steel-Tier or lower...

They just didn't cared, because their inner unity within their Tribe or Clan was more important than anything. Meanwhile, the Demon Tribes were all about their bloodlines and pride, and they only cared about the strength of their Tribemsna, nothing else, so they rarely helped each other in fights or so...

"With the current trend, the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe will push for extreme offensive, where they will bring practically everything to bring down the Central Area of the Human Continent, which is the best-defended area of all of the Human Continent's area. Not to mention, they have there some gadgets from the Avalon Kingdom."

Of course, Samiel was aware that the Central Region of the Human Continent was a bastion of the Human Brotherhood and due to that, the defenses of that area were frightening. Naturally, they were nothing that the Demon Tribes couldn't breach through with their power and numbers, but they would certainly pay the price for that.

Now, the correct steps on how to conquer the Human Continent was to leave the Central Area as the last one and focus first on the other Areas, clipping the wings of the Human Brotherhood and lowering their capabilities to wage war.

With this, they would be continuously weakening the Human Brotherhood because the whole Central Area was the strongest one and was defended the best, it countless aspects of existence, the Central Area depended on the other ones for its own preservation.

And right now, this strategy was instantaneously thrown out of the window and a new one was implemented where the Demons would be launching an enormous offensive at the Central Area of the Human Continent, spearheaded by the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

"We shall wait and see... there is nowhere to hurry and I have some prediction that the offensive is not going to end well for the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe."

Samiel stated as he ordered something to eat because he was hungry, while at the same time, he ordered some milk and meat for Nefertari. Through the telepathic connection that he had with his familiar, Nefertari stated to him that she was hungry and thirsty, and as her hooman, he was responsible for tending to her needs and whims.

Thus as he complied with requests of her majesty, he also gave her a few scratches behind her ears, exactly like she liked it, before he returned his attention to Yvraine once more, as they were in talks of searching for the next suitable missions form The Guild.

After some time, he managed to get her on his side, in the aspect of secretly sabotaging the efforts of the Demon Tribe and causing them as much as damage as possible, which in truth wasn't that hard because from the start of the war, the Demons were pretty arrogant, and arrogance usually leads to hard fall and terrible consequences.

"How so?"

Yvraine asked as she tilted her head in confusion; indeed, she didn't see the complications that the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe would suffer in the long term as well in the short term with this move because in front of their overwhelming strength, the Human Brotherhood didn't stand a chance.

"There is a hidden danger in the form of descendants of Agares and Vassago... other Demon Tribes also won't be staying silent because even they could see that the defenses of the humans could cut their numbers steadily, especially when they were supplied by the Avalon Kingdom. Because of that, they are for sure bound to suffer some internal problems."

While the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe was the most powerful among other Demon Tribes and descendants of the 72 Pillars, they were not that powerful to the point of suppressing all of their opposition on the material plane of the Cosmos.

Because of that, they were often forced to compromise, especially with the other Pillar Lineages, mainly those who were strongest after them. Unfortunately for the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, they were not in a state where they could assume control over everyone else.

Samiel knew that those of the Vassago and Agares Lineage wouldn't be thrilled to throw their troops in vain, so it was possible that the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, as the lineage of Emperor Bael, would try to pressure them so they would comply with their plan.

"Depending on how the situation evolves, there is a high chance that there will be a conflict between the Demon Tribes. Among the leading Tribes, the 72 Pillars, the descendants of Emperor Bael, have inflated egos of the size of the Tower so that they wouldn't take 'no' as an answer to their orders, especially in a situation like this one."

Samiel explained the situation because he could clearly see the situation going down from the hill.

"Whatever... let them kill each other."

Yvraine shrugged at that, clearly not caring about the fact that the Demon Tribes started killing each other; for the Nesser Dynasty as a whole this was a positive outcome because nobody wanted to see unified Demon Tribes. Even the present situation, where they functioned on the principle of the council and some democratic mechanisms, was very, very, very bad.

The Demon Council was technically the biggest faction in the material plane, but fortunately, they never worked together and only on some very rare occasions they worked together on some things, like the war on the 8th Floor, but even here, the disputes between the tribes continued.

And there was the tickling bomb in the form of unaffiliated Tribes, which didn't stem from the 72 Pillars of the Transcendent Daemons, who started becoming more and more numerous and soon enough would become a big problem for the Demon Council to solve.

"How is your training with the Winter Magic is going?"

Yvraine asked; after a short time, they started eating as the three huge sizzling steaks arrived that Samiel ordered, as he immediately started eating the delicious meat. It was one of his favorite foods, and these three beautiful steaks were from peak Silver-Tier cow-type Magical Beasts, with each of them costing around 25 Credits.

25 Credits was equivalent to 2,500 Gold Coins, so for one steak, more than two thousand Gold Coins was an absolutely outrageous price, but in the Tower it was not that uncommon. Especially the place like this Inn which served exclusively people from The Guild, so the food here cost really something.

"Not great, not terrible... Intermediate Winter Magic is proving to be much more challenging than I have initially anticipated, but fortunately, it is not something that couldn't be solved with enough time. The more I advance on the path of Magic and uncover the mysteries of the Arcane the harder it becomes in turn."

Samiel answered, not really happy with the progress he was making with the comprehension of the Intermediate Winter Magic. This could be considered good news because he was studying the Intermediate Winter Magic for only a few weeks and he could already cast a few spells, but Smaiel was not that satisfied with the results.

Of course, another thing that he planned to do, was to create another Higher Undead, this time to finally created an Elder Lich if possible, because he needed to get proper cannon fodder incorporated into his Undead Army, and only Liches had such control capacity.

Even an average Lich could control 50 Undeads per Level, while the Elder Liches could control 150 Undeads per Level, and Overlords, who were the final evolutionary stages of the Lichdom, could control minimally 400 Undeads per Level.

If a single Overlord was birthed, it would be typically considered the start of the Undead Scourge that would ravish countless worlds in the Cosmos. Overlords were extremely dangerous and at the same time, they were fortunately very rare types of Undead Lifeforms, rarely even a single one was created or birthed under very special circumstances.

If he managed to create an Elder Lich with all materials he gathered, then at the Silver-Tier in which the Elder Lich would be "born" technically speaking, could control somewhere in between 7,500 Undeads to 9,300 Undeads, if the Elder Lich is created somewhere with Level 50 to Level 55.

Of course, the Silver-Tier Elder Lich of the Undeads he controls more than 80% needed to be at least two Tier lower than the Elder Lich. Meaning if the Elder Lich is at the Silver-Tier than 80% of its Undeads need to be at the Steel-Tier.

"Not to mention, I am going to start creating an Elder Lich through the ritual method... with this my Undead Army would basically triple overnight, even if it would be just a cannon fodders, but even that is something."

Samiel stated while Yvraine looked at him curiously... If he created an Elder Lich which would be another Higher Undead, but because Liches were known to have an extreme affinity for the Necromancy Arts and were able to resurrect and control countless Undeads at the same time, which would be a great boon for Samiel's combat prowess.

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