Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 157 Demon Breaking Plan (2)

"What should we do now? This is not something that we can decide on our own. We need to report this back to the Patriarch and let him decide... though at the same time, it isn't our problem because this could be purely coincidental. The only one who has the capability to do something like this are the madmen from the Hall..."

Stated the Moon Demon man, as suddenly, out of nowhere, the space started crumbling around them, and they appeared in some sort of kind mirror dimension, which was a trick that only extremely powerful Magic Casters who mastered the Space Magic to a frightening degree could use.

"This is better."

Sounded a cheerful male voice as both of Demons turned their sight to the man, bearing the garbs of a priest, with the symbolism of the Hall of Kadath, as his robes were laminated with the R'Lyehian Runes as his wolf ears flattered in the imaginary wind.

Both of demons were extremely wary because they recognized the robes the wolfman wore as one that was worn by the Bishops of the Hall of Kadath, meaning the man was at least Supreme Legendary, but judging on his aura, it was clear that he was already nearing the Perfect Legendary as he should be around Level 88 or Level 89.

"No need to be so tense... I came in peace... at least I think, maybe..."

The wolfman Bishop of the Hall of Kadath stated with a grin as he looked at two very nervous-looking demons. While both of them were at the Advanced Stage Legendary and were relatively powerful at the same Level, they were very well aware of the disparity in strength between the two parties.

Not something that they could fight, people from the Hall of Kadath were even able to fight above their Level, which, considering the fact that they were Legendaries, was a feat on its own. In the Legendary Level, even a single Level difference was like that between heaven and earth, like the Immortals like to say.

"What do you want, Bishop?"

Questioned the Moon Demon as he looked at the Wolfman Bishop, who smiled in return. While they were wary of the Bishop and ready to fight any given second, they also relaxed, showing that they were going to listen, not giving the Bishop any reason to attack them on a whim... as the worshippers of the Outer Gods were pretty eccentric.

"I bring you an interesting proposition to the Star Demon Lineage and Moon Demon Lineage."

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Wolfman Bishop stated casually as both of the demons sharpened, thinking about what the Hall of Kadath wanted with them. Indeed, contrary to the Devils and Devilkin, with whom they shared very common traits, the Demons and Daemons were not much schemers and plotters, and they didn't really see that they were falling into the rabbit hole.

"My little birds have told me that the Patriarchs of your two respective Tribes are not very satisfied with how the Golden-Horned Demons run things... it appears that the Lineage of the Great Emperor of Destruction is arrogant and ignorant as ever. So, the two old men are very keen on... creating something new, or so I heard in the songs of the birds."

While the schism between the Demon Tribal Council was not secret among certain circles of people, the fact that the Patriarch of Moon Demon Tribe and Star Demon Tribe were planning to leave the Council, was and it was known only to some Legendaries within their respective tribes.

"Then your little birds are right."

Stated the Moon Demon because sooner or later, this would become common knowledge and this mirror dimension was a safe place to discuss these things. Also, the Moon Demon had a hunch that the Bishop of the Hall of Kadath wanted to support them against the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe.

"The Hall would be glad to support your endeavors... consider this thing a gift for the Moon Demon Tribe and Star Demon Tribe."

Said the Wolfman Bishop as he threw them a small thing, which seemed like a portable storage device, which was used to store information in digital form and load them through the Holo-Brains, basically, it contained data.

The Moon Demon caught it and immediately interested the flash drive to the Holo-Brain and loaded the files that were in it.

On the flash drive was a location of several important Worlds of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, not all but only some that the Hall of Kadath was knowledgeable of, where they were training their armies in secret or hiding their powerhouses.

"I am sure that our Patriarch would be delighted by this."

Stated the Moon Demon as he closed the Holo-Brain, with the Star Demon following suit shortly after. The Wolfman Bishop of the Hall of Kadath just grinned as he dispersed the mirror dimension and immediately afterward, he teleported away to the safe location and then departed to the 98th Floor of the Tower.

"We need to report to our Tribes... this is big... if the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe don't allow our factions within the Council officially leave, it means that they want to usurp all of the power to themselves... what the outer bastards gave us, is proof that they have been preparing for this for a very long time."

The Star Demon nodded his head, wholly agreeing with his companion as both of them left the area before they stealthily left the 8th Floor of the Tower, unseen by the other Demon Legendaries that were observing the 8th Floor.


98th Floor of the Tower, a short time after the departure of Bishop Antignous from the 8th Floor of the Tower.

After Bishop Abraham Antigonus returned to the 98th Floor of the Tower, he immediately went to the Holy City, more precisely to the main hall of the Citadel, where the Hall Master Menuhyutt Faulhaber was already waiting for him to deliver him the news.

"I bring you a report, Your Holiness."

Bishop Antigonus knelt on his right knee as he stated to the Hall Master who was sitting on his throne, alone in the hall, though he was technically not alone as some members of the Holy Templar Order were on guard duty, as they had always been and probably somewhere in the dark corners of the Citadel, some members of the Inquisition were hiding and guarding from the shadows.

But they were hardly counted as any kind of companions because they just stood there, not saying anything and observing everything like hawks, like unmoving statues they were.

"I have brought 7 Dark Youngs that the Holy Son has created with the upgraded ritual... but the most important thing, Phase 1 of the Plane Broken Gold, has been successfully initiated; it gone splendidly, I must say. When Holy Son released the info on the 7th Prince Kisrith and got him indirectly assassinated, it eased our plans and sped them up by entire centuries."

Reported the Wolfman Bishop of the Hall of Kadath, as Hall Master grinned happily hearing that. Fortunately, it was easy to trick the Demon Tribes because they were not the sharpest pencils in the packet, not to talk about the fact that none of them could see the bigger picture of things.

Indeed if the plans of the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe were successful, then the other Demon Tribes would be essentially vassals to the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe, and if the re-structuralization of the Demon Council was done, then they would be stronger than the Hall of Kadath... at least in terms of number because they would much, much more Legendaries and everything else.

"They are idiots, but they have the number and firepower to become a direct threat to the Hall of Kadath; for that sole reason, the unification of the Demon Tribes is something that is to be prevented at all costs. At least with Orks, we don't have to fear it; squids and bugs can't be a threat as long as our Transcendents exist."

Hall Master Menuhyutt stated sternly as he looked at Bishop Antigonus. With orks, the situation was much easier because they would be an even bigger threat than the Demons, but... orks were impossible to unite, as they were too embroiled in the waaaggghhs and they would never unite into a single coherent body, though Armaggedons proved different, but after the threat ended they once again dispersed.

"When will the second phase begin, Your Holiness?"

The Bishop asked as the Hall Master looked at the distance before closing his eyes, thinking about it too.

"I am 100% certain that the Golden-Horned Tribe will not allow any secession. Factionalism was one thing, which they swallowed very bitterly, but to completely break up the entire Council? Not... such a thing will never happen. And aside from these factors, Angol is an arrogant prick, who took the situation too personally, and he will want vengeance against the Star Demons and Moon Demons because for him, it became personal."

Hall Master muttered to himself as he contemplated about the situation.

"When the relationships break up, arrange few calamities to befall on their War Worlds, especially on the Klorath World... I want that one to be destroyed immediately. Together with preemptive attacks from their opponents, there is a very high possibility that the forces in this conflict would be equal and it will reach a stalemate."

The long-term plan was not only to prevent someone from unifying the Demon Tribes and all sub-species into something akin to a unified faction but also to ensure such a thing would never happen again.

If their plan was successful, then the Demon Council would fall apart, and two sub-factions would take its place, one led by the Golden-Horned Demon Tribe and another by the coalition of the Star Demon Tribe and Moon Demon Tribe.

Also, both of these factions would be so hostile to each other that they would constantly be at each other's throats. So unless someone on the Transcendent Level doesn't intervene to calm the situation down, it would be safe.

Of course, the Hall of Kadath was prepared even for this eventuality, but that would not happen. Daemons wouldn't care even if all demons were exterminated, as they were just disposable pawns that could be replaced at any time by sending some of the fiends from the Abyss into the Material Plane and adjusting their bloodlines.

Sometimes the demons themselves were forgetting that in the eyes of their primogenitors, they were just entertainment and only those at the Legendary Level could be considered as pawns... because, Abyss was full of Legendary Level Fiends that were creating the inexhaustible Legion of the Daemons.

"What about the Cults, Your Holiness?"

Questioned the Bishop before he prepared to leave.

"Arrange a few faux attacks on each other, they will mostly follow the Demon Tribes like lost puppies, but in the long run, the cultists are not that big a problem. Not to mention, they are much weaker than the species themselves and far less numerous."

Hall Master answered because, from his point of view, the Daemon Cults were not very strong; many of them didn't even have Holy Legendary to back them up, and mostly they depended on the protection from the Demon Tribe who Daemon primogenitor they worshipped.

"You can go Antigonus."

After that, the Hall Master dismissed the Bishop, as he sat on his throne with a feeling that a great achievement was done, but still, a lot of work awaited them.

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