Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 166 Elder Lich (1)

Three Days Later, 8th Floor of the Tower, Demon Continental, Goldtooth City.

Today was a very special day that would be forever engraved into the annals of history, even though right nobody knew it, but after some time, this day what happened on the 8th Floor of the Tower in Goldtooth City would be remembered across the entire Eras as the rise of one of the terrifying Undead Creatures that have ever walked through the Material Plane of the Cosmos.

After Samiel gathered all materials to create an Elder Lich, he could finally start working on the thing he wished to bring to the world. Collecting the resources and materials for the creation of the Elder Lich took him much longer than he initially anticipated... sometimes even money couldn't speed everything as it seemed.

For such purpose, he rented the Ritual Room from The Guild, which cost him fifty thousand Credits, which was an overwhelming amount for single use, but it was better than not having one. Fortunately for him, money was not the problem right now, as he had plenty of them and when the IMC starts producing equipment, money won't be a problem ever again.

Still, a Ritual Room was imperative when attempting such a thing due to the protections and securities that the Ritual Room provided to him. Especially if something went wrong during the Ritual, Samiel would be in no danger of his life.

Sometimes when the rituals were incorrectly done, the aftermath of such a thing would be quite disastrous. So every proper Magician, despite the Path they were following, probably minus the Warlocks, would always prepare a safe place to carry out the Ritual, to be safe in case something unforeseen happened.

Warlocks were typically crazy, not in the way like he was. While Samiel didn't consider himself to be the mentally most stable person around, mainly because of his somehow twisted personality and worldview, he still had some amount of logic and reason in his person, though the logic and reason were truly unique and fitted only to him.

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For the things that Samiel would be using as the materials to make an Elder Lich were the followings:

Naturally, he had prepared around one hundred or so Soul Force Crystals, then the corpse of Drow Sorcerer, the corpse of the Paladin Squire of 'Him', which Samiel was storing in his Dimensional Ring till this day after it was devoid of all 'His' influence. Fortunately, all of 'His' influence was gone from the corpse of the Paladin Squire or it would be absolutely unusable... though the thought of creating sentient Undead from someone like a devout fanatic to 'Him' where the fanatic would keep his sentience and be forever imprisoned in the Undead body was funny though, but at the same time, dangerous and almost suicidal.

Another thing that he had prepared was the corpse of the High Elven Arcanist, which he obtained through Yvriane's help. He chose it because the High Elves were species with an almost extreme affinity for Magic; there were not many races in the Cosmos that could boast of the same thing and obtaining the corpse of a High Elf would prove a pain in the ass if not for Yvraine's help in this matter.

Among the other things, there was a Death Pearl and shards of the Dragon Vein; these two were the most costly things. Death Pearls was the core of a certain type of Magical Beast, which was attuned to Death Energy. After reaching the Gold-Tier, the Death Pearl condensates in the body of the Magical Beast as the extreme concentration of the Death Energy.

The Death Pearl was considered as one of the priceless things for the Undead under the Legendary Level. Countless Advanced Undead or Higher Undead would do anything in their power to get their hands on the Death Pearl because they could obtain great power from incorporating the Death Pearl into themselves; not talking about the tremendous rise in potential after absorbing the Death Pearl they would obtain.

Meanwhile, the shards of the Dragon Vein were something that cost Samiel a lot because he actually used a few hundred Contribution Points of the Hall of Kadath, aside from a million Credits. The Dragon Vein was another name for the Mana Leylines that were spreading through the Worlds and were basically sources of Mana in Worlds.

Dragon Vein was usually terms reserved for the biggest and main Leyline, which was strongest out of them, so Samiel paid a hefty price to obtain three shards of one. They could be obtained only when a World was destroyed and during the short period of time, during which the shattering of the World was taking place, one needed to harvest the shards of the Leylines.

It was an extremely dangerous task because even powerful Legendaries could be killed in a split of a second when careless by an explosion during the destruction of even Lower World. That was the reason why it cost Samiel around a million Credits aside from a few hundred Contribution Points of the Hall of Kadath.

And these were only shards from the Dragon Vein of the Lower World that was already on its last legs; if not for that, the price would be much, much higher. For example, a single Dragon Vein Shard from a Middle World in prime conditions would cost tens of millions of Credits and the one from the High World would be in billions.

Samiel was using these resources for a very special reason. Typically speaking, the Undead were races with very limited potential because they were not actual races in the tactical sense but dead that rose to a 'unique state' through some special methods. So, to break this, a lot of special materials was needed when someone was creating Undead artificially or they needed to be born in some very unique environment... such was the balance of the Cosmos.

Right now, Samiel was in the Ritual Room located within The Guild's Branch, which was paid for to use, and surprisingly or not, he was not alone, as Yvraine was together with him there.

She asked to observe how he was crafting his Undead; she raised her condition when he asked her to procure him the corpse of a High Elf. Naturally, she was silent during the entire thing, not saying a word, because she didn't wish to disrupt Samiel during the ritual as that could lead to grave consequences and thus, they just silently were doing their things.

Fortunately, the prison didn't care if some Magician sentenced to death died in the cell; coincidentally, his corpse was nowhere to find. The Ritual Room was large; it was very spacious, engraved with countless runes and inscriptions all around it, as Samiel was repeating the procedure like the last time, though this was a bit tweaked to suit the needs.

In the end, he wasn't creating a Death Knight, but rather an Elder Lich, so the magical requirements for it would be far higher, not to mention he wanted to create an Elder Lich of the highest quality, only short of an Overlord which was already on par with Superior Species according to the Racial Ranking of Species across the Cosmos.

Samiel started drawing the Magic Circle on the ground and as material to draw it; he was using his very own blood because it was the best magical conduit, probably on the same level as dragon blood of high-ranking dragon with prestigious lineage, as those were the beings closest to Mana.

Of course, it was not only his blood but rather a concoction of his own blood, which was composed of the majority of the concoction, with some bits of the High Elven Blood and Dragon Blood and some Lyrium and Red Lyrium gathered together.

After he finished drawing the Magic Circle, which took less time as he asked Yvriane to help because she was knowledgeable enough about the Magic Circles and Runes to draw the Runic Circle according to his instructions, which were concrete enough so she wouldn't make any mistake.

When that was done, he took out three corpses that would be used as the material base for the Elder Lich, and this time he had truly outdone himself in gathering the bodies. Probably it was due to money, as he invested a lot more into it. Though the last time, he had the corpse of a Forest Troll, which was inhabited by the lingering spirit of Transcendental Daemons, so in that aspect, it was minus because procuring something like that was night impossible.

He put down the corpse of the Paladin Squire of 'Him', which was in pristine condition, or rather the best condition it could be, but it looked exactly the same as it looked when Samiel killed the Paladin Squire of the God of Light or whatever he was God of.

The second corpse, which he put on the left side, was the corpse of Dark Seldarine or Drow, if someone preferred, Drow Sorcerer. When it came to Magic, Drows were excellent Sorcerers because their Aristocratic Houses bred with each other in hopes of enhancing their magical bloodlines to the next generations; thus they were able to produce many powerful Sorcerers.

This precise corpse was obtained from the storages of the Hall of Kadath, and ironically though, it was a great-grandson of the Pope of the Church of Lolth, who disappeared a long time ago. He somehow found his way to one of the Lower Worlds, where he enslaved the local population and he coordinated his slaves and servants to find him a Dimensional Pathway to the Tower.

Unfortunately for him, they found the Dimensional Pathway, but not one leading to the Tower, but leading to High World under the control of the Hall of Kadath, where he was killed not long after he set foot on that world.

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