Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 176 Blessed By Outer Court

Several days later, the Central Area of the Human Continent.

After Samiel and the company left the Teleryan Pass, they went straight to the Captial of the Human Brotherhood, which was located exactly in the middle of the Central Area, meaning they had a very long journey ahead of them, despite the fact that they spent several days crossing from one area to another one.

Fortunately, there wasn't a reason to hurry because the siege of the capital would probably take several weeks at best and technically speaking, the most realistic outcome would be several months worth of time that demons would need to breach the walls of their capital.

During the journey to the capital city of the Human Brotherhood, Samiel contemplated a lot about the usage of the souls he managed to collect while he was occasionally rebuilding his Undead, with him personally creating every single one, as he got the final notifications from the Akashic Records, just as he finished creating the last Bronze-Tier Undead.

[Proficiency with the Skill Undead Creation has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Skill Undead Creation has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Skill Undead Creation has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Skill Undead Creation has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Necromancy Arts has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Necromancy Arts has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Necromancy Arts has been increased by 1%.]

His proficiency with the Skill Undead Creation rose from the previous 46% to the present 50%, meaning that he could create a new Undead more easily because attaining the 50% was halfway to achieving mastery over the Skill and from then, he could try to evolve it into a higher form of the Undead Creation.

Meanwhile, his proficiency with the Necromancy Arts was right now at 37%, which was relatively good for now because any increment in the Necromancy Arts was becoming harder and harder. Samiel knew that in regard to Magic, typically, proficiency above 60% or so was only attainable by Legendaries because only those could study the Magic of that level.

"That should be done."

Samiel muttered while he stored away the last Bronze-Tier he crafted from the corpse of the killed demon soldier at the Teleryan Pass. He was pleased with the outcome of the process because he obtained some fine Undead that were a bit stronger than the previous ones because these were crafted from the Bronze-Tier Demons, so that was some kind of advancement forward.

"Are you finally done playing with corpses?"

Yvraine, who was observing the whole process, teased him about this, as he snorted at her because he knew that she didn't understand the wonders of the arts of necromancy. For Samiel, personally crafting Undead was also something relaxing activity, during which he could always rest a bit and relax his mind.

"Not that you understand the true beauty of the Necromcany... not talking about the fact that my Undead won us the fight against the Demon Army... not to mention the number of Souls they brought me."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Samiel vehemently defended his Undead. They were his little darlings that killed people for him, as he patted the imaginary Undead before him, while Yvriane giggled lightly about his antics before she stood up and gave him a small peck on his lips.

"That was a sneak attack..."

He muttered as he returned her kiss, while they soon started going into their own world, where Samiel and Yvraine would ignore everyone and everything around them as they had eyes only for each other.

"Yar stop that maggots wer ned to move!"

Suddenly both of them were woken up from their own world by screaming huge ork, who was getting annoyed with the sight before him, as they were hindering their journey to a great waaaggghhh. In the ork kulture, the courtships between female and male orks were extremely simple, as the rest of their society.

The only thing which mattered in the search for a mate was personal power, where male or female would fight against the opponent which they wished to take for a mate. The loser would submit to a winner and the winner would become the dominant side within the relationship.

If there were multiple male orks who wanted to take the same female for a companion, then at first, the male orks would fight among themselves and the strongest of them, who remained the sole winner of the fight, would challenge the female to single combat.

So, yeah, everything was solved through combat for the Orks; there were no things like romance or complicated courtship procedures. There were only two steps, fight and fuck... as simple as that could get.

Not to mention, for orks it also made a lot of sense because they wished for their progeny to be stronger than the previous generation; because of that, the primary criterion for a mate was the personal power of the individual.

"What can stupid greenskins as you know about the finesse of being at least something close to the term 'civilized' person?"

Yvraine huffed in annoyance as she proceeded to walk away. The Central Area of the Human Continent was covered in lush green grasslands; it was like a paradise on earth, there were some small forests consisting of huge trees, and then after them, there were other grasslands.

Through all of this, a series of rivers were spreading like veins in the body and delivering water to every corner of the Central Area. These rivers were enormous and even higher-tiered Professionals could drown in them if they are not careful during their crossing as their waters were deep and currents strong.

Of course, occasionally, one would see some village or town, but right now, most of the human settlements were long ago destroyed by the demon invaders who came and destroyed everything in sight while enslaving the local population and preparing to sell the captured humans to slavers for some good money.

Due to this, their journey to the capital city of the Human Brotherhood was a very smooth one, as they occasionally stopped for some rest before continuing once more in their arduously long journey through the entire Central Area of the Human Continent.

During the last stop, they made at some kind of ruined watchtower that was slowly falling apart but was still in some sort of state to be used as lodging for a single night; Samiel decided to carry out the prayer to the Outer Gods, as well as sacrificing approximately one-half of the souls he collected during the time he had unleashed the Undead Scourge.

"The Great Dreamer, the Primordial Demiurge,

He who represents the Origin of the All Things,

He who gives the Creation the meaning of All Things,

He who brings the Dream to every living being,

The Crawling Chaos, the Black Pharaon,

He who represents the Chaos of the All Things,

He who gives Destruction and Despair to the All Things,

And reverts everything to the most primordial form,

The Nameless Mist, the Milk of the Void,

He who rules the endless Void,

In its infinite coldness and circles of incorporeality,

Descent the Void into the Material Planes once for all,

The Unnamed Darkness, the Unknown,

Who rules the Darkness in the Cosmos,

Bringing the unspeakable horrors,

And of the Unknown Kadath he sacrifices them for the Quest.

In the name of Great Outer Gods, of unspeakable names,

In the infinite glory of the Dream,

In the infinite circle of the Chaos,

In the infinite wave of the Darkness,

In the infinite embrace of the Void,

I sacrifice thus thee souls."

When Samiel finished the sacrificial prayer to the four great Outer Gods, suddenly he felt a cold creeping presence encompassing his very own souls, as approximately half a million souls were taken from him and sacrificed to the Outer Gods.

[Samiel Zentaur has received the Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Samiel Zentaur has received Blessing of the Outer God ?#!*#?!, the Crawling Chaos.]

[Samiel Zentaur has received Blessing of the Outer God ?#!*#?!, the Great Dreamer.]

[Samiel Zentaur has received Blessing of the Outer God ?#!*#?!, Nameless Mist.]

[Samiel Zentaur has received Blessing of the Outer God ?#!*#?!, Unnamed Darkness.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Control Method: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1% due to the Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Control Method: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1% due to the Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Control Method: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1% due to the Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Proficiency with the Mana Control Method: Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been increased by 1% due to the Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Mana Quality of Void is being strengthened due to the received Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Mana Quality of Frost is being strengthened due to the received Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Mana Quality of Ice is being strengthened due to the received Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[Mana Quality of Outer Holiness is being strengthened due to the received Blessings of the Outer Gods.]

[User Samiel Zentaur has obtained a new Title.]

[Title Blessed by Azathoth has been evolved to Title: Blessed by Outer Court.]

Samiel received several more notifications from the Akashic Records, especially the ones about the Nuclear Void Mana Control Method has been extremely delightful because he has been stuck at the 18% for a long time already and now it has reached 22% in one go.

Naturally, he knew that this was only because of one thing... this was the first sacrificial prayer and offering he did since coming to the Tower. When he was still on Earth, he carried a few of the sacrificial prayers. Still, he only sacrificed a few hundred souls at best because he couldn't kill more people as a sacrifice... that would alert the authorities. Unfortunately, in the past, he wasn't that strong to ignore Earth's technology like nothing. Right now, he was confident to take even Tactical Nuclear Weapon with ease and get out unscathed.

The next ones won't be as generous as this one, where he would receive so strong Blessings from the Outer Court. This was like the starting bonus when someone started playing a New Game Plus or a similar thing.

Naturally, the Outer Court of the Outer Gods that were loyal to Azathoth were looking at Samiel with great interest and fondness. Outer Gods were far from something that was unified as countless sub-factions existed within their species as they dwelled either in the Void when they managed to escape from the Azathoth's dream or were released into the reality by Azathoth himself for if Samiel had to guess no reason at all...

Still obtaining the Title Blessed by the Outer Court was rather a big thing, because this meant that Samiel obtained indirect blessings from all the core members of the Outer Court of the Primordial Demiurge, though at the same time, this would make him a target of the various hostile Outer Gods, primordial monstrosities that were existing from the time of Azathoth's birth and other things that will hunt him down because it was one thing to be related to Azathoth and one thing to be blessed by the entire Outer Court.

Technically speaking, if Samiel was only related to Azathoth in some way, he would be still considered neutral, but with this? He was part of some political division among the Outer Gods.

Yet Samiel was pretty much satisfied with the gains because he obtained great power from the Blessing of the Outer Court. Aside from this, all of his Mana Qualities were considerably strengthened when he received the Blessings of the Outer Gods, especially the one for the Void and Outer Holiness, both of them were at least two times stronger than before.

This would prove very useful in the long run because the more powerful the Mana Qualities were, the easier he could use Magic that was attributed to them; not only that, but the Magic would be able to be many times easier to use.

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