Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 210 210 - Of Kobolds And Gods

"That is one..."

Samiel stated as he destroyed one of the Divine Altars, this belonged to the God of Kobolds Kurtulmak; considering the fact that it was only of a Lesser God, it wasn't built with many precious resources as Saamiel skimmed through it with his eyes, seeing for something that could be used in his own attempt to build a Divine Altar.

"There is nothing I could use to build my own Divine Altar..."

He muttered slowly after he finished looking through the materials that the Kobolds used to build the Divine Altar of the Kurtulmak. Unfortunately, there was nothing valuable and nothing usable because for the construction of the Divine Altar dedicated to the Outer Gods, one needed many more precious and rare resources.

"So where now?"

Yvraine questioned after they managed to destroy the Divine Altar of the God of Kobolds Kurtulmak. Samiel was pondering over the matter for some time, before deciding to go after the Divine Altar of the Kuraulyek, the Demigod serving under the Kurtulmak.

"Divine Altar of Kuraulyek... actually I am pretty curious about this one."

He answered because normally, when Holies who wanted to become Gods were attempting to attain Godhood and thus transcend, they would build their Divine Altars mostly in the Lower Worlds or Middle World to gather Faith, as that opinion was many times safer.

Building one in the Tower was pretty dangerous, as the competition in the Tower was very high and it wasn't that unusual of Gods who were thinking that some upstart Demigod was attempting to steal worshippers from him, sending his follower to destroy the Demigod.

The most evident example was the God of Light, who often sent out his Legions of Angels after anyone who dared to proclaim himself One True God or attain the Divinity of Almighty; there was a good number of Demigods who fell to the Legions of Angels of Heaven.

"We should be going then..."

Yvraine agreed with him as they exited the mountain where the Kobolds were camping and went further into, unsurprisingly, another mountain where the Kobolds who worshipped Kuraulyek built him the Divine Altar.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When they came into the vicinity of the Divine Altar, Samiel felt something rather unusually because he felt there several Brontze-Tier auras, and when he felt several, there were around hundreds of them together with around ten Silver-Tier ones.

"Be ready for the immediate combat... at least above hundred Bronze-Tiers and eleven Silver-Tier Professionals are inside... I knew that something was going on when I felt that there was a Divine Altar of Demigod."

Samiel said to Yvraine as they entered the place, evading any sentry guards that the kobolds placed around, as they then saw something which was most unusual. One of the Silver-Tier aura wasn't an ordinary kobold but a Dragonwrought kobold.

Normal kobold was a reptilian humanoid, standing between 60cm – 75cm tall and weighing 16 – 20kg though the mutated ones could be twice the size. They had scaled skin between reddish brown and black in color and burnt orange to red eyes. Their legs were sinewy and digitigrade. They had long, clawed fingers and a jaw like a crocodile. Small white or tan horns protruded from their head and they had rat-like tails.

Dragonwrought kobolds were something akin to an evolved version of kobolds because, technically speaking, they were superior to them in every aspect, as they had a way deeper connection to their draconian ancestors.

All dragonwrought kobolds had scales that were tinted in a hue that aligned with the draconic color of their respective ancestors. Some but not all of these kobolds had a functional set of reptilian wings, which would appear and increase in functionality as the dragonwrought kobold aged.

Different from ordinary kobolds was that they were taller, standing around 100cm or even above one meter and were way heavier, essentially weighing something between 50kg to 75kg, so some called them kobolds on steroids.

Another great difference was that all Dragonwrought kobolds were immune to sleep and paralysis inducting Magic and had a strong magical affinity to the Elemental Magic of their dragon ancestor, so every Dragonwrought kobold could do at least a whole bunch of Spells of the specified element.

Every Dragonwrought kobold was considered a blessing by normal kobolds, being a sign of their heritage and a powerful boon for their race as a whole. They were typically the leader and most powerful beings that protected and ruled the entire kobold colonies, so it was pretty mind-boggling that there were some of them in the Tower because Samiel would predict that they would be in Faerûn.

Faerûn was one of the Higher Dimensional Worlds that Samiel wanted to visit because, contrary to some of the Higher Dimensional Worlds, the Faerûn was essentially one tremendously huge continent, where even islands were the size of entire solar systems. Contrary to many, the Faerûn was inhabited mostly by Mortlas and Legendaries because the entire world served as the breeding ground of worshippers of various Pantheons who were native to the Faerûn.

"So what do you say for my intuition?"

Samiel asked as they were observing several of the Dragonwrought kobolds were ordering the ordinary kobolds here and there, giving them instruction or sometimes beating those who couldn't properly carry out the orders of their betters, which was actually happening far more often than one would think.

"Nothing... still, seeing some many Dragonwrought kobolds in one place is most unusual and this is no coincidence; they are here for some specific purpose, I had to say..."

Yvraine commented back, to which he nodded his head in agreement because this was indeed a most unusual number of the Dragonwrought kobolds in one place, especially all of them being Silver-Tier ones.

Something nefarious was taking place here...

And just as they were observing the place, suddenly both of them were startled by the screams of several people who were being dragged here by a whole bunch of kobolds; from what Samiel and Yvraine could see, most of them were humans though there were also some dwarves and elves among the other, together with some minor species that were rarer in the Cosmos.

"Oh... I know where this is going..."

Samiel muttered as he watched how the captured were being dragged to the Divine Altar as they were going to sacrifice them in some ritual; for Samiel, this was the most curious situation. Normally, Gods avoided this sort of method of increasing their power because it often resulted in some really unsavory side effects.

Even though the Faith was corrosive toward the person who was absorbing it, using ritualistic sacrifices was even more dangerous because all of the resentment and hatred won't go to nothingness but would be absorbed by the person who for whom the sacrifice was carried out.

"They are going to carry out sacrifices for the Kuraulyek to advance into the Godhood... it appears that the God of Kobolds Kurtulmak is really in a tight spot to the point of needing another God on his side to support his powerbase in the Faerûn."

While the Kurtulmak was, technically speaking member of the Chromatic Dragon Pantheon, as he was Lesser God, he wasn't of any significance, not to mention the Chromatic Dragon Pantheon was locked in a war against the Metallic Dragon Pantheon in the Higher Dimensional World Dragon's Nest as they waged war for the supremacy.

Logically speaking, they wouldn't be able to send some of their forces to support Lesser God in Faerûn, who, on the top of everything, wasn't even a dragon, but rather a lowly kobold, as dragon tended to look down on kobolds greatly.

"So what do you say? Should we intervene?"

Yvraine asked to which Samiel shook his head in denial because this wasn't the right moment to make their appearance.

"We will wait until they are at least in the middle of the ritual... then we can essentially cause the ritual to go wrong and backslash, killing all of those who were carrying out, easing out the job of killing all of these creatures."

Samiel answered because as a person who was very skilled and knowledgeable about the rituals and everything around them; he knew what would happen if they, for example, started killing the priests or the people who were in the middle of being sacrificed.

It would be a total and absolute mess in here.

"As you say... you are here the expert on the ritualistic sacrifices."

Yvraine said with a giggle as both of them then watched how some of the unfortunate people that were captured by the kobolds were dragged in front of the Divine Altar of the Kuraulyek as some of them were being just killed out of the right, while the females were at first gang-raped by the kobolds on the Divine Altar before the kobolds killed them off.

Yvraine observed this neutrally though Samiel could see that she wasn't comfortable with the scene when the female elf was literarily raped to death by the kobolds as around hundreds of them took their way with her before they killed her by beating her.

"It is time already?"

Yvraine asked, seeing that Samiel was getting ready for something as she wanted nothing more than just descend and kill off those disgusting creatures. Sometimes Samiel couldn't see past her logic; on one side, she was okay leaving the captives to their fate, so they have a better starting point in their attack, while on another side, when seeing the ritual, she wanted to kill them off as soon as possible.

For Samiel, this was the most illogical behavior.

Still, he decided to ignore Yvraine's behavior right now, as he was casting several spells of the Void Magic at the same time and using Metamagic Techniques to increase their potency and offensive prowess, as he was boosting the three Void Bombs that he fused together to the absolute extreme.

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Empower Spell has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Empower Spell has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Empower Spell has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Control has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Control has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Control has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Fusion - 4th Level Spell has been increased by 1%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Fusion - 4th Level Spell has been increased by 4%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Fusion - 4th Level Spell has been increased by 3%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Fusion - 4th Level Spell has been increased by 2%.]

[Proficiency with the Metamagic Skill: Spell Fusion - 4th Level Spell has been increased by 2%.]

Samiel got a whole bunch of notifications from the Akashic Records when he finished conjuration of the enormous Void Bomb and released it directly at the Divine Altar of the Demigod Kuraulyek as an enormous explosion shook the entire mountain where the kobolds and Dragonwrought kobolds were living in this relatively big colony.

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