Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 213 Head Off

"And with this, you lose again."

Samiel said as he won another round of the Class Fight. Not saying it out loud, but Yvraine was constantly using against him, only due to the presence of his Level 4 Transcendental Ability Architect, because not only due to his Eidetic Memory but also calculation abilities of the Architect.

He could almost effortlessly calculate the entire game from the start in various possibilities, how the game could end, based on the cards he received from the deck. Every time Samiel played something with Yvraine, he always won due to the advantages he possessed due to the Architect.

Naturally, Yvraine knew that he had some sort of ability that allowed him to win every time, she continuously challenged him to countless games because she wanted to beat his ability, something which was pretty irrational from his point of view, but he enjoyed the time they spent together.

"I swear that I will beat you in the end... dammed calculation abilities."

Yvraine cursed as she collected the cards and started mixing them once again while forcing Samiel to close his eyes for absolutely no reason at all... as she started dealing the cards once more because they were going to have another round of the game.

They then continued playing the card game for the next few hours, until Samiel suddenly sensed some powerful Mana signature approaching the location of the Axun's Cult. In a split of a second, they stopped the game and started looking toward the direction of the Mana signatures, as they could see that somebody was coming.

"They are here..."

Samiel muttered as Yvraine's expression morphed into one of utter disgust because the invaders of the Axun's Cult were of the Church of Lolth. Naturally, if they were either the Vampires or cultists of the Cult of the Fallen Prince, Yvraine's reaction would be many times milder, so it was only logical conclusion that the ones who came here were of the Church of Lolth.

"Drows... so they are the ones heading for this territory... most interest... do you wish to lead the charge at them?"

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Samiel asked gently, to which Yvraine nodded eagerly because she wanted to tear apart the drows. While she wasn't a very bloodthirsty person who was a battle maniac or whatever, but whenever it came to Drows, she always turned into extreme buttle lust and wanted to tear them apart one by one.

"How strong are they?"

Yvraine asked, as she knew that Samiel was much better at sensing people's aura and their correct strength compared to her, as he did what she asked and focused his senses on the incoming Drows who came from the Church of Lolth and he was mildly surprised with the incomers and at the same time, certain level disappointment washed over him.

"They are weak... all on the Steel-Tier with three Bronze-Tier individuals leading them, probably the priests of the Lolth; I think we should leave the Undead to take care of them."

Samiel stated as Yvraine was also disappointed hearing this because she hoped that the group that the Church of Lolth sent here would be much stronger, at least with several Silver-Tier individuals, though Samiel doubted that because as they were in one of the lower floors, the strongest individual that the Church of Lolth would have here would be probably peak Silver-Tier, even though this was an area of relative importance.

"Then release on them the Undead..."

Yvraine reluctantly agreed with his proposal because she could see that personally attacking would be just a waste of her time and strength because the enemies were weak and way below her level. Even though she herself was Level 45 Bronze-Tier, she could go toe to toe with average Silver-Tier Professionals, even stronger ones, if she used her Ultimate Abilities to their fullest extent.

When he heard that, Samiel prepared his Undead while he waited together with Yvraine in their hiding spot as they watched the confrontation between the Cult of Axun and the Church of Lolth started; interestingly enough, the Church of Lolth didn't even demand their surrender and just attacked out of nowhere.

Unfortunately for the cultists of the Axun, the Church of Lolth's members were too stronger, mainly because they were primarily Drows and even some Druergar. In contrast, the cultists of the Axun were primarily humans collected across the Lower Worlds. Even though the cultists of the Axun were outnumbering the Church of Lolth by a great margin, but where the Axun was winning in quantity, the Church of Lolth was winning in quality.

And as Samiel predicted, the Church of Lolth were done with the cultists of the Axun within twenty minutes, as they breached their defenses and entered their stronghold and started slaughtering the non-fighters and wreaking havoc in their base, as this was the moment when Samiel unleashed his Undead Army that started attacking the Church of Lolth.

The Undead were ambushing them from behind; Samiel released only his Bronze-Tier Undead together with Ashimer and Negash, who made short work of the Spider Queen's worshippers within five minutes because they couldn't match the overwhelming power of hundreds of Bronze-Tier Undead.

Naturally, they didn't kill anyone, but they focused on the woman that had the highest level of strength out of all of them because she acted as their leader. Samiel wanted to eat her soul to obtain her memories personally, as she should be aware of the exact strength of the Church of Lolth, Cult of the Fallen Prince and worshippers of the Blood Gods in the Bone Mountains were better than some dregs of the society...

"Come on... they should have already captured the leader. I am going to find what she knows and we can attack directly on them if they are weaker than my own estimations."

Samiel stated to Yvraine as he saw Ashimer dragging here unconscious Dark Elven Female, who was wearing the gown of the priestess of the Church of Lolth, which was a very revealing and certainly even erotic piece of clothing.

He conjured an ice dagger through the Winter Ruler and without a second thought, he slit her through and captured her soul, eating it seconds later after he captured it as countless memories were entering his brain, most of them were totally useless or unusable for him.

"We are directly attacking them..."

Samiel started seconds later after he finished digesting the most important memories from the priestess of Spider Queen because he found out that the forces of the Church of Lolth and the other two hegemons of the Bone Mountains were weaker; their strongest person was only a peak Silver-Tier and altogether the Church of Lolth had only a few tens of Silver-Tier individuals stationed in the Bone Mountains.

The same applied to the Cult of the Fallen Prince, while the worshippers of the Blood God were even worse on it as they were right now being attacked by... orks.

Somehow they were unlucky to encounter a group of a few hundred orks, led by enormously powerful Ork and humans who tore apart through the defenses of the Blood Gods worshippers and were right now sieging their strongholds in their territories.

When he got that, Samiel instantly knew that it must have be Juulius and Dharzug because no way would ork and human work together in any other situation. So this only confirmed that Juulius and Dhatrzug had already arrived at the Bone Mountains and were wreaking havoc here and it also explained why the last of the three hegemons of this place was keeping to themselves instead of expanding.

It was evident that they have enough problems as they have right now.

"Juulius and Dharzug are attacking the territories of the Vampires, they must have encountered some group of ork upon their arrival and they directly headed towards the Bone Mountains... this also explained why the Vampires are not participating in this endeavor; they are now waging war with a powerful adversary. In regards to the Church of Lolth and Cult of the Fallen Prince, their powerbase on the 10th is actually nothing at we can't handle."

Samiel explained to Yvraine that he got it from the soul of the priestess of the Spider Queen Lolth as she Silvermoon Crown Princess revealed a feral grin hearing this, as her wish to struct at the Drows would come true.

Between their current position and the territories of the Church of Lolth, there was a whole bunch of minor factions; some were so weak that they were essentially insignificant, as Samiel planned to ignore them... or not depending on what faction they were and if they were hostile to the Hall of Kadath or the Nesser Dynasty, then their destruction was imminent.

After that, Samiel stood in front of the Divine Altar of the Lesser Evil God Axun as it looked like some kind of abomination with his statue on it... at some moment, Samiel didn't know if it was due to the real appearance of the Axun or just the incompetence of his own followers to create a proper statue for him.

When Samiel blasted the Divine Altar apart, he received the familiar notification from the Akashic Records about the progression of the Unique Quest.

[The Unique Quest: Destruction of the Divine Altars has been updated.

Current progression:

1 Divine Altar Destroyed (Demigod)

2 Divine Altar Destroyed (Ordinary-Tier Transcendent)]

'Hmm... I wonder how many I will manage to destroy... Blood Gods are neutral with us so that they won't be counting, but the Dark Seldarine, Evil Gods and Daemons are the fair game; hopefully, there would be a lot more of them.'

Samiel thought as he dismissed the notification from the Akashic Records about the Unique Quest progression as he then called Yvraine and they went further deeper into the Bone Mountains because they were heading directly straight for the territory of the Church of Lolth.

Not to mention, with this, he would have the possibility to move along his Advancement Quest because the Divine Altars for the likes of Spider Queen or the Fallen Prince Sitri were for sure made from the precious and rare materials that even he could use for the construction of his own Divine Altar for the Outer Gods and the Azathoth's Court.

As they went through the Bone Mountains, it didn't take them long to come across another faction that was living here, it was some tribe of local humans that were calling the Bone Mountains their home, but because they were of no importance, Samiel decided to ignore them entirely as they moved away.

Fortunately, the second ones that they came across were actually some minor cultists of some unknown Daemon, as Samiel got to destroy another Divine Altar with glee and made another progression with his Unique Quest with four Divine Altars destroyed already.

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