Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 216 Orks Vs. Gnolls

One day earlier, Juulius and Dharzug were still reorganizing the entire ork band that was living in the underground cave system after Dharzug won the leadership over this precise group of orks, they needed to reorganize them according to Dharzug's vision of the future orks.

Begrudgingly he even shockingly asked for help from Juulius and Juulius begrudgingly and shockingly accepted and helped. What Dharzug wanted was to revolutionize the orkish society into something modern and coherent because he saw 99% of the orkish factions, namely almost all of the Klanz and Tribe, were highly primitive in their civilization.

It was even discussable if the orks had any level of civilization because the only thing that they knew was waging waaaggghhh, killing, slaughtering and plundering. Dharzug wanted to uplift them up to a certain level... he was aware of the fact that the Green Gods neither 'Them' would allow orks to be uplifted how they wanted but only up to a certain grade, which was acceptable and won't be breaching the equilibrium of the Great Game.

If such a thing happened, then they would intervene by themselves, which would be catastrophic. But that wasn't even his aim; no, Dharzug wanted to civilize the orks a bit, to not live in such poor conditions and to become a bit depended on themselves instead of raiding everything around them because sooner or later, their numerical advantage would mean nothing and they would be annihilated one by one.

Their division between various Tribes and Klanz was something that was on one side, making them stronger because various factions were forced to compete against each other, thus becoming better and stronger in the process.

On the other side, through this brutal division, they were constantly at war against one another, killing themselves for supremacy, lowering their own potential and at the same time, seeding seeds of hatred between each other, making any possibility of working with each other against the outside enemy was basically impossible.

"How many warriors do we have available at our disposal?"

Because Juulius was the only other person who knew what the word 'administration' meant, he was constantly helping Dharzug in these matters. To Juulius's shock, he found out that Dharzug, despite his barbaric appearance, was actually pretty literate, knew how even to read Cosmos Common and had some knowledge about administration, bureaucracy and other things.

"Something on 4 thousand of boyz."

Above four thousand ork warriors was a relatively good number, but unfortunately for them, there were more than thirty thousand gnolls in the enemy camp. Though fortunately for them, the gnolls were pretty much weak trash; most of them were only peak of the Iron-Tier, or some stronger ones were at the Steel-Tiers.

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Apparently, only a few pack leaders were of the Bronze-Tiers, but their numerical advantage was overwhelming... as they were outnumbering the orks in the ratio of 7,5 to 1, which was a lot, but if they implemented the right strategy then this issue won't be a problem.

"Before we move out of this place, we need to deal with the gnolls... how are things going with the organization of orks into fighting units?"

Juulius asked as the newly manned ork boss frowned deeply at this because this was probably the greatest weakness of the orks was that they didn't have even a semblance of disciple or anything remotely close to that...

The typical ork setting was just a bunch of boyz in the field as they rushed on the enemy and chopped their way. Nothing else and nothing more, this typically resulted in tremendous losses for orks and many defeats that orks suffered against more organized enemies because many learned strategies and tactics to counter the ork charge.

"Yar coming hardly... but those gits will do what'I will tell or else I'll smash their skullas."

Dharzhg stated angrily as he started drilling the ork warriors on how to advance as a coherent unit. As he was one of the very few orks who didn't only fight against other orks and other species, he also fought alongside other species and he found the concept of organized warfare fascinating and yet so distant from the ork kulture.

Juulius just nodded at this; he was right now in charge of building proper fortifications up to his own standards, another thing where orks failed spectacularly because their fortifications, defenses, buildings or anything that they essentially built was just scraped together, and nothing more.

They were preparing for the incoming attack of the gnolls on their fortifications because Juulius had prepared a plan for the gnolls to attack them. He would later on send a few of ork boyz to provoke off the gnolls, as he wanted at least five to seven thousand of them to attack their defenses.

If this strategy succeeded several times over, they would be able to defeat the biggest gnoll colonies here one by one, essentially winning the fight without any effort. Gnolls on the spectrum of intelligence were even worse than orks, as they were more stupid and their didn't even know of the concept of strategy, orks at least were masters of warfare, in their own brutish way, though...


Two days later, it all went according to Juulius's prediction, as the gnolls were pretty much easily provoked into a mindless fight and attacked the ork fort, which they built just within two days.

All that Juulius needed to do was to send a few orks to bother and provoke the gnolls that were living in the colony south of their location and voa la... two days later, evidently, more than 6,000 gnolls were already marching on their location.

During the past two days, they managed to build decent fortifications because it showed that the orks were good workers as long as there was somebody who was telling them what to do and how to do it; thus, the work progressed at tremendous speed and just two days later, they managed to build decent stone walls, together with several watchtowers and some traps.

Orks were naturally hard workers; they didn't get tired; they also were physically very, very strong so that they could transport large quantities of building materials like nothing and all of this resulted in very fast building speed when they were under Juulius's supervision.

Presently, Juulius was standing on the watchtower together with Dharzug as they were observing the incoming gnoll horde numbering something between six thousand five hundred to seven thousand gnolls as they collected some smaller packs along the way.

Juulius really marveled at their stupidity because they let themselves be provoked into an all-out attack just from a few words and curses, there was essentially nothing else done to them, and they immediately attacked.

In the entire underground valley, there were around more than thirty thousand gnolls; if all of them attacked the orks at the same time, then it would be highly problematic, but in this way... divide and conquer was indeed the primeval truth applicable to almost any kind of conflict.

It seemed way too easy.

"Prep to shoot yar gits!"

Dharzug screamed from the top of the watchtower as they watched the gnoll horde approaching while the orks prepared their shootas, bows or crossbows or essentially any kind of device they had for long-ranged attacks as they awaited further command.

Itneretinstgly enough, drilling discipline into orks was easy... all it required were a few brutal beatings and a few dead of those who were opposing the most. The rest of them quickly then fell into line and acted like proper and good soldiers.


After that, all of the orks released their long-ranged attacks, shooting their bows, crossbows but primarily their shootas, as they shot from either projectiles or pure mass of energy of their won converted Mana which was green in color.

Juulius watched how all of this befell onto incoming gnoll horde as they killed hundreds of them just within the single salvo, then they immediately reloaded and shot once more and more, bombarding the incoming gnoll horde into the oblivion because more than three thousand orks were shooting at them with everything they had from behind the walls or from the walls.

The rest of the ork boyz were waiting for the close combat, as they were stationed around the gate or other potentially reachable places, which Juulius saw as problematic. Just within a few salvos of the long-raged attacks, they managed to slaughter more than two thousand of the gnolls, which was a spectacular success.

All of this was achieved without loosing even a single ork, as the bombardment from the ork fort stopped because the gnolls were already pretty close, so Dharzug gave the command for only those who were armed with bows or crossbows to remain attacking because typically shootas also made a mess on the battlefield in forms of explosions.

And Juulius told him that "friendly fire" was strictly forbidden.

"Boyz attack!"

Hearing the order for the attack, hundreds of the ork boyz started jumping down from the walls, dropping on the gnolls that were trying to climb through the walls and started massacring the gnolls with their enormous weapons.

After Dharzug took charge of these orks; he ordered them to arm themselves properly; shockingly, most of them didn't even bother wearing armor; they only had a few protectors and that was all.

Ironically though, their camp was full of metal scraps, armors and weapons that were even better than they currently used, so they also underwent a bit of upgrade as they tore their way through the gnoll horde.

Unfortunately for the gnolls, the hyena-like creatures were too weak individually to resist the ork charge, especially angry armored orks who were like enraged beasts that were killing everything they saw.

Also, on top of everything, they also didn't have any sort of numerical advantage because approximately four thousand gnolls were fighting against three thousand orks on the ground while they were still being sniped by the orks who were attacking them with long-ranged weaponry from the top of the fort's walls.

After several moments, Juulius too joined the fight, as he was one of few Silver-Tier Professionals that were in their little faction, together with Dharzug and a few of the former boss Nobzes, which were something akin to a ruling caste among the orks, if they had something closest to the nobility among them, even the word "Nobz" was derivated from the word Noble.

Dharzug, too, joined after a short while because it was unacceptable for the boss of the horde not to fight in the waaaggghhh, that was characteristic of the coward and Dharzug needed to bring a few victories to the horde because even though he killed the previous boss in the mak'gora and assumed leadership over the horde, he still needed to prove himself in a certain sense of way, to obtain their unconditional loyalty.

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