Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 218 Orks Vs. Vampires

The Vampires were wholly different enemies compared to the gnolls that the orks of this mini-horde fought previously. While the gnolls depended purely on their instincts and pack tactics, not to mention that they had poor combat skills and extremely low firepower, it was a different situation with the Blood Races.

Species that were categorized as the Blood Races, namely Dhampirs, Vampires, Kindreds and not to mention the pinnacle of their species, the Pale Blood were masters of Physical and Magical Combat. Even the lowliest Dhampir which were the hybrids of Vampires and Humans could compete in terms of physique against the weakest of ork boyz, not talking about the Vampires which were basically as strong as standard Ork Boy footsoldiers.

Aside from that, on their evolutionary ladder, starting from the Vampire stage, they could all display affinity for both sides of combat, meaning each Vampire would be an expert in magical combat and also physical combat. All of them were born with the Blood Magic and could cast some really nasty spells, not too mention Kindreds who were born with the Leveled Ability of Blood Control.

Pure Blooded Kindreds of Noble Lineages were all born with Blood Control on the Rare Level, while Plale Bloods all of them were born with the same Ability just on the Ultimate Level, while some of the most powerful lineages were born with a variation of that Ability called Blood Sovereign.

Juulius observed how hundreds of orks were clashing against what seemed to be mainly Vampires, but there was something that shocked him a bit because he saw there a Kindred in pristine silver armor walking through the battlefield and reading the lives of countless orks that dared to approach him.

'Peak Silver-Tier and has Blood Control on the Level 2 Rare... not to mention his entire armor is of an ending spectrum of the Rare-Grade Equipment and it should be Runic Armor, but some of the bits are combined with the concept of the Power Armors... most interesting, it appears that we have encountered either descendant of some great aristocrats or priests of the Blood Gods.'

The Templar Knight of the Holy Templar Order of the Hall of Kadath thought while he observed how the Kindred man was intercepted by Dharzug himself because there was essentially nobody who could face him in one-to-one single combat, thus the responsibility fell onto the ork boss of these orks, which was naturally Dharzug's responsibility.

On the battlefield, the Vampires were severely outnumbered they were superior in terms of firepower and equipment, but Juulius could see that it wasn't helping them much in the great scheme of all things.

Yes, they were able to kill a whole bunch of Ork Boyz, but in the end, they were brought down by the sheet number of the Ork Boyz who were just coming out from the entrance to the underground paths, as a few of the orks that the Vampires managed to kill were inconsequential in the battle, because soon enough the winner and loser of this conflict were clear.

On another part of the battlefield, across the place where Juulius was standing and observing everything from the safe position, Dharzug was engaged in single combat against the leader of the Vampires here, the Silver-Tier Kindred who was giving him one hell of a battle.

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With his Blood Control Ability, the Kinred was able to perfectly combine long-ranged, mid-ranged and close-combat together, not to mention, due to all corpses of the orks and vampires that were killed here, he had a tremendous amount of blood he could control, thus Dharzug was constantly being bombarded by various blood constructs, ranging from simple weapons to more advanced ones such as magical beasts ones.

Dharzug was relatively successful in defending against the Kindred's attacks, but he had a very hard time approaching him because he was experienced combatant enough to know not to let ork like Dharzug near him... such cases always ended pretty poorly.

But also for the Kindred, Dharzug knew how to fight such people, and the best way to close the distance between them, by tanking all of their hits and forcing them to close combat, basically forcing them to play according to their rules.

This strategy was pretty problematic, because not everyone had such ability, but Dharzug had... as he roared and burst out in waves of green energy as it cracked around him like electricity or striking of the lighting, as he took every hit of blood construct that the Kindred man sent towards him like nothing, closing the distance between them with each step he took.

This action caused the Kindred man to panic because he didn't predict an outcome like this that his opponent would be taking every hit with his body. In contrast, mostly unscathed and approaching him at tremendous speed, as he tried to change the strategy. Still, unfortunately before he could do anything, Dharzug's transformation happened once more, as he entered some kind of "mode 2.0" and appeared in front of the Kindred man.


The Kindred blocked Dharzug's waraxe with his longsword as it seemed that the close combat was inevitable and this was the big ork's win, as he managed to bring the battle to his enemy. When he was already in his close vicinity, there was nothing that the KIndred could do to create a distance between them once more, so the only choice was to fight against the ork boss.

Dharzug didn't waste a second as he sent the Kindred man flying with a powerful kick, as he crashed into nearby orks. At the same time, Dharzug jumped high in the air and with his waraxe he slashed at the Kindred man as he fell down, while only barely missing his head, severing a few strands of his pure white hair maximally.please visit

The Kindred, still lying on the ground, twisted his body as he jumped back on his legs and counterattacked, aiming at the unprotected spot at Dharzug's neck, forcing the big ork to defend with his waraxe. At the same time, the bloodsucker used his Level 2 Rare Ability Blood Control to collect the blood around him, to heal himself and also boost up his parameters, forcing his combat prowess to skyrocket.

After boosting himself with the healthy dose of the combination of orkish and vampire blood, he attacked the ork boss with more ferocity than before, with his longsword glowing with ominous crimson light as it drank some of the blood.

The conditions was in favor of the Kindred because the Blood Control wasn't suited only for offensive or defensive purposes but also supportive ones; the user could boost himself physically, restore his magic, regenerate at tremendous speed and create literal miracles through the usage of the Blood Control.

And in the place where blood was in abundance... it was a heaven-defying weapon, because the blood was a crucial resource for the Kindred, who could use it in an endless way and the more of blood was there, the stronger he would be.

But Dharzug also wasn't without an card in his sleeve as the green Divine Power of the Green Gods cracked around him like the lighting, as he appeared in front of the Kindred in a flash, punching him in his stomach and sending him flying tens of meters away.

In a split of a second, faster than one could blink, he slashed at the Kindred with his waraxe, hitting the silver armor of the Kindred man, which cracked in the area where Dharzug hit the Kindred in his full force, augmented by the Divine Power of the Green Gods, which he summoned to cope with the power increase that his Kindred opponent got from all of the blood around them.

Juulius watched all of this with keen interest because it wasn't every day where one could see Kindreds fighting on the battlefield, especially using their Blood Control Abilities and he could agree why they were called "One Man Armies"...

As long as there was blood on the battlefield, they would never get weaker, they would recover from almost every injury and their stamina would never run off. They would just slaughter their way through entire armies, leaving behind them nothing more than decimated opponents and a sea of corpses.

Dharzug had already dealt with foes similar to this and from his experience, he knew that how to deal with them... overwhelming power and destroy them as fast as possible without allowing them to use any of their abilities to bring themselves back or to save their hides.

Naturally, this didn't escape Juulius, who was observing from the small rock on which he was sitting, but there was something that wasn't playing with him nice and that was, even though Dharzug's power was enough to kill even half-step Gold-Tier Professional, Juulius knew that it wouldn't be enough to kill the Kindred man before him.

Juulius was still more knowledgeable as he was educated by the best tutors and teachers that the Hall of Kadath could provide. He recognized that the Kindred was someone descended from the Great Aristocratic Houses of the Pale Blood... probably some sort of bastard, but that didn't change the fact that he should inherit something from the Pale Blood parent that he didn't want to use.

He knew that because the Great Aristocratic House of the Pale Bloods, the House of Von Carstein, were members of the Hall of Kadath and the Holy Templar Order for countless Epochs already since the Blood Schism in ancient times.

Coincidentally, Juulius was in the same class in the Templar Academy as the Heir of the Von Carstein House, Frederic Wilhelm Von Carstein IV. and thus he was aware that the Pale Bloods had one special life-saving method, which allowed them essentially to condense all of the blood in their surrounding together with igniting their own Life Force and Blood Energy to enact some sort of "Immortal Transformation".

In that state, they are almost impossible to kill and one would need to be incomparably stronger to kill them. For example, if Gold-Tier Pale Blood used it, then he could be killed only by Legendary Level Might... and not some weaker or Initial Stage Legendary Level, but a proper one instead.

Seeing that Dharzug was unaware of this fact because if he were, then he would already ended this combat as soon as possible by entering his most powerful state that the Holy Apostle could do, by letting the will of God possess him and obliterating the enemy from the face of the earth, Juulius decided to intervene personally.

He brandished his sword while chanting a silent prayer to the Outer Gods, to the Outer Court of the Primordial Demiurge and the Great Dreamer and to the Crawling Chaos, whom he personally worshipped as his primal God.

His golden eyes shined brightly as he disappeared from the rock and strode through the battlefield in a split of a second as he beheaded several of the vampires that were close to killing the orks, hurrying towards the Kindred man before he could activate his last resort...

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