Eldritch Creature's Guide

Chapter 223 Yvraine's Feelings II.

'Nothing... everything is clear, hooman.'

He nodded his head in satisfaction when he heard that everything was clear out of enemies and they had free passage toward their destination.

Afterward continued listening to Yvraine as she was ranting about some news from the Nesser Dynasty because apparently her "rival" or whatever it was, got promoted to the Silver-Tier faster than her.

"And would you believe that whore called me a frigid bitch? That audacity of that upstart House!"

Samiel nodded in agreement absentmindedly without a second thought.

"Of course, dear, you are right."

He gave out an already pre-programmed answer. This wasn't the first time he was forced to listen to her ranting about various things, mainly complaining about some noble ladies in the Nesser Dynasty.

Typically some of her friends and acquaintances and Samiel knew that the best way to get around that was to constantly agree with whatever she was saying.

Disagreeing was not an opinion in this aspect.

In situations like this, everything that Yvriane wanted was an agreement with everything she said. Naturally, Samiel, like a proper suitor / fianceé / lover, agreed with everything she said... like a parrot.

Of course, his tricks were constantly tested by her because, from time to time, she would ask him even question about things she was saying; she tried to test him to see if he was really listening to her and not just pretending by nodding his head like one of those figurines with huge heads on a string that were bouncing.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'What the hell again happened that she won't be shutting out about this? Though calling her frigid bitch... looks could be indeed deceiving.'

Samiel thought as Yvraine glared in his way before she huffed and continued her rant. He was already tired from hearing her ranting, but he knew that she wouldn't be stopping for some time and saying otherwise would only worsen the problem.

The entire way they were traveling to Place B on the list, he was forced to listen to how her "rival" Eleria got into an argument with her over something through the Holo-Brain call and it ended when they started comparing each other...

When it was clear that Eleria was losing, then she used the card where she was winning and that was... love life. If there was some weakness that Yvraine had and which was something that she couldn't ever win an argument against, it were essentially topics of love life and social life.

Yvraine had, indeed pretty terrible reputation in the Nesser Dynasty for being cold, ruthless and for her approach to some men that attempted to pursue her.

It was a combination of several factors, her history and her not much likable personality, which resulted in her current situation.

So in spite of their argument, she apparently called Yvraine a cold frigid bitch, which evidently wasn't the best idea around because right now, Yvraine was indeed very, very, very much pissed off.

Rather it would be much more prudent to say that she was absolutely enraged to the point where she needed to destroy something very quickly.

It didn't need the genius to figure out that Yvraine was extremely pissed off right now and fortunately, they were going to battle, so she could blow up some steam on the poor vampires that would become the targets of her ire.

On the brighter side of things, he was sure that after the battle would also come to some hot and steamy sex. Hopefully, she won't be recording it and sending it to Elaria to prove her point... though the more Samiel thought about it more disturbed he became about the situation, but only time will tell.

"Yv, calm down, please... we are already pretty close to the Place B of the bats and it seems that the reinforcements of the Vampires have arrived."

Samiel stated as he got the news from Nefertari, who was flying high above them and scouting the area when she saw that Place B, as they termed it, was swarming with vampires.

There were a pretty lot of them; at least three hundred of them were present and most of them were peak Steel-Tier or a combination of the Bronze-Tiers and some Silver-Tiers ones.

Not to mention the armor and weapons of the Vampires were naturally top-notch because bats were not stingy in this aspect; they were arming their troops in the best fashion and with efficiency in mind.

Samiel put his hands on her shoulders in his attempt to calm Yvraine down because she was pretty angry that she got into an argument with her rival, but not probably about that, but Samiel understood that she was conscious about her personality a lot...

'Maybe she still fears I will exchange her for someone more approachable and likable... who would have thought that I won't be the only one with fears in this relationship?'

He thought because he himself had similar insecurities sometimes; thus he knew approximately about what she was thinking and how she was feeling. It was very weird to be empathic, but he then came to Yvraine and hugged her tightly from behind as she stopped in her ranting and was frozen in place.

"Listen, don't take seriously what Elaria said... whatever she said... you know that I love you and I would never change you for anything in this world."

Samiel said gently while hugging her; he could see that she had tears escaping her eyes as she turned to face him and kissed him passionately with her tongue as she invaded his mouth and relaxed visibly in his embrace.

"Thank you... Sami... sometimes I fear that you will leave me behind because I am not..."

Yvraine said when they separated from her kiss, but she didn't get to finish her words as he put his finger on her lips to stop her from whatever in what she was saying.

"I know that we already talked about it, but even if I have more partners in the future, you will always be the first and I will not be with anyone whom you also don't like... Yvraine, you were the first person to accept me how I am and to love me... You are the reason why I didn't fall into the endless madness that is tempting me each day and whatever will happen in the future, I don't know, but I know that we will always be together. Kay?"

He said gently, seeing that more tears were forming in the corners of her eyes as she nodded her head and snuggled into his chest, as she sobbed a bit and Samiel patted her blonde hair slowly. For him, Yvraine was indeed something like an anchor... he was aware that their relationship was far from a healthy one.

He would do everything in his power to not lose her because he feared that he was not good enough and surprisingly, Yvraine was thinking the same thing.

Sometimes life was inscrutable.

'It seems that we are pretty much suited for each other... fate... what a bitch, but this time it was well played. Well played indeed...'

Samiel thought as he hugged Yvraine and kissed her forehead.

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