Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 68 Making Plans



"Damn it!" Wu Bai roared in an outrageous manner, throwing his hands in the air as he flung the newspaper in his hands away with complete disgust before pushing his seat back.

He stood up without a second thought. His brain was filled with so many cogitation as he anxiously paced about. Everything seemed bleak to him.

It felt as though he was stuck between a rock and a hard place

How could it be that his rival began gaining the upper hand when he was losing? If not for the fact that Andromeda left him, would Liu's company even stand a chance?

With those thoughts taunting his mind, he continuously paced about in his office, thinking of a quick solution while rubbing on his chin with a practical expression etching to his face.

He suddenly slowed down on his movements and whipped his head close to the window as a familiar feeling struck him.

"Wait. There is something about this design that seems…" He shook his head. "No... It is just my thought. Nothing."

Wu Bai let out a deep sigh, lifting his hand to his hair and skimming his fingers through them. His gaze remained unfathomable with thoughts that dug deep.

'Something is wrong somewhere," his brows knitted in a cryptical manner, "why doesn't he want to show his designer or is he trying to copy my trick? Which country did he get his designer from? Tsk, I got so busy with searching for Andromeda that I did not keep tabs and now he is a rising star.'

His endless pondering continued for as long as it could. Finally, he stopped with his incessant pacing and leaned against his desk with both hands as support.

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"Liu Xueyi, do not get ahead of yourself soon. I would do everything to dampen your shine." His word sounded dark, as though he was making a promise before an escapable glint flashed in his eyes.

He reached for the telephone on his desk and put a call through to his secretary.

"Hello....yes, put a call to our teams, have them drop all the news concerning this company and Starlight's Apparel. We certainly can't have them defaming us."

"But sir, it is not defamation." The receiver from the other end politely responded, "they had the right to compare considering we have been…"

His secretary paused in her speech when she realized exactly who she was speaking to. Wu Bai did not care how, as long as it gets done.

As far as he was concerned, they could try and defame Starlight Apparel and he would be glad. So long as he isn't the one receiving the brunt of the matter.

Although they spoke through the phone, she felt the atmosphere dampen and a certain dreaded feeling envelop her senses.

Her breathing stilled for the longest she could hold it till Wu Bai's deep voice resonated in her head. "Do you like your job?"

"My deepest apologies sir. I would contact the team immediately to get working."

"Better. This should be the last time you utter one word against my order."

She dipped her head a bit in perfect understanding.

"Use your mouth, Zho Ruolan."

Without being there, he knew what she was doing and what she was capable of doing. Although she was sometimes clumsy, she handled his work properly which kept her as his longest secretary over the years.

"Yes, sir. Got it."

"Better. I am not employing an Agama lizard. It is preferable you do the needful. Also, send Beatrice to me. I need her so we can plot out a strategy. Tell her what I said."

'Right on it sir."

He disconnected the call without a second thought, not bothered if her feelings were hurt by his indifferent attitude.

She had managed to get by with his attitude till this day. Of course she's bound to getting used to it, he would always say.


However, for Beatrice Zhang, she got wind of the news but wasn't so much as disturbed by it. She knew for sure Wu Bai would look for something to do.

On the other hand, while Wu Bai was busy cracking his brain, she was more interested in looking for Andromeda's new residence and how to snoop in.

"Umm Taylor, have you gotten any leads yet?" She questioned her assistant.

"No ma'am," her assistant politely responded without sparing her a glance as she adjusted her reading glasses and continued with the document she was reading on the computer screen.

"I see…. What are those boys doing anyway?"

Taylor Zhao stopped what she was doing and lifted her head to look at her boss. "Ma'am, we have located her residence. The problem is getting in. The security at the estate is quite tough."

"Bullshit! What am I paying them for?" She clicked her tongue while letting the annoyance visibly display on her face, "I know she would have been drawing some new designs. There would be no way in hell that she would not have prepared something."

"How sure are you ma'am?"

"Drawing is her hobby, If I can get my hands on a few, I can make Wu Bai see me for who I am again and have more faith. This way, I can wrap him around my fingers."

"Your ideas are always brilliant ma'am. I believe you should flesh out yours more and yiu can succeed her."

"That is not it." She shook her head while relaxing on her seat, "I would make adjustments to her designs a bit and call them mine. These days, Wu Bai seems only fascinated by her style."

Taylor Zhao placed a finger on her chin while registering her words. "I see..."

For as long as she could recall working with Beatrice, she knew her boss drew but not on a regular basis and would always take Andromeda's drawing on request from Wu Bai and make a few touches then have it made.

She felt it was because she was the top designer at Pearl's Divine Clothing but over time, she began to doubt that especially after Andromeda left.

"Alright ma. I'll have them on the line now."

Ring! Ring!

The sound of the telephone interrupted their conversation, leaving a tired smile to form on Taylor Zhao's face.

"Hello," she greeted the moment she placed the phone on her ears.

"Taylor, morning, it is I, Zho Ruolan. I have an urgent message for your boss. Is she there?"

"Yes. You can tell me what it is, I would relay it to her," she urged calmly.

"Please inform her that the boss wishes to see her in his office to strategize their next move in taking Starlight Apparel down." Zho Ruolan immediately delivered the message.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Yes. And he wants her now, please," Zho Roulan added.

"There is no problem. I would inform her."

As soon as Taylor Zhao dropped the call, she felt heated eyes on her head. Without a doubt she knew what must be going on in Beatrice's mind.

She had not succeeded in getting the needed sketch designs for Andromeda and now Wu Bai wanted her.

It simply meant she had more work to do with the guys who were breaking in or else, she would take the heat of the problem.

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