Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 163 Rampage!!!

Chapter 163 Rampage!!!

Alex knew that the fight that he’s having right now were going in their favor, and he will obviously let it stay that way.

He looked at the battles happening around him, and he could hardly suppress a smile as he realized that even with their Traveler Truce gone, Professor Frances and her Companions still chose to help Alex on fighting against Pantheon.

Even if Professor Frances was a sleazebag, Alex could appreciate her helping him out here.

Of course Alex knew that once they were done with the Pantheon, he and Professor Frances will end up fighting each other.

Alex had no problem with that, as he felt that this is how his Main Mission would end.

But before Alex could reach that point, he still had to defeat the Pantheon first.

"Boom boom boom!" Alex squinted his eyes as he observed the opponent in front of him.

Tetra, who was now using his whole power, was unleashing his own series of his powerful attacks.

With all the time that Tetra has stayed in this world, it seemed like his Esper Power had even grown further.

"Tsk, this is really hard..." Alex muttered to himself as he desperately dispelled a gravity well created by Tetra. "If this goes on, Tetra will just defeat us all!"

Even with Alex and Alina working together, they could only barely defend themselves from Tetra’s attacks.

"Ugh, how much Mental Energy does Tetra have now? It must have been a lot compared to the one that he had in the Esper World before!" Alex mumbled to himself angrily as Alina pulled him away just in time to avoid a concentrated blast of radiation from Tetra.


Alex contemplated on using Synthesis with Alina, but he immediately discarded that idea, as he’s planning on saving Synthesis for Professor Frances later.

"Eldritch, I do not know what your goal with my home world is, but be assured that I will be here to prevent you from getting your hands on it." Tetra said with his booming voice as he continued on attacking Alex and Alina. "So my advice for you two is to just surrender, or else..."

"Hmph, you think you are the only one that has an ace here? You seem to underestimate me, Uncle!" Alex replied with a snark as his eyes caught a glimpse of Miden being swallowed by Queen Mother’s carnivorous summons.

"What did you just call me?" Tetra’s befuddled reply was ignored by Alex as Alex spun around facing Alina.

"Alina, we need to hold Tetra down for a few seconds." Alex said as a crazy plan began to form in his head. "If we manage to hold him down for that amount of time, our victory is guaranteed!"

"Ok... I trust you in this." Alina replied softly as her eyes began to narrow in determination. "As long as we pour all of our Mental Power on our Esper Abilities, I think we can hold Tetra down for around 20 seconds..."

"That is good enough for me!!" Alex replied as he and Alina teleported again, this time only barely dodging Tetra’s latest attack.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After that teleportation, Alex rounded up all 7 of his Abyss Sprites, filling them up with as much Abyss Energy that he can.

"You 7, go and assist Greed on taking Miden’s power!" Alex shouted as he pointed towards Miden, who was still trapped inside Queen Mother’s plants. "If anyone tries to stop you 7, use your Abyss Magic to fight them off! Remember, your goal is to let Greed Pillage Miden’s power! Do whatever it takes to do it!"

At the instant that Alex said these words, all 7 of his Abyss Sprites gave him a salute as they started flying towards Miden’s location.

"No, I won’t let you do that!" Tetra, who was nearby, obviously heard what Alex said.

He raised his hand in an attempt to summon an attack that will collide with the Sprites, but before he could do so, his whole body suddenly dropped down to the ground.

"Arggh!!!" These agonized shouts came from both Alex and Alina, who were using their Esper Abilities to their extreme limits.

For Alex, he gathered trillions of gravity waves, forcing them down on Tetra’s body.

As for Alina, she used most of her Mental Energy to flatten the space around Tetra, which basically forced him down.

Their goal was to force Tetra on the ground which will buy some time for Alex’s Sprites to Pillage Miden’s power.

"Ugh..." But even with all these things that Alex and Alina did, Tetra was still able to tank all of these attacks.

His whole body only had a few scratches on it, and the only visible effect of Alina and Alex’s attack on Tetra was him being unable to stand up.

But even that effect was slowly dissipating too, as Alex saw Tetra starting to stand up slowly.

"Hurry up, my little Sprites!" Alex shouted at the top of his voice as he saw Tetra halfway through his standing position. "If you don’t hurry up, we will be all done for here!"

It seems like Alex’s hoarse shouts worked, as by the end of his sentence, Greed and the other Sprites have reached Miden’s constricted body.

The other Abyss Sprites started guarding the area around Greed as Greed entered the carnivorous plant containing Miden.

Greed then started doing his job, swallowing Miden whole which was accompanied by Miden’s horrified shouts.

Greed spat Miden out by the time that Tetra was 3/4ths on his standing position, and during this time, Alex was already starting to panic inwardly.

After all, Alex just saw Myth pummeling a Hydra to death with 32 of her golem fists...

That is not a good sight to see, especially with what Alex was planning to do now.

And with the way that Alex and Alina fought earlier, there was no doubt that Myth will go for him and Alina next.

And that prediction of his came true as he saw Myth casting a baleful glare in his direction. Just seeing that hostile glare was enough to confirm that she’s indeed about to attack Alex next.

Alex then looked back at Tetra, and to his dismay, he saw that Tetra was almost 90 percent into his standing position. It looks like it will only take Tetra a few more seconds before he can stand up fully, and once that happens, he will surely attack Alex and Alina too.

Alex looked back at his Sprites, who just finished clambering out of Queen Mother’s carnivorous plants.

With the distance between Alex and his Sprites, Alex knew that he cannot just wait for the Sprites to come to him, as waiting will just open up Alex to the attacks from Myth and Tetra!

Waiting for them to come to him is not an option here anymore!

After realizing the dilemma that he was in, Alex started to freeze up, but before he could fully stiffen up, he shook his head as he slapped his cheeks.


"If when in doubt, just do the unconventional..." Alex muttered to himself as he forced himself to calm down.

If the Sprites could not reach Alex on time, then it will be Alex who will approach them!

"Alina, let go of your power now!" Alex shouted as he grabbed Alina’s left arm with his right hand. He then deactivated the gravity suppression that he placed on Tetra with Alina doing the same with her power too.


Once he let go of his gravity suppression, Alex immediately activated his Fixed-Space Spatial Teleportation, choosing to make himself appear in front of his Sprites.

At the instant that Alex appeared in front of his Sprites, he opened his mouth desperately, gesturing for Greed to spit out the ball now.

Fortunately for Alex, his Sprites were just as devious as him, as they quickly realized what Alex was planning to do.

"Fire in the hole!" His Sprites shouted as Greed catapulted out the flesh ball out from his body.

"Thonk." The ball, which had the hint of a metallic feel, was immediately sucked in by Alex towards his stomach.

"Hah!" As the warm feeling spread out of his stomach again, Alex waved his hands, unsummoning all of his Sprites.

Alex and Alina then teleported once more as they narrowly dodged Tetra and Myth’s combined attacks.

"Boom!" After he appeared at a location 10 meters away from their former spot, Alex slightly wobbled as he felt a slight pain in his back

He observed that body part of his, and to his dismay, he saw the sign of a deep wound there.

That wound of his had signs of burns and slight decay, making Alex wince as he imagined what could the effects of the full strike could be.

If the glancing blow of the combined attack of Tetra and Myth could cause this damage, then what would happen if Alex got hit by one head on?

"Ugh, so I was not able to fully dodge that latest attack huh. This sucks..." Alex could feel his body screaming in pain from this wound, but forced himself to stay rational.

Even with that damage he received, Alex knew that it was not the time for him to just mope around.

He bit his tongue deeply, relishing on the tang of blood on his lips as he observed the new power that he just Pillaged.

[Grade 1 Slot] -------- Fixed-Coordinate Spatial Teleportation.

[Grade 2 Slot] -------- Superhuman Ability Regression and Suppression.

[Grade 3 Slot] -------- Empty Slot. Needs to Pillage Power

[Grade 4 Slot] -------- Empty Slot. Needs to Pillage Power

[Grade 5 Slot] -------- Empty Slot. Needs to Pillage Power

[Grade 6 Slot] -------- Empty Slot. Needs to Pillage Power

[Grade 7 Slot] -------- Needs Grade 7 Abyss Energy to access.

[Grade 8 Slot] -------- Needs Grade 8 Abyss Energy to access.

[Grade 9 Slot] -------- Needs Grade 9 Abyss Energy to access.

[Grade 10 Slot] -------- Needs Grade 10 Abyss Energy to access.

[Grade 11 Slot] -------- Needs Grade 11 Abyss Energy to access.

[Grade 12 Slot] -------- Needs Grade 12 Abyss Energy to access.

With just a glance, Alex already saw what he can do with this new ability.

As long as he had enough Abyss Energy, Alex can suppress Superhuman abilities nearby him.

Of course, just like Miden, this power had the limitation of only affecting Superhuman Abilities, but even with that limitation, Alex knew that this power is the perfect part of his new plan!

All of this observation only took Alex a second, and once this one second has passed by, Alex immediately went into his new sets of actions.

Without any delay, Alex immediately activated [Superhuman Ability Regression and Suppression], using it on everyone nearby him.

The effects of what Alex just did was instantaneous.

Myth who was in the old man form that she used earlier, let out a squeak as he body reverted back to normal. Her clearly normal human body only hovered at the air for around a second, before she suddenly plummeted towards the ground.

The same thing happened to Plague too, with her created microbes suddenly disappearing like a puff of smoke. Her opponent, Professor Frances, took advantage of this as she overwhelmed Plague with her chemical nozzle.

As for Machi, his combat suit deactivated, making him only comparable to a man covered in a useless hunk of metal.

Duplicator rushed to Machi as this happened, with Duplicator’s talons tearing Machi’s suit apart like wet paper.

The poor Machi could only let out a set of shouts before he was swarmed by the drones of Professor Frances’ Companion.

Then there was Foresight, who immediately fainted as Alex used his newly pillaged ability.

"You bastard!" Tetra, who was unaffected by what Alex did, could only shout in anger as he saw his teammates get taken down this easily. "Undo what you just did!"

"Undo? Did you really just say that, Tetra?" Alex replied with a snicker as he teleported in and out, taking Myth with him. "I really can’t undo it now, as I still have some uses for your teammates, especially now with their powers suppressed."


Alex then wrapped his tentacles around the squirming Myth, while the other Pantheon members were tied up by Queen Mother’s vines.

"So... what should I do with your teammates, Vice-Leader Tetra?" Alex said in an obviously fake melancholic tone as he covered Myth’s mouth with one of his tentacles.

"I can do a lot of things on them, and you won’t like most of it..." One of Alex’s tentacles wrapped itself around Myth’s neck, producing some suckling sounds that made Tetra wince. "Of course you still have a chance to save them, but for you to do that, you have to give up something important first."

Alex then started tightening his wrap around Myth as he slowly said,

"Question is, can you give it up? Remember, the lives of your allies will depend on that answer..."

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