Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 259 Spreading Chaos

The chaos in that place was getting worse. All of the followers could only stare from where they stood as all of their masters were going rampage to annihilate all those strange black monsters.

The appearance of the black robed monster that was previously a threat to ordinary warriors now became nothing in front of the Celestials. It displayed the attack of the black tentacles and increased the size of several black monsters around it; however, it did not provide any significant resistance to the Celestials with their exhibit of power.

The black-robed figure was obliterated within a few seconds of its appearance. The Celestials seemed not satisfied with all that so they continued to destroy all the black monsters with incredible ferocity.

In fact, they were almost advancing toward that black wall and wanted to destroy it right away. But they still managed to restrain themselves before actually launching an attack toward the wall, realizing that they didn't know anything about it and could probably suffer damage. In the end, all the rage was extinguished before the fear of uncertainty in front of them.

There were no more black monsters left; they have all been destroyed. Upon realizing that, the Celestials could only stand still amidst the destruction they had created.


Some of them couldn't stop themselves from screaming as the wave of grief hit them again. Even though they continued to quarrel before, they now felt strangely sad when one of them finally died.

The Celestials had no idea they would feel this way because never before had any Celestials died even after they went through all kinds of battles. The same can't be said for their warriors and followers. The Celestials wouldn't feel so lost if the followers died fighting to fulfill their wishes.

However, when one of them dies, it turns out that they will feel a wave of grief. Even the Celestials just figure that out now themselves.

Anahita could only watch as the Celestials rampaged as if they had been swallowed up by a wave of madness. All of her friends in the same squad are also in the same daze state as her.

They keep seeing their tantrums. The black monsters come out from within the walls again as if to continue serving their anger.

No one knew how much time had passed since the Celestials first went on a rampage. Suddenly all the black monsters stopped coming out of the walls, causing all the Celestials to just stay where they were.

The loyal followers who had always seen the Celestials as powerful beings and beyond their understanding as mortals were now shocked to see the changes that had occurred to their master. Now those Celestials looked no different from beings who were going through grief after losing their dear families.

Now some doubts arise in the hearts of the followers. Were they really looking at the Celestials they had been serving all along? Why do they look so fragile like that?

Some of the Celestials flew backwards, to where they had been waiting before. Their faces looked as if they were holding back embarrassment because they had just done that tantrum. The wave of realization had almost washed away all the rage they had previously felt.

"Let's go back!" One of the Demon Kings said to all of his retainers. Afterward, a portal opens there; The Demon King and his retainers entered and left the place.

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Following the Demon King, a large number of Celestials also started to leave the place. Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel returned to their places.

"You saw that earlier, didn't you?" Archangel Michael said with a smile.

Anahita and the rest of her squad didn't know what to answer, so they just kept silent and lowered their heads.

"It's pretty embarrassing. I know. But... One of the Celestials has died." Archangel Michael said that through gritted teeth as if suppressing his anger. "I never thought that this day would finally come. It feels... so sad."

Archangel Gabriel and Uriel share the same expression as her. In front of their followers, it was the first time the Archangels had shown this kind of expression.

"I will leave here for now," Archangel Michael said to Archangel Gabriel and Uriel. They both immediately turned towards him.

"Where are you going?" Archangel Uriel said.

Archangel Michael gritted his teeth before answering. He looks angry, but his anger is not caused by the two Archangels. Anahita who saw the Archangel's gaze made a brief frown appear on her face.

Archangel Uriel and Gabriel who saw those eyes immediately nodded in agreement.

"We will continue to be here for a while then," Archangel Gabriel said.

Archangel Michael replied with a short nod then created a silver-colored portal. He signaled to the five followers he brought to follow him. They disappeared from the place a moment later.

Archangel Gabriel and Uriel had no intention of having any conversation. They immediately sat back on their respective thrones and contemplated what had happened to them earlier. The two of them, like other Celestials, still couldn't believe that Celestials had died. However, the feelings they had earlier were very real.


Meanwhile, at Sivagadh Fortress, Clyde who was asleep in his bed jerked awake when he heard a strange voice in his head.

'Shit, looks like I'm going to get another headache,' Clyde thought grudgingly. The last time he heard a voice he didn't recognize, Clyde collapsed because of the unbearable pain in his head.

[ "Don't worry. I'm not going to torture you like I did last time." ] 

It was the voice of one of the members of the Order of Mindweaver who contacted him at that time, the one who created his system. But Clyde is grateful because what that being said is right; Clyde now doesn't feel any pain in his head.

Clyde breathed a sigh of relief and then asked the voice in his head. 'What's going on now?'

[ "A Celestial has died." ] 

Clyde paused.

[ "Do you perhaps know anything about that?" ] 

'Yes,' Clyde answered without hesitation. After all, if he is indeed the creator of his system, he will surely know about it sooner or later.

[ "As I expected," ] the creator said.

Clyde waited until he said something more.

[ "You just did an amazing thing. You know that?" ] 

Clyde of course knows that. But he didn't want to be full of himself when he found out that other Celestials would soon be hunting him with all of their resources.

He killing God Kane was something he had rushed and had not planned. Because Goddess Pele was the first to set him up, Clyde had no choice but to kill him.

'What do you want to do about it?' Clyde asked.

[ "You don't sound happy." ] 

'No. I'm not happy.'

[ "Good. It means you know that what you're doing isn't exactly a clever decision." ] 

Clyde sighed in exasperation. 'Just answer my question.'

The creator was silent for a moment. And then, he said something surprising to Clyde.

[ "I think it's time you meet my master and know the truth." ] 

Clyde's eyes widened at that.

'What do you mean?'

[ "I'll contact you again. We need to make some preparations to welcome you here so as not to arouse the suspicions of the other Celestials," ] the creator said.

Clyde could only remain silent for a few moments. He didn't know how to respond to all of this. He was finally able to meet the master of the Order of Mindweaver, who had created the power of the system.

As Clyde knew from Olaflyn, the Celestial behind the Mindweaver Church was a God of Destruction. Clyde didn't know who it was but surely he or she is a powerful figure.

[ "I don't need to say anything for you to keep this a secret, right?" ] the creator asked. 


[ "Alright. Enough for now. I will contact you again as soon as the preparations are complete." ] 

After that, the connection between them was lost. Clyde was nowhere to say anything before the creator cut the connection.

Clyde turned his head towards the window which cast his eyes on the starry night sky. All of this went beyond his expectations and Clyde wasn't sure what to feel. Or do. After he actually kills a Celestial

Clyde sighed. "I guess I should just get on with this. This already happened, after all."

Clyde glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost midnight. Not wanting to think about anything anymore, Clyde chose to just sleep again. 


When the next day came, Anahita finally had a chance to sneak out of Archangel Michael's domain to go to Sivagadh Fortress.

She came without saying anything to the Senior Council members who were here. After leaving the portal, Anahita went straight to Clyde's living quarter.

As soon as the silver-haired woman arrived at the door of her living quarter, she immediately knocked on the door rapidly.

Clyde opened the door shortly after. He frowned.

"May I come in?" she asked.

Clyde already guessed what she wanted to say.


Clyde invites Anahita into his living quarter.


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