Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

Chapter 225 - The Elder Brain's Rage!


Chaos and Abyss tried out the power of Abyss new spear, using it to destroy everything around the Kingdom's territory, enormous mountains fell into pieces, entire ecosystems were blasted into oblivion, and thousands of divine beasts were slaughtered too.

The power of this spear was a tad bit too broken… Chaos couldn't help but think something…

"I had gone a bit too far."

The ability he had to create weapons of mass destruction was incredible, this weapon alone could quite literally destroy an entire continent and maybe with enough effort, a planet.

It was already obvious by how easy it was capable of slicing apart mountains, so it was obviously going to be an overpowered weapon of mass destruction! What it could do was only limited to what he could think about it… after all, as long as it got fueled by divine energy, it could do more.

Though, he began to wonder, could there be beings strong enough to survive against this power and even fight against it? of course there were.

But was this not overpowered? Certainly it was, it was very broken even as a God-Realm weapon…

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After the whole incident, Chaos and Abyss moved back to the castle and ended having a nice dinner together, quite romantically…

Chaos also was slowly preparing to move out of the planet, his next destination was…!

…Whatever planet was in front of him.

Meanwhile, far away from Chaos' planet, in a moist and large swam-covered planet, there was a massive underground colony of aliens known as the Mindflayers, deadly beings that conquered whole colonies of other intelligent beings, although they had a particular craving for human brains.

These beings had attempted to kill Chaos twice now and had failed miserably both times. The Elder Brain that led these tentacled horrors couldn't help but feel frustrated as it received the news that the second attack sent towards this monster had been unsuccessful and that all the Mind Gods and the Fleets were destroyed in the process…

The Elder Brain felt utterly frustrated! Not only because of its own troops dying, but because there were troops form other Elder Brain Colonies which died in the process! And they were just as furious as him, but they were targeting part of the hate to him!

The Elder Brain felt utterly overwhelmed, its anger growing larger and larger as its enormous compound of many brains released a deathly wave of psionic energy everywhere, blasting everything around it!


"RAAAAAH! Why?! Why it failed! Damn Gods, why did they got in the way?! We could had easily dealt with him but at the end… they ended making things easier for him at the end! Are they really this retarded?! Imbeciles! All these inferior races are so inferior and stupid… I can't believe it!" he roared.

Many High Mindflayers and Mind Gods gathered around the Elder Brain, feeling overwhelmed by its tantrum of powerful psionic energy, spreading across the entire place, it was a devastating amount of power.

"Elder Brain, please calm down!"

"You shouldn't rage this much, it is bad for your health…"

"The amount of energy you lose doing this is great, you must save up the sugar accumulated…"

"Silence, useless pieces of trash! You've already gotten into my bad mood already! The invasion through the entire solar system has been halt due to this monstrous being eating away our people, and now that we have failed twice, I feel like this has become utterly hopeless! The other Elder Brains are blaming this to me… The only way we can get away from this is if we bring his brain to them… I won't cause anymore problems than we already have made, we'll use everything we can to track him down and kill him, get it?!"


The intimidating and deadly Mindflayers were left in a passive state by merely being reprimanded by their Elder Brain, the biggest figure of authority within their hierarchy, and the supreme leader of their  colonies.

They were simply made into obeying this entity, they couldn't even properly fight back, they were pathetically overpowered by its mental might!

Now, they were tasked once more with the extermination of Chaos, would they be able to triumph this time?

Or would they fall to the abyssal maws of the all-devourer?

In another corner of the Solar System, a large group of Demigods, Gods, and even Great Gods began to travel across space, most of them over special divine spaceships that could travel across space at incredible speeds.

These entities were tasked with the quest of slaying Chaos as well, and from nobody else than the Supreme Deity of Brightness, the Supreme  Leader of this Solar System, the Solar System of Orion.

She had already received reports that things had not failed once but twice, similarly to the Mindflayers, the Light Heralds were having the same fate as them…

However, she didn't knew that the last troops they sent ended fighting one another, ending up weakening to the point where only five demigods were left with enough strength to take down Chaos, and even then, he somehow pushed through such a challenge and emerged even more powerful than ever before.

If the two would haad ended cooperating and fighting Chaos with their combined efforts, they would had been more than capable of killing him no matter how much he planned or cunningly tried to fight back. It was due to their own stupidity that they failed, or well, it was only natural for them to fight their sworn enemies, the powerful Mindflayers, at first sight, but even then… they should had tried to look into the bigger picture.

Now they ended lowering their troops greatly, the loses were big but the Supreme Deity still didn't cared much, she was too spoiled by her own strength and all the commodities she had been enjoying thanks to the Galactic Alliance and her high position as a Ruler of a Solar System to care enough, and although she felt frustration and anger, she simply sent more troops to deal with him…


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