Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 124: Discipline Knight Ge Dongshu

Chapter 124: Discipline Knight Ge Dongshu

Chapter 124: Discipline Knight Ge Dongshu


When Qin Fan’s indifferent words echoed in the arena, the shocked crowd finally snapped back to reality, bursting into exclamations of astonishment!

Holy crap!!

Was the first battle really over just like that?

So fast!

It didn’t even take five seconds!

And the key point is...

The Dragon Master’s Dragon Language Magic is just too ridiculous!

Whether in terms of casting speed or power, it’s completely beyond what a freshman should be able to do!

"Is this guy... really a Dragon Master, not a Dragon Language Mage?"

"Damn! Did you notice? This guy doesn’t even need to chant to cast magic!"

"Since ancient times, anyone standing on the left in a beam struggle loses. Even if Weng Hong reacted in time, he would probably still lose the beam struggle."

"Don’t be ridiculous... Weng Hong was just careless and didn’t dodge."

"Indeed, Weng Hong’s mistake was being too narcissistic, even at such a crucial moment, he raised his head to admire his Star Flame Fireball, and ended up getting caught off guard."

"In a fight between experts, catching even the slightest opening can lead to an instant kill with no chance for the opponent to catch their breath. Although Qin Fan is only a freshman, his demonstrated combat skills are promising."

"I admit, this freshman Qin Fan has unique qualities, but letting him participate in the single-player Global Competition is still premature!"

"Don’t worry, the next one won’t be as careless as Weng Hong. He will definitely be able to kill Qin Fan with one strike!"


Obviously, these second-year spectators attributed Weng Hong’s failure to his own carelessness.


But that’s indeed the case.

No matter what, Weng Hong was a top middle-ranking second-year student.

If he hadn’t underestimated Qin Fan and had taken the fight seriously, the outcome might have been different.

A bit of a pity...

At this moment, Xue Sheng, who had closed his eyes, now wore an extremely grim expression!

He hadn’t expected his lackey to lose!

But now he was even more furious, blaming Weng Hong for being too careless!

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Weng Hong distractedly admiring his magical masterpiece, missing the chance to defend against the incoming fireball.

Weng Hong!!

You truly deserve to die!!

This loss not only disgraced Weng Hong but also Xue Sheng.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If it weren’t for that narcissistic move, he could have reacted in time to "elementalize" his body.

A second-tier Mage has a signature lifesaving skill: Elementalization.

As the name suggests, this skill allows the user to transform their body into an element.

Weng Hong, as an Explosive Flame Mage, could turn his body into flames, immune to all physical attacks and most magical damage.

But in this sudden turn of events, Qin Fan seized the opportunity, utterly crushing him!

However, it must be said...

This freshman named Qin Fan indeed had something special.

At least in terms of spell power, he was not inferior to Weng Hong, perhaps even superior.

This must be why the deans recommended him as the fifth seed.

But is decent magical ability enough?

Clearly not!

"Sheng-ge, let me handle it!"

At this moment.

A burly youth, standing a full 2.2 meters tall, rose from the side.

As soon as this burly youth stood up, many eyes couldn’t help but focus on him.

Mainly because this burly youth constantly exuded a fierce and violent aura, like a ferocious lion, intimidating all who looked at him.

"Damn? Ge Dongshu! Is he stepping in?"

Someone couldn’t help but exclaim.

"Ge Dongshu? Who’s that?"

Most freshmen didn’t recognize this fierce-looking burly youth.

"Don’t you know Ge Dongshu?"

"He’s ranked second among the second-years! Along with Xue Sheng, he’s one of the top picks for the team competition’s sixth and seventh seed positions!"

"Level 56, a hidden second-tier Warrior, Discipline Knight!"

Someone explained.


"So he’s such a tough character!"

The freshmen were moved.

But then they remembered the two Holy Dragons etched in their minds and felt no worry at all.


So what if you’re the second-best in your year?

No matter how strong, can you be stronger than Qin Fan’s two Holy Dragons?

Still just cannon fodder!

Watching these nonchalant freshmen, many second-year students couldn’t help but laugh in anger.


Seems like this year’s freshmen are a bunch of arrogant kids!


Let’s see if you’ll still be laughing when Ge Dongshu tramples Qin Fan!


At this moment.

The tall and sturdy Ge Dongshu, clad in heavy knight armor, walked onto the stage with heavy steps.

He gazed at Qin Fan with indifferent eyes and a calm expression. Without a word, he pulled out a black heavy shield and a wide-bladed black sword!

Here he comes!

The Discipline Knight is a hidden second-tier path for Warriors.

Generally speaking.

Warriors can follow two paths.

One is the Light Armored Warrior.

Light Armored Warriors are semi-tank and damage dealers. While they don’t have the burst damage of pure DPS classes, they excel in survivability and still deal considerable damage.

The other path is the Heavy Armored Warrior.

Heavy Armored Warriors are essentially tanks, serving as the main damage absorbers in teams, with high health and defenses, along with formidable strength. But their drawback is obvious: they’re cumbersome.

Ge Dongshu clearly followed the Heavy Armored Warrior path.

A heavy shield in one hand, a heavy sword in the other.

High defense, high health, high damage.

But his obvious clumsiness was evident from the thick steel armor he wore, suggesting his movements were not very agile.

Generally speaking.

In unrestricted field battles, such heavy armored warriors are at a disadvantage in duels against other classes.

Even with high attack, defense, and health, their cumbersome movements mean they can’t catch agile opponents and would be endlessly kited.

But in a confined arena like this...

The clumsiness of such a heavy armored warrior is less fatal.

A level 56 heavy-armored Discipline Knight vs. a level 31 Holy Dragon Knight!

Of course...

With Qin Fan having set privacy on his personal information.

Outsiders could only see his name, age, race, and level.

Details like class, stats, and talents were hidden, so no one knew that Qin Fan had successfully reached the second tier.

They only knew he was level 31, just entering the second-tier threshold.

A huge thank you to [Richard Gueringer] for joining my Patreon! Your support means the world to me

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