Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 100: Siege of Neve Dorei (6)

Chapter 100: Siege of Neve Dorei (6)

Two hours quickly went by, and the battle was still on going. There were literally more than a million undeads, and hundreds of thousands of living people.

Adam had stopped fighting since some time now, recovering before going back. The army would take turns to fight against the undeads, but the undead didn't need to rest, because an undead couldn't get tired. This was another of the undead's advantages over the living.

Adam had now been resting for twenty minutes, and he had completely recovered. Most soldiers would try to delay the moment they would have to go back to the battlefield, but Adam was the opposite.

First, he liked fighting, it made his blood boil and made him feel alive. But more importantly, his skills were advancing quickly, and although he hadn't crossed the big gap between Level 10 and perfect mastery for any other skill than [Mighty Strike] yet, they still made good progress, especially [Lunar Smite].

But what he had focused the most on was trying to create a flying slash attack. Lunar Smite had the most advancement because that skill and flying slash were somewhat related.

As Adam was about to go back to fighting though, he heard a stranger's voice "Never would I have thought I would meet the legendary Valiant Heart here."

Despite this being a stranger's voice, Adam didn't have to look to know the one talking was the other Sovereign on this battlefield, after all the only people who had opened their Third Gate in this whole battlefield were Adam himself, Governor Liara and this unknown player.

But Adam still stopped and looked at the man. Searing Light didn't look very powerful or threatening. He was actually an old man, who looked like he was in his 70's, he was short and didn't have much muscles. However, assuming this old man was weak would be a terrible mistake, the mana he was passively emitting was oppressing.

Adam also noticed something interesting, and it was that Searing Light was only Level 24. The 5 levels he had gotten when he got promoted were really a good way to take a lead on others. Fortunately it hadn't been split by three because he got his level up at the same time he was being promoted.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Adam smiled and said "Neither would I have thought I would ever meet you, and even talk to you." Searing Light smiled back and sat on top of the rampart.

Adam, who was about to jump and join the battlefield, instead sat next to the old man and said "If I'm not being too indiscreet, you have always been a swordsman, and was renown for having created an exquisite sword technique. So why would you become an Elementalist?"

Searing Light laughed and said "I'm not shameless enough to call my swordsmanship exquisite after having seen yours. Your sword contains so much violence, and yet there is still some grace to it I've never seen anything like it, did you really create it yourself, or is your master an old hermit?"

Adam made a small smile and said "I never had a teacher, and probably never will. I indeed created this sword art, and I am quite proud of it." Searing Light nodded "If I may ask, what is the name of this sword art?"

Adam replied "Eternal Rest, as anyone who faces it shall stop moving, forever."

Searing Light looked pensive for a moment before he chuckled and said "A great name for such a powerful sword art."

This sword art was something Adam had created in his life by sparring against many experts, and it wasn't something someone like Searing Light could comprehend. When Adam finished creating this sword art, he had already opened the 5th Gate and had made some progress in it. It wasn't meant for someone who only opened the Third Gate.

The techniques used by someone who only opened the four first gates were only mortal techniques, and that's why the sword arts used by them were only ways to wave the sword around and trick the opponent. There wasn't anything supernatural.

However, once one opened the Fifth Gate, even without any Qi one would become capable of adding special properties to their techniques. For example, lighting their sword on fire. Sending a wind blade after a slash. Punching with an earth fist.

But those were only usable by those who opened the Fifth Gate, and so it also could only be created by them. For Adam, although he already knew a powerful sword art, he could only use a fraction of its power.

The more gates he opened, the more power he could access. When he had no gates opened, he could access ten percent of it, and opening the first two gates didn't make much of a change. However, opening the Gate of Limit made a big difference, and allowed him to use up to 50% of that sword art.

That's because with a stronger body, he can also make movements impossible to make with a normal body, and a big part of his sword art needed this stronger body.

But to use the remaining 50% of his sword art and truly bring out the might of Eternal Rest, he needed to open his Fifth Gate. If he even wanted to use the first real move of the sword art, he would need to open the Fifth Gate. Every move he could do right now weren't good enough to be called as such in comparison to the real moves.

If Searing Light knew what he was thinking, the old swordsman would feel like killing Adam on the spot, the moves it held in the highest regard were thought as subpar by this brat?

Adam had actually tried to use his Aura to replicate the first move of his sword art but even his aura wasn't powerful enough to replicate the effects brought by the Fifth Gate.

Back in the world of Old Adam, skills that reached the level of Eternal Rest didn't have much power, because the wielders themselves weren't very powerful. However, Adam suspected that if he was able to use his Qi, then the skill would become much more powerful.

For example, a man Old Adam had once fought was able to shoot out fists of fire when he punched. Those fists made of fire were quite powerful, but they were at best at the level of a fireball launched by a Level 20 Iron Elementalist, so quite strong for an ordinary human who didn't have any Qi, but not transcendental.

However, if Qi were to be added, then the fist would become much more powerful depending on who wielded it. But let's take a Sovereign, following the rate at which he was opening the Gates, Adam would need to open the 4th Gate to rank up to Silver, and then the Fifth Gate for Gold.

So, anyone who opened the Fifth Gate would either be at the end levels of Silver Rank, or an early Gold Rank. Someone with such a powerful Aura/Qi would totally transform the power of the fist of fire.

It would go from something that wouldn't hurt a tank to something that could wipe down a whole street, or possibly even better. That's why, Adam had high expectations for Eternal Rest.

Anyway, even though he didn't have access to the whole sword art, what he could use was still beyond everything anyone on Searing Light could experience, and so it looked so much better in his eyes.

Searing Light said "If I became an Elementalist, it is because of my cultivation." Instantly, Adam looked at the old man with sharp eyes. It was the first time someone actually talked about cultivation with him, and so openly, as if it wasn't a secret

Well, as someone who opened the Gate of Limit, it was supposedly impossible for him to have no experience with cultivation, so hiding it would be a little meaningless.

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