Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 102: Siege of Neve Dorei (8)

Chapter 102: Siege of Neve Dorei (8)

Adam looked at his soldiers who were fighting, searching where he should go. As he looked at all the soldiers fighting, he saw a unit that needed his help.

One of the swordsmen unit had been breached, and the undead now had an open path toward a Cleric's unit. Clerics were the bane of the undead, but they remained magical classes, and so at close range they would get annihilated by the undeads.

As the undeads were about to make contact with the Clerics, Adam made his way through the mages assisting the close range units. When the undeads were about to strike the mages, Adam jumped in between and sent the undeads flying with a swipe of his sword.

At the same time, the unit that had been breached turned around, and pincer attacked the undeads with Adam. The undeads barely lasted for half a minute before getting all killed.

Adam looked at the Clerics, to check whether any of them had died, but was relieved to see there were none.

Wars including NPCs were very different than Player wars. Players could die as many times as they wanted, they would be able to respawn. However, NPCs weren't the same. Every single one of their unit was important, and that's why they needed to lessen as much as possible their casualties.

Adam also saw the Clerics were looking at him with gratitude, and devotion. He turned back toward the battlefield and jumped above the swordsman unit, into the enemy ranks.

He headed for the nearest Ghoul, and began fighting it. However, as he was in the middle of his fight, he felt a sudden danger and quickly jumped away.

A moment later, a spear landed where he had been with such force that half of it entered the ground. Adam first thought he had avoided the attack, but the moment the spear landed a wave of darkness blasted out of the spear, and crashed into everything surrounding it, including Adam.

He felt a disgusting energy enter his body and hurriedly used his Aura to suppress it and destroy it, and even though he was quick to do it, he was still damage. About 10% of his Aura had been consumed just to defend, and he had lost 7000 HP.

When Adam finally landed on the ground, he used his sword to stop his body from going any further, and looked around him. Every undead in a large area had been hit by the energy, but they hadn't been hurt. Instead, they looked stronger.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Well, all except the Ghoul. The spear had actually hit it before touching the ground, and because Adam had already dealt considerable damage to it, it had been finished off by the spear itself before it could be healed by the dark wave of energy.

But there was something else that bothered Adam, and that was the black flames that had appeared. The dark wave that came out of the spear not only hurt him and healed the undead, it also left black flames all around the area, which were healing the undead even further.

Adam thought about what he could do, but before he could do anything a large figure landed near the spear that had been thrown. He was dressed in a black heavy armor that didn't look as broken as the other undeads', and the undead looked livelier than most undeads.

He had hair and a beard, as well as some skin, but it lacked any eyes. Instead, two blue lights were in his eye sockets. He was massive, but only about as massive as Adam himself, it was within human's sizes.

[Wight] (Elder, Level 70)

HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000

Adam had already guessed that this was the commander of the army he was facing, not the grand commander of course, but the equivalent of Adam among the undead, the leader of the undeads between Level 50 and 70.

Adam prepared himself for the fight, but was stunned when he heard the undead in front of him speak "I have seen you fight, you shall be a worthy opponent for me."

The Wight's voice was guttural, and quite scary. However, his words intrigued Adam. He asked "If I may ask, do you remember your life?"

The Wight, unlike the other undeads, was capable of speech, and was intelligent. So, he answered "Some parts of it. Are you ready for our fight?"

Adam approached the Wight, ignoring the flames licking his boots and dealing damage over time, and asked "Were you a Northman? If so, do you have any request for your corpse, once I deal with you?"

The Wight grinned and said "Isn't it a little arrogant of you, to already think your victory is granted?" Adam shrugged and said "Arrogance, or confidence, we shall see." Adam had to admit, the boss seemed, and felt, strong. However, if Adam was really pushed too far, he would have to activate his Berserk Skill, and his chances of winning during those ten seconds were high. At least, he thought so.

The Wight laughed and said "Well, I was indeed a Northman. My name is Holdir, and even if you do win, you do not have to worry about my body."

Adam nodded and said "Then, let us fight. But first, let's get rid of those annoying flames of yours." Adam stomped the ground, and using [Icy Stomp], the dark flames were extinguished, and the ground became icy. Unfortunately, his skill didn't allow the ground to become slippery.

Holdir was also hit by the wave of frost, which damaged him a little, but with a health bar as big as his, it was nothing to worry about.

Holdir then grabbed his spear from the ground, effortlessly taking out of the earth, and took it with both his hands. Adam also readied his sword, and went for the attack, as always.

He hurled his sword at Holdir with a downward slash, and the undead commander attacked back with his spear. The sword and the spear clashed, both coated in Aura, and in an instant they both understood who of them two was stronger, Holdir.

Adam stepped back as his sword rebounded against the mighty spear, while Holdir quickly sent another stab at Adam. As it was about to pierce through him and impale his body on the spear, his sword mysteriously appeared in front of the spear, and nullified the damage by using [Parry].

Moreover, only the damage had been nullified, which was usually the limit of this skill as although it would cancel the damage from an attack, if the difference in strength is too vast the one defending would still be knock backed.

But in this case, Adam used this knock back effect created by the difference in their strength to move out of Holdir's range.

Once out of his reach, Adam looked at Holdir with a dangerous smile. Holdir was stronger than him, and it had been a long time since he had been searching for such an opponent. Holdir immediately followed with another attack, but this time Adam knew he was weaker in physical strength, so he used another strength of his.

Holdir was quite skilled with his spear, but his skill with the spear was nothing in front of Adam. It was way weaker than the skill of someone like Searing Light, so for Adam it was easy to read the attacks and attack with his own sword art.

As the minutes passed, Holdir grew frustrated. He was stronger and faster than Adam, but for some reason each and everyone of his attacks failed. He wasn't really taking much damage himself, but it annoyed him.

It wasn't only his normal attacks, but even when he was using skills, Adam managed to redirect them, including the AOE skills.

After ten minutes of fight though, Adam made a new discovery. Right as he redirected another of Holdir's attacks, he slashed at Holdir's chest, leaving some damage. However, a flying slash exited his sword just before hitting Holdir.

Both Adam and Holdir eyed the flying slash of blue Aura as it crashed into an undead twenty meters away from them, killing the poor skeleton in a single attack.

[Congratulations for creating a new skill! Please name your skill!]

Adam grinned, finally! He already knew of he wanted to name it.

Flying Slash (E): Creates a compressed air blade, allowing to attack at a long distance. Distance depends on the strength of the attack and the Aura consumed.

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