Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 127: See, no problem with this...

Chapter 127: See, no problem with this...

Adam exited the back room, still laughing. However, when he gaze landed on the three centaurs, his laugh halted. What was he going to do with them?

He approached them and said "There is a big army outside, do you have any way of leaving the city without being seen?"

Cilliore nodded and took out a crystal. She said "We got this teleportation crystal leading to the tribe Although many of my friends died today, and my brother Thank you, Sovereign. You are welcome to come to our Centaur tribe any day."

Adam was surprised it was Cilliore who had the crystal, and not Agera, maybe this girl's status was bigger than Agera's

Cilliore turned toward the entrance they came from and said "We can't just leave their bodies here." But Adam said "Don't worry, I will bury their bodies after I have dealt with that army."

Cilliore nodded in thanks and began chanting. The crystal in her hand started glowing, and ten seconds later a portal appeared in front of them. Cilliore, Menius and Agera left through the portal, taking Cilliore's brother's corpse with them. Then, the portal closed behind them.

Now that they were out of the city, Adam didn't have to buy any time in the end. Thinking back of Neith's plan, a sly smile formed on his face.

Instead of going all the way back outside using the path he used, Adam preferred not to waste time, so he sent a powerful water flying slash against one of the walls. This wasn't enough to destroy the wall, but some cracks appeared, and the water from the flying slash entered it.

It was immediately followed by an icy flying slash, which further cracked the wall and froze the water. Adam looked at the damage he had done, and in the end he nodded his head, the wall was damaged enough. He placed both his arms in front of himself and used [Charge] to slam into the wall.

The wall couldn't take it anymore, and it bursted into pieces as Adam passed right through it. But then, something astonishing happened.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Galactic, a core member of Cosmos, and the one who initiated the conflict between Adam and Cosmos, was walking alongside a few other core members, Elders, and most importantly, their guild leader.

Sky Devil was the Guild Leader of Cosmos, and was reputed for being a great expert. Of course, all the Guild Leaders of First Rank Guilds were great experts, but even among them Sky Devil could be considered mid tier.

Now that their their forces had besieged the abandoned city, all they had to do was to find Valiant Heart, and his death would come quickly. Although they didn't bring all of their members, they still brought half. A First Tier Guild had at least 100 000 members, but only the weakest had only so much. Most of them had several hundred thousands of them, and Cosmos had 200 000 members in total.

As they were searching in a street, Galactic said with a disgusting smile "That Valiant Heart, I hope his pain censors are at max, I hope he will feel our 100 000 sword pierce through his body!"

Many of the elders looked at Galactic with disgust, but they couldn't say anything because Galactic wasn't someone they could offend. Actually, no one wanted to enter in a conflict with Valiant Heart, that monster had already shown his incredible might several times.

They knew perfectly well that even though they would win and kill this player, it really wasn't worth it. So what if Valiant Heart died once? He just had to hide his identity and they wouldn't be able to find him.

But even if they killed him, a few tens of thousands of their guild members would also die to bring him down. No sane guild elders or guild leaders would trade a fifth or a quarter of their forces in exchange of a single man, just for the sake of face.

Unfortunately, Galactic wasn't just a member of their guild, but more importantly he was the grandson of an elder from Heaven Abode, the Super Guild above Cosmos. And this wasn't just any elder, but the one who was in charge of collecting fines from subservient guilds.

The reason Super Guilds were so powerful wasn't just because of their millions of members and the strength of those members, but also because of the guild they govern.

The way guilds worked was actually a but similar to how nobles worked in the dark age. Knight are vassals of Barons, themselves vassals of Viscounts, all the way up to the King.

In a similar way, Third Tier Guild served Second Tier Guilds, who themselves served First Tier Guild, who were the vassals of Super Guilds.

The higher ranked guilds would protect the lower ranked guilds, in exchange of fines, which could be money or resources, coming from either the real world or the game.

So Galactic had used the influence of his grandfather to push Cosmos to fight against Valiant Heart, and they had no choice but to accept if they didn't want their fine to double.

Of course, there were limits to what Galactic could do. Cosmos was still a pretty powerful First Tier Guild, and provoking them too much would be bad for Heaven Abode. If they were able to bully Cosmos as they wanted then the other guild would feel threatened and could go to a different Super Guild. No Super Guild would refuse the allegiance of a First Tier Guild.

That's why, even though he was the grandson of an elder, Galactic couldn't force an all out war. Instead, he negotiated to get what he wanted. Half of Cosmos ambushing Valiant Heart, and they would only kill him once.

Of course Galactic wished to kill Valiant Heart all the way back to Level 0, but Sky Devil just wouldn't agree, and only he knew that if the matter was brought to his grandfather, he would be the one being punished.

It wasn't because he offended Valiant Heart, but because he was the one at fault in the matter. When he was killed by Adam, Galactic was actually making secret deals with Blue Cemetery, stealing money from the Guild.

That's why, Galactic knew he could only do so much without involving his grandfather, anymore and Sky Devil would do something reckless.

Galactic didn't miss the disdain in the eyes of his 'guild members', but he didn't care, people had sent him way worse stares in the past. They may be angry, in the end Galactic wasn't afraid of them.

But the stares stopped when they heard a heavy noise coming from a nearby wall. Looking over, they saw that the sound came from one of the biggest mansions in the city.

Hearing the sound, Sky Devil frowned and said "Move back, stand behind me." As he said that he placed his heavy shield in front of himself, protecting his whole body. Sky Devil was a Knight, so defending his team was his job.

Everyone trusted their guild leader and knew from seeing his face that he was serious, so they all went to stand behind him. All except one.

Galactic clicked his tongue at them and said "What a bunch of pussies." As he said that, a second heavy sound came from the wall, a little louder this time. Galactic approached the wall to inspect it.

He put his hand on the wall and patted it before saying "See, no problem with this"

Galactic never got to finish his sentence as the wall suddenly burst into pieces, the heavy boulder crashing into Galactic and crushing him into the ground.

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