Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 130: 4th Gate

Chapter 130: 4th Gate

Even as the tower started falling, Adam did not move a centimeter. Even as the high ranking members of Cosmos fell to their death one by one, he remained sited in meditation.

The reason was, he could feel the 4th Gate opening! All the tremor, added with the tower starting to fall, the 4th Gate finally had a reaction!

This was all in Neith's plan. While he was in the Phantom Mansion, Neith had killed the monsters that approached the mansion, and discovered that they were almost all worm type monsters.

So after finishing the attacking worms, she went to take a look at the underground. As she had expected, the underground of the city was ravaged, and only a few foundations were keeping the city standing.

Knowing about the army above, an idea came to her mind, to bury the city with that guild. After Adam accepted, she spent the four hours Sky Devil took to climb the tower to place many traps all around the underground of the city.

Then, when everything was finally put in place, and Adam agreed, she blew everything up! As a result, the entire city had been destroyed, and even the tower was on its way to get destroyed.

Halfway in the fall, Adam finally opened his eyes to see a couple new notification. No, three new notifications.

[You are now Level 34! AP +50!]

[You are now Level 35! AP +50!]

[Congratulations for opening the Gate of View! Sense of space, balance and equilibrium perfected!]

Adam looked at below him, and saw that the tower had already completely broken, although he was still on the very tip of the tower numerous chunks of the tower surrounded him.

He noticed that now standing on the tip of the tower was many times easier than before, and he could even afford some movement without falling.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Adam had already been falling for 5 seconds, and there remained 5 seconds until he would fall to the ground. The tip of the tower under him was starting to really tilt and soon the tip would face the ground, so Adam ran across the chunk of the tower, and once he arrived at the other end of the chunk, when his feet were facing the ground, he jumped.

This had for effect to slightly slow his fall, and accelerate the fall of the tip of the tower.

This slight deceleration wouldn't make the impact any less dangerous, but it allowed him to make sure every piece of the tower would fall before him and none would crush him even after he fell.

Then, he used [Great Ice Breath] toward the ground, and the strength behind the skill allowed him to slow down a little more.

Following that, he turned his body around, and once his back was facing the ground he activated [Wind Blade] before unsheathing his blade and using [Whirlwind Slash] to slash toward the sky.

While this skill normally make him faster by manipulating the wind around him, because he was using ti in the opposite direction wind currents started slowing him down.

Then, Adam attributed all 100 AP he had just earned, putting 60 in strength and 20 in both Agility and Endurance.

By then, there were only 50 meters left, and slightly more than a second before his fall. Adam slashed with his sword as he rotated, creating a powerful flying slash toward the ground as his back was facing the sky once again, and the friction between his sword and the extreme wind actually produced flames!

This slowed Adam even more, and gave him ample time to react for what came next. When he was ten meters from the ground, Adam activated [Misty Escape], not for the speed boost as it was useless here, but to transform his body into steam.

[Misty Escape] gave him a body similar to the Wraiths, and so the fall damage would be negated. But the problem was, [Misty Escape] only allowed him to transform for two seconds, and that created several problems.

He couldn't just activated it slightly less than two seconds before the fall because his fall would be slowed down by the transformation, so doing that would make him turn back into flesh and blood before finishing his fall, killing him.

But he couldn't just calculate in his head the effect his transformation would have on his speed, which is why he could only activate it at the last possible moment.

But another problem came, the speed of his fall. With the heavy armor he was wearing, and adding his own weight, and his sword's, and considering the height from which he was falling, the speed of his body at the time he falls would be almost 100 meters per second.

And even with his enhanced soul, although the chances of him reacting quick enough were high, he didn't want to take any chance, which is why he decided to slow his fall.

And in the end it paid off as his misty body crashed into the ground, but the steam merely spread a little around before congregating back into Adam's fleshly body.

Now out of danger, Adam laid on his back, thinking. He was happy he had gotten the hammer, and opened the 4th Gate, but it still troubled him. Hadn't it been for Neith's discovery, surviving would have been quite tough.

It had been so easy for them to find him, he thought he should try to fix that. While he enjoyed the dumbfounded stares from players and NPCs alike in the beginning, he was growing indifferent to them now, and if that was even bringing trouble to him, then he thought maybe he should stop showing his face around and hide his status.

While this could bring other problems, Adam didn't want to be easily traceable by all his enemies. He let out a small sigh as he sat up. At least this time he got something good out of it.

The ruined buildings next to Adam shifted to the side as Neith appeared next to Adam. He looked at her and said "Good job Neith."

Neith let out a light laugh as she said "That was quite the fall master!" Adam smiled at her and the two began moving.

However, just as they began walking, they heard a grunt. They both turned their heads toward the sound and were shocked by what they saw. Sky Devil was still alive!

He was in a terrible state, of course, both his legs were broken and he was all bloody, but he was still alive.

Adam patted Neith's leg to make her stop and approached Sky Devil before asking "Does your promise still hold?"

Sky Devil was obviously in great pain, but he still looked back at Adam and said "It does." Adam was surprised to see no hatred or killing intent in his eyes, only loss. Half of the members of his guild were killed in less than ten seconds, by a single man and his pet.

Even if they didn't fight face to face, Sky Devil had to admit, they had wholeheartedly lost. A crushing defeat.

Adam jumped on Neith and said "I won't kill you then. If you have enough being led around by superiors, I advise you to leave that Super Guild's dominion. But it's your guild in the end, the choice is yours. Farewell."

Neith walked away as Sky Devil looked pensive. But it wasn't Adam's problem anymore. As he and Neith exited the city, Adam said "Maybe we should buy items to hide our status, or they are going to be really annoying."

Neith didn't say anything, which Adam took as consent. After that, it didn't take long for the two to get back to the closest city. On the way, Adam took a look at his sword. According to the description, it would become one grade stronger every time he opens a Gate.

As expected, the sword's appearance had changed a little, the broken runes looked more complete, and the sword as a whole looked more refined, the blade sharper and it had even become a tiny bit bigger.

Of course, the biggest change wasn't in its appearance, but with its stats.

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