Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 25: Meeting a King

Chapter 25: Meeting a King

Hearing his words, she stroke his beard seductively as she said "I think I might have an idea, but would you be interested?"

Adam acted like he was reluctant and said "Sigh, I really want to create my guild, so I guess I have no other choice, miss."

She said "Call me Sarah. Tell me, are you free right now?" Adam replied "Unfortunately, I have to meet the King."

Sarah was genuinely surprised this time, and asked "Why would you? No offense, but you are a little too weak to have anything to do with his majesty."

Adam didn't mind what she said and replied "I come from a village called Rosewatch. There, a cult initiated an attack, they sent two thousands monsters to attack the villages. From what I heard, a village was destroyed already."

Sarah opened her eyes wide, all traces of seductiveness disappeared as she said "Are you sure about this? Where is the tide now? What level are they?!"

Adam shook his head and said "Don't worry, they are between level 3 and 5, with ten elites." Sarah shook her head and said "You don't understand, a beast tide initiated by a cult grows in levels and numbers everytime it destroys a village, we need to stop it before it grows too big to be stopped."

Adam smiled and said "Don't fret, the monsters attacked Rosewatch, but along with the help of other blessed individuals we destroyed them."

Sarah's eyes grew a little wider as she said in disbelief "What?"

Adam smiled cheekily "I was actually the commander of the forces, I led the others into battle, including the guards of the village. We were 500, and the monsters 2000, but with my great leadership we successfully destroyed them."

However, his face turned a little more somber as he continued "Almost everyone died though. I was the only blessed individual to survive, but it doesn't matter as the others were revived. However, almost all the guards from the village died, except for one guy, and that's why I am here, to tell the King about the attack, and request for guards to protect the village."

As he explained himself Sarah was looking into his eyes, searching for any trace of lies. However, she was shocked to discover he was telling the truth. She suddenly jumped over the counter with great agility and said "Come, we need to go to the palace right away!"

Adam looked at her dumbfounded, and said lowly "But my reward" She frowned and said "We will do that later." He sighed and stored it away before Sarah grabbed him. As she touched him he felt space constrict all around him for an instant before abruptly stopping. He wasn't in the guards' barracks anymore though, he was in the middle of a giant hall.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In front of him was a set of stairs, on top of which stood a golden throne. A middle aged man was sitting on it, looking at Adam and Sarah with a surprised face. Next to him was another throne, on which a younger girl was sitting.

Adam recognized the girl as Princess Victoria, the girl he had saved back with King Slayer.

But she wasn't of any importance, because of the middle aged man. Adam didn't need to look at his status to know who this was, but Adam still looked.

[Azure King Henry I] (Hero, Level 205)


Adam smiled wryly, that was another way to meet the king. He looked at Sarah who was next to him, and this time her status had changed, the question marks disappearing, and a title was added to her name.

[Marshall, Sarah Azure] (Hero, Level 190)


Seeing her status brought much more shock to Adam than seeing the King himself. Did he just flirt with one of the most powerful beings of the Kingdom, the f*cking Marshal of the armies?! Moreover, she wasn't just a Marshal, but also part of the Royal Family!

Sensing Adam's shocked looked, she winked at him before looking at the King. The King, Henry, looked at Adam briefly before turning back to Sarah and saying "We believe something important happened for you to appear before us, sister."

Sarah rolled her eyes and said "More important than entertaining those idiots at least." It was now the King's turn to roll his eyes as the people already present looked at Sarah vehemently. All except one, Princess Victoria, who was hiding a smile.

As for Adam himself he glanced curiously at the different people present, and noticed that all of them were nobles of varying power. Still, none of them even approached the King or Sarah in power, at most they were somewhat more powerful than Princess Victoria, who was a Level 140 Gold Cleric Class.

When Adam looked at Victoria, he noticed she was gazing at him, with a fond smile. As a polite person, he smiled back, but the King noticed.

He immediately changed his focus from his sister to Adam and asked "Young man, you seem to know our daughter yet we do not know of you."

Adam smiled awkwardly and was about to speak when Victoria said "Father, he is one of the adventurers who released me from my shackles."

Henry raised an eyebrow and said "You saved our daughter?" Adam bowed while replying "I was helped by a friend of mine."

Henry nodded slowly and said "You shall be rewarded for your help But first, We believe you are the reason why Our sister interrupted this gathering?"

Adam nodded and looked at Sarah, who said "Your Majesty, a beast tide has appeared in our kingdom. They destroyed a village but thankfully were stopped."

The King frowned and said "How?"

Sarah looked at Adam, who continued his story "We faced an army of 2000 monsters, with levels varying between 3 and 5. At the end of the fight, when about 100 monsters remained, they retreated and gathered around a cultist, who sacrificed them to create a ghoul."

The King sighed, relieved, and asked "Did you see which cult he was from?" Adam nodded and said "I didn't recognize him, but someone from the village recognized him as a follower of Aemon."

As Adam uttered the name of the demon, everyone in the hall suddenly tensed, except for the King who looked excited and asked "Are you sure? Aemon?"

Adam nodded and said "If that helps, the cultist had a dark robe with a bone hand on his torso."

The King nodded his head and said "Aemon's cult indeed. What happened to that ghoul?" Adam shook his head "Although it killed many of us, in the end I was able to put it down, with the others' help of course."

As he mentioned the death of the boss, the King noticeably straightened up and asked "Did you happen to find something special in that ghoul?" As he finished his sentence the King nervously gulped.

Adam shrugged despite the tense atmosphere and said "I don't know if you deem this as special, but the only thing this ghoul dropped was an item called 'Godslayer's Heart' here, that's it." He took the quest item off his inventory and showed it to everyone.

The King's eyes brightened seeing the heart and he said "As We thought"

Adam was given a scare when he suddenly felt the heart in his hand start to beat. The King took a similar looking heart from nowhere, and it mysteriously left his hand to levitate in the middle of the room. Next, Adam's black heart left his hand too to join the one in the air.

As the two heart came in contact a blinding light appeared around them, forcing everyone to close their eyes for a moment before disappearing as quick as it appeared.

Only a single heart remained, and it didn't look different from before. However, it remained in the air, not going for either Adam nor the King.

And the King didn't seem surprised as he began laughing loudly, confusing everyone. After a moment he calmed down and said "Oh, how much fun must the gods have watching us mortals! Hahaha, spread the word, a grand banquet is to be organized tonight!"

Everyone looked at the King like he was mad, but Sarah released some of her aura, frightening everyone, and said "Your King has given you an order, so now SCRAM!"

The palace shook for an instant from her shoot as everyone hurried outside while Sarah huffed. No matter what was making her brother so happy, she understood that it wasn't for those nobles to know.

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