Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 65: Roskhalla

Chapter 65: Roskhalla

After the death of the leader, the assassins understood that they had messed up. They couldn't understand how this happened, but they knew that if they didn't work together, they were dead.

Adam saw ten arrows head for him, and although he was perfectly capable of dodging them, he simply waved his sword once, destroying all the arrows.

Then, he smashed his sword against the five assassins coming at him. They tried to block him, but the sheer strength behind the sword was simply too powerful and cut the first three in half, and still killed the other two.

-4200 HP! (*5)

Blood showered around Adam, their death had been so gruesome that they blood splashed on him and covered him in blood. He didn't care though, he raised his head and roared like a beast before rushing toward the other assassins.

After ten of them died, and only thirty plus of them remained, they understood they had no chance against this monster, and decided to retreat.

However, the moment they showed the intention to step back, everyone heard a loud clicking sound, coming from Roskhalla. Adam and the assassins turned their heads toward the palace, and saw that the two front gates had opened. From within the palace music spread outside, the war horns struck fear into the assassins while they empowered Adam.

The assassins wanted nothing more than to escape now, but streams of light appeared from within the palace, and an army of warriors appeared around the group surrounding them.

All those people were tall warriors in armor, and they all felt more powerful than the other. They were obviously Northmen Berserkers, and they had their weapons in hand, blocking all the assassins from escaping.

Adam looked at the Berserkers with glee as he started laughing loudly, before rushing toward the assassins. The Berserkers from Roskhalla watched as Adam slaughtered the assassins, dismembering three of them with each strike of his sword.

The last one to survive turned out to be the one who had threatened to make him die a painful death. However, now that Adam was standing in front of him, his bearing as an expert fell down, and he was stammering on the ground, bathing in his own piss.

Adam sneered as he looked down at the man, and his earlier rage began to dissipate as he kicked the man on the temple, breaking his neck.

Critical Hit! -5000 HP!

When Adam finished the last assassin, he stood in the middle of the warriors of Roskhalla, drenched in the blood of his enemies. Then, the warriors started hitting their weapons against their armors while hollering.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Adam watched silently, not moving an inch. He was actually 'healing' his tiredness away, and was surprised to find out that instead of using his nutriments, healing now used his Qi, or Aura, instead.

Since the beginning, Adam had been calling his internal energy Qi, but the system had decided to call it Aura, so he would go with that.

Gradually, the warriors stopped their clamor, and a voice came out of Roskhalla. The voice sounded powerful, but delicate as well, and Adam felt close to its owner, as if they had known each other for years.

"The blood of your enemies shall not taint you." Following those words, a golden radiance appeared above Adam, and he felt his Aura become full once again and the blood on him washed off his body. Adam was quite grateful for that, blood in the hair was a pain to wash

When the radiance disappeared, one of the warriors surrounding him approached Adam.

[King Tori] (Hero, Level 200)


King Tori approached Adam and laughed "It has been a long time since we saw such a satisfying fight! Come, she is waiting for you."

Adam nodded and started following King Tori. He didn't need to be told who was waiting for him, it could only be one person. As Adam and the Brave Warriors entered within Roskhalla, the gates closed again, and the outside became quiet once again.

Roskhalla was gigantic, the insides were much bigger than what they looked, and very luxurious. Everything was made of gold and silver, with other rare minerals that felt powerful. Yes, felt powerful, Adam could literally feel that inside those metals dwelled an energy stronger than himself.

In the center of the Hall, was a gigantic table, capable of holding thousands of people. When they entered, there were many people at the table, eating while laughing, and others were fighting, killing each other before reviving and laughing like idiots.

As they walked forward though, many of the warriors behind Adam didn't follow but instead walked toward the doors around, looking at the table with envy. As Adam was wondering what they were doing King Tori said "This table is the main table where only the bravest and strongest are allowed. But every Northman who died a brave death is sent here. Do you think there is enough place on this table to take them all."

Adam shook his head and said "Then there are other halls? What makes this one special?" King Tori replied "Wait and see."

They walked for two minutes before Adam could see the end of the table. King Tori could say whatever he wanted, this Main Hall could still take many people in it.

At the end of the table, Adam could feel so many powerful presences that he couldn't feel anything else.

Adam sent a few looks at their status, and saw that the majority were legends, with the rest all being Heroes.

But the most impressive was the one standing at the very end of the table. She was a woman, a beautiful woman with blond hair and who looked very familiar to Adam, since he saw her statue back in Fjora.

[Enya] (God, Level 300)


Enya's eyes were fixated on him, and Adam felt like she could see through his entire self as she did so. After a moment, she smiled and he saw her lips move. She was hundreds of meters away from him, and yet he heard her like she was standing in front of him.

"In the end, you really were able to reach this place. I am impressed."

The moment she talked, the entire Hall became silent, and everyone's eyes moved toward Adam. Enya then said "I don't think he needs further testing. Before he departs to the world of the living, let's welcome a new Sovereign."

As she said those words, the entire hall bursted with noise. Some shouted, other whistled, and others slammed their weapons together.

Adam smiled, and when they were finished Enya said "Now is the time for you to choose your way. Choose carefully."

Then, Adam was teleported away. This teleportation was very different from any other he experienced though. Normally, he would either go through a hole in space, a small scale wormhole, or have space contract around himself.

This time however, the feeling was different. He didn't feel anything, he had just appeared, ignoring space itself.

Adam reappeared in another room, where there was anyone. He was surrounded by many altar like formations, and each of them emitted a powerful feeling. They weren't all equal in strength though, as the ones further in the back felt much more powerful.

[Congratulations for passing your Bronze Trial! You must now choose your future Class.]

So that's what the altars were for. Adam immediately ignored the weaker ones, and headed for the stronger ones. The altars were split in three categories, the first category had 1000 altars and they were the weakest. The second one had 100, and they were the middle ones. Finally, the last ten were the most powerful.

As Adam reached the last ten, he could feel an attraction from them, as if they wanted him to come to them.

Those altars were special because they all were more than just a stone construct. One was made completely of metal, another had a dark cloud above it with miniature lightning strikes hitting the rock, another smelled like blood

All of them were special, but as Adam looked at them all, he felt one of them was different. It didn't feel more powerful, but the attraction he felt toward it was even stronger than the others.

Adam approached this altar, and sent a last look at the ones before putting his hand on this one. This altar had a waterfall in the middles of it, its edges were frozen, and the base of the altar was releasing Vapor.

As Adam place his hand against the stone, he received a notification.

[Are you sure you want to change your class to Aqua Sovereign(SSS)?]

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