Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 67: True Class Weapon

Chapter 67: True Class Weapon

[War Sovereign's Greatsword] (Exceptional 'Evolvable', True Class Weapon, Level 20 'User Level')

Requirements: Belongs to Valiant Heart.

Attack: +1650

Strength: +510

Agility: +255

Endurance: +255

Self Weapon (Passive): This weapon's grade and level evolves with its user's Gates and Levels, respectively.

Invincible (Passive): This weapon has an infinite durability and thus can't be broken.

So the grade after Rare was Exceptional? Adam wasn't that shocked by the weapon's attributes, as he expected them to be this high, but he was rather interested to learn another grade for equipment.

The two passives of the weapon were very good too, one made it invincible while the other made it able to evolve, meaning he would never have to search for a weapon again.

As he examined his sword a sheath magically appeared around the sword, which was very convenient. He then straddled it to his back before putting back all his equipment on, boosting his stats even more.

Name: Valiant Heart

Level: 25

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Title: Monster Slayer

Race: Northman

Class: Aqua Sovereign

Rank: Bronze

HP: 15200/15200

Aura: 14980/14980

Strength (+30 per level): 1225 (2230)

Agility (+10 per level): 750 (1095)

Endurance (+10 per level): 750 (1170)

Will: 908 (1498)

Free AP: 0

Skills: -Mighty Strike (E, Perfectly Mastered)

-Charge (E, Level 10/10)

-Wind Blade (D, Level 9/10)

-Parry (D, Level 8/10)

-Lunar Smite (C, Level 7/10)

-Crushing Blow (C, Level 5/10)

-Icy Stomp (C, Level 1/10)

-Totemic Rage (B, Level 1/10)

-Barbarous Roar (B, Level 1/10)

-Misty Escape (B, Level 1/10)

Right now, Adam was pretty certain he was the most powerful player in the entire game. He knew this was an arrogant statement, but Adam couldn't really see anyone possibly matching him. He felt that at the limit maybe there were a few who could match him, but that was only a possibility.

That meant he had things to do though, such as clearing the mine for the dwarves. Adam looked at the crowd and saw Johan and Skade's dumbfounded faces, so he joined them and said "Should we go?"

However, Adam felt a hand on his shoulder, and turning around he saw the Volva. She asked with a shocked face "Did you Did you meet Enya?"

Adam looked carefully at her and said "She talked to me, but I couldn't really talk back. I was in Roskhalla, truly a wonderful place."

The Volva's face turned fanatic, hearing about the famous Hall of the Brave seemed to make her happy. Adam then said "However, I encountered a team of assassins on the way, they were trying to kill me."

The Volva's face turned shocked, and asked "Who dared?!"

Adam shook his head and said "Assassins from Blackheart, 50 of them. All of them were Elites, but I killed them all. Actually, it's thanks to them that I met Enya, since she was impressed by how I slaughtered them all."

This seemed to appease the Volva a little but she still looked furious as she said "Those underground rats really have no boundaries I must speak with the head." As she said that she turned around and walked off.

Adam was about to speak with Skade and Johan when he suddenly felt the surrounding space contract around the three of them. Another teleportation.

Adam, Johan and Skade all appeared in the study of the Clearwater Estate, and could see Conan still sitting at the same spot. He looked up from his book and said "Children, I need to have a talk with Adam."

Johan and Skade nodded and walked out of the study, leaving Adam alone with Conan. The latter smiled and asked "You must have entered Roskhalla, beautiful isn't it?"

Adam nodded, and Conan said "It has been more than a hundred years since I went there, and yet I still dream about it. But even I couldn't go as far as you. A Sovereign, an SSS Class"

Conan sighed and continued "Do you know when the last Sovereign appeared in our Empire?"

Adam shook his head, so Conan said "Officially, it was before my birth. However, there was actually one that appeared very recently. However, we had to hide who it was"

Adam said "Strange, this should serve as a demonstration of power, even though said person would be targeted by all your enemies, a Sovereign will need constant battle to improve through the ranks. If you hided the information then you must hold that person dearly Except for your children, which obviously aren't, I guess this other Sovereign is the Crown Princess?"

Conan smiled and said "Truly a sharp mind, you are indeed right. And it's why I want to speak to you. I know it's a lot to ask, but I want you to"

"Sure." Adam replied nonchalantly. Conan looked at his stunned and said "But I didn't even explain" Adam rolled his eyes and said "You want me to put a target on my back and tell everyone I'm a Sovereign, so that the enemies of the empire will focus on me rather than the Crown Princess. So my answer is, sure. Yes if you want."

Conan stayed silent for a moment before asking "Why? You don't even know her Do you intend to court her?!!"

Adam had to refrain from smiling how fired up Conan looked as he reached his conclusion, but he said "It has nothing to do with her, I'm sure she's sweet but I don't know her. If I accepted it's because I intended to do that even if you didn't say anything. I don't care even if the whole world comes at me, they will only be training partners for me."

Conan suddenly laughed "I see now how you became a Sovereign! Such courage, you impress me!" Adam smiled and said "Not to brag, but I even impressed Enya Whatever, I don't mean to be disrespectful but I have things to do, a village to save and a spider to crush, so can I go?"

Conan grinned, not bothered by his tone at all, and said "Sure, I'll bring you back to the Azure Sky Kingdom myself, it will be faster than waiting for the teleportation array to start working."

Then, the familiar sensation of space warp appeared once again, and Adam found himself in the sky above a rocky plain. All signs of the capital had disappeared, all Adam could see were the monsters on the ground, and in the sky were Conan and Skade.

Before he could ask anything a bubble appeared around him and Skade and they began following Conan in the sky as he flew at supersonic speed.

A couple minutes later, they arrived at Ember City, and Conan finally stopped. He smiled at his daughter and said "Since I'm here, I'll go check on my granddaughter. Adam, where do you want to go? I can drop you off anywhere within the kingdom."

Adam replied "The Spider Nest Dungeon, a few kilometers from the capital" He didn't get to finish his sentence as he disappeared from the sky, and appeared in front of the dungeon. He smiled, all the experts he had met weren't what he thought they would be, instead of the stuck up asses he expected, they all were very outgoing.

He wondered whether this was the case for most experts or if it was just Northmen being like that in general.

He looked around himself and saw that there was no one here, it looked like the players still hadn't reached the necessary level to attack such a dungeon.

It wasn't a problem for him though, he had such a power up that this dungeon didn't look that strong anymore.

Although he was tempted to directly go with the Nightmare difficulty, Adam knew that pride was a terrible sin, and so he entered the Hard difficulty first.

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