Ero Meter

Chapter 29 Keep Quiet

After cumming inside her Jack looked at Cassie who was sitting on the commode, she was taking in deep breaths, and her eyes were closed with a slight smile on her face.

She was drowning in the pleasure and thrill, her chest was heaving, and sweat covered her forehead.

Jack on the other hand was also smiling in pleasure.

"What if someone would have seen us?" Cassie asked, her voice filled with a mixture of worry and excitement, her eyes darting around the surroundings, making sure their secret encounter hadn't been witnessed.

Jack, standing close to her, felt a surge of adrenaline rush through his veins, adding a hint of mischief to his confident demeanor.

He placed a comforting hand on Cassie's arm, his touch conveying both reassurance and a hint of daring. "No one saw us," he assured her, his voice carrying an air of certainty.

His words seemed to echo in the stillness of the moment, wrapping them both in a cloak of secrecy.

As the weight of his words sank in, Cassie's racing thoughts momentarily paused, allowing her to savor the electrifying tension hanging in the air.

Her lips curled into a shy smile, her eyes locking with Jack's, their unspoken connection growing stronger by the second.

Her desire to respond, to voice her thoughts and concerns, wrestled with the intoxicating magnetism of his presence.

However, before she could articulate her thoughts, Jack leaned in, his lips gently pressing against hers.

The warmth of his kiss enveloped her, causing her words to dissolve into a silent surrender to the intense emotions coursing through her.

In that tender moment, time seemed to stand still as their lips danced together, conveying a depth of feeling that words could never fully capture.

The unspoken dialogue between them continued, as their bodies and souls communicated a language known only to them, forging a bond that defied the outside world.

As the kiss ended, they pulled apart, their eyes locked in a shared understanding.

Words, once again, eluded Cassie as she tried to gather her scattered thoughts.

The weight of unspoken sentiments lingered in the air, leaving them both in a state of anticipation.

"Hmmm..." Her tongue rolled over his as her cheeks turned red with a blush.

His kiss has some kind of magic to it, that gave great pleasure and peace to Cassie.

She wanted to kiss him forever.

Never wanting to leave his embrace.

Finally, after a few breaths, Jack moved his face away from her and stood in front of her.

"Let's go to class." Jack said.

"Hmph! What class? We already missed most of it."

"Come on, don't complain so much."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Jack moved his hand and with a firm grip, he swiftly grasped her hand and exerted a gentle force, coaxing her to rise from the seat of the commode.

Surprised by the sudden pull, her initial resistance dissolved into compliance, and she found herself standing.

"I need good food for all the trouble you have made me go through!" Cassie said with her nose raised.

"You can eat my dick later."


Just as she opened her lips, ready to voice her thoughts, her attention was abruptly diverted by the sound of approaching footsteps echoing through the bathroom.

The sudden intrusion disrupted the moment, replacing her words with a startled silence.

Her eyes widened, reflecting a mix of surprise and concern, as she quickly turned her head towards Jack.

"Shhh... Keep quiet, someone is here..." She whispered placing her finger on her lips.

The footsteps grew louder, resonating with an increasing urgency that set her heart racing.

Jack's piercing gaze locked onto her, and a sinister and malevolent grin gradually etched its way across his face, like a shadow stretching across the moonlit path.

The twisted curve of his lips revealed a chilling delight, filled with a malicious intent that sent a shiver down her spine.

At that moment, his eyes seemed to flicker with a glint of wickedness, hinting at a hidden agenda.

His hand, previously gentle and reassuring, suddenly moved with a forceful grip, forcefully grabbing Cassie's ass.

The sudden and unexpected action sent a jolt of fear coursing through her body, causing her to startle and her breath to catch in her throat.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she felt his firm grasp, and she instinctively pulled away, a surge of unease flooding her senses.

A chill ran down her spine as she caught sight of the malevolent smirk that twisted Jack's face, erasing any trace of the warmth and affection she had previously seen in his eyes.

'This guy! Hmph!' Cassie thought.

The once enticing and mysterious aura surrounding Jack now transformed into a dark and unsettling presence.

Cassie's heart pounded in her chest as she scrambled to comprehend the abrupt shift in his demeanor.

Her voice trembled, a mixture of defiance and vulnerability evident as she mustered the courage to speak. "What are you doing?" she managed to utter, her voice laced with apprehension.

Jack's smirk widened, his eyes glinting with a malicious intent that chilled her to the core.

He relished in the discomfort he had caused, reveling in the power he wielded over her in that moment.

His grip tightened, his fingers digging into her back, and he leaned in, his voice dripping with a menacing tone. "You're mine." he sneered, his words dripping with possessiveness.

Cassie's heart raced, her instincts screaming at her to escape the clutches of this dark version of Jack.

Panic surged through her, fueling her determination to free herself from his grasp.

Summoning her inner strength, she summoned a surge of bravery and forcefully pushed against him, breaking free from his grip.

As she distanced herself from Jack, her heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and shame.

"People are outside, they will hear us," Cassie exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of worry and shame.

She couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that their intimate moment was vulnerable to prying eyes and judgmental ears.

Jack, his demeanor unyielding, responded with a curt remark that lacked the empathy Cassie had hoped for. "You better keep quiet then," he retorted, his words dripping with a hint of impatience and indifference.

Cassie's heart sank at his dismissive response.

Her concerns and vulnerability were met with a callous disregard, deepening her sense of unease and self-doubt.

The weight of her actions, fueled by a combination of desire and guilt, seemed to hang heavily in the air between them.

In that charged moment, Cassie felt a surge of conflicting emotions.

She yearned for understanding and reassurance, yet found herself confronted with an unsettling demand for silence.

Shame washed over her, tainting the remnants of pleasure that lingered from their stolen kiss.

Her gaze shifted downward, avoiding direct eye contact as a wave of self-consciousness crashed over her.

As they stood in a disquieting silence, Cassie's thoughts spiraled.

"Oh my god, Miss Elma looks so beautiful," a high-pitched voice exclaimed from the other side of the bathroom, interrupting the tense atmosphere between Cassie and Jack.

Cassie's attention shifted, momentarily distracted by the sudden intrusion.

She recognized the voices as those of her classmates who had just entered the bathroom.

Their lively chatter and obliviousness to the underlying tension provided a brief respite from the weight of the moment.

"Yes, all the boys were staring at her with lust dripping in their eyes," a disgruntled voice chimed in, expressing a touch of annoyance.

"Please stay silent," Cassie whispered urgently, her voice filled with a mixture of desperation and anxiety, as she pleaded with Jack to keep their conversation discreet.

Jack's response, laced with a hint of challenge and mischief, unsettled Cassie. "You have to make me silent," he replied, his words carrying a provocative undertone that further heightened her unease.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Cassie met Jack's gaze, searching for a glimmer of understanding and empathy.

With a heavy sigh, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, a desperate attempt to momentarily silence his words and the potential repercussions they could bring.

As their lips met in a hasty and passionate embrace, a mix of conflicting emotions swirled within Cassie.

Shame and regret washed over her, fueled by the awareness of the indiscretion unfolding in such an inappropriate environment.

The rush of pleasure mingled with guilt, deepening her internal struggle and intensifying her desire.

Only after the voices of the girls outside had faded away did Cassie reluctantly break the kiss, her lips parting from Jack's with a mix of reluctance and a lingering thrill.

A blush spread across her cheeks as she looked at him, her words a playful mixture of embarrassment and fondness. "You are so naughty!"

Jack's smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he took in her flushed appearance.

He nodded in agreement, reveling in the shared secret they had just experienced.

With a sense of accomplishment, he turned to leave the bathroom, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.

"Come to the class quickly, or you will miss the lesson," he urged, his pride evident in his tone.

The fleeting moments of their passionate encounter had given him a sense of triumph, a feeling of rebellion against the constraints of the world outside, only because of his cheat.

Cassie, her blush still lingering, nodded in response, a mix of exhilaration and trepidation coursing through her veins.

She gathered herself, knowing that she needed to regain composure and face the classroom.

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