
Chapter 43: Blast from the Past Arc: Mito: Part I

Chapter 43: Blast from the Past Arc: Mito: Part I

Konan felt torn between being happy or being embarrassed as Naruto continued carry her over the lake that surrounded Ame. Embarrassment won the day causing her to say, I am uninjured Naruto. I can walk.

I know, was the simple reply of the man she had taken as a lover, although they had only enjoyed a single night together. Something, Konans body tried to remind her of, although she managed to suppress the feelings welling up inside her from being in his arms. She wasnt quite sure why she did, but guessed it was because of the amount of time that they had remained apart. Only able to communicate sporadically, due to her writing notes on Akatsukis movements and then having to use her jutsu to get them to Konoha. Usually with the sheets of paper taking on the form of a butterfly as they made their journey.

At first her letters had merely contained information that would allow Narutos allies to dismantle the organization which was sustained not only by missions performed by the nine S-class missing-nin that had been members. But by a huge and secret criminal organization which had allowed Akatsuki to take missions at such a huge discount thus allowing them to operate in different countries that normally hired the Shinobi Villages in order that they could gather intelligence on their targets. It was that criminal element that Jiraiya had targeted and ultimately ended his task with the confrontation between Kakuzu and him. The Sannins killing of the ancient Taki-nin had been a particular hard blow to Akatsuki due to his self-appointed task of being the treasurer of the group. With him dead, the many side-deals that he had made to make Akatsuki not only function, but thrive despite the bare minimum of funds the group took in from actual missions, quickly fell through. A matter only made worse due to the Toad Sage targeting them due to their ties to the mercenary group.

Yet, soon the letters also became a lifeline that kept her connection to Naruto from turning into one of a handler and his spy. Konan remembered that after several exchanges, with the replies general coming from a combination of Yuugao and Anko as they would ask for information on certain matters they were dealing with in order to learn if Akatsuki was somehow connected, Naruto had gotten involved.

Konan looked up from her spot in his arms to see him staring forward and felt a small smile appear, which quickly disappeared when he looked down at her. The smile though had been due to the female member of Akatsuki remembering how after reading through several pages of notes from the two women. She had turned to the last page to see a handwritten note from Naruto. Unlike the pages that had come before, Naruto had simply given her a heartwarming rundown of events he thought she might like to know. None of the things he had talked about had to do with his ambition except on the off chance that he mentioned some woman that he had charmed and was now aiding him. But then it was just him letting her know about another woman that she was connected to through him.

Konan had finished the first letter and upon realizing he had wanted a response she had been struck with a fit of nerves that she supposed had she had a happier childhood she would have experienced then. Feeling very much like a schoolgirl, whose crush had given her a note and now expected a response, she had fretted about what to write. In the end she had come up with something, but had felt it was probably rather lacking as despite what they had shared together, she had originally done it to put his mind at ease due to the control he had gained over her. Therefore, she had kept her defenses up as while she had joined him because he had rekindled her spirit and as a result the belief that Yahikos way of creating peace was the right one, she didnt necessarily want to grow too attached should reality once more crush another idealistic dreamer. However, despite her intentions Naruto had seized on the few peeks behind her defenses her letter had contained and used them to make the cracks wider. Before she knew it she was responding to him openly and was sharing things she hadnt even told Nagato. Details about her such as her hobbies began to find their way into her letters, which Naruto would then use to build connections not to just him, but to the other women in his life. For instance, besides her obvious enjoyment of origami, she learned that Hinata also shared her interest in flower pressing. A comment about how her favorite food was flame-broiled fish, had resulted Naruto in informing her that the best fish he had ever eaten was in Sea Country and had been caught by a woman named Isaribi. He had promised to take her one day so she could see for herself.

Little by little his letters had fanned the flame for peace via the methods the old Akatsuki had employed that her meeting Naruto had first rekindled. It had also stirred another need inside her, but one she had kept at arms length since she felt Tobi had posed the greatest danger to the man that she found herself drawn to. Quite aware that an encounter with Tobi might result in her death, and apparently would have. Konan had not wanted to deepen the burgeoning relationship she had found herself in just in case she didnt survive. She didnt want to be the cause of Naruto falling onto the same path she and Nagato had taken.

Yet, being in his strong arms, she found she no longer had the strength to keep him away. Nervously she said, Naruto, theres a kunai in the penthouse Ive been given. Y-you can just teleport us there.

Naruto smiled down at her as he replied, I know. I can feel it, but its been so long since Ive gotten to hold you in my arms, Im finding I want to let the time drag on.

Konan blushed causing her to look away, feeling as jittery as she had the first time, although that time she had kept cool trying to make it sound almost like a business transaction, this time she didnt hide her nervousness as she said, II think it would be best if the people of Ame didnt see you She winced as she felt him stiffen, since it reminded him that to many of the shinobi and citizens of her country he had killed their beloved leader. Trying to recover and convey what she truly meant she quickly added, I also wish to adjourn somewhere private as I find that Im in need of somecomforting.

Naruto looked down at her and could see a need in his lovers amber eyes, but also a desire to be held due to her close call with death. More than willing to satisfy both needs, he teleported them to the kunai that he had given Konan. They appeared in a large spacious penthouse which although was only one room, outside of the standard bathroom, featured all the amenities of home and due to the destruction of Gods tower had become her home. At least until a new seat of power could be built from which Rains current leader would guide her village to help establish the peace Naruto was working towards. Her lover placed her down on her feet and she removed her Akatsuki cloak to hang it on a coat rack. She turned back to see Naruto had taken a seat on a chair. Konan looked behind him towards the raised dais where the bed resided and bit her lip as she was not sure how to proceed. She moved to stand before him, and before she could ask what he desired, he pulled her towards him. His hands rested on the small of her back as he pulled her so that he could rest his head against the small upside down v-shaped opening of the clothes she wore under her cloak. Feeling his warm face against her stomach caused Konan to close her eyes to bask in the feeling as she rested her hands in his hair.

They shot open though so she could look down at him as he said, I dont know what I would have done if I lost you today.

Hearing the raw emotion in his voice, she tried to use logic to say, Naruto, weve only

been together for a single day, Naruto finished cutting her off, Still, that doesnt change the simple truth that over the very many months since that day, there wasnt one that went by where I didnt think about you. Or was worried for you. Turning his head and kissing her naval he added, Nor does it change the fact that despite the time that has passed since then, my feelings for you have only grown.

Konan closed her eyes again and unable to deny her feelings any further replied, As have mine.

Naruto began to kiss his way up her body as he stood to reach her lips. Where upon reaching them, he pulled her into a heated kiss. Konans arm slipped around his neck as their kiss continued and his hands wrapped around her back to hold her close. Konan pulled back slightly to stare into his eyes and felt her own desires grow inflamed by the need she saw in them. It was something that Konan found to be truly amazing about the young man. Quite aware as she was of the number of women that had also taken him as a lover, some of whom her emergency had taken him away from, yet at the moment in his eyes she saw that for the time being he was completely hers.

Wishing to maximize that time, she pushed the red cloak that he had added to his outfit off his shoulders. He let go of her to allow it to fall to the chair behind him allowing Konan to unzip his orange jacket, which joined it. She stepped back to admire Narutos revealed form as the tight black sleeveless shirt he wore did little to conceal the toned body that his other layers hid from the world.

Konan smiled as he followed her example since the clothes she wore under her cloak could almost be described as painted on. A fact highlighted by her hardened nipples which her backless halter top did nothing to hide. A hungry smile appeared on Narutos lips as he closed the short distance between them to once more taste her lips but this time as one hand slipped under the cloth of her shirts long back which nearly reached the floor to grab her butt. His other hand cupped her breast through her shirt and soon began to play with her nipple.

Konan broke the kiss to moan loudly as he rolled her extremely sensitive nipple between his fingers. Naruto smiled as he said upon seeing her reaction, As sensitive as ever I see. Lowering his head to her other tit, he began to suck on her hardened nub through her shirt causing her to pull his head harder into her chest as her own reared back to stare up at the ceiling in wide eyed wonderment at how well he was playing her body. Almost like it was a musical instrument which although it had been a considerable amount of time since he last held, nevertheless had never forgotten what he needed to do in order to make it sing. And sing Konan did after Naruto paused in his teasing only long enough to push the sides of her shirt which wrapped around her breasts into the valley of her chest so he could tease her breasts directly. Which as he returned to doing, he switched his mouth to the one his hand had been teasing moments before. Also switching his hands tasks up he brought the one groping her butt up to tease her other nipple as his right hand slid down into the front of her skintight pants.

Already on edge from his skilled nipple play, when his hand first passed through the trimmed blue hair over her pussy Konan felt her body stiffen in anticipation so that when it made contact with her wet folds the light touch was enough to set her off. Konan soaked her panties and pants as she orgasmed hard and went stiff in Narutos arms. The jinchuriki watched her face as she closed her eyes and bit her lip to prevent from screaming as she began to shake slightly before going limp in his arms.

For the second time that day Naruto picked her up bridal style as he carried her to the dais on which the bed rested. Climbing up the several steps he set her down all the while feeling like a prince about to reclaim his lost princess. Taking off his shirt he tossed it away, before climbing on the bed.

Konan stared at his body lustfully as she said still weak from her release, It would be shameful if people knew how weak I am to having my nipples teased.

Naruto chuckled as he knelt at her feet and picking one leg up removed her shoe. He tossed it over his shoulder before doing the same for the other. Konan grew a little self-conscious as she watched Naruto begin to slide off her pants. Feeling like she should at least clean away the sweat of her battle she began to sit up as she said, N-naruto let me go freshen up

Naruto smiled though as he held her hips in place before beginning to peel her pants away while saying, Therell be time for getting clean later. Pulling her legs free, he held them up by her ankles as he admired her exposed lower body. Smiling at the butterfly shape patch of hair Konan had trimmed the blue hair above her pussy into he said, But let me start the process. Naruto began to suck on Konans painted toes making sure to pay each digit some attention. She felt her anticipation rise as Naruto then began to lick down her right leg, causing her to moan appreciatively as he spent a moment to focus on the back of her knee with his tongue. Then he traced it up to her inner thigh where he began licking away her juices from her previous release. He skipped her pussy causing her to whine, but only for a moment as he retraced his actions up her left leg.

As he began to work his way back down Konan couldnt hide the slight desperation in her voice as she said, Pleaselick me there

Naruto stopped at the junction between her legs and smiled up her body to see she had unzipped her halter tops front to begin playing with her breasts as he had explored her lower half. With his face so close to her pussy his breathing was tickling her snatch as he said, Where would there be exactly, Konan?

Konan flushed at being teased so raised her hips up, causing Naruto to slid back to prevent from touching. Narutopleasedont tease mepleasemy pussy. Please give my pussy some attention too! Konan nearly shouted the last part as she waved her delectable quim in front of his face. Placing his hands under her ass to hold her up, he then pressed his mouth over her mound causing the blue haired beauty to hiss, Yesssits so good.

Naruto drank of the Akatsuki members snatch like a man that hadnt had a drink in days only to finally be given a glass of water. Konans body responded by creating more of her sweet nectar for his consumption. Yet as she felt another wave of pleasure beginning to build she didnt want to be the only one to feel good so said, N-narutolet melet me do you too.

Naruto pulled his mouth away to reveal the lower half of his face was glistening with her essence. His eyes never left hers as he gave her a quick nod before divesting himself of his orange pants and boxers. Konan felt a little envious of Narutos other lovers as his hardened dick appeared due to their much more significant access to the large pleasure tool that he wielded. Once completely nude, the jinchuriki laid down on his side next to her and turned Konan on her side so he could continue his oral ministrations. This left Konan face to face with Narutos swollen cock. She hesitated but only due to a wave of self-consciousness as she had never given a blowjob before and felt that when compared to his other lovers Naruto would find her wanting. However, as she felt the pleasure of his tongue exploring her depths begin to return her desire to please him overcame her concerns.

Leaning forward, she gave his swollen head a lick and moaned in turn as Naruto groaned pleasantly into her quim. Inspired by his muffled sounds of pleasure, Konan began to lick his dick more insistently and would occasionally swirl her tongue around his cockhead. Growing emboldened she swallowed half his length even as Naruto pulled his face deeper into her silken folds. Bobbing her head on his pole in time with his own actions, Konan was greatly pleased as Naruto began to pumps his hips as it indicated he was nearing his own release as well.

Konan began to moan causing pleasant vibrations to course through Naruto as she felt herself approaching another orgasmic cliff. Konan ran her tongue over the under the side of Narutos cock and felt him swell in even as she watched his nuts tighten. Naruto pulled away from her pussy to say, KonanIm going to cum.

Mmmhmmm, Konan simply moaned around his tool as she continued her end of the mutual oral stimulation they were engaged in.

Naruto fought back a moan as he returned his attention to his meal as he resolved to finish with his lover. Focusing his tongue on her clit, he swirled it around the sensitive pleasure bud before pressing on it with his tongue causing the blue-haired woman to moan around his cock as she began to cum. Naruto let himself go flooding Konans mouth with his seed which she happily drank down much as he did for her.

Spent the two lovers rolled onto their backs as they basked in the glow of their respective releases. Naruto sat up and looked to the head of the bed where his lover continued to catch her breath. Konan reached up to grab his still hard, but sensitive prick and gripping it firmly began to tug it as she said, Im sorry if I wasnt as good as some of your other lovers for you to be this hard still.

Naruto shook his head as he moved to be face to face with his lover as he said, Konan, you were fantastic and you just swallowed the evidence of this fact. He kissed her hungrily causing her to let go of his manhood to wrap her arms around his neck as their tongues danced with one another. After the kiss ended, Konan didnt appear entirely convinced which prompted him to add, You dont need to compare yourself to anyone else my darling Angel. Im afraid that due to all the rigorous exercise that I get as a result of my being the luckiest man on the planet. My little head tends to take a while to simmer down.

Konan gave him a pleased smile as he called her by the nickname the people of Ame had given her, as well as from his words washing away the doubts she had about being able to please him. Reaching for the large appendage that had awakened her to the world of pleasure that existed between a man and a woman, she said, Its not so little. Beginning to stroke his length she added, Im afraid your exercise schedule is only going to become more rigorous and complex. Im eagerly anticipating becoming a permanent part of it.

Konan capped her words by spreading her legs around the blond jinchuriki and guiding him to her nether lips which eagerly swallowed his dick. Wrapped in the warm embrace of his lover, Naruto locked his lips to hers as he began moving slowly within her. Konan enjoyed the slow sensual beginning but as her body grew hungry for more of the pleasure Naruto was delivering she began to rock her hips faster. Picking up on her urgency the blond pulled back so that he was kneeling as he pulled his lovers hips up off the bed. Her head and upper body remained on the comfortable surface as Naruto began to increase his pace. Konan planted her feet on either side of him in order to rock her hips in time with his powerful thrusts.

Konans hands gripped the bedding as a lance of pleasure coursed through her every time the Jinchuriki buried his manhood inside of her and it kissed her cervix. Konan began to shake her head back and forth as she moaned, IIncrediblepleasekeep going Naruto, it feels so good to be connected to you again.

Naruto grunted in the affirmative as he continued to please his lover. Both of their bodies began to glisten as the room filled with the sounds of their flesh meeting rhythmically. Naruto felt the beginning of the buildup to his inevitable eruption, but wanting to prolong his time with his beautiful blue-haired lover moved his hands from her hips to her lower back. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her up so that she was brought face to face with him. Holding her still as she sat impaled on his lap, he stared into her amber eyes to say, Konan, weve always been connected ever since that day where you first became mine. As long as you want me too, I will cherish that bond and you, so please understand me when I say that there are no challenges that you need to face alone. Use my strength, when you feel weak and I hope you will lend me yours in turn.

Konan continued to meet the earnest blue eyes as she struggled to find the words to reply. She realized though that she was overthinking the matter as her heart caused her to suddenly say, I love you!

For a horrible moment she felt like a schoolgirl that had exposed her heart to a boy she liked while being unsure if he felt the same. The moment though quickly passed as Naruto got over his surprise at her sudden admission and a smile appeared on his face as he replied, I love you too!

Konan quickly closed the distance between their faces as she pressed her lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. The kiss quickly grew heated as their tongues caressed each other. Konan began to grind her hips against his so Naruto with his arms still wrapped around her lower back picked her up until he nearly slipped from her velvet grip and then slammed her back down. Konan moaned into Narutos mouth as he repeated his action again and again.

Unable to keep her voice silent, she ended up breaking their lip-lock as she began to shout her pleasure into the ceiling. Her arms still wrapped around his head Naruto applied his oral skills to her breasts where he sucked on one then the other nipple. Konans pussy responded immediately by gripping his pleasure pole as the volume of her cries also increased.

Konan felt her body preparing for its journey to the white world of bliss that the man she was one with had first taken her to. Wishing to experience it again while connected to him in every way possible she pulled his face away from her chest to say, Kiss me.

Naruto responded to her request as he met her halfway. Konan felt him swell inside her as she was pulled down fully onto his dick. Feeling the hot torrent of cum flooding her core she joined him in bliss as she tightened her grip on Naruto and her muffled moans poured into him via their kiss. Konans world went white before it turned dark as she lost awareness.

She wasnt sure how much time passed, but went she came to she found her lover hugging her from behind. He was napping as well so Konan pulled herself out of his grasp. Walking naked to the large windows that acted as a wall of the penthouse and gave her a breathtaking view of her village, Konans eyes sought out the spot Gods Tower had stood. She easily found it as the black flames of Amaterasu still burned there. She had been surprised to find them still burning upon her return to the village, but one of her villages historians had informed her that one of the legends that surrounded the black flames was that they would burn for seven days and seven nights even if all their fuel was exhausted. Something a few of the local children hadnt allowed to happen as they had often tossed kindling into the fire, much to the chagrin of the shinobi guarding the sight.

Konan though was secretly pleased as she planned to work the flames into a monument she planned to raise in honor of her sensei, and fellow orphans. She would use the flames as a symbol of the dream they shared and still burned so brightly in her lover. She saw a smile appear on her face via her reflection as she realized that it now burned brightly in her as well in thanks to the man that now resided in her heart.

She noticed a new reflection joining hers and realized her lover had awoken as well. Pressing her hands against the glass she pushed her backside towards him as she widened her stance in preparation to once more be stuffed full of her lover. Naruto didnt disappoint as he buried his cock into her and began to push her forward into the glass with his thrusts.

Konan allowed herself to be swept away on the wave of pleasure that he created within her as she simply enjoyed the moment. But once Naruto returned home, she would begin to formulate her plans on how best to aid the man she loved. Plans which also included her reforming Akatsuki, but in line with Yahikos vision except on a much grandeur scale due to their focusing their mission of helping to build a peaceful world outside of Ames borders.


Kiyomi watched as the tentacle that Gyuki had sacrificed in order to fool those seeking to capture its host began to grow as she and her fellow Bijuu began to channel more chakra into it. It began to split as a new tentacle began to grow so Kiyomi using some of her Yin based chakra caused it to transform into a ball of chakra that continued to grow. Recognizing that since the Eight-Tails hadnt sacrificed any of its Will to create the Copy of Killer Bee had actually been sealed into the statue the being they were creating would need a personality Kiyomi said, Focus on your memories of Gyuki. Well use those as the basis for this new Bijuu.

Acting as the conduit for the group, Kiyomi could feel each of her sisters memories and feelings in regards to their sibling. Kiyomi wasnt surprised that Yoruichis memories didnt exactly line up with the rest of her siblings since Gyuki appeared to have settled down after being sealed in Killer Bee. However, Kiyomi kept the wild and impulsive nature that the rest of her siblings viewed Gyuki with, figuring that if the new eight-tails wanted to settle down it should be after a bit of a growing phase.

Kiyomi noticed the ball of chakra beginning to take form into a new-tailed beast. But rather than allowing it to gain consciousness as a tailed-beast, she wanted it to awaken as a human. Activating the seal on the body that would house the Will infused Bijuu chakra, Kiyomi felt a smile as it was pulled into its vessel. The bodys hair began to turn white as a purplish upside down equilateral triangle appeared at the center of her forehead. Two more appeared at the corner of her eyes although they were longer in shape. Her skin began to darken as the body took on a busty, but athletic appearance.

Once the change was complete, Kiyomi let go of her sisters hands as the others followed suit. Stepping up to the new Bijuu, she watched the womans eyes flutter for a moment before opening. She could see the womans confusion as her eyes darted to the different women surrounding her. Sitting up she focused on Kiyomi and asked, Who are you?

Kiyomi, the red-head replied kneeling next to her new born sister.

W-who am I?

Kiyomi gave her a reassuring smile as she answered, Well find that out together. Standing she helped the naked woman to her feet as she looked around the clearing. Focusing on the Gedo Mazo she told her daughter, Sage, can you find a safe spot to hide that statue for the time being.

The orange haired woman nodded before leaping away to locate a place to summon the empty Demonic looking statue to. In time Kiyomi planned to return it to its home in the moon but only after binding it with a number of seals and barriers. Focusing on her siblings she said, Yoruichi, take everyone to Tanzaku town for the time being. Ill have Shiho and Mabui begin finalizing their papers.

Rangiku pouted as she said, Aw, I wanted to head back to have some more fun with Naruto.

Kiyomi smiled as she replied, Theyll be time enough for that in the future. For now though I want everyone to get acquainted with their new lives. Remember, we signed out at the gate that we were going on a business trip. I dont think it would do for us to head back after only a few hours.

Then where are you going? Seven asked as she finished rolling up the scroll that had contained the bodies used to house the vessels for the Bijuu and in which the three women born of Tiers chakra and will resided.

Moving to Nel, Kiyomi held out her hand which the Bijuu that appeared to be a young girl took as she answered, I want to have Nel checked over. Ill meet you there shortly. She then Hirashined the two of them to the Den located in the Leaf Village.


Kabuto wore many titles, spy, traitor, strategist and most recently a science experiment gone horrible right. But, chief among them was his being a scientist. Unlike most modern scientists that formed an idea of what an experiments results should be and then tinkered with it to bring said result about. He preferred the tried and true method of forming a hypothesis and then let his experiment behave as it should naturally. This way, instead of data which only supported his educated guess being kept as relevant, even if his experiment failed horribly and he was forced to abandon his previously held beliefs he would be a step closer to the truth.

After his brief encounter with Naruto in Wave Country, he had been forced to abandon his previously held belief that the Edo Tensei jutsu that he was mastering would be the ultimate bargaining chip in the coming war. However, after Naruto not only freed Haku of his jutsu, but apparently returned her to the world of the living he knew Tobi wouldnt be interested in joining forces if the resurrected shinobi could be turned against them. Luckily it appeared that Naruto was throwing quite the monkey wrench into Tobis plans as well. Kabuto had heard of the masked mans failure to secure the Eight-Tails as well as the crippling of Sasuke Uchiha.

Kabuto felt some concern as that as he had his own plans for Sasuke and the Uchiha would do him little good if he couldnt mold chakra or if his precious Sharingan had been damaged. Yet for the time being the petulant child, which was how Kabuto viewed him, had gone into hiding. It brought a smile to the robed mans face that Sasuke was now experiencing the true life of a missing-nin. Its a shame really how little you understood that it was both, Naruto and Orochimaru that afforded you the protection you enjoyed, Sasuke, Kabuto said internally. Now that Naruto is no longer holding Tsunade back from marking you as a missing-nin and Orochimaru is gone, I wonder how long youll last.

Although Kabuto had his own plans for the Uchiha, he wouldnt interfere for the time being. If some hunter-nin claimed Sasukes head as a result, Kabuto wouldnt be too upset. Granted the loss of Sasuke would be a blow, but perhaps not as large of one as he had originally feared. It amused Kabuto a great deal to be able to think along those lines, since if there was one thing that had bothered him the most about Sasuke it was the Uchihas infuriating belief that the world revolved around him. Now that it appeared he was becoming a minor footnote, he had no doubt that was as angering to the Uchiha as the death of his clan.

Kabuto stopped as he came to a canyon. A white snake appeared from beneath his robe and its tongue flicked out as it tasted the air for danger. Not finding any at the moment, Kabuto resumed his journey as the snake disappeared beneath the hem of his robe. He stopped his musings as he needed to keep his senses sharp since he knew the woman that called the area home wouldnt waste words in introduction, but would simply be attempting to kill him. Not exactly someone Kabuto wanted to align with, but in his new experiment he needed a pawn and due to the guilt and grief the woman was experiencing she would make for quite the powerful one. What was even better was that once everything was said and done, shed likely volunteer to sacrifice her life for his goal of unlocking the mystery of how Naruto could return to life the people brought back via Edo Tensei.

He sensed the attack moments before it happened as Crystals grew and shot out of the canyon wall like thrown spears. Managing to avoid them all, he continued forward until he heard a vicious and bloodthirsty shout as Guren appeared from a cave entrance located about fifteen meters off the ground. She leapt at him as crystal blades appeared on her forearms, which she swung at him widely as she landed before him.

Kabuto took a moment to take in her disheveled appearance and felt some concern that she wouldnt be capable of performing the task that he needed her too. He felt his concern abate slightly as he caught one of her arms by her wrist and feeling the strength she still possessed said, You still greet youre guests as rudely as ever, Guren.

The former Sound Kunoichis dark eyes burned with renewed fury as she pulled her arm free and used the other to slash at Kabutos mid-section. The robed man easily slid back enough to avoid the blow, and responded by spinning as if to sweep Guren off her feet. Guren leaped back but was surprised as a snake shot out from beneath Kabutos robe. It bit down on her shoulder before pulling her down and smashing her into the ground. Guren tried to cut it off of her, but found that it had injected some kind of venom into her that caused paralysis.

The snake let go as it quickly retreated back beneath Kabutos robe. Guren watched with hate filled eyes as Kabuto slowly closed the distance with her and said calmly, Now lets try to catch our breaths now shall we.

Go to hell, Guren shouted managing to fight her way to her knees despite paralysis. She lunged at Kabuto, who simply turned to the side allowing the woman to fly passed him.

He sighed as she struggled to get back to her feet again as he said, If only Orochimaru could see you now. Im sure hed be rather disappointed

Shut up, Guren shouted managing to get back to a crouched position but was knocked onto her back by Kabuto as she tried to face him. Glaring up at him, she said, If Orochimaru was still alive, Id kill him as readily as I would you. Both of you used meused himyou manipulated Yukimaru into carrying about me the woman that killed his mother to increase his power to control the Three-Tails.

All very true, Kabuto said with a shrug, Still I was rather surprised to find that those feelings extended both ways. Who could imagine that a heartless kunoichi like you could come to care for someone? I suppose it must be hard to accept that despite his learning the truth that you killed his mother, he still readily sacrificed his life by swallowing all those pills to control the Three-Tails long enough to prevent it from swallowing you.

Gurens glare turned to a look filled with pain as she recalled racing back to the rock that Yukimaru had been standing on as he controlled the beast and sent it to the bottom of the lake. She had arrived just as the tower of light he had admitted disappeared. He collapsed just as she arrived, but she managed to catch him and could feel the fever burning him up as a result of his overdosing on the pills Kabuto had been feeding him. He had smiled gently up at her as he whispered, Gurens safe, Im so glad. Then with little more than a sigh he went still in her arms as he passed onto the next world.

N-noYukimaru, open your eyesplease Please! she had shouted before screaming at the top of her lungs as she clutched his cooling body to her.

Well it would appear this experiment was a failure, Rinji, her lieutenant had said from behind her. I guess theres nothing to be done but to cut him open and learn what we can from his corpse.

Guren glared at him over her shoulder. She set Yukimaru down and facing the only apparent survivor of the team she had led said, I will not allow you to take him back to Orochimaru. He deserves to be allowed to rest in peace.

And what about the woman he gave his life to save? Rinji had asked. What does she deserve?

Guren yelled in anger as she attacked Rinji. During their battle she had damaged his face forcing him to reveal that at some point during the mission Kabuto had killed Rinji and assumed his place. Understanding that from the very beginning both she and Yukimaru had been pawns in one of Orochimarus experiments, Guren had vowed to one day avenge the boy, before following after him in death. But before she could gain the upper hand the Leaf shinobi they had been battling against arrived and forced both her and Kabuto to retreat. She had watched from a distance as they secured Yukimarus body, and confident they would at least treat it with respect had disappeared to one day fulfill her vow.

She had heard of Sasukes killing of Orochimaru, so planned to hunt down Kabuto in due time. Returning to the present, she watched as Kabuto closed with her and fearing she was about to die before she could complete her vow whispered, YukimaruIm sorry.

Kabuto smiled as he said, What if I told you I could bring him back?

Guren eyes shot towards Kabutos face as she tried to search it for deceit. Also noticing the scalely skin there for the first time she asked, Why would you do that? Is it so you could use him even more?

Hardly, Yukimaru is of no further use to me or my goals. But, there are people who might be that I wish to use Edo Tensei on. Unfortunately, the Leaf is aware of this and has been guarding their dead rather extensively. I want you to create a distraction for me so I can gather the material I need.

Why should I help you?

Because in return, Ill reunite you with your precious Yukimaru. Besides, the Leaf currently has his body which youll need to secure, along with the sacrifice, if Im going to bring him back. If it helps, think of it as a temporary alliance of convenience.

Guren felt the paralysis fading from her body so worked herself back to a kneeling position. However, even though she felt that she could move freely again she nevertheless said, Ill help. However, once you resurrect Yukimaru were done with each other. From the smile that appeared on Kabutos face she knew she had made a deal with the devil, but it hadnt been the first time and so long as Yukimaru could be brought back would gladly make such a deal a hundred times over.


Tsunade finished scanning the young girl that Kiyomi said was actually the Three-Tails. Not finding anything via her scans the woman turned towards the red-headed Bijuu to say, Im afraid I cant detect anything wrong with her physically. Despite the scar she has theres no evidence of it that extends past the tissue.

I suppose that is good, Kiyomi replied as Nel having been given a small green robe to wear, leapt from the table to explore Tsunades medical lab which was one of the rooms that made up the Den. Still it doesnt explain why shes suffering from memory loss or has taken such a diminutive form.

Tsunade nodded but said, True, although you said she took on a more adult form at first Dont touch that!

Kiyomi looked over at Nel to see her in the process of pressing some buttons on one of Tsunades medical devices. Sighing she said, Nel, I told you to behave yourself.

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But Nels bored, she wants to do something fun, the diminutive Bijuu said about to throw a temper-tantrum. Nel told you she didnt need a checkup and that she feels fine.

Tsunade fought back a laugh as she could see that Kiyomi was struggling to keep her emotions in check at being talked back too. Attracting both Bijuus attention she said sweetly, Nel, behave yourself and Im sure Kiyomi will buy you something yummy.

Whats yummy, Nel said since not having any concept of pleasure, pain, or the sensations that existed in-between the two. Kiyomi smiled as her sisters gaze moved from the Hokage to her as she asked, Will you buy me yummy?

If you behave, Kiyomi replied. I think you youll find that yummy isnt so much a single, item but a wide range of them.

Nels eyes grew wide in excitement at the prospect so figuring in order to get the reward she needed to behave moved to sit on the table she had previously occupied when Tsunade had examined her. Kiyomi smiled as her sister small legs began to kick the air so focusing back on the Hokage said, You were saying.

I merely was about to suggest that perhaps what your sister is experiencing is a type of amnesia brought about from her not being extracted before the previous Mizukages death.

Kiyomi inclined her head in agreement as she said, A diagnosis that I would tend to agree with. None of my others sisters have ever experienced such though so there is no way to know for certain. But can we be certain shell eventually get her memories back?

Tsunade shrugged in a noncommittal fashion as she replied, That I cant say. I do believe they are in there though.

What do you base that belief off of?

Tsunade could hear the hope in Kiyomis voice so explained, Well as I was about to say before, you said she originally took on a more adult form. I take this as a sign that some part of her recognizes what has happened to her, at least on a subconscious level. When her consciousness took over though, well this was the result.

Kiyomi took some solace in Tsunades theory as it would suggest that there was some hope for her sister to recover. Commenting on Nels power she asked, Would you believe this is why her chakra levels are so low?

Tsunade arched an eyebrow as she said, Low? In terms of raw power, she easily outclasses a majority of the jounin Ive encountered.

Perhaps, but in comparison to her previous Bijuu state, she should be much stronger.

Tsunade crossed her arms as she stated, Its possible that the same mental block that is keeping her in this child-like state is also acting as a seal on most of her power.

I guess until she recovers her memories we will never know for sure, Kiyomi said helping Nel off of the table.

Holding the small Bijuus hand, Kiyomi was about to Hiraishin them to the rest of their siblings, but stopped as Tsunade called out, Hold on a moment. I have a question or two for you.

Kiyomi paused and without looking back said, Im guessing its in relation to your sudden aging. Tsunade didnt bother to hide her surprise as the red-head that wore her grandmothers face although now with shorter hair that she wore in a similar manner as Sakura turned to face her. Kiyomi smiled at her as she asked, Why such a look of surprise?

I was under the impression you didnt wish to speak about it so openly, Tsunade said as she stood.

I wasnt hiding it, Kiyomi said sounding slightly defensive, I simply felt it was a matter best brought up at a later point. I suppose I shouldnt be surprised you would look into it, especially considering how highly you value your appearance.

It was Tsunades turn to sound defensive as she countered, I was looking into it before this happened to me. I had noticed that we were healing faster and recovered from fatigue quicker. What I want to know is why Im growing older while it appears that Tsume is growing younger?

Kiyomi smirked as she said, Are you afraid youll one day return to that old appearance that you hid away from the world? The Bijuu could tell that the Hokage was, so dropped her teasing to say, Lets postpone this discussion until later. Lets get everyone together so that we can discuss this matter out in the open.

Tsunade nodded as she said, Ill let everyone know. A moment later Tsunade was left alone as she stood to spread the word for Narutos lovers to gather.


Naruto entered into Mikotos room and he gave her a warm smile. The Uchiha kunoichi returned the smile although she felt a measure of embarrassment and arousal as she recalled the sounds of his lovemaking that had filtered into her room. She wondered if he was coming to let him speak with his mother again. For a brief moment she felt a thrill at the idea of lying in the bed with him again, but it faded as his smile melted and a more serious look appeared.

What is it? she asked as he appeared conflicted.

Naruto took a deep breath before saying, How are you feeling?

Im doing better, thank you for asking. But I dont believe my health is why youre here, is it?

No, Naruto said pulling a chair away from a makeup desk. Pulling it towards the bed he sat down as he said, Mikoto wwhere do you stand in regards to Sasuke?

II dont know, the woman said honestly. Hes my sonI still love him, but I-I know you did what you had to do.

Maybe, Naruto said after a moment. What if I told you I could have made him abandon his current path? What if I could have forced him to follow the path Itachi likely wished?

H-how, Mikoto asked and was unable to hide some of the hope that appeared in her voice. It turned to anger though as she said, If you could have done that then why wouldnt you? I thought you were his friend. Naruto winced at her tone. He broke eye contact and stared at the floor for several heartbeats prompting her to ask heatedly, Well!

Naruto looked up from the floor and she felt guilty as his eyes conveyed a deep sadness. But he pushed it aside as he reached into his pouch while he said, I did consider Sasuke to be a friend, but if he were to find his way out of the darkness he has surrounded himself with then I believe it should be by his own desire. He pulled out a small glass jar and Mikoto could see an eye resided inside it suspended in a liquid that preserved it. Naruto placed it in her hand as he said, When we defeated Danzou he told me this eye could make Sasuke return to the village. I believe Danzou used it on me and having felt its effects. I can attest that it seems capable of completely remaking a person into whatever the castor wishes. Naruto leaned forward and resting his elbow on his knees folded his hands in front of his face. Meeting Mikotos gaze he said, Yet I couldnt use that eye to bring Sasuke back to the village. If I didwell it would be no different than what Kiyomi did to those Taki-nin. Using that eye on Sasuke would have been a short cut to the goal I had hoped for. By using it, the one that would have really changed would have been me. My goal is to unite the shinobi world so that villages and even clans that once considered each other enemies can one day become allies and even friends. That eye could be a powerful asset to do it, but the world it created would be a false one. It in actuality would be a world where the only person that would be happy is me.

Why tell me all this then? You didnt need to tell me of this eyes existence.

I know, Naruto said his voice serious. However I had decided Id tell you the morning after you spoke with my mom. I also decided Id give you that eye.

Mikotos gaze shot down to the item that she held and having suspected that it was Shisuis said, W-why give this to me? Arent you afraid Id use it on Sasuke?

Naruto nodded, but answered, Mikoto, I know Im placing an indescribable temptation in your hands. But, I dont know what Sasuke will be like if he survived our encounter. Its likely that at this point only that eye could make him the loving son you remember. I believe using it to change him would be wrong, but then again that is only my opinion. I would never think that even my connection to him compares to the one that you share.

Mikoto stared at the eye a moment longer before looking up at Naruto. Filled with many conflicting emotions she said, II dont know what you want me to do with this. If you believe using it would be wrong then why give it to me?

I cant say for certain, Naruto answered, But it is something that belongs to your clan and if it was up to me I would destroy it. Whatever Sasuke has become he has the right to walk the path that he has chosen. I believe though whatever that eye and ultimately your sons fate is, you have as much a right to decide as I or anyone else does. Perhaps more so. If you chose to destroy the eye or use it, I promise to respect your decision.

Mikoto again looked down and could feel the heavy burden it placed on the person that held it. She watched as Naruto stood and just before leaving the room she asked, How can you be sure giving me this will not backfire against you?

Naruto shrugged before answering, Truthfully its not something that I considered before deciding to entrust it to you. Turning to face her, he added, You may feel it is nave of me, but if there is a good way to use that eye, I believe youll be the person to find it.

Naruto, Ive destroyed everything Ive touched. Both my family and my clan were destroyed because of me. Im a cursed womanI dont want you to be

Naruto moved from the door to stand before the woman and giving her a confident look said, I dont believe in curses. What happened to your clan and to your family was not just your doing. It was the product of many different peoples choices and actions. Naruto knelt down and placed his hand on hers as he continued, I know you blame yourself, but you arent cursed and Ill stake my life on it.

Mikoto gave a weak and disbelieving smile so Naruto gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. He stood as he had to meet his lovers, and exited the room. Mikoto waited several moments before saying, I hope youre right. I could never forgive myself if I was the cause for your destruction as well.


Naruto left Kiyomis home to take the path that led to the hotsprings located on the property. He allowed his mind to wander to the talk he had just had with Mikoto. He was aware that quite a few of his lovers were against his giving Mikoto, Shisuis eye. Yet, he felt in his heart it was the right decision. However a part of him felt guilty about it as well, due to it feeling as if he was simply passing the burden on instead of taking it on for himself.

He hadnt been lying or bluffing when he said that he felt the ability to rewrite a persons entire being was wrong. Something he still needed to address with Kiyomi, but at the moment and perhaps a little selfishly he just wanted to enjoy the moment of quiet he believed that they had brought about by freeing the imprisoned Bijuu and raiding what appeared to be Akatsukis main base. Yet, thinking again about his talk with Mikoto and the Taki-nin, the guilt that perhaps he was simply letting others get their hands dirty on his behalf returned. He knew that giving Mikoto the eye was like putting a drug in front of a potential junkie. But, when he had talked with his mother about it she had seconded the idea. Even with his mothers blessing though, he felt like perhaps he was manipulating her since despite his falling out with Sasuke. A part of him still hoped the Uchiha that had been his teammate and friend could be redeemed and that by giving Sasukes mother the eye, she would do his dirty work for him.

His mother assured him that this wasnt the case, but Naruto couldnt exactly call her an unbiased opinion on the matter either. He sighed as he knew despite thinking on the matter ever since Mikoto had first been brought to Kiyomis home, he was no closer with being at peace with the decision he had just made. Ultimately though he had felt that a mother should have the right to reclaim her son, despite the fact that he felt that even if she used the eye for such a purpose, the person that would in essence come into being as a result would not truly be Sasuke, but Mikotos hopes of what her son would be like. In essence the Sasuke that he knew would die so Mikotos version of what she wanted him to be could be born.

Naruto approached the bathhouse to enter the hotspring area located on Kiyomis property and served as the official meeting place for the women of the Konoha Womens Bathing Association. Stepping in, he began to strip, but paused as he saw all the full baskets filled with womens clothes. Judging from the filled baskets he knew that he was the last to arrive so quickly gave his body a quick washing before entering the bathing area. Stepping out of the bathhouse, Naruto was struck by the sight of all the naked beauties that he was bound too. For a moment as his lovers called out for him to join them he wondered if he was actually gazing on a section of heaven brought down to Konoha.

Shaking off the thought, he began to move towards the water just as naked as his lovers and took the opportunity to drink in the sights laid out before him. He smiled as he watched Tenten standing in the water with her backside presented to him as her torso rested on the ground. Her head was resting on her hands as she admired the Kubikiribch which was stuck in the ground. Occasionally the weapon wielding kunoichi would reach out and touch it as if still trying to convince herself it was actually in front of her. Whenever she would Haku would smile since she knew Tentens admiration for the weapon was genuine.

Naruto had been surprised that Haku, after depositing Suigetsu at the Leaf Maximum Security Prison, hadnt immediately returned Zabuzas blade. When he had asked, Haku had informed him that there may be more people interested in acquiring the sword and so she intended to hold onto it in order to build a reputation that she wasnt to be trifled with. Once she was positive people would respect Zabuzas resting spot, less they become targets of her wrath, she would return the blade.

Naruto slipped into the water next to Konan and smiled at her as she grabbed his hand under the surface. Kissing her gently, he turned to face the rest and noticing one of his lovers was missing asked, Wheres Rangiku?

Shes watching the rest of my siblings, Kiyomi answered from where she sat on the natural looking stone with her legs submerged in the water. Being that she is your newest conquest she doesnt exactly know a lot of what has been going on so we can catch her up later.

Naruto nodded and then asked, How are your siblings adjusting?

Kiyomi shrugged as she replied, Right now theyre still taking it all in. They are staying at a hotel in Tanzaku Town for the time being while Shiho and Mabui finish their identification papers. Kiyomi paused for a moment before she added, I would appreciate it if after we finish up here you would speak with them.

Naruto inclined his head so Tsunade spoke up saying, Then perhaps we should begin. First I think it would be best if we start with where things stand with Akatsuki. Hana

She was cut off though as Konan interrupted to say, Please do not refer to Tobi and Kisame as Akatsuki any further. I intend to rebuild it to once more be an organization that follows the principles that Yahiko had intended. She graced Naruto with a subtle smile as she added, The principles that Naruto helped me to remember.

Very well, Tsunade said before turning to Hana, Would you care to fill us in on what you found at the base located in the Mountains Graveyard?

Hana stood as she informed the group, Unfortunately we didnt locate any trace of where Tobi or the Zetsu disappeared to. But I can tell you that it appears that besides collecting the Bijuu, Tobi was growing an army of Zetsu there.

What! Shiho said in shock, Why would he bother doing that considering how weak these Zetsu appear to be?

Temari spoke up to reply, Even the strongest of shinobi can be brought down by the weakest of opponents if they outnumber him. Also, the tactics that could be used by these Zetsu would play havoc on any military force. Imagine the chaos they could cause if they used their abilities to assume the faces of friends and allies during a battle. Without a sensor of Karins capabilities it would be impossible to trust the person at your back.

Very true, Mabui said as she looked up from the thinking pose she had taken, I think his growing an army would also explain why he calls himself Madara.

What do you mean? Kiyomi asked since although she had been controlled by the Uchiha didnt understand the fear she could sense the name inspired.

It was Tsunade that answered as her tone conveyed the seriousness that she felt just mentioning the ancient Uchihas name deserved, Madara Uchiha is a name that holds power. This Tobi character is obviously quite aware of this and I believe that by making us believe Madara has returned from the grave, he hopes to make us react in a certain manner.

What sort of reaction he would be hoping for is the question that we need to answer? Naruto said as his eyes traveled over the various women sitting in or near the water of the hotsprings. If he was growing an army it would seem to suggest he was hoping to provoke a war. The question would be why?

Kiyomi now understanding the power Madaras name held smiled as she answered, Thats simple now that I think about it. Depending on how capturing the jinchuriki went it would almost guarantee that the last of their remaining targets would be gathered in one location.

Pakura not seeing a hole in the theory said, That would make sense. With only one or two jinchuriki left it would mean that whichever villages still held them would attempt to protect them. Likely by finding a place to hide the jinchuriki and while the location would no doubt be secure, it would prove difficult to protect them against a determined enemy.

Not to mention by hiding them away you limit the strength a village could field during a conflict, Ino said.

Who the fuck cares, Tayuya said speaking up. The masked fuckers plans are ruined. Plus with all the Bijuu being released he has only a few pussy ass Zetsu.

Its more than a few, Hana said gravely. It was difficult to estimate but I would place the number around eighty to a hundred thousand.

T-thats probably around the same number of shinobi that all of the villages combined could muster, Shizune said extremely concerned by the revelation. How could such a large force move without you being able to pick up a trail?

Hana frowned as she answered, It would appear that most of the Zetsu used an underground lake to escape from the base when they abandoned it. The ones that helped gather up what they could salvage traveled over land before just disappearing. Im of the opinion that Tobi spirited them away.

Still a force that large residing out there does change things considerably especially now that we know these Zetsu were cloned from the First Hokages cells Sakura said. Perhaps we should try to hold a Five Kage Summit.

Tsunade agreed but nevertheless said, Im afraid I doubt the other Kage will respond. Despite only us knowing that the Bijuu are out of Tobis hands. Im afraid that so long as Kumogakure and Konohas jinchuriki remain safe the other villages will not respond to such a meeting. No doubt they are already wondering how it is neither of our villages have lost one even though three attempts have been made. Also, when you consider that Konoha aided Kumo twice, Kiri and Iwa are likely of the belief we have a secret treaty between our villages.

Despite the gravity of the situation the mood lightened as Koyuki said, They wouldnt exactly be wrong, although I think they would be surprised at how the negotiations are carried out.

Tsunade smiled as she replied, Indeed, but I think the only thing that is preventing Iwa and Kiri from forming an alliance is their past history.

Yuugao added, Plus, Iwa has taken an extremely hostile stance now that Narutos parentage has been revealed. Finding out that the son of the Fourth Hokage is also the jinchuriki of the nine-tails has them convinced he was being groomed as some sort of secret weapon to finish what the Fourth started in the Third Shinobi War. They moved several battalions of Jounin from their Western border and spread them out of the eastern one. A large concentration of that group is sitting poised to attack Ame.

My own forces confirm this, Konan said sadly. I believe they plan to attack in retaliation for my role in capturing their jinchuriki.

Thats possible, Temari said as she processed the information, But its also likely that should tensions boil over to open conflict Naruto would aid Ame due to your coming out in support of him. Therefore it might just be that the higher numbers is to account for his showing up. I think the greater concern would be the forces they moved into Taki.

What are you talking about? Tsunade asked since none of her intelligence reports suggested anything of the sort.

After the fallout of Takis selling out Fu, relations between your village and Waterfall deteriorated. We know that as a result Taki signed a treaty with Iwa. Temari paused a moment to collect her thoughts before adding, We dont know the exact terms, but we know Iwa was given permission to move through Takis territory. Also the reports that Yuugao is referencing also showed a large group moving towards Taki. I believe that group didnt stop at the border and is currently in Waterfall Country. They are likely securing supply routes so Konoha cannot cut them like they did in the Third War.

It may be prudent to move our own forces then, Yuugao said after processing Temaris theory.

No, Tsunade said after several moments, The Tsuchikage isnt called the fence-sitter for nothing. Hes taking steps in case we do make a move against him, but he will not make the first move. Our sources have been saying that hes not even all that pleased with the land grabs theyve made along their Western Border. It appears that it is the Earth Country Daimyos desire that they expand their borders. The Tsuchikage is as aware as anyone that a misstep here could lead to a devastating conflict.

I suppose that would explain the underhanded methods they are using against the countries they have absorbed, Mabui said. They may be cowardly, but it at least allows them the opportunity to deny their involvement in the events that has led to Earth Countrys annexation of them and without hard proof it is unlikely any of the other Four Great Countries will move against the Land of Earth.

Tsunade frowned due to her need to agree with Mabui even as she said, Still it is surprising that either the Lightning Daimyo, Wind Daimyo, or Fire Daimyo have asked our villages to look into these events. Even if no hint of Iwas involvement has reached their ears, they must be questioning why countries along the Land of Earths Western Border are falling like dominos.

Perhaps they know full well what is going on, but have made a pact with the Earth Country Daimyo, Rin suggested. I mean so long as hes not encroaching on their territories, I cant say Im surprised the other Daimyo would stay out of it. But still it is something Ill look into when I head there.

Dont you think thats a little reckless considering what we were just talking about, Yugito said as she pulled herself out of the water to dry in the sun.

Maybe, Rin conceded, But Ive been reading the journals that Kin has sent and she believes one of Kanjis victims may be located there. Looking around the medic added, Im actually surprised she isnt here.

Kin isnt really one of my lovers, Naruto answered, Shes rather hesitant to make another commitment to someone. Considering how Orochimaru used her who can blame her. Since Tsunade said this meeting concerned those bound to me, I suppose she decided to pass. But which of Kanjis victims does she believe is there?

A woman named Suiren, Rin answered. From what Kin was able to uncover using the documents that Anko liberated from Kanjis base of operations it appears he purchased her from a group of slavers called the Southern Wolves. It would also appear that she is one of the central figures behind the Tragedy of Yosuga Pass. Her supposed death is one of the reasons for the hostile relations between Kirigakure and Iwagakure.

Haku spoke up to say, Yes, I remember hearing about it as Zabuza trained me. Her team and an Iwa one were sent to retrieve some scroll. However, after securing the target the Iwa team betrayed Kirigakures and she was supposed to have been killed.

Apparently that wasnt the case, Anko said from where she was laying on a rock outcropping sunning herself.

No, Haku replied, Zabuza was tasked with investigating the incident and it turns out that a member of the team of Iwa-nin didnt just betray the Kirigakure team, but also his own village as well.

Tsunade looked surpised as she asked, Youre saying that the Iwa shinobi went rogue?

Only one of them did it would appear as Zabuza found the corpses of the other Iwa-nin near Yosuga Pass, Haku explained. He brought this information to the Fourth Mizukage, but apparently the Mizukage never shared this with anyone else. I believe that coupled with the Bloodline purges was why Zabuza decided to rebel against the Mizukage. He believed that someone was manipulating events from the shadows by somehow controlling the Mizukage.

That wouldnt explain why Iwa simply didnt tell Kirigakure that one of their shinobi went rogue, Naruto stated.

Im afraid it kind of does, Mabui began to explain, The last thing a Kage would want to admit is that he made a poor decision. Therefore, better it appear to be a purposeful act of betrayal than a result of him not being aware of what is going on inside his village. I am curious though; did Zabuza ever discover who the betrayer was or what was on the scroll?

I believe the betrayer was a man named Bison, Haku said after a moment of thought, no one but the Mizukage or Tsuchikage likely knows what was on the scroll. Haku paused and after a moment she corrected herself to say, Actually perhaps even they didnt know what was on it. If I recall correctly, the mission to retrieve it came about due to negotiations between the Earth Country Daimyo and Sea Country Daimyo. At the time they seemed quite interested in brokering a peace between their two countries.

Naruto frowned especially due to his recent meeting with the Fire Country Daimyo, but he pushed the concerns he felt to the side to concentrate on the woman caught up in the entire affair to ask, How did Suiren end up a slave of Kanjis if this Bison character killed his team? Why would he hold onto her?

Karin was the one that answered as she explained, The Southern Wolves operate out of the Land of Earth. Orochimaru would hire them from time to time to procure fresh test subjects for him. He believed that the Earth Daimyo knows of their existence, but has made it clear Iwa is to leave them be. I believe that Bison likely sold her to them for some quick cash in order to facilitate his escape. There is considerable money to be had from human trafficking. A kunoichi in good condition can be worth her weight in gold.

How could a Daimyo let such a thing exist in his lands? Naruto said emitting a simmering anger that his lovers could feel.

Karin shrugged not exactly sure herself, but mentioning some rumors she had heard said, The Daimyo has several concubines. Rumor has it that the Southern Wolves provide him some as tribute.

Narutos eyes narrowed and directing his gaze to Rin said, If she is there and you plan to rescue her then I want you to call me.

Rin smiled as she had from the very beginning although for a separate reason. Licking her lips at the thought she said, Oh, I intend too.

Naruto nodded a little surprised by the lustful look Rin was directing towards him, but he turned his attention to Tsunade as she said, I think now would be a good time to get to the actual reason I called everyone here. Over the past several months Ive noticed certain changes that had occurred among those bound to Naruto. For one we heal much faster than normal. Not as fast as Naruto perhaps but

What youre driving at is you want to know what other changes have I made to the women present? Kiyomi said interrupting the Hokage.

Tsunade nodded so she was about to explain but was interrupted by Hinata who asked, I dont understand why you would keep the fact that you altered us a secret. Although I do not feel you would do something harmful to us, do you not feel as if you should have asked our permission first before making these changes?

The Hyuugas question prompted several emotions to spring to the surface, anger being one. But seeing that she could see the majority of the women present felt the same calmed as she replied, II truthfully didnt consider it a matter worth mentioning. I suppose I just considered it as me taking steps to ensure our happy retirement.

Retirement, Matsuri said in surprise. What are you talking about?

I think it is obvious to everyone at this point that when all is said and done we arent going to be able to come forward to explain how we were the ones pushing the villages and countries together from the shadows. Kiyomi paused as she could see that quite a few of the faces had already accepted this truth, nor was she surprised that Naruto had seemed conflicted by it. She knew it wasnt a matter of his wanting the credit, but of the simple fact that it was likely his love life would also have to remain in the shadows also. Regardless of the outcome, Kiyomi knew humans could be prideful, not that she was excluding Bijuu from that statement, and as such they may feel betrayed should the truth of Naruto and his lovers actions ever come out. Therefore, she had decided to ensure that someday her lover could enjoy his Harem lifestyle to the fullest without all the sneaking around. Although she knew it might be a considerable amount of time before that could happen, like a few centuries.

Taking a breath the Bijuu said, Im actually surprised that at no point since my taking this form anyone has ever questioned whether or not I had sacrificed my immortality. The answer to that question is no I have not, and seeing as how I am still immortal it would only be natural that it is a gift I would extend to my lover as well. Kiyomi smirked as she saw the looks of shock appear on the other womens faces. She did notice some of them turn into frowns and wasnt surprised that those women were the ones with children. Turning to Naruto, she was concerned as she saw his face was a stoic mask, but guessed it was because he was also searching his lovers faces to see how they had accepted the news.

Wait a second, Karin said in surprise especially considering Orochimaru had been chasing immortality for decades. How is that even possible?

Its a simple matter, Kiyomi answered, Aging is caused by the process of cell division. As time goes by the cells begin to divide less and less perfectly causing defects to appear. These defects are what lead to the human body eventually breaking down. I simply made it so that my cells do not divide with these defects. Each time cellular division occurs the resulting cell is a perfect copy. It is something I have passed on to Naruto and by extension those he has taken as lovers via my own modification to the semen he so readily fills us with.

I thought as much, Tsunade said recalling the tests she had run on the samples collected by Sakura and Shizune, But then how do you explain my aging after using my jutsu. Plus it seems that certain members present are actually getting younger.

Kiyomi smiled as she explained, True, but there are those present that are getting older as well. But perhaps the best way to explain it is to ask you why when you were hiding how you truly looked after first returning to the village you chose to henge yourself at the age you did. Kiyomi could see that Tsunade wasnt quite sure herself so the Bijuu suggested, I think you will find that the answer is that it was the age where you felt you were in your prime. Both in terms of beauty and power. Some of those present have yet to reach that point, while others have already passed it. Therefore, your cells are continuing to divide in a way to allow you to reach that point or repairing the damage to allow you to return to it.

B-but what about us with families and children, Tsunami said not sure how to feel about the revelation she would now outlive her son.

Kiyomi frowned as in the beginning she hadnt considered it, but now that she technically had two of her own said, In all honesty, it was not something that entered into my calculations. But with that said, I would consider extending this ability to any of your children, if they so desired. Yet with that said I feel it prudent to explain that in exchange for the chance to live forever, something must be taken and that is the ability to procreate.

Wait, youre saying we cant have kids anymore? Tenten said not sure how to feel about that particular side-effect.

Not exactly, Kiyomi explained, You are all still quite capable of getting pregnant. I simply made it that Narutos semen didnt attempt to so that your bodies could absorb it and the energy that has filled your cells allowing for the perfect replication of them. What I mean to say is that if you do choose to bring about a new life, then you will begin to age normally.

Why? Ino asked curious although she felt that several lifetimes with the man she loved was a fair tradeoff for losing the right to have a child. After all, a child was simply a way for a person to live on after death, if you removed death from the equation it didnt seem like such a hard thing to give up.

I think you already know, Kiyomi said with a smile as she saw Ino practically aglow at the idea of staying young with the man she loved forever. But another reason would be let us say that you had a child with Naruto. Would you not expect that child to be given the same gifts as you? But then that child grows up and has one of their own while extending the gift of immortality it was born with. This cycle would continue for centuries until eventually a continent of immortals was born. Unfortunately, if death is no longer a factor then in time the resources of the planet would be strained. For those that were not immortal it would seem unfair that they needed to struggle to survive due to the shortages that would result from the taxed environment and eventually wars would break out. Granted we are talking about several thousand years perhaps, but the end result would be inevitable. If we are going to be removed from the cycle of life and death it is only fair that we cause as little impact as possible so that the world can remain in balance.

Tsunami didnt seem any happier with the explanation and Kiyomi couldnt exactly blame her since she knew that she was offering a difficult choice. Tsume, and Tsunami, having experienced the joys and hardships of raising a child likely knew what they were giving up. And while neither woman had seemed interested in siring a child with Naruto, did know what their own children would be giving up if they chose to take the gift of immortality. Furthermore, even if their children didnt want to live forever they then would be forced to watch them grow older and die. A difficult thing to ask any parent, but Kiyomi was well aware that life was making hard choices and then living with the consequences.

Tsunami looked passed the Bijuu to ask Naruto, What do you think of all this Naruto?

Kiyomi turned to look at her lover wondering if he was pleased or angry, maybe even both. He looked around the hotspring meeting each of his lovers gazes before saying, When I first stepped out here and saw all you waiting for meI already believed I had stepped into heaven. The idea that I will possibly have all of eternity to spend with my beloveds brings me an indescribable amount of joy. Yet, I know that for others it must be a gut-wrenching choice. But it isnt one that needs to be made here or now. As Kiyomi said, this is a matter for us to discuss upon our retirement, something we are a far ways from doing.

Most of the women seemed to agree so they were about to end the meeting, but Anko spoke up asking, You said that this was due to us being pumped full of Naruto cum, right? Is it something we need to take in constantly or do you only need the injection once.

Kiyomi frowned upon noticing a pained look appear on Narutos face. She was quite aware of why the woman would ask since recently things had cooled down between Naruto and her. Answering honestly though she said, The change has already been made. It isnt something that would be lost after a period of time.

Anko nodded as she stood and said, Its pretty ironic that Orochimaru spent decades chasing after immortality and its something that fell into my lap. I kind of wish he was alive so I could rub it in his face. Were done here right? Tsunade nodded so Anko headed to the bathhouse to collect her clothes leaving the others behind.

Hinata made sure no one noticed as she activated her bloodline limit since when gathered together most of the women dropped the henge that hid the coloring of their chakra. She smiled as she noticed that Konans was a bright red like hers. But the smile faded as she saw that Ankos was more white then green indicating that perhaps the reason she had asked her question was because she was considering a life apart from Naruto.


Naruto appeared in a hotel room to find most of the recently freed Bijuu lounging about. He smiled politely at them before he was crushed to Rangikus chest as she said, Naruto, its been ages. How about we find a nice quite place where you can

Easy there, Yoruichi said pulling Naruto free of her sisters cleavage, Its only been a few days; try to act your age.

Rangiku pouted as she said, Thats easy for you to say. I felt you, Seven, and Kiyomi through the mark. Before you came here the three of you had another romp with him while you left me here to play babysitter.

Um wellthats Yoruichi sputtered.

She was saved by Kiyomi, who asked, Speaking of which where are Kukaku and Nel?

Kukaku said she was going out for some air, and Nel is taking a nap, Rangiku answered while pointing towards a sheet with a lump under it.

You might want to reevaluate the situation, Seven smirked as she pulled the sheet away to reveal a pillow.

That little brat, Rangiku said angrily as she rounded on Tier and the women that she helped give lift to by sacrificing two of her tails to add, Why didnt you say anything?

Watch how you speak to Lady Tier cow, the woman calling herself Emilou Appaci said coming to her Ladys defense.

Cow, Rangiku said angrily before smirking as she countered, Oh you must be referring to the fact that unlike someone I actually have breasts.

Appaci looked like she was about to attack, but Tier held up her hand as she said, Please calm down. To answer your question Rangiku I didnt inform you because it was your task to watch Nel. Perhaps in the future it would benefit you to actually show some interest in the errands you are given. You didnt try to stop Kukaku from leaving something you were supposed to do as well.

Kukaku is a big girl she can take care of herself, Rangiku said defensively. Nel is

Also a Bijuu, Tier said cutting off her sister.

That may be true, Kiyomi said preparing to search for the Bijuu in question, But as diminished as she is, it wouldnt hurt to make sure she doesnt find herself in a bad situation due to her nave nature.

Which is why before she left I took the liberty of placing a locator seal on her, Tier answered. But we are not your underlings Kiyomi. I remained in this room because you asked me too. Nel and Kukaku were under no such compulsion to comply.

I know, I know, Kiyomi said defensively, I just dont want you all attracting the wrong kind of attention before Ive had a chance to explain how I want you to help.

So lets get to it, the white haired young woman calling herself Mirajane said. The Six-tails stepped into the room from the bedroom that she had claimed in the expensive suite Kiyomi had booked. Tier noticed that Mirajane appeared to be slightly younger than the young man she assumed to be Naruto. Guessing her sister had chosen such a young form so as to not be locked into a certain body type, Tier hoped her sisters attitude would change since an arrogance seemed to have grown from the confidence she had gained with her looks.

Mirajane studied Naruto for a moment before giving him a dismissive snort as she said, Hmph this is the guy Rangiku was crowing about. He doesnt look to be all that. I could probably take him with one arm tied behind my back.

Perhaps, Naruto said with a smile, But then again in such a situation, Id probably just be glad to see youd limit yourself so. Naruto noticed a woman hanging back from the others so asked, Who might you be?

Urd, the dark-skinned woman answered. She was a little uncomfortable considering her origins so was pleased the young man didnt pry.

But it didnt last as Kiyomi explained, She was born from the piece of Gyuki that was sealed into the statue.

Yet to Urds surprise Narutos demeanor never changed as he said, Its nice to meet you Urd. I hope youre finding your new existence quite enjoyable.

Urds focus shifted from the blond man to the white-haired Mirajane, who had been quite insistent that she not refer to herself as a Bijuu. Although Rangiku had told the Six-tails to back off, the dark-skinned woman could see that the Blond wasnt quite sure she disagreed. It had made Urd feel as if she was little more than a doll given a semblance of life so as to keep the power that had been growing from the tentacle the original Eight-tails had sacrificed from falling into someone elses hands.

Yet outside of the diminutive Nel, the man currently meeting her eyes also didnt seem to share such an opinion. His warm eyes continued to shine as he said, I hope you agree to help with Kiyomis plans so we can get to know each other. Urd nodded, feeling a bit more confident about her place in the world as a result from the blonds words.

The door to the room slid open causing all the peoples attention to focus on the person entering. Kukaku smirked from the doorway as she said, At last it looks like I get to meet with the famous Naruto Uzumaki.

One pair of eyes darted to the small form trying to sneak in behind the dark-haired woman. Rangiku spotting the diminutive Nel ran forward grabbing her ear as she said, There you are you little brat did you think I wouldnt notice your disappearing act.

But you didnt, the slender Cyan Sung-Sun said snidely. You required others to point this out to you.

Tier, Im going pretty sick and tired of your sycophants comments, Rangiku said turning towards the three women. I think it would be best if you remind them Im not one to be trifled with.

The dark skinned Mila Rose grinned as she said, Oh I think Id like to see that.

I hope you dont come to regret Rangiku began to say preparing to create some ash to teach the cocky women a lesson.

Yet she trailed off as Naruto placed a calming hand on her shoulder as he said, Lets all calm down a moment shall we. Its going to be difficult to create a world of peace when we cant even achieve it in a single room. Rangiku calmed and even ignored a comment from Appaci as the tomboyish woman called her a coward. Thank you Rangiku, the blond man said moving to take a seat on a plush chair.

Kukaku would admit that she was intrigued to see Rangiku back down so moved to sit in the chair opposite from him. Upon sitting down she placed a foot on the small coffee table between them showing off her pussy. To her surprise despite noticing her lack of modesty the blonds gaze didnt have any problem holding hers.

Kiyomi sitting on the couch closest to her lover also noticed Kukakus display as well as the fact that it appeared some semen was leaking from her. Frowning the Bijuu asked, And just where were you.

Before she could answer Nel stood up having taken a seat on one of the couches surrounding the two chairs, Oh I know. She was in the hotsprings hugging some stranger. She kept making these weird noises as he grunted. Nel accentuated her statement by thrusting her hips in a fair imitation of the way she had seen Kukaku.

Kukaku smirked as she expected Kiyomi to lose her cool, but to her surprise it was Yoruichi who shouted, What! You went out and found some random guy to fuck. What happened to all that pride you boast of?

Kukaku glared at her sibling as she said heatedly, What are you talking about? Focusing on all her sisters that were bound to Naruto but primarily Kiyomi she said, Did you honestly think Id throw myself at this whelp the way the rest of you did? I believe that was why you showed me all those images of him enjoying those other women, wasnt it Kiyomi?

I showed you those images because they were the ones that I had access to, Kiyomi answered. I merely wished to open your eyes to the benefits of taking on a human form. If you wish to experience those pleasures with random strangers be my guest.

What are you all talking about? Tier asked not sure why the room had gotten so tense. A question she could see was mirrored on both Mirajane and Urds faces.

Yoruichi ignored the question as she focused on Kiyomi to say, How can you say thatI thought you believed in fathers prophecy as well?

Before Kiyomi could answer Naruto said, Yoruichi, the important thing is that all of you work together. I dont believe Im a central part to your fathers vision. It is simply my hope that you and your sisters will agree to use your powers to build a peaceful world we can all live in.

Yoruichi calmed from Narutos words although Kukaku could see that her sister was of the belief the jinchuriki was central to the prophecy. She felt a little childish and self-conscious suddenly due to the young mans ignoring her discourteous display. She brought her foot down, something Kiyomi smirked about since Kukaku had ended her flashing of her lover. Kukaku felt annoyed by her sister so questioned rudely, Ha, a punk like you thinks hes going to make a peaceful world. Dont be an idiot, our father worked to that end as well and he couldnt do it. What makes you think you can succeed where he failed?

I dont think Ill succeed where he couldnt, Naruto said causing the recently released Bijuu to stare at each other in confusion. But then again Im not acting alone either. I might not succeed, but we will. Im simply asking that you will lend me your power so we can make your fathers wish of a peaceful world a reality as well as my masters.

The Bijuu remained silent for several moments until Tier asked, What would you ask of us?

For now, I believe Kiyomi needs your help to make the shipping company she owns prosperous again. Once weve achieved that, we can discuss the next steps we will need to take.

We? Urd asked her tone showing her surprise.

Naruto nodded as he answered, Naturally. If a peaceful world is our end goal then it needs to be one that we can all enjoy. For that Ill need your input as well as your strength.

Kiyomi watched as a smile appeared on Urds face, the first since her awakening. From the gesture the red-head was more sure than ever that Naruto was the key to the enigmatic words the Bijuus father had left them. Yet as she had explained to the women of Narutos harem she tended to take a long view of things and as such didnt doubt that in time the Bijuu sitting around her lover would find themselves bound to him. Even the headstrong Kukaku who she didnt doubt would continue to search out other men to deny there was anything special about the one sitting across from her. It would take some time, and perhaps even a little heartache, but in time she had little doubt the nine of them would move as one because they shared the same affections.


Karin followed behind Gaara as he guided her to the room that housed the Suna council. Upon entering a section of the hall that was currently unoccupied the Kazekage said, Despite my friendship with Naruto

And now deeper familial connections, Karin couldnt help supplying with a smirk.

Gaara looked over his shoulder in mild annoyance as he added, Yes despite those as well, do not expect me to simply go along with what you are proposing today. I need to be convinced this would be in the best interest of Suna as well as help move Narutos ambition forward.

Im quite aware of that Lord Kazekage, Karin replied, Which is why I insisted I make the pitch in front of your Council as well. I dont think youd need to worry about your personal feeling getting in the way if I can get the council behind me.

Gaara didnt smile but she did detect a slight raising at the corner of his lips as he said, Dont be so sure the council is as unbiased as you believe.

Karin frowned not sure what Gaara was implying but before she could ask they began to near the doors to the Council Chamber which was guarded by a pair of Jounin. The shinobi pushed the double doors open for them and Karin could see they were the last to arrive. Her gaze first fell on Temari, who she graced with a smile. She also recognized her younger brother Kankuro, and their former sensei Baki. She didnt recognize the other three men present, but knew they were likely the Councilors Sajo, Ryusa, and Goza. She had expected to find two empty chairs, one for the recently arrested Joseki, and the other for the revealed traitor Yura, who had been working for Sasori and had aided in letting Akatsuki enter the village. He had been killed by Naruto, when he had been used as a sacrifice by the organization to assume the form of Itachi in order to delay the Leaf Villages attempt to save Gaara. Despite it being over a year since then his seat had remained empty due to the councilors inability to agree on a worthy successor.

However, to her great surprise both seats were taken and she understood what Gaara had meant as they were filled by Pakura and Maki. Nodding to the gathered councilors she said, Greetings and thank you for taking the time to see me.

Karin frowned though as the bearded Goza said, I assure you it wasnt by choice, but it would seem that our newest members have adopted a rather friendly attitude towards the village you call home. Perhaps not so surprising in

I assume you are about to refer to my in fact being saved by a Leaf Shinobi, Pakura said speaking up heatedly making Karin suspect she had been the center of several discussions in regards to her views about the Leaf Village. It would be a trait I happen to share with Lord Kazekage.

True, Goza said, Which is why I suppose he nominated you to the position.

You mean besides my many years of service in which I took on every dangerous mission Suna handed me. I do have more S-ranked missions under my belt then all the members of this council combined, Pakura said angrily.

That would be why I voted for your inclusion on the council, Goza stated calmly. He smiled as he noticed some of the anger bled from Pakuras face. No, I cant say Im surprised by your choice to allow the meeting, but I would admit to finding it surprising that you would Maki.

I cant say Im overly shocked by that considering I was to be Josekis handpicked successor to the council, Maki said folding her hands on the table. My own grievances with the Leaf Village are well known as well. However, considering that Joseki is currently in a jail cell because he couldnt let go of his own grievances, is it any wonder that I would wish not to follow in his footsteps. Furthermore, my time among the Training Force wasenlightening to say the least. I witnessed one Shinobi village put its trust in another to help them deal with a problem

I think a better description would be that the Leaf Village used us to deal with a problem of their own making, Ryusa said annoyed with the whole situation.

Gaara spoke up to say, Then Im guessing you have chosen to ignore the fact that Joseki may have been aiding Danzou by trying to break-up the Training Force. Recently several former members of his hardliners have come forward and claimed Joseki asked them to cause trouble in order to have us call back our shinobi.

With all due respect Lord Gaara, if you knew Josekis hatred for Danzou you would find that as difficult to believe as I do, Ryusa said. Also, Im not quite sure how much trust Id be willing to put in the word of a Root member that claims to have witnessed several of their meetings, even if the Leaf have vouched for the fact that she defected from the organization.

Maki leaned forward to say, Then what about mine councilor Ryusa. I can attest that Joseki asked those of us that were Hardliners to disrupt the Training Force. I can only think of one person that would have directly benefited.

Sajo drew everyones attention by clearing his throat before saying, We didnt gather here to discuss the validity of Josekis guilt or innocence. I did find it strange that Lord Kazekage would nominate you to Josekis position though Maki. However, from your tone its easy to ascertain that despite your years of being influenced by Joseki, you have made a break with his beliefs. Im guessing Lord Kazekage has seen this as well which is why he felt it best not to punish you for your association with him. Yet, again these are matters best discussed later. He leveled a stare at his fellow councilors Goza and Ryusa as he added, Plus do not forget gentlemen that I voted in favor of granting Karin this audience as well. I believe we are living in interesting times, something you might see if you allowed yourself to open your eyes to them a little. Focusing on Karin, he said, Please begin my dear. Im interested in seeing what you came here to pitch.

The red-head smiled politely as she said, Thank you councilor. I know you are all busy people so Ill make it brief. Simply put I would like to open a branch office of the Great Tree Shipping Company here in Suna.

Absolutely not, Goza said quickly, Do you really take us for such fools that we would openly invite a member of the Leaf to open a company here that they could use to spy on us?

No, I cant say you would be a fool to have concerns about such a thing occurring. I would say you could be considered one for dismissing my proposal without even giving me the chance to explain it.

Temari snickered as Kankuro did his best to hide his amusement. Gazo though was anything but amused and was about to storm out till Sajo said, It is an interesting proposition to be sure.

Gazos jaw dropped before recovering to ask, Have you lost your mind Sajo?

Hardly, the Councilor replied calmly, I dare say Im feeling extremely clear headed. Perhaps you should take a look at yourself before leveling such accusations. Meeting the eyes of the two councilors most opposed to what was being proposed he said, For a moment lets recount how many times weve caught the Leaf spying on us in the last four or so years since Tsunade took over. Not counting the few times Jiraiya has stopped in our village I would put the number at zero. Not to mention did anyone notice how well the last batch of our genin did in the Chunin Exams. It was a steady improvement from the previous exams. As a matter of fact ever since the Leaf shared with uslet me repeat that, shared with us, some of the curriculum that they use at their own Academy our genin have continued to do better and better. I would attribute this to the fact that each successive group of genin to emerge from the Academy have been exposed to the Leafs training methods for longer and longer periods. I truly look forward to the exam where the genin have only known those methods.

What is your point? Ryusa said dismissively.

His point, Temari said speaking up, Is that if the Leaf was so hellbent on our destruction they have a strange way of showing it.

Exactly Lady Temari, Sajo said leaning forward, I am currently the oldest member on this Council. Im tired gentleman and ladies of always looking for some sinister plot in even the simplest of gestures. I have looked at the Leafs past actions with the same distrust as you. Yet all I have ever scene is an honest and sincere desire to better relations between our two villages. I know we blamed the Leaf for causing a situation where our Daimyo would hire them over us. It could be argued that the old war hawks like us among the Leafs power brokers built those conditions into the treaty to weaken us. But those Hawks have had their wings clipped. Would you wish to follow their example as more and more the youths of our village come to think of those from the Leaf as friends and allies? If so gentlemen, then I think youll find yourselves pushed aside as they clamor for leadership that thinks as they do.

Karin nodded as she said, Well said Lord Sajo. The Lady Kiyomi believes much the same as you. She believes weve entered a period where the Shinobi Villages not only want a true and lasting peace to settle on the land but are clamoring for it.

I suspect she believes this hoping for a nice tidy profit as well, Ryusa said snidely.

I cant deny we intend to profit from it, but then again so will the villages that agree to open their doors to our company.

Really and how do you intend to deliver on that promise? Goza asked skeptically.

Karin smiled as she pulled out several sheets of paper. Moving to Temari she asked, Can you please hold this? Upon Temaris taking the sheet from her, Karin instructed her to channel her chakra into it. The councilors were surprised when the paper split neatly in two. Karin smiled as she said, Now Im sure some of you have heard of the chakra paper that Konoha uses to help determine what element a person is strong in in order to maximize their strength in it. Here in Suna, you tend to take a trial and error approach. For some like Temari, the strength is apparent quite early. For others not so much, resulting in wasted time and effort. Yet, Suna has access to the same tree that the Leaf uses to create this paper.

What is your point? Goza said impatiently.

The point is the reason you do not have access to this paper is because every tree you can harvest is used in the construction of your puppets. Its also why so many of the puppets in this village are hand-me-downs. Karin could see that the three male councilors were surprised by her knowledge, yet truthfully she hadnt needed any insight from Narutos Suna lovers to reach that conclusion. All she had needed was to study the thriving black market that existed and in turn linked the Shinobi villages. Much as she had stated Konoha had the tree in abundance and it was used in everything from scrolls to the chakra paper she held. Suna had at some point managed to get its hands on the tree, but lacked the fertile lands required to grow it in any truly meaningful numbers. As a result they turned to the black market where the paid a highly inflated price, something they still did despite being allies with Konoha for years.

Im guessing that you believe should we allow you to open a branch office here youll be able to supply us that chakra paper, Sajo said clearly interested since it would help improve the training process of their genin and chunin.

Karin nodded, I have already negotiated a contract with the Hokage that has given me access to not just the chakra paper, but the unrefined wood you would need to create new puppets. Imagine the innovations you could come up with if you didnt need to fear wasting a precious resource on experimental designs.

The Uzumaki smiled as she saw the two councilors Goza and Ryusa share a look of interest. It faded as Gaara said, A tempting offer, but Im sure that in order to make this work the Leaf made some requests of you to secure from us on their behalf.

She could see the distrust appear in the two mens faces again as Ryusa seconded, Yes, what exactly would the Leaf require?

The deal I made is already done. So whether or not you wish to supply any items for trade, I still have a ton of wood I need to get rid of and plan to sell it to you at a significant discount from what the black market would charge you, Karin said after a moments pause. With that being said I know the Leaf is interested in some of the flowers that you have access to and only grow out in the harshest of environments. Whether I can secure them from you at a price that makes it worth my while to sell well have to wait and see. But considering how the black market has gouged you guys over the year I imagine there is quite a lot of margin I stand to make.

Lord Gaara, Sajo said as Karin ended her speech, I for one would vote that we allow the Great Tree Shipping Company to open an office here. It is something that would only benefit our shinobi in the end.

I second it, Goza said quickly surprising many of those present, Although I find it difficult to trust the Leaf Village, I cant see them allowing this to happen if they had hostile intentions. With the money we stand to save on procuring supplies, we could double or even triple our puppet production.

Gaara folded his hands as he said, I agree. Karin there would be a few other items I would like the Leaf Village to make available to us. Im sure we can come to some sort of arrangement. For this new office do you have someone in mind to run it?

Not at the moment, Karin said before adding, But Im sure eventually someone will appear thats capable enough.


Guren finished covering a Leaf Jounin in crystal before turning to face the wall surrounding the village of Konoha. Behind her the Jounins eyes darted back and forth as he groaned through the small breathing tube she had left him. Although she would give anything to see Yukimaru again, the cold blooded killer she had been died with him and while Kabuto said he needed a distraction she would not dirty her hands again for his sake.

Charging a wall as the moon disappeared behind some clouds; she picked a weakened section of the wall that appeared unoccupied and created several crystalline dragons. She mounted the last one as the others smashed through the weakened structure as shouts of alarm were raised. Leaping from the last dragon as it reached the wall she leapt to the top of it as her crystal dragons distracted the shinobi on duty. She landed in front of several chunin that had been about to attack her jutsu from above and slamming her hands to the ground sent a wave of crystal that captured and then encased them.

She coated her arm in a crystal blade which she used to deflect kunai thrown at her from the opposite side of the opening her jutsu had made in the wall. Running away from the shinobi by running through the crystal formations she had created to entrap the chunin, she heard the people behind her curse as several leapt in pursuit. Guren used the moment she disappeared from their view to leap from the wall as she made her way to her target.

Hiding in the shadows of a nearly demolished building, she watched as several shinobi including a nin-dog landed in the area before cursing and splitting up to search for her. She was just about move when one of the shinobi nearly surprised her by flying through the wall she was pressed against. Leaping back, she recognized the youth as one of the shinobi that had opposed her during her mission to capture the Three-Tails for Orochimaru.

Kiba growled as he crouched in front of her saying, I thought I recognized your scent, although I guess I shouldnt be surprised considering those crystal dragons back there.

Get out of my way, Guren shouted not in the mood to banter with the youth, You have something that doesnt belong to you.

Are you talking about that boy we brought back? Kiba said heatedly. Its thanks to you and that snake bastard that hes dead. We simply gave him a place where he can rest peaceful.

I dont have time to explain, but Im trying to correct that mistake. Now move!

Make me, Kiba shouted charging the woman with his partner that had taken on his form. Leaping the final distance, he attempted to slash at her face and managed to score a hit but winced as it felt like his nails wanted to be pulled from his fingers.

Guren slammed her crystal incased fist into Akamarus stomach causing the dog to whimper as it collapsed around the blow. It reverted to dog form before leaping out of the way as Kiba smashed into her back using fang over fang. The attack lifted the woman off of her feet as they smashed into and through the wall of a ruined building. Despite her crystal armor Guren worked herself to her feet slowly as did Kiba due to his jutsu failing to penetrate. Guren looked back from her kneeling position and backhanded the Inuzuka so that he landed on his back. She heard a growling and turned to see Akamaru leaping at her from the hole they had made.

Picking up the still dazed Kiba by his jacket, she threw him at the animal causing them to crash into each other. She then encased them in a crystal dome before they could recover. She sensed it as dozen of shinobi surrounded her location with one of them calling, Surrender, and come out with your hands in the air or else we will come in after you.

Guren cursed since although a part of her mission was to distract the Leaf. She needed to secure her own objective as well. Creating a jade mirror, she created a dozen copies which all began to exit from the crystal object. From outside the man that had assumed command said, You have until the count of three to comply.

Dont worry, Guren said to herself, Here we come. The Jounin outside got as far as one before more Guren than he could handle appeared from the hole to sow chaos in the Leaf.


Naruto was nestled in his bed with Konan, Mabui, Yugito, and Ino when he suddenly shot up in it waking all four kunoichi. Having returned from Tanzaku town to find the three non Konoha women waiting for him, they had quickly made the most of their time together. After things had settled down, Ino had joined them in order to sleep in the same bed as their shared lover. The reason for his sudden concern was due to the clone of himself and of Ino dispelling to alert him that the village was under attack.

Whats wrong, Konan asked having come instantly awake.

Im sorry it looks like somebody has decided to attack the village. Probably looking to test us our readiness, The jinchuriki answered as he pulled his clothes back on. Throwing his cloak on he said, It looks like whoever it is has the ability to create crystals.

Ino had been in the midst of following her lovers example but paused due to his statement about the nature of the attackers jutsu. It must be her.

Huh, what are you talking about? Naruto asked turning to face Ino.

I think I know who the attacker may be, Ino answered as she pressed herself to Naruto. Hiraishin us to Tsunade.

Naruto nodded and the pair disappeared in a red flash to reappear near the Hokages office. Bursting in, they found the room filled with other members of the villages power structure, who turned towards them, Ino quickly moved forward to join the other councilors and village leaders as she said, Thanks Naruto for Hirashining me here. Im glad I ran into you. Focusing on Tsunade she said, I heard the attacker can use crystals she may be

The woman that helped to prevent us from banishing the Three-tails, The Hokage said cutting her off, Yes we know. That detail has been confirmed by Kiba although he is currently trapped in a crystal dome. Unfortunately, shes managed to slip through our fingers after defeating several squads that had cornered her and has several clones running through the village causing havoc on the east side of it

Ino frowned as that was on the opposite side of the village from what she imagined Gurens goal was. Believing the clones were a feint she asked, What about the guards protecting the cemetery?

Weve pulled several squads to track her down and to help deal with those crystal dragons, Ibiki answered.

Thats where shes heading, Ino said confidently, I think shes here to reclaim Yukimarus body.

Tsunade frowned as she said, That might not be the only person planning to take advantage of us pulling the guards tasked with protecting our dead. Yuugao, send every available shinobi to protect the cemetery. Also somebody have the units still in place check in. Tsunade nodded her head towards Ino telling the kunoichi she wanted her to follow as she said, Im heading to the hospital to help with the wounded. Ino follow me, there are a few things I want to ask you about your encounter with this woman.

Ino nodded and wasnt surprised to find that Naruto was already gone, and from what she could feel had likely left as soon as she pinpointed where she believed Guren was or was heading. As soon as she was alone with the Hokage, Tsunade said, Find Yakumo. I have a special task for the two of you.

Whats that?

Youre going to dig up whats buried in Rins grave.

Oh joy, Ino said sarcastically wondering if she should have perhaps stayed in bed.


Squad seventy-one report in, a female voice called out from a headset of the shinobi that Guren had just knocked unconscious as she took it off his body. Looking about the cemetery, she could hear the fresh clones she had created battling the other squads that were trying to converge on her position. Having once snuck into the Leaf Village to visit Yukimarus grave, she knew exactly where she needed to go in the portion of the cemetery reserved for civilians. Looking at a nearby wall she knew separated the shinobi portion of the graveyard, she wondered if Kabuto had come and gone already. Considering just how few shinobi had leapt over the wall to engage her and her clones upon her being spotted, she wouldnt be surprised if Kabuto had created a demand for more holes to be dug.

Stepping in front of Yukimarus grave, she clasped her hands in a hand-sign causing the ground to shake before a crystal dragon appeared with his coffin inside its body. From the headset she had liberated she heard a voice call out, Hell yeah, Narutos here and hes smashing these crystal clones like nobodys business.

Guren frowned as she felt a sensation which confirmed the report. Leaping onto the dragon, she created as many clones as her dwindling chakra reserves would support so as to buy time for herself and sent them in the direction she could felt her clones disappearing. Directing her dragon to flee in the opposite one, she looked back in time to see a blond man charging her despite the mass of clones closing on him. He pulled a kunai that he threw at her, but Guren countered with a crystal shuriken that knocked it out of the air even as the blond teleported to it.

Guren breathed a sigh of relief as her clones swarmed the young man upon his reappearing near the kunai while she focused forward intent on meeting with Kabuto and claiming her reward.


Tsunade stepped into the shinobi portion of the villages cemetery followed by Ibiki and Yuugao. She felt her rage grow as she saw the dead shinobi that had been tasked with guarding the place. Looking back at Yuugao, she asked, Do we think this Guren character was working with Kabuto?

Im not sure, Yuugao answered, According to the mission report Shizune and Yamato filed it had appeared that Guren had a falling out with Kabuto. I find it hard to believe she would work with him again, although the timing of her and his attack is unlikely to be a coincidence.

Everyone has a price, Ibiki said crouching down to inspect a dead shinobi that worked in his department, Considering what Kabuto disturbed these graves for it is likely she may have aided him to bring back the boy whose body she took.

Tsunade sighed as she said, That would be a theory that those who were on the mission where we first encountered her support as well. Yet, considering there were no fatalities among the people that she encountered during her assault it would seem shes no longer the same woman that was encountered then. That leaves me to wonder how she would take advantage of a jutsu that requires a human sacrifice.

Turning to face Ibiki, she asked, Do we know what DNA Kabuto acquired?

From the disturbed graves it would appear Master Chen, Asuma Sarutobi, Hayate Gekko Ibiki paused as he appeared uncomfortable due to Yuugaos gasp.

Although aware of the pain her fellow Harem member must be feeling, Tsunade forced him to push on as she asked, Is that it?

No Milday, Ibiki said gravely, The other disturbed graves would include Rin Noharas, as well as Dan Katos and Mito Uzumaki.

The color drained from Tsunades face as she heard the last two names and was quite suddenly alerted to the fact that the pain she had assumed Yuugao must be going through wasnt even close to what she thought. The dread of facing loved ones felt almost crippling, but Tsunade pushed the dread and fear away as she rounded on her heel.

Lady Tsunade where are you going? Ibiki called out after his retreating leaders back.

Im going to plant my foot on a snakes skull before he can put his recently acquired DNA to use, Tsunade called back.

Ill gather a squad

Dont bother, Tsunade said as Naruto appeared sensing his two lovers emotions, My squads just arrived.

Naruto sent a concerned glance towards Yuugao, but sensing Tsunades determination followed after her intent on finding the person responsible for the anger she felt.


Kabuto smiled as he finished preparing the scroll he meant to use against Naruto when next they met. He heard the sound of something large approaching so turned to see Guren riding on her dragon shaped jutsu. Leaping from it, she landed in front of him prompting him to say, Impressive, you really did a marvelous job of distracting the Leaf. Its a shame that youre so diminished mentally though. Wouldnt your task have been much simpler if you had killed the shinobi you faced?

What do you care? Guren snapped, You got what you wanted now its time you honor your side of the bargain.

Very well, Kabuto said as the crystal dragon disappeared leaving the coffin behind. However, I dont see the sacrifice that you require.

Leave that to me, Guren said turning away as Kabuto pulled the coffins lid loose.

She held her hand to her mouth as she heard the sickening sound of flesh being cut before Kabuto said, There all finished. Now where is the sacrifice?

Its me, Guren said facing the hooded man.

Really, Kabuto said, Arent you being rather trusting of me? Whats to stop me from using Yukimaru to my own ends?

You have no use for him, Guren replied. If you did you would never have allowed him to push himself so far. This means his ability was unique to the Three-Tails and with it in Akatsukis hands you have no need for a means to control it.

True, Kabuto said, Then what do you want me to tell him happened to you?

Tell himtell him that he saved me, Guren said dropping to her knees as Kabuto approached with the scroll.

I think that would be a matter of debate, Kabuto said placing the scroll on the ground as he activated the jutsu.

A pattern spread along the ground towards the woman as flakes of clay, ash and dirt began to cover her. Guren could feel Yukimarus spirit begin to surround her, but then the feeling vanished as the flakes covering her fell to the ground. Shocked by the sudden change Guren stared up at Kabuto in desperation as she asked, What happened!

It would appear this is another failure, Kabuto replied with a shrug, I figured this might happen. Sometimes when a spirit is truly at peace they cant be manifested in this world. It seems Yukimaru had no regrets about sacrificing himself for you Guren. You should be happy.

Tears began leaking from Gurens eyes as she broke down in sobs and began to pound the ground. Kabuto shook his head at the display having a hard time picturing the woman before him as the feared kunoichi that had served Orochimaru. Although tempted to leave her in her misery, he figured now would be as good a time as ever to put his experiment into motion. Switching the scroll he said, Fear not Guren if you truly wish to be a sacrifice. Ill oblige you.

Changing the scroll to the one he had prepared before her arrival he again activated the jutsu causing the ash to begin covering the woman again. For a moment he saw the will to live appear in Gurens eyes before she discarded it and just before she was completely covered thought he heard her thank him. The covering surrounding his sacrifice hardened and took the shape of a woman he remembered seeing in his history books. Despite dying as an old woman under mysterious circumstances, Kabuto had chosen to resurrect her looking like she had while in her mid-twenties.

Mito Uzumaki stared blankly forward before he summoned a casket to store her in. For a moment he wondered if he should use a different pawn for his experiment, but rejected it due to his not wanting to potentially sacrifice a more valuable pawn. Still he knew virtually nothing about Mitos abilities so wondered if she would even offer Naruto a challenge. However, her true value was the emotional attachment she possessed with Tsunade and if Kabuto wished to see Narutos ability to give true life to those brought back by Edo Tensei, he would need to play off of the attachment he knew the jinchuriki had for the current Hokage.

The white snake that was a part of him appeared from beneath his robe as its head faced towards Konoha. Sensing the people approaching he smiled as he said, My, how very kind of you two to be so accommodating. Causing the coffin to disappear into the ground, he created a clone to welcome those in pursuit and to activate the trap while he found a safe place from which to observe what happened next.

Next Chapter: Blast from the Past Arc: Mito Part II

Authors note: Well as the title states I decided to break this chapter up into two parts. Sorry to those looking for some Mito action, but I felt at this chapter already reaching 20 thousand words it would be best to concentrate on her in the next chapter rather than rush through it. If I feel Guren can be added to the mix I might combine the chapters.

Let me also take the time to thank those that review as always. So until next time take care, sincerely the Lemon Sage.

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