Erotic RPG: I am in the Game world, But My Heroines are Villainesses

Chapter 349 Princess Jasmine

Chapter 349  Princess Jasmine 


Opening the panel before me, I read its contents.


Your bracelet is ready; you can come and take it from me right now.

You will meet the student council president tomorrow morning; make sure you are ready at that time.

Seraphina Riftwind.


Again, it was a simple and direct message that didn't have any types of decorative words. Different from how she talked face to face, she is a lot more direct when it comes to such things.

"What happened?" Aliya asked, curiosity lacing her voice.

I glanced at her and offered a small smile. "It's ready."

Her response was a simple nod. "I see…" Though a slight lingering feeling of regret could be felt.

With a deliberate movement, I pushed myself up from the grass and began gathering our scattered clothes. Aliya followed suit, her movements efficient as she retrieved her own garments.

"Then, I guess it is time to leave," I said, a hint of finality in my tone. As much as I would have preferred to linger in the tranquil setting a bit longer, beautiful things would always end.

'Isn't it what makes them beautiful?'

Aliya didn't object, understanding the same. Together, we dressed in silence.


Reaching Seraphina's office, the assistant welcomed me.

"Student Callius, come with me." She gestured to me and teleported me without making any unnecessary comments, and there I once again faced Seraphina.

"You are here a bit later than I thought," Seraphina remarked as I stood before her.

"Vice-headmaster, do you expect me to camp in front of your office?" I replied, a hint of dry humor in my tone.

"Student Callius. From your dormitory, it shouldn't take this long, considering your prowess," she pointed out.

"But it depends on how many eyes I want to attract, correct?" I countered.

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"Indeed, it does," she acknowledged with a single clap of her hands. "Let's cut the small talk."

"We definitely should."

Seraphina wasted no time, moving straight to the matter at hand. "Here is your bracelet. Just as you requested, it is untraceable, and there exists only one other bracelet like this."

Taking the bracelet from her outstretched hand, I examined it closely. Its design matched the standard bracelets worn by students at the Academy.

"And it is on your arm," I stated, my gaze meeting hers.

"And you should know that I also repay every favor back," I added, a subtle warning in my words.

"Indeed. You may not know it, but I always make sure I satisfy the end of my deal," she stated matter-of-factly.

"And you should know that I also repay every favor back," I added, a subtle warning in my words.

"Good to know. Just as I said to you in the message, I have arranged the meeting with Student Jasmine tomorrow morning. She requested that the meeting take place very early. Does it bother you?"

"No. The earlier, the better, since I will need to intervene with some of the things I had observed."

"Is that so? Then, you may leave if you don't have anything else to say."

"I don't."

"Have a good evening then."

After I left her office, I put the bracelet on my arm, and indeed, it was just as she said. The functions were still the same, but this time, on the corner of the panel, I could see a faint symbol.


And a simple word was there.

Now, you might be wondering if it is safe to trust Seraphina Riftwind.

In fact, it might not be. After all, I already know things are different from the game, so Seraphina might be different.

But at this point, it is time to take some risks to increase my prowess.

'Until the end of the semester, I should master at least two 4-star spells for each element.'

Considering the fact that events of the game were also pushed closer, there was no need to stay safe any longer in any sense.

'But, I won't simply wait here and try to save the world. After all, shouldn't our 'hero' try it first? And then our 'heroines'?'

Putting a smirk on my face, I slowly made my way to the library. It was time to grab some books of magic.



In the early morning, when the sun just started rising up, I was in front of the neatly decorated door.

The halls that would normally be fairly empty were now filled with the students walking from place to place.

As I stood there, I noticed the sense of anticipation in the air. It was the fourth day of the academy festival, and the student council members were undoubtedly hard at work preparing for the day's events.

The door creaked open, and I was met with the sight of bustling activity inside.

There, a girl with her head raised was giving instructions.

'Angela Holloway.'

She was the girl who acted as the princess' attendant, and as a player, we would interact with her quite a lot.

'After all, she is another heroine.'

She was a girl with a fairly long body, hazel eyes, and black hair—

heir of dukedom Holloway of the empire.

The only dukedom that is currently supporting the princess.

She is also her childhood friend. However, the way she became a heroine is a little complex, so that is for another time.

"Make sure the banners are hung along the main walkway," Angela instructed, her voice carrying authority.

'Her confidence should already be raised thanks to Jasmine's efforts.'

"Already on it," one of the members replied, rushing off to execute the task.

I observed as another member scurried over, holding a stack of schedules. "Here are the finalized schedules for today's performances," she announced.

Angela took the schedules with a nod of gratitude. "Great work, Emma. Let's get these distributed to the information booths."

Emma nodded and headed out, her steps purposeful and determined.

"Jared, how are the food stalls coming along?" Angela turned her attention to another member.

"We're almost set up. Just a few more stalls to arrange," Jared reported.

"Good. And make sure the volunteers know their positions."


As I watched the interactions, it was clear that the power Jasmine possessed inside the academy was not normal. Considering the amount of people working here were all students, it was already evident that she was not utilizing her power as a princess.

'I guess she is restricted to use it.'

It was a pretty normal thing, considering the fight for the throne and her being in the midst of it.

"Student Callius, correct?"

At that moment, Angela's voice came before me. She was looking at me with a serious look, but I could see the recognition.

In fact, it would be weirder if she didn't recognize me.


"Come with me, then. The princess is waiting for you."

With Angela guiding the way, I followed her through the bustling halls. The students around us moved with a sense of purpose, busy with their tasks for the festival. As we walked, Angela's voice broke the silence.

"It's quite a sight, isn't it?" she began, her tone casual. "The festival always brings an energy to the academy that's hard to ignore."

I nodded in agreement, appreciating the lively atmosphere that surrounded us. "Absolutely. It is a testament to the academy's greatness."

She smiled faintly. "And from what I've heard and seen, you're no stranger to greatness yourself."

Her comment caught me off guard, and I turned to look at her. "You've heard about me?"

Angela chuckled. "Oh, let alone hearing I've seen quite a lot. The duels you've had with Diana and Declan, for instance."

I couldn't help but grin. "Ah, those. They've been quite intense."

"Intense is an understatement," she said, her gaze studying me. "Your reputation as the Scorch Demon has been spreading through the academy."

I shrugged modestly. "It's just a nickname."

"Perhaps," she replied, "but it's a nickname that carries weight. Your prowess in magic is certainly impressive."

'You have seen nothing.'

I wanted to say but held it in.


Angela's hazel eyes held a glint of mischief. "And then there's the matter of your handsomeness. I've heard that's also quite a topic of conversation among the students."

"I don't pay much attention to those rumors."

"Well, whether you pay attention or not, your reputation precedes you."

"It certainly does."

"Here we are," she announced, stopping in front of an ornate door. "The princess is waiting inside."


Even though I was outside, the energy I was sensing was a lot different than I had expected.

'It is this strong?'

My sensitive senses were screaming at me for the first time this much.

[Come inside, I have been waiting for you.]

And the voice inside my head nailed it…

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