Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 110 Cheryl's Chronicles: Promotion

Middle Realm, Central Middle

Middle Continent, Mother Sanctuary

It's been five years, and it's the time for the first promotion. Two years had flashed by so quickly and nothing particular occurred on her side.

Either than giving her six peak masters and Almeida first grade blessings. Making the now, peak masters Land Immortals. Half-Deity equivalents.

Each of the initial ten believers were of the lowest grade Chosen potential now. Including even the cheater Enigma. Giving each of them first grade blessings made them mid grade Chosens.

They were now full-time Lesser Dominion, Lesser Deity equivalents. Almeida was also an Earth Immortal. Everything was going well, and because of the blessings, the 77 Eternals were unfortunately not created.

But it was fine, all that was in the past. Now, a new Era for Cheryl was about to be opened. She sat crossed legged on her bed and prepared to face her Promotion.

『ID: Cheryl Lockheart』

Suddenly, a transparent screen of light appeared before her. She knew that this was the promotion process, thus she identified herself and the process continued.

『Congratulations for breaking through. You have gained a new Divinity, "Little Dao Ancestor". Your R7-Heavenly Dao Law has become R8-Heavenly Dao Law. You have one chance to either upgrade one of your Providence or gain a new one. What would your choice be?』

Cheryl was intrigued by the promotion process, but that did not stop her from responding. She asked for the full statistics on her Providences so she could make her choice.

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『Providence(5): Goddess of Death & Ruler of Life(Unique), Lady of Heavenly Judgement & The Nine Heavens(Unique), Authority: Main Divinity(Fantasy), Immortal Presider(Unique), Unfathomable(Fantasy)』

'Hmm.' She blinked her eyes in admiration. There were seven grades of Providence. Bronze and Silver were the lower category. Then Gold and Unique were the middle category, and all she knew for now was that Fantasy and Zenith were high category, were meant for Main Gods and above.

Meaning that even if she promoted one of her current five, no, three traits, she would only be limiting herself. She already had two Fantasy types, which she could not use at all.

A third one would only make her weaker for now. No worries though, she still had three other chances after this, so the most probable choice was to increase her number of Providence.

『Congratulations. You have awakened "Samsara: Six World Revolution"』

"Hold on a minute. Isn't my Reincarnation the Queen Mother of The West? How come I'm now a part of the Samsara? I know I've been trying to recreate the Samsara in this world, but that's because I felt like it was needed.

"Unless, the Providence we gain after descending is determined by our actions. In that case, instead of saying we are re-living our lives, isn't it good to say we are modifying our past lives?" She thought as the process continued. Her thoughts were truly ones to re-consider.

『You have one chance to upgrade one of your Divine Arts (Basic). Please make your choice』

"Divine Grace." Cheryl said without hesitation. She already comprehended "Limb Restoration" to "Resurrection". Now what she needed was a form that was worthy of being an Ancestor.

『You have recieved "Divine Form". Your population has been multiplied by ten. You can now have 2 200 believers. Enjoy your trials and do make sure to promote even faster』

『True God Pantheons have been temporarily postponed for a year. Do not worry, your believers will still be doubled』

"Thank God." A god was thanking another God, but that was not important. What was important was that, "Yes!! I can finally have Legendary Grade believers!!"

That was true. To have Legendary grade believers, one must either have more than 2 000 believers and a Half Deity. Or like Enigma, have more than twenty Half Deities for a population of 100, ten if you had a 200 believer quotation.

Cheryl did not even wait for a moment before she busied herself with the many ideas she had in mind. As off now, she only had—

『Your Angels have officially become a Mythical Race. They can now increase their race number by accepting other Angels from Terra』

"...What?" Cheryl was surprised. Mythical? Wait, what? Blinking her eyes in confusion, she was about to start Calculating but, the promotion was not over yet.

『Your Eternals have officially become a Mythical Race. They can now increase their race by reproduction』

"Eh?" Mythical again? Cheryl waited for a while in case her Noble Humans and Immortal Humans became Mythicals as well. Unfortunately she was waiting for disappointment.

"Hold on, Mythical? I understand the angels, even with 2 000 quotation, I have ten Lesser Dominions, and a total of ten angels, it was a given, an overdo even. But the Eternals? How come? Let me see then...

"With 2 000 believers, I would need at least five Half-Deities to be considered... oh? The six peak masters are already Half-Immortals. Plus Almeida is an Immortal. Hehe... Hehe..." She awkwardly laughed at her blunder.

As for Noble Humans, they had over 2 million population, she would at least need one thousand half deities or two hundred deities to have it become Legendary and Mythical respectively.

Immortal Humans with their 260 000 population will need over a hundred half deities and over 25 deities. As for the Eternals and Angels, their population were small, so they used the quotation to judge them.

"With this, how much faith points do I earn?" Curious, she closed her eyes and willed the True Will to calculate her faith points, she was lazy to do it herself now.

『Total Faith points: 15 756』


Cheryl double-checked, triple-checked and still did not believer her eyes. There was a joke right before her eyes, 'You have to be kidding me, isn't that... isn't that a bit too much? Not just a bit, TOO much.

'Well, after looking at Michu and Michelle, I guess I was supposed to earn at most 5 000 units or more. I guess these two are my lucky charms... or they are just my cheats.'

"A-Anyway, with this out of the way, I guess my promotion was a success." She thought out loud and was about to throw herself onto the bed, but it seemed joy was followed by Despair.

"My lady, we have visitors." Tiara called from outside the main bedroom. They were supposed to be switching turns, but for some reason she told the others that she would work here everyday.

The others did not know what benefits she got, and even after asking the angels, they got nothing. So they let her be. What was strange was how her peak was keeping up with the others despite her constantly being absent.

"Who?" Cheryl asked back in slight annoyance.

"They are envoys of the Rubrum Empire." Tiara ignored the clear annoyance in Cheryl's tone as it was not directed to her and responded. Her tone albeit still respectful as always.

"Those old forgeys? I'm on my way then." Cheryl stood up and prepared herself then left in a leisure pace. Despite the pressure, she was not afraid of them. The only thing limiting her were her believers.

Otherwise, she would wrestle with them.

In no time at all, she appeared within the main hall of the Main Pavillion. The fact that people could still come and go as they wished within her home pissed her off... Except for Louise.

The barrier was still only around Greater Deity level, so beings at the level of a Higher Deity or anything above that, could still come and go as they pleased.

"The Queen Mother of The Slumps, the most beautiful Jade of our Rubrum Empire, the goddess of beauty herself, the purest Saint of this era, the—"

Cheryl couldn't bare to listen to him any longer and waved her hand as she cut him off, "Enough with the nonsense, please. Come out with it and please leave, I'm very busy."

This was a rare side of her nobody out there knew off. Only her close aides, and Louise, knew that Cheryl disliked flattery. Others who were not close to her did not know that, like this man.

"Haha..." The man laughed awkwardly and sat down. He had black hair, which was white on the sides and a slightly weary face. Wore extra-luxuriously made clothes fit for a king instead of a noble and had a kind, gentle smile.

"First of all, I would like to greet you as an envoy of the palace. And we do hope you've been well taken care off?" He greeted first and foremost, as he then asked with a smile.

"Yes, thoroughly. Though I am not sure if that will be the case starting from now on." Cheryl also responded with a smile, her gentleness oozing out of her being.

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