Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 112 Cheryl's Chronicles: Samsara - Six Worlds

"I have something, or somethings you guys can't give her that I can. So be sure of your manners and know your place." He ended his words at that, he then stood up and walked out at a leisure pace with his hands at his back.

"Thank you senior, thank you." The young man hurriedly bowed his head and looked at the back of the old man as he left. Still feeling bitter, but managed to hide it.

The area was left in silence until the old man was long gone and they were sure he could not hear them. The young prince sighed in defeat and despair.

"Aiy~ Mi'lord, this can't go on for long, her highness the empress may find out about this soon. And you know how petty she is. She will order the young miss to be killed." Albert, still bowing respectfully said.

"The Empire rests on your shoulders mi'lord. If the Empress finds out about this and orders an attack to the young miss, the old senior will definitely defend her and our end won't be a beautiful one.

"On the other hand, your interest on her aside, your brothers might also fall in love with her and try to use her. Or maybe use her against you. You have to be careful on both fronts mi'lord. You cannot trust anybody." He ended there, still bowing.

"Yes Albert, I know." The young man closed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He then opened his mouth, "Support her to the best of our Abilities. Do it secretly and make sure you are not found out just like today.

"And also research about her life, her likes, her personality, her behavior, her dislikes and her... husband." He then paused and frowned, then added under his breathe "Secretly."

"Noted mi'lord." Albert bowed his head and vanished out of the palace in an instant. Higher Deity? That was just a facade, he was an Ancient Deity, how could he fail at spying on a 'Higher Deity'?

He left the study, and went throughout the castle as usual. He did not alert anyone of the fact that he was on a secret mission, and just worked like he usually does.

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Meanwhile, back at Cheryl's side. She sat on her bed with the two little dolls playing together behind her. Before her, were six overly beautiful women who knelt down in respect. All looking up at her.

"You are all my trusted followers, my flesh and blood, my daughters and my family." She said in her usual gentle tone, filled with love and affection, along with the aura of a mother. She was getting used to this.

" " " Yes!!! " " "

" " " Yes!!! " " "

The six peak masters responded at the same time without hesitation. They were Land-Immortals and blessed with unparalleled talents. They knew that this all came from Cheryl.

"And that is why I wouldn't want to see you die because of a stupid thing... like loyalty." She paused, and as if she thought about something, she hastily added, "I... I am not saying being loyal is stupid, not at all. Please continue being loyal to me, to yourselves, and to your dreams.

"I just feel like it's stupid if you die because of it. After all, a bit if shame here and there won't hurt anybody, right? So you can't just die. Especially if I, did not permit you to die, is that clear to all of you?"

" " " Yes!!! " " "

" " " Yes!!! " " "

"That's great. If a strong being were to come here and ask about us, don't be ashamed to tell them everything. What I like, what I love, what I hate, what color are my favorite inner wear... or the likes.

"So on and so forth, even if they ask about Michu and Michelle, indulge them, and lie if you could. There is no need to hide anything, but also no need to sell me out for nothing. Bargain and gain something out of it."

" " " .... " " "

" " " .... " " "

The six peak masters looked up at Cheryl in confusion. At first, they thought that she hated loyalty or did not think anything of it. If that were true, then how were they supposed to prove their love for her?

But then, the more they listened, the more it seemed like things were getting out of hand. Why on Terra would they do that? How could they even do such a thing? Who could even do such a thing?!

"Don't worry. If they ever want to ask about my three sizes, give it to them. But don't sell yourselves out cheap, okay? Don't follow through my examples, never, it's bad for you. A woman must respect herself.

"For example, you should not let boys...." And just like that, Cheryl entered mother mode and began lecturing the girls. From kneeling on one knee, they sat down on both knees and listened carefully to her preaching.

It was strange, despite what she said, none of the girls would easily agree to it. They understood that what she meant was that they should not die because of unnecessary things, but why did it seem awkward coming from her?

Was it because she was like a mother they never had? Despite her looking five years younger than some of them, it was true that, she was more of a mother than anything else to them though. More so as a Goddess.

She and Almeida.

You can never judge a god through his image. It was better to judge them through their actions, or tone of speech. That way, you could easily tell their true age, and how long they have lived for.

After the preaching, the girls left the room and flew out of to their respective Peaks. Hilda could nit help but start up a conversation as they left. "Hey, what do you all think of Mother Goddess' words?"

Everyone kept quiet, but Tiara shrugged her shoulders and casually responded. "I'll do as she says. If I can make a million and also keep my life, why should I hesitate?"

"Thats terrifying come from you. Aren't you her favorite?" Hilda clicked her tongue in wonder, looking at Tiara, who nodded. She then responded, "Precisely why I'll make millions. I know more."

"That's not the point!!" Hilda flared up at her, then calmed down and explained herself. "I mean that you are her favorite. So you should not even think of betraying her. Not you out of all people."

"Betray?" Tiara looked at her in perplexion. Not only her, even Tiffany was confused. "But...we are only listening to what Mother Goddess told us to do."


Hilda kept quiet, and could not believe her ears. Where was the loyalty here? Tiara chuckled and responded, "Loyalty is doing everything your master tells you to do, without questioning them."

She said, and smiled. Hilda paused, and carefully thought about it. A moment later, she exclaimed in shock and wonder. "Shit. You're right."

But Beatrice and Stella immediately intervened. "They are lying. Dont fall for their tricks." "Snap out if it Hilda. Don't listen to these two devils."

Tiara feigned shock and said, "Excuse me, i am a Heavenly Being. The purest of them all. I am no Devil. But Tiffany is though." Abd threw the blame on Tiffany.


She kept quiet cause indeed, she was a Devil. No, to be precise she was a Wraith. "No. I am not a Devil. I am a Wraith. Who is the Devil amongst us?" And asked.

Everyone kept quiet, and their eyes focused on one of them. It was Beatrice. Nor was it Stella. Hilda was also not the one.

So... Who was the Devil?


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