Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 116 Louise's Chronicles: Mimi's Progress

Much louder than the shouting Mimi, even though the speaker barely raises their tone at all.

When everyone looked up, they were mesmerized by the beauty alone. The man could not help but gawk with their mouths open, while the women looked up in defeat.

Noelle also looked up in shock. The feeling she got from the pretty person floating up there with a pair of black wings, as black like the Starless Night and as majestic even, was no different from Enigmas.

Though Mimi was cute and ethereal, she was still small, short and a loli. In other words, chest aside, she was small in every other way. Height, appearance, attitude and behavior.

But she was still cute nonetheless, too cute. Louise though, was a different league compared to her. And Noelle could see that even at the first glance, no, it was as if she felt that even before the person herself arrived.

As for Mimi and her thoughts?

"B-B-B-B-Big Sister?!" She jumped up like a startles kitten and wanted to run away due to embarrassment. But Louise suddenly appeared besides her and held her between her armpits.

What an embarrassing posture to be carried with!

"Yes, dear?" Louise responded in an affectionate, yet elderly manner. Causing the small dragoness to tremble in fear. All her traumas both big sisters gave her flashing back to her.

" " " Big sister? " " "

The crowd could not help but look at each other in confusion, then at he pair of sisters, then at each other once again. 'First of all, where are the similarities? Second of all, where are the similarities? And lastly, what? Goddess Mimi had a sister?'

"Mimi... you have a sister?" Noelle seemed to be the most affected as she looked at Louise in admiration. She could not help it, she just loved how beautiful Louise was.

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"Ye...Yes." Mimi quietly replied.

"Not only does she have a sister, she has five of them and four older brothers. Isn't that right, Mimi dear?" Louise interjected once again, this time around, with her usual neutral tone.

"Ye...Yes." Mimi once again listlessly responded. She was still held like a stuffed doll in between Louise's arms. And for some reason, she showed no signs of struggling.

"That's not all..."

" " " ..... " " "

Everyone was speechless. They could not believe that the unrestrained Mimi had an older sister, and they found it hard to believe that such a cold person was related to Mimi.

And last but not least...

'Miss, your attitude and expression are not aligned.' Noelle thought as she looked at Louise, who had her defensive neutral expression, while being overly talkative.

'For a cold beauty, you sure talk quite a lot. Not like I'm complaining with such a beautiful voice.' Jill thought as well, before the pain on his face disrupted his thoughts.

Demon Lord Xian and Demon Lord Dion, who seemed like old friends, all battered up and in a sorry state, did not comment whatsoever. They were still bitter about everything that occurred.

But they did enjoy the current situation Mimi was put in. They really wanted to snicker at her, but feared that her older was as sadistic and as abusive as she was.

'Goddess Mimi has a sister?' A believer within the millions of citizens held their head in disbelief and questioned themselves once again. They were not the only ones.

• • • • •

With that out of the way, seven people sat within Mimi's study, which of course, was clean and neat. Not like it would be dirty when the owner never went in before.

Serpentina, Jill, Mimi, Noelle, Demon Lord Xian, Demon Lord Dion and Louise. Serpentina was a new member, and previous Sovereign of the Serpentines. She was a very talented Demon Chief and had two friends, Demon Lord Xian and Demon Lord Xian.

The latter was also her older brother. The three of them were kind of new, as they were just recently conquered not too long ago. Especially the two siblings.

The lizardmen also had a Demon Lord, Xian, unfortunately he was sent on a mission most of the time. They were more like errands. He had no other subordinate Demon Lords, and was all by himself.

Then there was Jill, the son of Goddess Mimi, a Demon Lord. The thing that made him stand out was his charm, strength and unreasonable Bloodline effects he got from Mimi.

Noelle was a temporary Goddess of this place, the Sword Deity of Duality. Also known as the Black Apocalypse by the people of Hell, and an Apostle of Enigma, which was still unknown to everyone here.

And then Louise and Mimi. The true goddess sisters, the Eternal Night and the Lord of Dragons respectively. An important meeting was about to take place.

"Big sister, everyone is here, we can start." Mimi, who was unexpectedly calm and quiet said after a moment of silence. The others were still not used to this side of hers.

But Mimi was glad it was Louise who came and not Athena. Athena was sadistic and black hearted, she was so terrifying that, within her presence, Mimi would transform into a mob character.

But then again, Cheryl and the twins were also more preferable compared to Luoise. Not that Luoise was cruel, but because Cheryl was a pushover, while the twins would spoil her rotten.

As for the big brothers, she didn't know them much. And as for why they were called her big brothers, that was another topic for another day. At least it was obvious why Enigma was her big brother.

"That's good, but there was no need for all of this." Louise said as she swept her eyes over Serpentina, Jill, the Demon Lords and Noelle. "Nevermind. So, how have you been Mimi? Big sister has been worried sick about you."

'I believe you.' Despite her internal thoughts, filled with boundless sarcasm, Mimi had a touched expression on her face, her eyes were even a bit tear eyed, "Big sister..."

"I'm being serious. I'm not Athena, so I was genuinely worried about you. I even had to move my organization tens of thousands of regions west of here. Don't worry, I made sure to take in your privacy and consideration beforehand.

"So it won't seem like I'm keeping tabs on you or limiting you at all, hopefully..." Louise said after looking at Mimi's fake expression. It was genuine, but Louise had known Mimi for a hundred years.


'It was better if you did not tell me that, big sister. Now I'm going to live with the constant fear of you visiting me and learning about my every doing.

'Hell, who doesn't know that aside from you, no one is good at information gathering within our group? No one is better than you at that. Privacy? I already have none with you and big sister Athena in the picture!!

'Big sister, big sister, big sister, you were able to gather information about someone thousands of Universes away from us back then, and you expect me to believe that you aren't keeping tabs on me now?

'Why are you even in Hell anyway?! Aren't you an Abyss Fanatic?! Please go there and leave me alone, waaaa!!' She thought with imaginary tears rolling down her cheeks.


The silence was too long, considering that Mimi took her time within her thoughts instead of responding. And Louise did not say anything about it, she knew what Mimi was thinking.

She then added after another moment of silence, "You should really get used to it, cause I'm thinking of invading you, and taking you in very soon."

"Why would big sister do that? I was already thinking of asking refuge with you anyway, no need for an invasion." It was impressive how fast she responded, considering her battle-filled brain. And I seems, little Mimi was not that stupid.

'What refuge?' Jill thought. He knew his mother pretty well, and was sure she had no intent of taking refuge either anyone. Thus this news shocked him greatly.

'Refuge from who?' Serpentina also thought, but unlike Jill, she believed that Mimi had a reason. She blamed herself for not knowing the future of the clan beforehand.

'...This is getting quite good. Once a conquer, you must expect to be conquered in return.' Demon Lord Xisn snickered at Mimi, as he was liking Louise more and more.

'Well, this is getting dramatic.' Demon Lord Dion thought, as he wondered who next would come and conquer the conquerer. This was the current trend of Hell after life.

'Why do I get the feeling that the air around them is similar to that of Lord Enigma?' Noelle thought after looking at the interaction between both sisters. Her mind not on their conversation at all.

The air she was talking about was that of solitude and mystery. Like, they did not belong here, yet, belong here at the same time. Something she could not truly pin point.

"That's good then. I won't have to waste my time trying to reason with your people through brute force. Okay?" Louise nodded at Mimi, then turned to look at Noelle.

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