Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 120 Athena's Chronicles: Joyce's Misfortune I

Seeing the last message, Athena smiled proudly and called someone from outside her throne room. A man in ancient greek armor, walked in and bowed to her.

"Go and tell Lionel that he can officially accept the Spartans we have collected beforehand. Make sure that they train to keep up with the others alright? And they are not to exceed the threshold of a hundred thousand Spartans." She commanded from up above.

"Yes, your highness." The man hurriedly stood up and left the room. Yes, Athena was the Queen of Athens right now, a position she obtained as easily as taking candy from a child.

She had manifested her Providence and created a large city overnight, surprising the whole Plane with her feat. Most even claiming that she was Omnipotent!! Then from then on, she has been working on managing everything and stabilizing her situation.

After three years, Athens was at the same stand point, or perhaps slightly higher than the seven towers. And Athena, as Queen and God, stood at the tallest point of the city. Everything being under her control.

With the assimilation of the Sage Tower, the City of Athens became even more prosperous, more than the remaining six Towers. And her goal, was far from even being scratched.


The man left, and she was left by herself. Athena waved her hand and summoned a small white owl. Without much words, she tied a small note on it and sent it off flying towards a certain direction.

"It should take her two months to go over and get those twins for me. Until then, I'll just start creating my desired hero-making Divine Skill." She closed her eyes and underwent meditation to create an unfathomable skill.

She was unaware that two months were too little, for the twins were not having the best time of their lives right now. Or maybe she was, but did not even take it to heart.

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This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Middle Realm, Southern Cardinal

Orange Continent, Dessert Region

Ever since five years ago, things were flourishing within the Dessert Region. The Dessert Empire grew like never before as well, and was now a genuine three star Empire.

And this was all thanks to the Flute of Brilliant Summers. Joyce, who was not a battle type god, and did not know anything about fighting or the likes, was still an influential figure. She was a trial type and a support type god after all.

Just by being here, the Providence of this place was increased greatly. And that's not all, her trials could give birth to many warriors and combatants at a short span of time.

For Chosens, it was useless, but for Heavenly geniuses with [13] potential rating and below, it was Godly. The Trials were in a form of a large tower, which had ten floors, as of now.

But even then, by going through the floors, one's talents would have a temporary boost. It was said that clearing the first ten floors would give you a year of "+1" potential to your talents.

It was useless if you were originally poorly talented with a [0], but if you were a [13] rating, then you could enjoy benefits of a lowest grade Chosen for a year, if you could clear out thirty floors. Unfortunately, there were only ten floors for now.

And those with [1] rating, who could unfortunately not cultivate Mana, if they were carried past the ten floors, they could have a chance to cultivate for a year.

If they repeat this every year, even they could at least reach somewhere in life right? Within a few years, such people had already become Masters, and given another few years, they could become Experts.

The amount of Devouts she had were in the hundreds as well. Unfortunately they could not have believers like other True Gods. It was such a pity, but it was not like they did not have any Faith income as well.

The way they recieved Faith was different from their companions. Instead, for them, it was through the Trials they created, in the forms of Dungeons or Towers or Labrynths.

For every person that enters the trial, depending on their Faith in her, she could recieve Faith points per month. For example, a hundred people who have Praise worship in her would "20×100=400" per month.

There was no universal factor so that they don't recieve too much faith points, such as "÷2" or "÷5" at the end. The quotation they have is also lower than other True Gods.

Instead of having a hundred quotation, they only had ten unfortunately. So despite their system being far more simple than others, they still earned around the same.

Like herself, she has a 25 quotation, each filled up with Devout believers. Thus she could earn "60×25=1 500" faith points. But that would change after her promotion, just like her life.


A loud ear piecing explosion reverberated within the previously flourishing Dessert Empire. The large tower that stood at a kilometer tall cracked up, and started shaking like an unstable pillar about yo crumble down.

"My lady, please, I beg of you, leave!!" A young maid pushed Joyce who was looking back reluctantly at the now destroyed Dessert Empire and the corpses of her people sprayed everywhere, here and there.


It has been two years, and everything suddenly went down south. Demons began invading the Dessert Region in full force, and as if that was not enough, an Ancient Demon came with them, fortunately, without a manifested Demonic Body.

But that was not all, a Devil also came from who knows where. The Devil was an Abyss entity and it was at around the ancient being prowess, meaning that it was strong, too strong.

What she did not understand was how such beings coukd even descend?!  And she could do nothing about it. Even the Flute she came with was useless against them, despite being a Lost weapon.

It had to be said that True Gods also had a Stat rating. There were weak, moderate and strong True Gods. But even then, they were still stronger than the gods of this world.

Weak Juveniles had Lesser Deity prowess, moderate Juveniles had Greater Deity prowess and strong Juveniles had Higher Deity prowess.

And it increases with every promotion, until the peak of strength. Now back to the topic, Joy, her sister, Takashi and perhaps ninety more of the 120 talented True Gods were weak rated Juveniles, who required special opportunities to grow stronger in rating.

Athena, Louise, Allen, Su Han, Mimi, Cheryl and twenty more True Gods were probably moderate level Juveniles, all being able to match greater deities even as Juveniles, lesser deity equivalents.

Then Enigma and probably two or three more were strong rated. They could fight higher deities at base, and when they got promoted to Young True Gods, they could then fight Deity Lords as well!!

No crush that, there were three who were strong. Enigma did not fall in any of the previous categories since he was able to fight even Deity Lords, without having to adapt to their strength at all, when he just started off.

That was literally skipping three realms. He was literally unparalleled. An unparalleled rated True God, which was a never before seen, or recognized rating even now.

Anyway, being a weak True God, she had around hundreds of millions of tons worth of strength, and speed that was hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. It was still terrifying to mortals, but not much to Deities.

But Ancient beings had a minimum of Qaudrillions of tons worth of strength, and speed that was innately tens of times beyond light speed, at base minimum!!

When we include the passive effects of physical enhancement Skills, then they could have strength that surpassed Septillions worry of tons, and speeds thousands of times beyond light speed.

Let alone when they manifested their Divine Bodies, which increased both stats by ten of times respectively!! Or maybe if they were Regal or Imperial types... They would be terrifying beings with speed above a million times light speed, and physical strength above octillions worth of tons. But these were guesses...

Even her three strongest believers were only Deity Kings, they were still thousands of times weaker and tens of times slower than the weakest Ancient Deity. They were Destined to fall a long time ago.


"My lady—!!!" An elegant voice called out  but was disrupted by the explosive sounds of buildings crushing down from above, and some catching on fire. As well as the screams of pain and agony from her people.

The tower fell and buried everyone at the front who were running away. Out of three billion people, over two billion had fallen, now an extra hundreds of thousands were gone.

"My lady, my lady, my lady!!! Wake up!!!" The elegant voice came up once again and woke her up. Joyce, without her usual jovial expression, was lucky to survive the fall, or was she perhaps unlucky?

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