Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 151 Krishna's Arrival


Illusiory Death(Extra): Create An Illusion where you can either fake your own Death or the Death of someone else. Ineffective against higher <Existence> than you, and those with awareness-type Unique and above Skills

Skill Replication(Extra): With but a single glance, you can replicate a single Extra Skill cast by others. Cannot replicate higher level Skills higher than the Skill grade or Skills cast by those of a higher <Existence> than yourself.



He finally sighed as these skills weren't that great. The [Illusionary Death] was only a lifesaving grace, while he could already do [Skill Replication] before, and could still do it to some extent now.

He slumped down on his bed and closed his eyes, he was exhausted. He was tired. He was beat. And nobody did this either than himself. Nor even his greatest Nemesis, the System.


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Middle Realm, West Cardinal

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Green Continent, World Forest Region

It's been a week since Lexi had finished her training and was now exploring the City. A lot has happened, especially on everything thet had to do with the Green River Kingdom and their upper echelons.

People were boundless, the cities were growing and even they were increasingly getting stronger. The Green River had changed structures during the passing times, as now, only seven cities remain.

The City of Life, Alhayaa, a flourishing city where herbs and many plants are mostly planted. It also has a lot of greenery within, supporting nature at its fullest. A city built as a tribute yo nature itself, a home for everybody.

The City of Hope, Amal, the city that determines the hope and future of Green River. It is where the army's families mostly reside in, where the very banner of the city supports joining the army itself, and fighting for the people.

The Nightmare City, Kabus, a city that one would not expect within a place such as this. But it was there nonetheless. This was the city of all dark professions within the Green River Kingdom, mostly loved by Dark Elves. All kinds of dark related professions, Dark Mages, Necromancers, Witches and the likes were here.

The City of Order, Tartib, the City where the leaders abd upper echelons of the Green River mostly reside. It's also the city where rules are mostly made, where if there were problems, it would be solved right here. It maintained the peace of Green River, and was located at the center of the other six Cities.

The City of Choice, Khiar, a city where everybody had the right to free will, a right to choice, where the people dictate their own lives and their future. It was also the City of Merits, where depending on what you do for the Kingdom, you gain Merit, that could be used to rule your life.

With enough merit, you could even choose not to be ruled by anyone, or become rich, or even become an adcender!! Everyone had their own destiny grasped within their hands, it all depended on them, their hard work and efforts.

The High City or The City of Balance, Alrasid, the city of the gods, the Deities and their families, their descendents and the likes. It was the city that kept much balance within the Kingdom, by reigning in the sorounding elementary Laws.

And finally, The City of Restraint, Alamtinae, the city where all young ones are raised, where they are taught the rules and laws of the Green River. A city that focused on restraining the hatred, discontence and dissatisfaction that might occurr between races and people, or even gods.

These were the six Cities of Green River, six of them forming a semi circular from the Great Mountain, and the last city located in between the six Cities and the Great Mountain itself. The Great Mountain being behind.

The Great Mountain, especially that area, was known as the Temple of the Gods, where Nia usually resided. From being Enigma's Temple, it was now just a Temple of Gods... her, Temple.

And with this structure, one might think that the Green River was only separating itself by creating individual Cities, and that was true to some extent. But also not. Each City relied on the other one way or another.

And there being a City of a certain type of people, did not mean that they were not allowed to properly reside within other Cities. No. That was absurd, the banner of working together was something Nia lifted higher than anything else.

These were part of the happenings of the Green River Kingdom. But the most important would be the guardians, or rather, the Incarnations of Lord Enigma. The En family that was still here, even when Enigma was presumed... Dead.

The human versions had increased their sizes by another thirty centimeters, making them look young and adorable. But these twelve adorable kids had peak Deity King strength, if not Infinitismally close to challenging Mortal Demigods.

Then the beast versions had increased from forty centimeters to two meters, making them look ferocious and dangerous. They also had the same strength value as the humanoid Incarnations had.

The last three were in the form of weapons. Their sizes were only twenty centimeters, making them look like toys instead of genuine weapons. But likewise, they were as strong as the others as well.

Ever since Enigma was gone, his avatars had reverted into their main bodies. Only the first twelve still looked the same... with their strange racial characteristics, between an angel, a fallen and a demon.

"Lexi!! You're here." A young silver haired girl around her age hoped towards Lexi in a jubilant manner. She then hugged Lexi and began purring like a little cat, while dubbing her head against the latter.

"Levi, you have to show some restraint from time to time, you're a City Lord now." Lexi sighed, but contradictory to her words, she gently rubbed Levi on the head and patted her gently, treating her like a cat.

"Say that while not treating me like a cat, sister... anyway, eldest sister has called for us, I think there are news. As for about what, don't ask me, I don't know." Levi moved away from Lexi and smiled at her.

"From the beastfolk?" Lexi asked.

"Uhm... I'm not too sure... but I think Lord Enigma sent a message through—" She didn't even finish explaining as Lexi took her hand and burst forward at an unpredictable speed, using all her speed and strength.

'I knew you were going to act like this. Lexi, you're are obsessed with the lord, accept it already.' Levi thought as she was helplessly dragged all the way to the Temple like a broken kite blown by the storm.

When she reached inside the Temple, she saw a lot of people, most of them had powerful auras around them. Of course, these were her fellow companions and superiors, the weakest being a Deity Lord.

Out of them, three people stood out, a young woman who looked like a warrior, carrying a large broad sword, a young lady around their age wearing a long black and white robe obscuring her entire figure.

And finally, the Guardian of Green River, senior David. After seeing as everyone was here, the lady with the sword stood up and cleared her throat, not nervous at all despite the presence of so many Deity Lords.

"First of all, I'd like to greet the leader and verify if you're indeed miss Nia, the Nether Queen?" The young woman, Krishna, greeted as she lightly lowered her head, making her fiery red hair sprawl before her chest.

Following her words, there was a short moment of silence as everyone instinctively turned to look at the woman at the tallest throne. Yes, she sat on Enigma's throne. She basically took everything that previously belonged to Enigma. "Yes, I am. What of it?"

She had proclaimed herself his aunt, through and through. Without him, this place belonged to her. And she will make sure that nothing goes out of control and everything will be even grander than before.

"I have a message from your lord." Krishna beamed in joy as she was glad that they were not lost. If they were, she'd be worried. Without Allen's heaven defying feet, they had met demons and beastfolk along the way. They also got lost a few times.

The experience was not good at all.

"Before you lasses can go on, I have a question, how is that brat doing? And where did that brother of his take him? Why are they not here with you?" David asked as he rudely cut off Nia's words before she could even speak.

Both Nia and Krishna had an impression of him. Nia knew that he was the person who fought Enigma during the "battle of ancients" four years ago. Krishna knew him because he was also there at the battle with the colossal bird.

"Uhm... the young lord, was unfortunately not in a good condition it seems." Krishna did not know how to put it in a good way, so she just came out blunt about it.

"What does that mean?" Lulu frowned and inquired. Her gaze was intense, but Krishna casually brushed it off. In fact, she defiantly stared back at the beautiful Lulu, with half interest and half curiosity.

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