Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 160 Promotion, New Rules II

"You okay, dude?" Allen realized the blank expression on Enigma's face and inquired with a hint of concern. He thought it was the complexion giving him problems, or something with his promotion.

"Never been better." Enigma responded with a smile, but once again, it sounded depressive coming from him. He should just give up, because sarcasm was not his fort.


He ignored Allen's strange expression and entered a lotus position. He was going to try and comprehend his Fate Law and calm himself at the mean time. He had neglected it this entire time.

As for checking his Template or asking the system what it meant by doing everything it did, he left it for when he was calm. He was still sick after all, sick people can't go into arguments. Yes, that was the case.

But the moment he closed his eyes and began comprehending what Fate was, a sudden burst of unknown power erupted from his heart, all the way to his veins and Body, then all the way to his Consciousness and Soul.

Before he knew it, he was suspended within the Universe-like space with infinite stars and sceneric views, unfortunately this was not his. Different from usual, there were many Illusionary Celestial bodies everywhere.

And he didnt stay here for too long as he was absorbed into one of the illusionary celestial bodies that just appeared. The experience was surreal, because he actually had no say whether he wanted to go there or not.

Within, he saw a small child being born. The boy was born from a family of poor people. The father had a bit of strength and worked laborious jobs day in, day out. That much sustained the family.

While the mother worked to wash clothes, clean yards or even babysit places for people with money, but too busy to do the chores themselves. Basically, rich people too busy to manage their own homes.

The boy had an older brother and later had a younger sister. Despite being poor, he enjoyed life with his family, and he hoped things would last this way forever. There was nothing more he wished for in this life.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But mortals never decide their Fate. His father was buried under an avalanche, never to be seen. His mother died of sickness, his brother was framed and killed by his close friends, his younger sister was humiliated and crippled for life because of her beauty.

Left all alone, he thought life was over. But his thoughts didn't determine his Fate either. He rose and fell, killed and conqured, struggled and hoped, broke and was broken, until... he became the last man standing, at the peak of the Universe.

All by himself...

The scene shattered and was replaced by another scene. A person stood at the peak, all by himself, with nothing but darkness around. Feeling lonely, he created light to push away the darkness.

He then created life to accompany him, but he felt like they were like him, thus created death to limit them. He created planets, stars, dimensions, all the way until he became the father of the universe, the multiverse, the cosmos and the very fabrics of Reality.

He believed everything was set in motion, with his will driving the newly born Reality, nothing could go beyond his control. He was Absolute within his own Creation. But, Fate was never determined by the Gods as well.

He met a monstrosity outside his complete sense of understanding, and had to fight to push it back. His eternal life was cut short, his little paradise was wiped out and his descendants swallowed whole.

Along with his will, the all powerful God perished and ceased to exist alongside his own Creation. The scene shattered once again and showed a man wearing luxurious clothes and had a crown on his head.

It was a crown made up of pure gold, not only the crown, even his throne was made up of melted god, his palace, his city, they were plated with genuine gold. A clear demonstration of his authority, wealth and power.

Even the Heavens bowed before him, mortals, gods and nobles, they all looked up to him as royalty. A being Destined to stand above everyone else. A Ruler above Rulers, a King of Kings, a King even among gods.

But even a King can never see through Fate. The man died by the hands of his own son, before he could see the Heavens bow, before he could conquer the whole world, before everyone feared him, he saw his end.

At that day, a tyrant fell and Fate continued with its job. The prince, a child born from a prostitute, one scorned by everyone throughout the palace. One who everyone thought would be nothing but trash became King.

Not only did he conquer the whole world overnight, he had the support of all the mortals, became Overlord to the Gods, looked down on the Heavens and became the strongest being within his entire verse.

Fate was not predestined. Fate could never be judged. Fate was not a friend nor foe. Fate was a prison for mortals, a threat to kings and a limit to the gods. Fate was an agent of Destiny. Fate answered to nobody.

But... it could also be a path for mortals, a tool for kings and a weapon for gods. It just depended on Fate itself, nobody else. Not even its children, the Favored and the Fortunate ones, could control its will.

Nor its Creators.


Enigma woke up and opened his eyes. He saw that Allen was looking at him in shock, around them was a shroud of pink mist, along with strings connecting him to various components he could not see through for now.

One such string connected him and Allen. His eyes glowed briefly with a purple light before it subsided, then the system's annoying voice ruined his calm once again.

"Congratulations on Taming Fate. You have awakened the Karmic Divine Skill "Fate Kneading", Occultic Divine Skill "Heavenly Deduction" and Enigmatic Divine Skill "Reality Awareness""

"You have gained a Divinity, "Master of Fate""


This time around, he gave up. No matter what he did, the inevitable would happen, thus why stop? Not only was he going to keep promoting himself, he was going to try and comprehend his other Law as well.

"Hey dude, since my people are with your people, why not make a pantheon? We could both gain something, don't worry, I earn around more than ten thousand." Allen said, trying his very best to ignore everything that just happened.


'Brother, I'm sorry to say this, but I remember earning around a hundred thousand. You know what, since I didn't struggle for it, I might as well share it with someone.' Enigma thought to himself, as faith was really not that important to him.

He had just sacrificed over three thousand faith power not too long ago to his children, and possible fiance. Why would he worry now? "Sure." Thus he affirmed to Allen's words.

At the same time, True Will suddenly rang like a chime within their minds as if it were reading heir thoughts.

『Greetings your excellencies, would you like to form a pantheon? If so, things have changed. Each Pantheon will now have a King, the king will take in the believers of the subordinates and calculated under his name』

『Depending on the number of members the Pantheon has, you can get an increase of a few percentages. Two Juveniles will be 20%, each person would increase it by 40% at High True God. The percentage doubles per realm breakthrough』

『Now Please choose your King』



Both young Gods were speechless by the new rules on the pantheons, but, at least this time things were a bit more simpler and more straightforward to use than before.

"...Not to sound like I'm flexing, but I should probably be King." Enigma proposed after a moment of silence between the both of them. He did sound like he was flexing, or he thought he did.

"It's rare for you to be so proactive." Allen responded in shock, but he had no problem with it. But Enigma felt like he should explain himself just in case.

"I have a 10.5 times increase of my faith, so I felt like it would suit me more. Plus, I can give it all to you... I don't need much faith." He added in his thought to himself, 'It's useless to me anyway, I barely use it.'

"Nah, 50/50 is fine." Allen denied without hesitation. He also did not have that much use for faith, especially with the use of Reiki introduced to them. It's only major use now was to help activate Divine Arts.

"Then I'm King?" Enigma affirmed.

"Sure." Allen nodded.

『Congratulations on forming a pantheon. As the first few ten people to promote, your believer quotation have increased by 500%. Enjoy』

"How many believers can we have now?" Allen inquired. He didn't know how many Enigma had beforehand, but he was sure he had 15 000 as his limit.

"...More than a million at least." Enigma responded after a pause, and Allen did not say anything. He was shocked. But it was understandable, Enigma had almost three hundred believers when he was still a Juvenile.

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