Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 179 A Stroll Of Effortless Conquest

The entity was suddenly cut off by a powerful aura, powerful enough to shatter the projection of his head, which was stronger than a perfected Demigod, maybe a true God.



Krishna and Lulu looked up in shock as Nia easily delt with the problem just like that. She was only a Deity King as well, but her prowess had surpassed the Demigod realm.

And they knew why. Slowly, their gazes fell on the small Nether Elf on her thigh, the manifestation of death, life and rebirth, En Morten.

She, previously a he, has recognized Nia as her master and boosted her power greatly. They didn't know how strong Nia was, but after this, they were definitely going to look for one.

"You two should go back home." Nia's voice reached them from above, startling them to their senses.

"Madam Nia, where are you going?" Lulu humbled herself and inquired. A person recognized as aunt by Enigma was her superior regardless of strength.

"Me? Since I'm out, I might as well pay a visit to those elves in the central hemisphere. I also need to take a stroll." She responded casually.


"...Take care." Krishna didn't have anything to say, and Lulu could only wish her luck. Nia nodded, pleased with their attitudes and flew away at a casual pace.

Right after she left, the place was left in silence and both woman fell down on their bottoms on the floor. They didn't even think about leaving out of the crater.

"When we get back..." Krishna muttured to herself. Lulu added on, "...We should definitely beg for our own personal Ens as well."

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"Hm." Krishna nodded with might.

And just like that, the battle of recognition for the En sibling's support begun at the Green River Kingdom. All Patron Lords and Regent Monarchs fought for attention without a care of pride at all.

Meanwhile, it did not take Nia long before she reached the Elven Empire. Her presence had already alerted everyone, but nobody dared to go out and stop her.

No, they could not do such a thing at all.

Just her usual Deity King Aura was enough, let alone when it was enhanced by the presence of 'Death' who was sticking to her like a koala hanging on a tree, and the now close to a Hundred Nebulous Universes within her body.

It was a new discovery Nia realized minutes ago. That the space that was enlarged by 10% with every Divine Fagment she absorbed, could be filled up with structures.

Forty Divine Fragments, meant forty 10% stacking upon each other, which was Space enough for around sixty Nebulous Universes. Add up her forty Nebulous Universes she could form with her potential alone...

A hundred Nebulous Universes!! And she was still just a Deity King, not even an Deity Emperor, who was the one who should have thousands of Universes within their Inner Zone!!

The question was, would Nia dare to bud each Nebulous Universe into its own separate cluster, resulting in a hundred clusters of Universes that would later become Multiverses, when she promotes...

Or would she combine them for a smoother path towards becoming an Deity Emperor... You, as a Beyonder, what do you think she would do?

This was Nia after all~

In no time at all, Nia reached the center of the Empire, where an entire army was waiting below her. Above the army where ten beauties, no less comparable to her children.

"May I ask what your excellency wants from us?" A relatively young woman, around Soquel's age flew up and asked with a smile. Her hair was silver like Lulu and her complexion was pale white.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering what the difference between your tree and my tree is." Nia casually responded without any sign of hostility at all.

"Excuse me?" The lady asked back in confusion, not understanding Nia at all. This lady was Nature Goddess' minister, an entity one step away from becoming a Deity King.

"I mean, I recently cut down my tree last year. So I was wondering if yours could be cut down as well." She casually replied in kind. Her answer causing everyone's expression to change.

"Miss—" Nature Goddess was about to say something, but Nia cut her off by snapping her fingers. "I'll cut you a deal. Surrender to us and I will give you, and your children, corresponding positions. Do not, and..."


With another snap of her fingers, En Morten let go of her thigh burned within intense gray flames. The flames then spread out releasing a large Scythe, two meters in length.

It's Body was as thick as an arm, and it was not straight. Seemingly made out of dried, black bark. The top was like a beast maw, opening wide with the blade acting as a large tongue.


Unprecedent aura burst out from her body, cloaking her with gray flames and forming two balls of energy on her sides, one black, one white. Her aura instantly pressurized the entire army to humble themselves below her.

But then, suddenly, a root as thick as house flew towards her at unpredictable speed. Caught off guard, Nia could only use the Scythe to defend, but she was still sent flying backwards.

After stopping mid air, Nia's smile did not fade away as she looked mockingly at the Mother Tree. Her gaze triumphantly shining with interest.

Nature Goddess was also surprised, and when she looked back at the Mother Tree, her face was covered in dread.

A large scar was made onto the Mother Tree, and gray flames spread throughout its body. Covering 10% of its body within an instant.

Everyone realized the abnormality and slowly lost the will to fight. The Mother Tree was their strongest weapon, yet, even it lost?

"Last chance, surrender with a chance of authority or be dominated and become slaves." Still with that irritating smile of hers, one that Enigma liked, Nia declared.

"Will you let the Mother Tree go?" Nature Goddess did not fight back and inquired with a sorrowful tone.

"Depends on your answer." Nia responded.

Nature Goddes did not hesitate and agreed to the terms Nia proposed. Of course, she chose the first one instead of being dominated.

And just like that, the Elven Empire was dominated. The beastfolk also surrendered after they revived their people and heard of the news.

The World Forest was about to enter a state of reunion. The three star Elven Empire, two star Beast Empire and the Green Leaf Kingdom, combined, were like a three and half star Empire.

If they could conquer a few other regions, they could be considered a full-fledged four star Empire and the first within this Continent.

Nature Goddess and Beast King also got temporary Regant Monarch positions.

The two Beast Lords, the Elven Minister and High Elf Queen, were temporary Patron Lords, with the same status as Levi, Kuma and Ali.

Meanwhile, the few promising figures such as the seven Elemental Deities and the Eight Beast Deities were put on the waiting list.

The number of higher ups had increased by six, making it thirty-two of them. Unfortunately the recent add ups were not chosens or Champions since they didn't have any blessings.

Aside from Nature Goddess who had the blessing of the Mother Tree. She was considered a low grade Chosen.

But that was fine. Nia had no plans of increasing them any more. The other Regions would be stripped of their positions the moment they were conquered as commoners, and given to the stand-bys.

Their status would be Overseers, which would only belong to the fifteen of them for now. They would be considered as higher ups as well, making the number around fifty.

The only reason she had mercy of the Elven Empire and Beast Empire was because of Lulu and Kuma. Despite their independence, they were still royalty in both Empires.

Yes, Kuma's mother was a princess, who unfortunately escaped from home and passed away. She was the Beast King's great great grand daughter.

While Lulu, also had her own story. The Elven Prime Minister, and High Elven Queen were her aunts. Nature Goddess was also her Ancestor.

"This is just the beginning... I bet we are currently the only Empire with so many Deity Kings. And most importantly, what is this?" Nia sat on her throne and looked at the table before her.

A small veil seemingly with a hundred droplets of blue liquid, a unique demon looking seed and a small veil of at most a hundred droplets of golden liquid.

This was something she recieved from out of nowhere after she took over the Elven Empire. Everybody was clueless of it, only Nuu said that the golden liquid looked similar to something she could not wrap her head around.

"...Enigma, is this your doing? You brat, just come back home and stop playing tricks on this old hag." She said in a low tone, her smile bitter and her eyes full of affection and helplessness.

Meanwhile, once Lulu returned she met a certain someone along the way. The both of them paused and stared at each other, shock within one, and bitterness within the other.

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