Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 252 My Daughter Is Too Forward II

"These are items passed down from Ancestor to Ancestor of our family. Every leader would be given these, in hopes that one day, a champion of our race could be born to inherit them." He said without hiding anything.

Meanwhile Zhou Mingye and Alfredo, who stayed behind to see what Kris was doing were quite surprised. They didn't think that Kris would be so generous on their first encounter with Enigma.

"Hahahah... I found them!!!" Castitas came rushing back in with a few materials in his hands, his voice was loud and excited, as if he forgot that a 'god' was residing here.

'Stupid buffoon!!!' Alfredo cursed Castitas in his mind a thousand times. He didn't know how stupid was a person supposed to be, to reach such a level, but regardless, it was too pitiful.


Zhou Mingye did not say anything and seemed like he was thinking about something else instead. He was happy that Castitas came back, with his treasures even. He wanted to verify a conjuction of his.

"Here here, check out my treasures!!!" Castitas happily said in excitement, respectfully giving his treasures to Enigma. Despite his idiocy, even his thick skin was telling him that Enigma was superior than them.

"Oho, papa, this naked monkey is bold!!" Jade said in excitement, but no malice was within her tone. The way she so happily insulted him made it seem like she wasn't offended, while her words seemed to state otherwise.

Her moods were unpredictable even at such a young age. 'Young? She's literally lived for thirty whole years...' Enigma retorted his own thoughts.

But Jade's emotions were quite hard to read, making it hard for others to tell which was which. Was she angry or was she happy, or just plainly impressed?

"Hm, don't call him a monkey Jade. Your uncle... likes Monkeys a lot, and he's a human. A human dear." Enigma reprimanded her gently, which didn't sound like a reprimand at all.

"Oh~" Jade stuck our her tongue playfully and carefully appraised Castitas, as if trying to imprint the image of a human in her head.



Alfredo and Zhou Mingye immediately knew that it would be better to kiss Jade's feet and worship the ground she stepped on if they wanted to survive. The father seemed to treat her as a princess.

Enigma looked at Castitas' treasures, who didn't seem offended by Jade's words. He instead shyly smiled and scratched his head awkwardly. But he wondered if he really was a naked monkey.

Three colorful feathers.

A large bone.

And a ragged teddy bear.

"Rainbow Phoenix Feather: The feather of the Cosmic Phoenix Lord, Rainbow Phoenix Princess. They were once given to the Radiant Lord in bulk, in order to court him. But after their divorce, most were taken back while a few scattered through Great Terra"

"Bone of Traverse: The bone of a divine beast, once collected by Cas, the grandfather of Castitas during his peak. This is the major born of the Divine Beast, and has a lot of Divinity held inside"

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"Raggered Teddy Bear: A teddy bear, once owned by Castitas' mother during her childhood. It was passed down to him... it, carries a bit of unique properties... probably"

"Papa, is that bear dead." Jade asked.

"Shush." Enigma shut her up, he felt offended by the system. Why bother defining it if it was nothing but an ordinary teddy bear? And the debt still increased to boot!!

"Oh~" She kept her mouth shut and waved her head, causing unique energy to float over and brought it to her. The energy was green colored and full of vitality, it also had starlight within it.

"A variant of your unique energy source, but not "Anti" Divinity. She seems to have Inherited a portion filled with "Life" instead of "Anti""

The system said without him asking, it also wasn't unreasonable and didn't increase the debt this time around. He didn't put much focus on that though, he would verify it later.

"These are quite grand, unfortunately I'll have to give them to Allen, since he's your god." He said, surprising all men.

"Our God?" Castitas questioned in surprise. He wasn't aware of them having gods anywhere, his ancestors, grandfather and father never said anything about it.

The other men were also quite curious about this topic. Especially Zhou Mingye. He thought Enigma would accept those who gave him treasures.

He was prepared to sacrifice all his treasures if it meant he would be protected by a god. The era of God supremacy was above them, the era where anyone without backing was useless cabbages, and wiykd die unnecessarily.

But now, it seems like Enigma would explain the real matter and motive behind his descent.

"Indeed, your god... Here, your lord looks something like this." Enigma manipulated nature through his Elemental laws, transforming the floor into a small stature of Allen.

Castitas was surprised and carefully looked at the stature of Allen. Enigma them formed a stature of Su Han before Zhou Mingye, astonishing the man slightly.

He was quite happy that they had backing. He was just not sure how strong his god was compared to Enigma, who could instantly kill a god just like that.

Enigma then looked at Alfredo and Kris, not sure which one belonged to him. He thought it was Kris, but then again, his attribute should be nature, and niether of these two belonged to Nature-types.

But he also felt like he could accept them. Maybe Dark-types and Demonic-types were also part of his attributes, he wouldn't be surprised. Or maybe because his daughter, Noctis, fell under both? So he could accept them as well?

Anyway, it was fine.

"I look forward to working with all of you." He smiled, Jade also stopped appraising the small teddy bear, as she realized that it wasn't a real bear, but a fake.

"Lord, what about... the treasures?" Alfredo carefully asked, Zhou Mingye was also curious.

"Oh, it's fine if you want to keep them. Like I said, I'm not forcing any of you here." Enigma responded without much care. He still wasn't sure what he wanted to do with these materials either.

"Hm~ Your treasures are fakes after all." Jade scoffed at Castitas, but still held the teddy bear tightly, refusing to let it go.


"...You can all leave, give us some privacy." He added in exasperation. This daughter of his was really too forward, he wondered who she took from, because it wasn't him for sure.

• • • • •

The father and daughter were finally left together after the four leaders lelt. Enigma finally began interrogating his spoiled child, who seemed to be a bit too forward for her own good.

"Jade dear." He affectionately called out her name, his tone soft and soothing, enough to charm even a veteran goddesses and supreme into intoxication.

"Yes, papa." But Jade did not seem to be affected. Instead, she felt like this was how he should normally talk to her.

"Where are your sisters?" He asked.

"Lost." She affirmed without a change of expression. She didn't seem to mind that fact even one bit. Enigma was a bit shocked by her attitude, but the system wasn't.

"Like father, like daughter"

Enigma ignored the system

and pursued the matter, "How are they lost? Didn't you all leave together when we reached the Middle Realm all those years back?"

"Middle Realm?" Jade didn't seem to understand that term, but didn't think much on it. She instead answered his question obediently, "Hm, Noctis and Diey followed Jade when she left."

"And then?" He asked, curious.

"Then Jade got lost." She added with a straight face. "After Jade got lost, she found a lot of 'Jades' who treated her good. She then played and played, and played and played."

"Until she was here. Then, those Jades became like this." She pointed at her humanoid body, then continued, "Then Jade transformed as well. But... got lost again."

'My daughter has a terrible sense of direction. But that aside, your sisters, Jade... where, are, they?' Enigma thought. Even he was better, no, in fact, he didn't have any problems with directions at all. 'She's like Allen. I'm losing sense of the main point here.'

"The people here treated Jade nice, so Jade stayed. But Jade wants to live with papa now." She added enthusiastically, her eyes shining with hope. Not minding her lost sisters.

"...Papa won't go anywhere, so don't worry." He patted her head gently and she reciprocated with a hug and a gentle rub off her head against his chest. 'Well, if Jade can survive all by herself, they can also do the same... probably.'

They stayed like this for a while, until Enigma tried to Manifest a Template of Jade. Since he could do so for Gill and En Gula, as well as Allen, maybe for Jade as well?

As for his two other daughters? Don't worry, they were much better compared to the two that never met him even once. Michu and Michelle. They could probably manage on their own.


True God Template

Name: Jade Mystique

Age: 30 (3)

Status: Healthy

Reincarnation: The Rabbit Goddess

Cultivation: Rank 3 Young Godlin [15/20]

Prayers: 7

Faith Points: 257 874

Faith Power: 0

Divine Power: 288 Septillion units

Life-Force: 0.5

Divinity(5): Jade Princess, The Lord's Eldest Daughter, Jade Goddess of Yin and Yang, Traverse of Planes, Dimensional Princess

Law Frag(4): R6-Mystic Light, R6-Yin-Yang Ressurection, R6-Jade Spirit, R5-Dimensional Influence

True Law(2): [Jade: 10%]  [Fortune: 0%]

Bloodline: Divine Progenitor (Fantasy)

Constitution: ~~~

Physique: Innate Adaptation (Fantasy)

Providence(7): Fantasy Verse(Unique), Absolute Luck(Fantasy), Princess of Divine Power(Unique), Dimensional Lord(Unique), Child of Space(Unique), All-Elemental Mastery(Unique), Perfect Immortality(Fantasy)

Artifacts(1): Universal Destroying Spheres(Lost)

Basic Divine Arts(0): ~~~

Extra Skills(28): Master of Jyuubi, Yomutsu Hirasaka, Blindspot Detection, Molecular Vision, Ash Bone Construction, Bone Solidification, Acceleration, G-Force Adaptation, Undying Soul, Body Reforge, Past Life Awareness, Past Life Argumentation, Social Attraction, Wealthy, Luck Argumentation, Luck Theft, Curse, Wealth Destruction, Hatred Inducement, Loveless,

Living Anomaly, Overpowered, Rabbit Authority, Absolute Condition, Concept-dependent Immortality, Creative Force, Flawless Artistry, Escape Artistry

Unique Skills(13/40): All-Seeing White Eyes, Murderous Ash Bones, Supernatural Speed+, Immortal Rebirth, Past Life Access, Social Luck, Luck Control, Poverty Inducement, Attention Deflection, Rabbit Lordship, Rule Transcendence, Creative Source, Absolute Creativity

Divine Skills(8/30): Jade Reincarnation, Golden Luck, Black Jinx, Young Prognitor+, Creations of All Things++

Believers(1000): [Mythical, fouth league, Devout, 1000 Jade Rabbits - 60+500%×20×2 = 14 400]


Enigma was majorly surprised. No, he was completely flabbergasted. What Dimensional Princess? What Traverser of Planes? What Jade Princess?

Actually, what the hell has his daughter Bern up to the past thirty years? What kind of trouble has she caused throughout the Infinite Realms? '...Maybe I should put aside a piece of worry for whats to come.' He thought.

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