Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 272 Brothers, Entrance Of Ragnarok VII

"—and then, and then, uncle Dui picked Jade and threw her up, like pi~chew, flying across the sky!!" The little girl enthusiastically recounted her experience with Dui, a Transcendental God, an entity like no other.

It's been a couple of hours since Dui left to 'play' with Jade, and now it was night time. The exact time period where Jade recounts how her day went by to him.

"Hm, my baby girl really had fun huh? Father is jealous." Enigma cuddled with the young lady in his embrace, who seemed offended by his words.

"Jade still loves playing with papa more." She said with a pout. To her, it sounded as if he was complaining that she loved playing with Dui more than him, which was not true to her.

"Is that so? Do you really love me?" Enigma smiled and decided to tease her. Jade always acted spoiled, but she knew when to advance and when to retreat.

Her demands were rarely overboard, or rather, Enigma felt like they were rarely overboard. Anyway, he really loved this daughter of his, who gave him joy in life.

Yup you heard him right. From Belle to his other half, En Jue, then little Jade. All these people brought back the feeling of family that he had almost forgotten when he ascended.

He also began to miss Nia, his self-proclaimed big sisters, his devout believers, Noelle, Lulu, despite never physically meeting her even once, as well as the En siblings.

"Hm. Jade really, really, really really really..." The little girl said, her nose pointing up the roof in pride and content as she continued.

Ever since he met Jade, he had completely reverted to being a mortal. He slept every night, ate breakfast every morning, lunch and dinner, explored the cities more, played around with her and helped the people.

"...really really really really..."

And unlike in the past, where he would just comprehend laws, skills or slack around for months without doing anything else. He had been living like a God back then, and like a mortal right now. A contrasting difference, yet he still grew stronger at an equal rate.

"...really... really... really..."

Speaking of Belle and Jue, he should call them this side, since he doubted he'd be going there any time soon. But he was busy with Jade, and he doubted Teach would go... that guy seemed addicted to the Fragments instead.

"...really..." Jade was dozing off as she said those words, one at a time, in between staying conscious and unconscious, while being embraced gently by Enigma.


Enigma looked at her and couldn't help but smile. Just looking at her pure smile, gave him the reason to strive for the best. To not complain about his bloodline... because she, and all his other daughters, also had one. His sisters too.

"...really... loves... papa..." She said, then fell asleep in his arms, and Hamura in her arms. Speaking of Hamura, this doll was becoming an iconic trait of hers by now, they were inseparable.

"...Papa loves you too dear, hopefully your mother too." Enigma thought. He couldn't help but think of Louise, his supposed wife, or future wife, or wife to be. Then a moment later, he smiled bitterly.

'Luu, there are already a bunch of women after me. I wonder, with your charm, how many men have fallen for you?' He thought as he drifted to sleep, or partially shut down his main consciousness.

Like usual, as a god, there were no dreams and only darkness. In fact, their sleep would feel like a blink of their eyes, they close their eyes and the next moment, they are up.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

That was how sleep without dreams were. It was also the reason why most, if not all Gods decided to sleep once a month or after a few months instead. Or maybe not even sleep at all.

Some prefer using Mortal bodies when experiencing Mortal activities. And oh, don't forget that one day here was seven in the mortal world. One night here was likewise a few days there.

But today, things were different, Enigma found himself within a sub space of nothing but darkness. A boundless type of darkness, with nothing but pure darkness everywhere. A dream of sorts...

• • • • •


Where am I?

What is this place?

It feels... yeah, empty.

What is actually going on, and who am I talking to? Hm? Is someone watching me, can you see me? Yes, you. What are you? A pervert? You know what... Nevermind.

So, No? Then should I explain everything for you?

Yes? Okay then.

Let's try walking forward for a bit... oh~

I crossed quite a large distance. My bad my bad, I'm still not used to this yet. Is this dreaming? Is it because of the True Law of Dreams that I recently obtained..?

Anyhow, what to do?

Hm? Create light? Ah, why didn't I think of that?!

Here goes, oh, it's too bright... a bit too bright, almost there.

Yup~ now you can see me right?

• • • • •

Enigma stood within a space of nothing but darkness, with the only source of light being the minimized sun he had just thought into existence.

His appearance?

He was like the Personification of a Universe, his figure was that of a humanoid being, but he had no facial expressions. No clothing either, just a naked gender neutral being.

Instead, his body was purely a black shadowy mist, with trillions upon trillions of stars circulating his internal system like blood flow within the human body.

Either than that, he also had black holes, white holes, nebulae and other universal constructs within his body.... Yup, this was his consciousness, or subconsciousness at most.

『Oh, I see a person over there... let's try— nevermind』

He crossed the large distance between him and the said person with just a step, the distance between multiple Realities, if he had to guess. He still could not control his subconsciousness, as it seemed too vast and powerful for his current soul.

"Hm? Who are you?" The person was sitting down in despondence, seemingly down and bitter about something. Like a flower going through a bitter life by itself, in a dessert full I no life, depressed.

『...Su Han?』

Enigma called out with a light frown. The person before him was Su Han, the Su Han he knew very well, the one who became his sworn brother along with Allen. Their youngest brother amongst the trio.

"You... know me?" Su Han looked up and inquired. He still seemed depressed and down hearted, as if his soul was shattered and his Will torn apart. He had no hope. His eyes were drooped, and he had dark bags below them.

『It's me, Enigma... I know, I look strange』

"...You think?" He finally smiled, yet bitterly and responded. His hands, from his elbow to his fingers were black charred and seemed lifeless and useless.

『Anyway, what happened to you?』

It's been more than two years since he last saw Su Han and Allen. The last time he saw them was... yeah he forgot, but it was during the time he was comprehending something... or was he just unconscious?

Anyway, two years and Su Han looked deader than dead itself. As true gods, this was a rare sight to come across.

"Me? Nothing much, just got thrown around a bit." Su Han responded bitterly, yet still with a smile. He kept looking ahead, looking at nothing but darkness with longing.

『So, you accepted to be thrown around?』

"You won't understand." He responded with a bitter tone once again, still not looking directly at Enigma. It could be out of shame, or just disrespect, you can never know.

『...I don't need to—』

"Then don't." He said emotionlessly, cutting off Enigma mid way through.


'Wow...' Enigma was a guy who would back down regardless of the situation in order to avoid trouble. Even being insulted, he would take it with a smile and walk on.

He wasn't a pushover, just that he felt nobody was worth it. He felt it a waste to argue with people, to act defiant, to struggle, all of these were futile to him. Because why should he..?

But recently, he gained more emotions and feelings, augmenting each other, so much so that, he felt cranky at times. He wanted to experience such feelings, and didn't fight them when the sudden urge came.

If he felt angry, he would frown. If he felt infatuated, he would make a move... though this was debatable, since he was probably married, he had to hold back on that one.

He didn't have pride, for some reason, and he was fine with it. No ego? Fine as well, he could survive without them, but lately, he felt like he was truly becoming Hestia's nephew. Plus, this was his brother here, his younger brother!!

『Do you like Athena?』

He suddenly asked after a moment of silence, Su Han didn't respond and just kept his head forward.


『Pity... I honestly think she deserves better』

He sighed and shook his head. It seemed those words affected Su Han, as he turned to look at him with a frown. This personality, he was mimicking Hestia's and adapting to hers, and was being temperamental.

He was adapting to what he believed was Hestia's Personality right now. Along with Goddess Abigail's perspective view on those deserving of pity.

『Pity... I wonder what Xue'er sees in you』

He continued without giving Su Han a glance at all. He then turned around and began walking around casually. Harsh? You've never met Hestia if he thought his words were harsh.


『Pity... Allen really hoped for nothing』

He said, waving his hand to create multiple stars around him, illuminating the darkness alongside with the artificial sun. He then snapped his fingers, causing a few stars to blow up, their power nourishing the sorounding stars.


『Pity... I, wasted all my emotions』

He once again shook his head, sounding more bitter this time. He also manifested a being made out of pure black darkness, it looked the same as him, but just purely dark with no facial expressions.

They seemed to have a connection together, but was not yet strong enough to connect. The being was also unconscious as of now.

"That's enough..!! What do you know?! It wasn't you who got thrashed around like a doll and kicked like a fucken pebble on the streets!!! You know nothing!!!" Su Han finally couldn't stand it and burst out his emotions at Enigma.


"I tried, I tried my best you know!!! I tried to fight back, but I was useless!!! I tried to do something, but I got thrown around like a toy, again and again and again!! I'm nothing compared to that, I'm not like you, hell you're nothing to him as well!!"


"And..? And you still dare to look down on me?! What more was I supposed to do?! Cry and hope that something good will happen? I'm weak!! I know that, so there's no need for you to tell me more about it!!" He used his defective arms to push himself up and walked step by step towards Enigma.

But Enigma scoffed, causing a powerful wave to hit him back down to the ground. He also didn't stay silent this time around and responded back, his tone a bit cold.

『Pathetic. You think you're the only one meant to complain? You think None of us feel pain? You think you're all special?』

"I didn't say that!! Just that you haven't gone through my pain, to have the nerve to look down on me!!! I'm not weak, pathetic or useless!!! I'm just not strong enough... I'm not strong enough to you..." He pushed himself up once again, gritting his teeth through the process.

"I really tried, I just couldn't do it!! Not everything requires brute force, not everything is as easy as getting back up when you're thrown down again and again and FUCKING AGAIN!!! It's not that simple, DAMMIT!!!"

He roared out in pain and distress, and walked himself towards Enigma with unsteady steps, but Enigma continued to scoff at him, pushing him back down once again.

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