Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 275 Imparting Wishes, The Queen's Nephew I

Meanwhile, Back within the Dreamscape

"Enigma's Subconsciousness' Perspective"

Hmm~ Why am I here again? Did I not meet up with Su Han a moment ago?

Strange, I did... did I?

Nevermind, I don't remember such a thing... Anyway, I'm still here, so what now? Look around?



Hm, there's nothing around here. This place seems to be some sort of personal... no, individual? Or is it connected to something else? I'm not sure.

It seems boundless. Oh, it really became boundless? Wao~


Then, what if, I said it's sorounded by... oh, it's now sorounded by purple mist. Hmm~

Make it hard to see from five meters away, hm, even if the strongest person alive entered, they should be affected by this... right? I hope so.

Anyway, why am I doing this?

By the way, make the surface, no, floor look like a black mirror, one that barely reflects... hm, that's it, everything looks surreal now.

Where was I? Ah, yes, why am I here? Who am I exactly? Hm, Enigma? That's my current name...? I like it. It's mine, of course I'll like it.


I'm bored again, what should I do?

Ah, I suddenly remembered something, I have a bunch of believers back at home, why not go there and visit them?

Can I?

Nevermind, I guess I can.


Do I... just open up a portal? Nevermind, I'm sorry, I'm not used to this as well. Now in I go, I guess.


Hold on, since I have no body, no, I seem to be a part of  'everything' around here... what will happen if I go down like this?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Will I kill them?


Then let's go.

It's a dream after all... they can't truly die.

• • • • •

Middle Realm, West Cardinal

Green Continent, World Forest Region

Nia's Domain

Within the palace of the Green River Empire, Nia sat on her throne and idled around as usual. Time didn't affect her, and she has been like this far a few months now.

From the day Nature Goddess broke through to become the "Mother of the Sky", it's been half a year since then. Nothing important had really occurred.

Nothing either than some sort of myth being built around them. These mortals, seemed to view them differently, as if they realized that the 'gods' they always knew (Deities) were not really gods compared to the ones they know now (Demigods).

From Nia, to David, to Leo, then Nature Goddess. They were the "Nether Mother", "Earthly Father", "Sea Father" and "Heavenly Mother" respectively.

And then there was the En siblings, the "Sons of Silver", Gula, Tristitia and Jyubi. Along with them, another race led by David was born, Golden Primates, human-like beings.

Since David looked completely human, they also resembled him greatly, but were even more handsome and had Runes all over their bodies, making them look ethereal.

Thus making the number of higher races nine. Including the gods and deities, the number of higher races were unfortunately not even 1%, but that was changing everyday.

"Hm?" Nia suddenly felt a jolt of pain within her body, causing her to hurriedly stand up and look around herself in wariness. This was the first time she felt pain in a long time.

As the Death God and Realm Goddess of this place, nothing should be able to make her feel so uncomfortable and helpless within this place, but now... 'What's going on? Any enemy attack..?' She thought.

『Hmm, am I lost?』

A very carefree, yet unfathomable voice drifted out throughout the whole region in confusion, affecting everyone, be it Deity or Mortal. Causing them to look up in surprise.

But there was no need.

A young humanoid figure made out of light appeared before every single being within the realm. The little kids saw a person around their age, likewise, the adults saw an adult figure.

But all these figures of light were still one person, one being, and one consciousness. And this was just the extent of their powers. Or rather, a counterfeit power of Bellum.

The figure then turned to look at everyone, but he was specifically trying to look at the middle-aged beauty before him,『Ah, Nia, what are you doing here?』



The figure of light held its chin and tilted its head sideways in confusion, not sure what was going on, until she responded. "Aunt. It's Aunt Nia to you, thank you very much."

『...Aunt Nia, is that you?』

"What kind of stupid question is that?" Nia's voice likewise was heard by everyone even though she wasn't shouting or using Reiki when she spoke.

『I'm sorry, I'm just a bit giddy, that's all』

The young figure of light pouted and responded. Everyone felt like they were watching a small drama between a family of gods, which was quite entertaining... yet also felt like they were doing something Taboo.

"Anyway, I should be asking you that, how long do you think it's been?" Nia frowned and questioned the figure of light, which was Enigma, with a reproachful tone.


Enigma was speechless. If he remembered correctly, around thirty years, maybe? And now that he thought about it, it was quite long.

"You suddenly left us without saying anything, not even sending word back at all!!!" Nia suddenly blew her top and sternly reproached him with a frown, her tone slightly raised.

『...I'm sorry』

He had nothing to say to that, and could only look down and apologize. Since everyone could see the figure of light lowering its head after hearing Nia's voice, they could guess what was going on.

"Leaving everything to this old pile of bones to handle, not even daring to come by and say high at all!!" She continued to reproach him without holding back, okay maybe she was holding back a bit.

『...I'm really sorry』

"Then be genuine about it. Put a bit more emotion in it." She scoffed at him, crossing her arms and looking away with a pout on her face. A grown up woman...

『...I really am sorry... I just forgot』

Enigma tried to express himself, but didn't choose the correct wording once again, mistakenly triggering something in Nia.

"...Forgot?" She squinted her eyes at him and inquired in a cold tone, surprising even Enigma into slightly flinching back.


"You're telling me you forgot you had a family down here, or rather, since we aren't gods like you, we are just mortals, tools, and nothing more? Well we are gods now, what about it? Does that change how you see us?"

"Will you accept us now, Mr God-All-Mighty?" Her expression was cold, but her words were heartfelt, striking Enigma right in the chest, as if to wake him up.

『...You're quite wrong. I truly did accept you as family... a long time ago, actually』

He said, sounding bitter and lonely. And Nia didn't seem to believe that, or she wanted to, but didn't know to what extent was it true, "Is that so?" Thus she stretched out the conversation.

『Aunt Nia, I swear I did. Look, I made a mistake okay, I'm sick right now, I'm still trying to cure myself. Once I'm done with that, I promise to come down and spend a hundred years with you, if not enough, a thousand is also fine』

For the first time, Enigma experienced a new feeling. It felt like his heart was being burdened, as it felt like it was sinking within his chest the more he saw how distant Nia treated him. And that actually motivated him to try and explain himself, genuinely at that.


Perhaps it's what people call desperation. It felt so suffocating that, he didn't know what to do or say, either than repeat the same words even he, himself, doubted would work.

『I promise...』

"...Ten years..." Nia suddenly said, still not looking at him in the face. She was pouting so cutely, that Enigma found it hard to believe she was above 500 years old.


But most importantly, her words confused him. And he was not in the mood to tease her actions because of the feeling of guilt he had.

"You're to spend ten years with me, and only me. We are going to bond together as a family, and get closer to each other... once every century." Her intent on taking him in still surprised him even today.

Even now, he thought it was all but a joke, but it seemed like Nia was bent on accepting him as her nephew. It surprised him, but also made him feel... loved?

He wasn't sure, but he didnt dislike this strange feeling she gave him.

『...Hm, whatever you like』

His choice of words were still not correct, but Nia didn't seem to mind it a lot. In fact, she wasn't really angry, but didn't expect to affect the boy so much.

Thus, she took the opportunity to affirm her position within his heart. She honestly liked the little boy, he was cute in so many ways, she wished she could just cuddle him away.

Especially now that he seemed to be developing emotions of his own, and being influenced by the people he cared about. It made her want to cuddle him more, and pamper him too. 'He's growing up. He's so cute, it...'

It was just too adorable!!

"But I'm still angry at you." She added, causing Enigma to become speechless. Not only him, everyone else was as well.


"What are you waiting for, aren't you going to attend to your people?" She curled her lips at him and said in a playful, yet reproaching tone of a mother to their child.

『Ah, yes, I'll do that』

Enigma focused on everyone, suddenly realizing that he could attend to all of them at the same time without much of a problem at all. Even he was a bit surprised.

He began attending to everyone, since he didn't know what to do and time was ticking, he decided to make their wishes come true. He believed he could do that much at least.

An old couple which was going out on an late night walk, saw an adult version of Enigma before them, whose bearing was covered by light, as his beauty was too incomprehensible.

『Hi, my name is Enigma... I, seemed to have neglected you and would like to apologize.』

Just as Nia instructed, he first apologized and humbly lowered his head, almost scaring the poor old couple to death.

"No no no, Young lord, please!!!"

"As the nephew of our Grand Queen, you are our Prince, we can't have you bowing down to us!!" They hurriedly helped him up, and lowered their heads instead, "We are grateful to be graced by the young lord's presence."

Enigma suddenly realized how high Nia's reputation was within the Empire, and for some reason, this made him happy as well. Perhaps he really had long accepted her as family.

His achievements, were her achievements. Her achievements, were his achievements. And let's ignore the fact that her status is even higher than his own.

『It's fine, there's no need to bow, we are all one big family. Now, what would you like your wishes to be?』

He said with a smile, unfortunately his face was too bright to show it, but his tone exposed his current emotional state.

"Wish? Honey, what would you like to wish for?" The old man looked at his wife, unsure of what kind of wishes he desired.

"...My lord, I have always wanted to become a chef, and I've always wanted to create dishes even the Grand Queen would admire. So please, help me reach my dream." She didn't how he was going to do it, but she wished.

Whether he gave her the talent or made it possible some how, she only wished. And Enigma nodded, as if he understood her.

『Hm, in that case, how about I create a garden full of high level crops? Or, I can just turn this whole region into a place imbueded with Divine power, all plants and crops will mutate into higher versions, being useful even to Gods』

『That works, but since someone has already made this wish come true, I will just give you supreme talents of a great chef... can I? Oh, I did, there you go』

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